// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef MEDIA_FILTERS_AUDIO_CLOCK_H_ #define MEDIA_FILTERS_AUDIO_CLOCK_H_ #include #include "base/time/time.h" #include "media/base/media_export.h" namespace media { // Models a queue of buffered audio in a playback pipeline for use with // estimating the amount of delay in wall clock time. Takes changes in playback // rate into account to handle scenarios where multiple rates may be present in // a playback pipeline with large delay. // // // USAGE // // Prior to starting audio playback, construct an AudioClock with an initial // media timestamp and a sample rate matching the sample rate the audio device // was opened at. // // Each time the audio rendering callback is executed, call WroteAudio() once // (and only once!) containing information on what was written: // 1) How many frames of audio data requested // 2) How many frames of audio data provided // 3) The playback rate of the audio data provided // 4) The current amount of delay // // After a call to WroteAudio(), clients can inspect the resulting media // timestamp. This can be used for UI purposes, synchronizing video, etc... // // // DETAILS // // Silence (whether caused by the initial audio delay or failing to write the // amount of requested frames due to underflow) is also modeled and will cause // the media timestamp to stop increasing until all known silence has been // played. AudioClock's model is initialized with silence during the first call // to WroteAudio() using the delay value. // // Playback rates are tracked for translating frame durations into media // durations. Since silence doesn't affect media timestamps, it also isn't // affected by playback rates. class MEDIA_EXPORT AudioClock { public: AudioClock(base::TimeDelta start_timestamp, int sample_rate); ~AudioClock(); // |frames_written| amount of audio data scaled to |playback_rate| written. // |frames_requested| amount of audio data requested by hardware. // |delay_frames| is the current amount of hardware delay. void WroteAudio(int frames_written, int frames_requested, int delay_frames, float playback_rate); // Returns the bounds of media data currently buffered by the audio hardware, // taking silence and changes in playback rate into account. Buffered audio // structure and timestamps are updated with every call to WroteAudio(). // // start_timestamp = 1000 ms sample_rate = 40 Hz // +-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+ // | 10 frames silence | 20 frames @ 1.0x | 20 frames @ 0.5x | // | = 250 ms (wall) | = 500 ms (wall) | = 500 ms (wall) | // | = 0 ms (media) | = 500 ms (media) | = 250 ms (media) | // +-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+ // ^ ^ // front_timestamp() is equal to back_timestamp() is equal to // |start_timestamp| since no amount of media frames tracked // media data has been played yet. by AudioClock, which would be // 1000 + 500 + 250 = 1750 ms. base::TimeDelta front_timestamp() const { return front_timestamp_; } base::TimeDelta back_timestamp() const { return back_timestamp_; } // Clients can provide |time_since_writing| to simulate the passage of time // since last writing audio to get a more accurate current media timestamp. // // The value will be bounded between front_timestamp() and back_timestamp(). base::TimeDelta TimestampSinceWriting( base::TimeDelta time_since_writing) const; // Returns the amount of wall time until |timestamp| will be played by the // audio hardware. // // |timestamp| must be within front_timestamp() and back_timestamp(). base::TimeDelta TimeUntilPlayback(base::TimeDelta timestamp) const; // Returns the amount of contiguous media time buffered at the head of the // audio hardware buffer. Silence introduced into the audio hardware buffer is // treated as a break in media time. base::TimeDelta contiguous_audio_data_buffered() const { return contiguous_audio_data_buffered_; } // Same as above, but also treats changes in playback rate as a break in media // time. base::TimeDelta contiguous_audio_data_buffered_at_same_rate() const { return contiguous_audio_data_buffered_at_same_rate_; } private: // Even with a ridiculously high sample rate of 256kHz, using 64 bits will // permit tracking up to 416999965 days worth of time (that's 1141 millenia). // // 32 bits on the other hand would top out at measly 2 hours and 20 minutes. struct AudioData { AudioData(int64_t frames, float playback_rate); int64_t frames; float playback_rate; }; // Helpers for operating on |buffered_|. void PushBufferedAudioData(int64_t frames, float playback_rate); void PopBufferedAudioData(int64_t frames); base::TimeDelta ComputeBufferedMediaTime(int64_t frames) const; const base::TimeDelta start_timestamp_; const int sample_rate_; const double microseconds_per_frame_; std::deque buffered_; int64_t total_buffered_frames_; base::TimeDelta front_timestamp_; base::TimeDelta back_timestamp_; // Cached results of last call to WroteAudio(). base::TimeDelta contiguous_audio_data_buffered_; base::TimeDelta contiguous_audio_data_buffered_at_same_rate_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(AudioClock); }; } // namespace media #endif // MEDIA_FILTERS_AUDIO_CLOCK_H_