// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "media/ffmpeg/ffmpeg_common.h" #include "media/filters/ffmpeg_aac_bitstream_converter.h" #include "media/filters/ffmpeg_demuxer.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" namespace media { namespace { const int kAacMainProfile = 0; const int kAacLowComplexityProfile = 1; } // namespace // Class for testing the FFmpegAACBitstreamConverter. class FFmpegAACBitstreamConverterTest : public testing::Test { protected: FFmpegAACBitstreamConverterTest() { // Minimal extra data header memset(context_header_, 0, sizeof(context_header_)); // Set up reasonable aac context memset(&test_context_, 0, sizeof(AVCodecContext)); test_context_.codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_AAC; test_context_.profile = FF_PROFILE_AAC_MAIN; test_context_.channels = 2; test_context_.extradata = context_header_; test_context_.extradata_size = sizeof(context_header_); } void CreatePacket(AVPacket* packet, const uint8* data, uint32 data_size) { // Create new packet sized of |data_size| from |data|. EXPECT_EQ(av_new_packet(packet, data_size), 0); memcpy(packet->data, data, data_size); } // Variable to hold valid dummy context for testing. AVCodecContext test_context_; private: uint8 context_header_[2]; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(FFmpegAACBitstreamConverterTest); }; TEST_F(FFmpegAACBitstreamConverterTest, Conversion_Success) { FFmpegAACBitstreamConverter converter(&test_context_); uint8 dummy_packet[1000]; // Fill dummy packet with junk data. aac converter doesn't look into packet // data, just header, so can fill with whatever we want for test. for(size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(dummy_packet); i++) { dummy_packet[i] = i & 0xFF; // Repeated sequences of 0-255 } ScopedAVPacket test_packet(new AVPacket()); CreatePacket(test_packet.get(), dummy_packet, sizeof(dummy_packet)); // Try out the actual conversion (should be successful and allocate new // packet and destroy the old one). EXPECT_TRUE(converter.ConvertPacket(test_packet.get())); // Check that a header was added and that packet data was preserved EXPECT_EQ(static_cast(test_packet->size), static_cast(sizeof(dummy_packet) + FFmpegAACBitstreamConverter::kAdtsHeaderSize)); EXPECT_EQ(memcmp( reinterpret_cast(test_packet->data + FFmpegAACBitstreamConverter::kAdtsHeaderSize), reinterpret_cast(dummy_packet), sizeof(dummy_packet)), 0); } TEST_F(FFmpegAACBitstreamConverterTest, Conversion_FailureNullParams) { // Set up AVCConfigurationRecord to represent NULL data. AVCodecContext dummy_context; dummy_context.extradata = NULL; dummy_context.extradata_size = 0; FFmpegAACBitstreamConverter converter(&dummy_context); uint8 dummy_packet[1000] = {0}; // Try out the actual conversion with NULL parameter. EXPECT_FALSE(converter.ConvertPacket(NULL)); // Create new packet to test actual conversion. ScopedAVPacket test_packet(new AVPacket()); CreatePacket(test_packet.get(), dummy_packet, sizeof(dummy_packet)); // Try out the actual conversion. This should fail due to missing extradata. EXPECT_FALSE(converter.ConvertPacket(test_packet.get())); } TEST_F(FFmpegAACBitstreamConverterTest, Conversion_AudioProfileType) { FFmpegAACBitstreamConverter converter(&test_context_); uint8 dummy_packet[1000] = {0}; ScopedAVPacket test_packet(new AVPacket()); CreatePacket(test_packet.get(), dummy_packet, sizeof(dummy_packet)); EXPECT_TRUE(converter.ConvertPacket(test_packet.get())); // Check that the ADTS header profile matches the context int profile = ((test_packet->data[2] & 0xC0) >> 6); EXPECT_EQ(profile, kAacMainProfile); test_context_.profile = FF_PROFILE_AAC_HE; FFmpegAACBitstreamConverter converter_he(&test_context_); test_packet.reset(new AVPacket()); CreatePacket(test_packet.get(), dummy_packet, sizeof(dummy_packet)); EXPECT_TRUE(converter_he.ConvertPacket(test_packet.get())); profile = ((test_packet->data[2] & 0xC0) >> 6); EXPECT_EQ(profile, kAacLowComplexityProfile); test_context_.profile = FF_PROFILE_AAC_ELD; FFmpegAACBitstreamConverter converter_eld(&test_context_); test_packet.reset(new AVPacket()); CreatePacket(test_packet.get(), dummy_packet, sizeof(dummy_packet)); EXPECT_FALSE(converter_eld.ConvertPacket(test_packet.get())); } TEST_F(FFmpegAACBitstreamConverterTest, Conversion_MultipleLength) { FFmpegAACBitstreamConverter converter(&test_context_); uint8 dummy_packet[1000]; ScopedAVPacket test_packet(new AVPacket()); CreatePacket(test_packet.get(), dummy_packet, sizeof(dummy_packet)); // Try out the actual conversion (should be successful and allocate new // packet and destroy the old one). EXPECT_TRUE(converter.ConvertPacket(test_packet.get())); // Check that the ADTS header frame length matches the packet size int frame_length = ((test_packet->data[3] & 0x03) << 11) | ((test_packet->data[4] & 0xFF) << 3) | ((test_packet->data[5] & 0xE0) >> 5); EXPECT_EQ(frame_length, test_packet->size); // Create a second packet that is 1 byte smaller than the first one ScopedAVPacket second_test_packet(new AVPacket()); CreatePacket(second_test_packet.get(), dummy_packet, sizeof(dummy_packet) - 1); // Try out the actual conversion (should be successful and allocate new // packet and destroy the old one). EXPECT_TRUE(converter.ConvertPacket(second_test_packet.get())); // Check that the ADTS header frame length matches the packet size frame_length = ((second_test_packet->data[3] & 0x03) << 11) | ((second_test_packet->data[4] & 0xFF) << 3) | ((second_test_packet->data[5] & 0xE0) >> 5); EXPECT_EQ(frame_length, second_test_packet->size); } } // namespace media