// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "media/ffmpeg/ffmpeg_common.h" #include "base/logging.h" namespace media { static const AVRational kMicrosBase = { 1, base::Time::kMicrosecondsPerSecond }; base::TimeDelta ConvertFromTimeBase(const AVRational& time_base, int64 timestamp) { int64 microseconds = av_rescale_q(timestamp, time_base, kMicrosBase); return base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(microseconds); } int64 ConvertToTimeBase(const AVRational& time_base, const base::TimeDelta& timestamp) { return av_rescale_q(timestamp.InMicroseconds(), kMicrosBase, time_base); } static AudioCodec CodecIDToAudioCodec(CodecID codec_id) { switch (codec_id) { case CODEC_ID_AAC: return kCodecAAC; case CODEC_ID_MP3: return kCodecMP3; case CODEC_ID_VORBIS: return kCodecVorbis; case CODEC_ID_PCM_U8: case CODEC_ID_PCM_S16LE: case CODEC_ID_PCM_S32LE: return kCodecPCM; default: NOTREACHED(); } return kUnknownAudioCodec; } static CodecID AudioCodecToCodecID(AudioCodec audio_codec, int bits_per_channel) { switch (audio_codec) { case kUnknownAudioCodec: return CODEC_ID_NONE; case kCodecAAC: return CODEC_ID_AAC; case kCodecMP3: return CODEC_ID_MP3; case kCodecPCM: switch (bits_per_channel) { case 8: return CODEC_ID_PCM_U8; case 16: return CODEC_ID_PCM_S16LE; case 32: return CODEC_ID_PCM_S32LE; default: NOTREACHED() << "Unsupported bits_per_channel: " << bits_per_channel; } case kCodecVorbis: return CODEC_ID_VORBIS; default: NOTREACHED(); } return CODEC_ID_NONE; } void AVCodecContextToAudioDecoderConfig( const AVCodecContext* codec_context, AudioDecoderConfig* config) { DCHECK_EQ(codec_context->codec_type, AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO); AudioCodec codec = CodecIDToAudioCodec(codec_context->codec_id); int bits_per_channel = av_get_bits_per_sample_fmt(codec_context->sample_fmt); ChannelLayout channel_layout = ChannelLayoutToChromeChannelLayout(codec_context->channel_layout, codec_context->channels); int samples_per_second = codec_context->sample_rate; config->Initialize(codec, bits_per_channel, channel_layout, samples_per_second, codec_context->extradata, codec_context->extradata_size); } void AudioDecoderConfigToAVCodecContext(const AudioDecoderConfig& config, AVCodecContext* codec_context) { codec_context->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO; codec_context->codec_id = AudioCodecToCodecID(config.codec(), config.bits_per_channel()); switch (config.bits_per_channel()) { case 8: codec_context->sample_fmt = AV_SAMPLE_FMT_U8; break; case 16: codec_context->sample_fmt = AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16; break; case 32: codec_context->sample_fmt = AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S32; break; default: NOTIMPLEMENTED() << "TODO(scherkus): DO SOMETHING BETTER HERE?"; codec_context->sample_fmt = AV_SAMPLE_FMT_NONE; } // TODO(scherkus): should we set |channel_layout|? I'm not sure if FFmpeg uses // said information to decode. codec_context->channels = ChannelLayoutToChannelCount(config.channel_layout()); codec_context->sample_rate = config.samples_per_second(); if (config.extra_data()) { codec_context->extradata_size = config.extra_data_size(); codec_context->extradata = reinterpret_cast( av_malloc(config.extra_data_size() + FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE)); memcpy(codec_context->extradata, config.extra_data(), config.extra_data_size()); memset(codec_context->extradata + config.extra_data_size(), '\0', FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE); } else { codec_context->extradata = NULL; codec_context->extradata_size = 0; } } VideoCodec CodecIDToVideoCodec(CodecID codec_id) { switch (codec_id) { case CODEC_ID_VC1: return kCodecVC1; case CODEC_ID_H264: return kCodecH264; case CODEC_ID_THEORA: return kCodecTheora; case CODEC_ID_MPEG2VIDEO: return kCodecMPEG2; case CODEC_ID_MPEG4: return kCodecMPEG4; case CODEC_ID_VP8: return kCodecVP8; default: NOTREACHED(); } return kUnknownVideoCodec; } CodecID VideoCodecToCodecID(VideoCodec video_codec) { switch (video_codec) { case kUnknownVideoCodec: return CODEC_ID_NONE; case kCodecVC1: return CODEC_ID_VC1; case kCodecH264: return CODEC_ID_H264; case kCodecTheora: return CODEC_ID_THEORA; case kCodecMPEG2: return CODEC_ID_MPEG2VIDEO; case kCodecMPEG4: return CODEC_ID_MPEG4; case kCodecVP8: return CODEC_ID_VP8; default: NOTREACHED(); } return CODEC_ID_NONE; } ChannelLayout ChannelLayoutToChromeChannelLayout(int64_t layout, int channels) { switch (layout) { case CH_LAYOUT_MONO: return CHANNEL_LAYOUT_MONO; case CH_LAYOUT_STEREO: return CHANNEL_LAYOUT_STEREO; case CH_LAYOUT_2_1: return CHANNEL_LAYOUT_2_1; case CH_LAYOUT_SURROUND: return CHANNEL_LAYOUT_SURROUND; case CH_LAYOUT_4POINT0: return CHANNEL_LAYOUT_4POINT0; case CH_LAYOUT_2_2: return CHANNEL_LAYOUT_2_2; case CH_LAYOUT_QUAD: return CHANNEL_LAYOUT_QUAD; case CH_LAYOUT_5POINT0: return CHANNEL_LAYOUT_5POINT0; case CH_LAYOUT_5POINT1: return CHANNEL_LAYOUT_5POINT1; case CH_LAYOUT_5POINT0_BACK: return CHANNEL_LAYOUT_5POINT0_BACK; case CH_LAYOUT_5POINT1_BACK: return CHANNEL_LAYOUT_5POINT1_BACK; case CH_LAYOUT_7POINT0: return CHANNEL_LAYOUT_7POINT0; case CH_LAYOUT_7POINT1: return CHANNEL_LAYOUT_7POINT1; case CH_LAYOUT_7POINT1_WIDE: return CHANNEL_LAYOUT_7POINT1_WIDE; case CH_LAYOUT_STEREO_DOWNMIX: return CHANNEL_LAYOUT_STEREO_DOWNMIX; default: // FFmpeg channel_layout is 0 for .wav and .mp3. We know mono and stereo // from the number of channels, otherwise report errors. if (channels == 1) return CHANNEL_LAYOUT_MONO; if (channels == 2) return CHANNEL_LAYOUT_STEREO; DLOG(WARNING) << "Unsupported/unencountered channel layout values"; return CHANNEL_LAYOUT_UNSUPPORTED; } } VideoFrame::Format PixelFormatToVideoFormat(PixelFormat pixel_format) { switch (pixel_format) { case PIX_FMT_YUV422P: return VideoFrame::YV16; case PIX_FMT_YUV420P: return VideoFrame::YV12; default: NOTREACHED() << "Unsupported PixelFormat: " << pixel_format; } return VideoFrame::INVALID; } PixelFormat VideoFormatToPixelFormat(VideoFrame::Format video_format) { switch (video_format) { case VideoFrame::YV16: return PIX_FMT_YUV422P; case VideoFrame::YV12: return PIX_FMT_YUV420P; default: NOTREACHED() << "Unsupported VideoFrame Format: " << video_format; } return PIX_FMT_NONE; } base::TimeDelta GetFrameDuration(AVStream* stream) { AVRational time_base = { stream->r_frame_rate.den, stream->r_frame_rate.num }; return ConvertFromTimeBase(time_base, 1); } gfx::Size GetNaturalSize(AVStream* stream) { double aspect_ratio = 1.0; if (stream->sample_aspect_ratio.num) aspect_ratio = av_q2d(stream->sample_aspect_ratio); else if (stream->codec->sample_aspect_ratio.num) aspect_ratio = av_q2d(stream->codec->sample_aspect_ratio); int height = stream->codec->height; int width = floor(stream->codec->width * aspect_ratio + 0.5); // An even width makes things easier for YV12 and appears to be the behavior // expected by WebKit layout tests. return gfx::Size(width & ~1, height); } void DestroyAVFormatContext(AVFormatContext* format_context) { DCHECK(format_context); // Iterate each stream and destroy each one of them. if (format_context->streams) { int streams = format_context->nb_streams; for (int i = 0; i < streams; ++i) { AVStream* stream = format_context->streams[i]; // The conditions for calling avcodec_close(): // 1. AVStream is alive. // 2. AVCodecContext in AVStream is alive. // 3. AVCodec in AVCodecContext is alive. // Notice that closing a codec context without prior avcodec_open() will // result in a crash in FFmpeg. if (stream && stream->codec && stream->codec->codec) { stream->discard = AVDISCARD_ALL; avcodec_close(stream->codec); } } } // Then finally cleanup the format context. av_close_input_file(format_context); } } // namespace media