// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "media/filters/opus_audio_decoder.h" #include #include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h" #include "base/sys_byteorder.h" #include "media/base/audio_buffer.h" #include "media/base/audio_decoder_config.h" #include "media/base/audio_discard_helper.h" #include "media/base/bind_to_current_loop.h" #include "media/base/buffers.h" #include "media/base/decoder_buffer.h" #include "third_party/opus/src/include/opus.h" #include "third_party/opus/src/include/opus_multistream.h" namespace media { static uint16 ReadLE16(const uint8* data, size_t data_size, int read_offset) { uint16 value = 0; DCHECK_LE(read_offset + sizeof(value), data_size); memcpy(&value, data + read_offset, sizeof(value)); return base::ByteSwapToLE16(value); } // The Opus specification is part of IETF RFC 6716: // http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6716 // Opus uses Vorbis channel mapping, and Vorbis channel mapping specifies // mappings for up to 8 channels. This information is part of the Vorbis I // Specification: // http://www.xiph.org/vorbis/doc/Vorbis_I_spec.html static const int kMaxVorbisChannels = 8; // Maximum packet size used in Xiph's opusdec and FFmpeg's libopusdec. static const int kMaxOpusOutputPacketSizeSamples = 960 * 6; static void RemapOpusChannelLayout(const uint8* opus_mapping, int num_channels, uint8* channel_layout) { DCHECK_LE(num_channels, kMaxVorbisChannels); // Opus uses Vorbis channel layout. const int32 num_layouts = kMaxVorbisChannels; const int32 num_layout_values = kMaxVorbisChannels; // Vorbis channel ordering for streams with >= 2 channels: // 2 Channels // L, R // 3 Channels // L, Center, R // 4 Channels // Front L, Front R, Back L, Back R // 5 Channels // Front L, Center, Front R, Back L, Back R // 6 Channels (5.1) // Front L, Center, Front R, Back L, Back R, LFE // 7 channels (6.1) // Front L, Front Center, Front R, Side L, Side R, Back Center, LFE // 8 Channels (7.1) // Front L, Center, Front R, Side L, Side R, Back L, Back R, LFE // // Channel ordering information is taken from section 4.3.9 of the Vorbis I // Specification: // http://xiph.org/vorbis/doc/Vorbis_I_spec.html#x1-800004.3.9 // These are the FFmpeg channel layouts expressed using the position of each // channel in the output stream from libopus. const uint8 kFFmpegChannelLayouts[num_layouts][num_layout_values] = { { 0 }, // Stereo: No reorder. { 0, 1 }, // 3 Channels, from Vorbis order to: // L, R, Center { 0, 2, 1 }, // 4 Channels: No reorder. { 0, 1, 2, 3 }, // 5 Channels, from Vorbis order to: // Front L, Front R, Center, Back L, Back R { 0, 2, 1, 3, 4 }, // 6 Channels (5.1), from Vorbis order to: // Front L, Front R, Center, LFE, Back L, Back R { 0, 2, 1, 5, 3, 4 }, // 7 Channels (6.1), from Vorbis order to: // Front L, Front R, Front Center, LFE, Side L, Side R, Back Center { 0, 2, 1, 6, 3, 4, 5 }, // 8 Channels (7.1), from Vorbis order to: // Front L, Front R, Center, LFE, Back L, Back R, Side L, Side R { 0, 2, 1, 7, 5, 6, 3, 4 }, }; // Reorder the channels to produce the same ordering as FFmpeg, which is // what the pipeline expects. const uint8* vorbis_layout_offset = kFFmpegChannelLayouts[num_channels - 1]; for (int channel = 0; channel < num_channels; ++channel) channel_layout[channel] = opus_mapping[vorbis_layout_offset[channel]]; } // Opus Extra Data contents: // - "OpusHead" (64 bits) // - version number (8 bits) // - Channels C (8 bits) // - Pre-skip (16 bits) // - Sampling rate (32 bits) // - Gain in dB (16 bits, S7.8) // - Mapping (8 bits, 0=single stream (mono/stereo) 1=Vorbis mapping, // 2..254: reserved, 255: multistream with no mapping) // // - if (mapping != 0) // - N = totel number of streams (8 bits) // - M = number of paired streams (8 bits) // - C times channel origin // - if (C<2*M) // - stream = byte/2 // - if (byte&0x1 == 0) // - left // else // - right // - else // - stream = byte-M // Default audio output channel layout. Used to initialize |stream_map| in // OpusExtraData, and passed to opus_multistream_decoder_create() when the // extra data does not contain mapping information. The values are valid only // for mono and stereo output: Opus streams with more than 2 channels require a // stream map. static const int kMaxChannelsWithDefaultLayout = 2; static const uint8 kDefaultOpusChannelLayout[kMaxChannelsWithDefaultLayout] = { 0, 1 }; // Size of the Opus extra data excluding optional mapping information. static const int kOpusExtraDataSize = 19; // Offset to the channel count byte in the Opus extra data. static const int kOpusExtraDataChannelsOffset = 9; // Offset to the pre-skip value in the Opus extra data. static const int kOpusExtraDataSkipSamplesOffset = 10; // Offset to the gain value in the Opus extra data. static const int kOpusExtraDataGainOffset = 16; // Offset to the channel mapping byte in the Opus extra data. static const int kOpusExtraDataChannelMappingOffset = 18; // Extra Data contains a stream map. The mapping values are in extra data beyond // the always present |kOpusExtraDataSize| bytes of data. The mapping data // contains stream count, coupling information, and per channel mapping values: // - Byte 0: Number of streams. // - Byte 1: Number coupled. // - Byte 2: Starting at byte 2 are |extra_data->channels| uint8 mapping // values. static const int kOpusExtraDataNumStreamsOffset = kOpusExtraDataSize; static const int kOpusExtraDataNumCoupledOffset = kOpusExtraDataNumStreamsOffset + 1; static const int kOpusExtraDataStreamMapOffset = kOpusExtraDataNumStreamsOffset + 2; struct OpusExtraData { OpusExtraData() : channels(0), skip_samples(0), channel_mapping(0), num_streams(0), num_coupled(0), gain_db(0), stream_map() { memcpy(stream_map, kDefaultOpusChannelLayout, kMaxChannelsWithDefaultLayout); } int channels; uint16 skip_samples; int channel_mapping; int num_streams; int num_coupled; int16 gain_db; uint8 stream_map[kMaxVorbisChannels]; }; // Returns true when able to successfully parse and store Opus extra data in // |extra_data|. Based on opus header parsing code in libopusdec from FFmpeg, // and opus_header from Xiph's opus-tools project. static bool ParseOpusExtraData(const uint8* data, int data_size, const AudioDecoderConfig& config, OpusExtraData* extra_data) { if (data_size < kOpusExtraDataSize) { DLOG(ERROR) << "Extra data size is too small:" << data_size; return false; } extra_data->channels = *(data + kOpusExtraDataChannelsOffset); if (extra_data->channels <= 0 || extra_data->channels > kMaxVorbisChannels) { DLOG(ERROR) << "invalid channel count in extra data: " << extra_data->channels; return false; } extra_data->skip_samples = ReadLE16(data, data_size, kOpusExtraDataSkipSamplesOffset); extra_data->gain_db = static_cast( ReadLE16(data, data_size, kOpusExtraDataGainOffset)); extra_data->channel_mapping = *(data + kOpusExtraDataChannelMappingOffset); if (!extra_data->channel_mapping) { if (extra_data->channels > kMaxChannelsWithDefaultLayout) { DLOG(ERROR) << "Invalid extra data, missing stream map."; return false; } extra_data->num_streams = 1; extra_data->num_coupled = (ChannelLayoutToChannelCount(config.channel_layout()) > 1) ? 1 : 0; return true; } if (data_size < kOpusExtraDataStreamMapOffset + extra_data->channels) { DLOG(ERROR) << "Invalid stream map; insufficient data for current channel " << "count: " << extra_data->channels; return false; } extra_data->num_streams = *(data + kOpusExtraDataNumStreamsOffset); extra_data->num_coupled = *(data + kOpusExtraDataNumCoupledOffset); if (extra_data->num_streams + extra_data->num_coupled != extra_data->channels) DVLOG(1) << "Inconsistent channel mapping."; for (int i = 0; i < extra_data->channels; ++i) extra_data->stream_map[i] = *(data + kOpusExtraDataStreamMapOffset + i); return true; } OpusAudioDecoder::OpusAudioDecoder( const scoped_refptr& task_runner) : task_runner_(task_runner), opus_decoder_(NULL), start_input_timestamp_(kNoTimestamp()) {} std::string OpusAudioDecoder::GetDisplayName() const { return "OpusAudioDecoder"; } void OpusAudioDecoder::Initialize(const AudioDecoderConfig& config, const PipelineStatusCB& status_cb, const OutputCB& output_cb) { DCHECK(task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread()); PipelineStatusCB initialize_cb = BindToCurrentLoop(status_cb); config_ = config; output_cb_ = BindToCurrentLoop(output_cb); if (!ConfigureDecoder()) { initialize_cb.Run(DECODER_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED); return; } initialize_cb.Run(PIPELINE_OK); } void OpusAudioDecoder::Decode(const scoped_refptr& buffer, const DecodeCB& decode_cb) { DCHECK(task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread()); DCHECK(!decode_cb.is_null()); DecodeBuffer(buffer, BindToCurrentLoop(decode_cb)); } void OpusAudioDecoder::Reset(const base::Closure& closure) { DCHECK(task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread()); opus_multistream_decoder_ctl(opus_decoder_, OPUS_RESET_STATE); ResetTimestampState(); task_runner_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, closure); } OpusAudioDecoder::~OpusAudioDecoder() { DCHECK(task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread()); if (!opus_decoder_) return; opus_multistream_decoder_ctl(opus_decoder_, OPUS_RESET_STATE); ResetTimestampState(); CloseDecoder(); } void OpusAudioDecoder::DecodeBuffer( const scoped_refptr& input, const DecodeCB& decode_cb) { DCHECK(task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread()); DCHECK(!decode_cb.is_null()); DCHECK(input.get()); // Libopus does not buffer output. Decoding is complete when an end of stream // input buffer is received. if (input->end_of_stream()) { decode_cb.Run(kOk); return; } // Make sure we are notified if http://crbug.com/49709 returns. Issue also // occurs with some damaged files. if (input->timestamp() == kNoTimestamp()) { DLOG(ERROR) << "Received a buffer without timestamps!"; decode_cb.Run(kDecodeError); return; } // Apply the necessary codec delay. if (start_input_timestamp_ == kNoTimestamp()) start_input_timestamp_ = input->timestamp(); if (!discard_helper_->initialized() && input->timestamp() == start_input_timestamp_) { discard_helper_->Reset(config_.codec_delay()); } scoped_refptr output_buffer; if (!Decode(input, &output_buffer)) { decode_cb.Run(kDecodeError); return; } if (output_buffer.get()) { output_cb_.Run(output_buffer); } decode_cb.Run(kOk); } bool OpusAudioDecoder::ConfigureDecoder() { if (config_.codec() != kCodecOpus) { DVLOG(1) << "Codec must be kCodecOpus."; return false; } const int channel_count = ChannelLayoutToChannelCount(config_.channel_layout()); if (!config_.IsValidConfig() || channel_count > kMaxVorbisChannels) { DLOG(ERROR) << "Invalid or unsupported audio stream -" << " codec: " << config_.codec() << " channel count: " << channel_count << " channel layout: " << config_.channel_layout() << " bits per channel: " << config_.bits_per_channel() << " samples per second: " << config_.samples_per_second(); return false; } if (config_.is_encrypted()) { DLOG(ERROR) << "Encrypted audio stream not supported."; return false; } // Clean up existing decoder if necessary. CloseDecoder(); // Parse the Opus Extra Data. OpusExtraData opus_extra_data; if (!ParseOpusExtraData(config_.extra_data(), config_.extra_data_size(), config_, &opus_extra_data)) return false; if (config_.codec_delay() < 0) { DLOG(ERROR) << "Invalid file. Incorrect value for codec delay: " << config_.codec_delay(); return false; } if (config_.codec_delay() != opus_extra_data.skip_samples) { DLOG(ERROR) << "Invalid file. Codec Delay in container does not match the " << "value in Opus Extra Data. " << config_.codec_delay() << " vs " << opus_extra_data.skip_samples; return false; } uint8 channel_mapping[kMaxVorbisChannels] = {0}; memcpy(&channel_mapping, kDefaultOpusChannelLayout, kMaxChannelsWithDefaultLayout); if (channel_count > kMaxChannelsWithDefaultLayout) { RemapOpusChannelLayout(opus_extra_data.stream_map, channel_count, channel_mapping); } // Init Opus. int status = OPUS_INVALID_STATE; opus_decoder_ = opus_multistream_decoder_create(config_.samples_per_second(), channel_count, opus_extra_data.num_streams, opus_extra_data.num_coupled, channel_mapping, &status); if (!opus_decoder_ || status != OPUS_OK) { DLOG(ERROR) << "opus_multistream_decoder_create failed status=" << opus_strerror(status); return false; } status = opus_multistream_decoder_ctl( opus_decoder_, OPUS_SET_GAIN(opus_extra_data.gain_db)); if (status != OPUS_OK) { DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to set OPUS header gain; status=" << opus_strerror(status); return false; } discard_helper_.reset( new AudioDiscardHelper(config_.samples_per_second(), 0)); start_input_timestamp_ = kNoTimestamp(); return true; } void OpusAudioDecoder::CloseDecoder() { if (opus_decoder_) { opus_multistream_decoder_destroy(opus_decoder_); opus_decoder_ = NULL; } } void OpusAudioDecoder::ResetTimestampState() { discard_helper_->Reset( discard_helper_->TimeDeltaToFrames(config_.seek_preroll())); } bool OpusAudioDecoder::Decode(const scoped_refptr& input, scoped_refptr* output_buffer) { // Allocate a buffer for the output samples. *output_buffer = AudioBuffer::CreateBuffer( config_.sample_format(), config_.channel_layout(), ChannelLayoutToChannelCount(config_.channel_layout()), config_.samples_per_second(), kMaxOpusOutputPacketSizeSamples); const int buffer_size = output_buffer->get()->channel_count() * output_buffer->get()->frame_count() * SampleFormatToBytesPerChannel(config_.sample_format()); float* float_output_buffer = reinterpret_cast( output_buffer->get()->channel_data()[0]); const int frames_decoded = opus_multistream_decode_float(opus_decoder_, input->data(), input->data_size(), float_output_buffer, buffer_size, 0); if (frames_decoded < 0) { DLOG(ERROR) << "opus_multistream_decode failed for" << " timestamp: " << input->timestamp().InMicroseconds() << " us, duration: " << input->duration().InMicroseconds() << " us, packet size: " << input->data_size() << " bytes with" << " status: " << opus_strerror(frames_decoded); return false; } // Trim off any extraneous allocation. DCHECK_LE(frames_decoded, output_buffer->get()->frame_count()); const int trim_frames = output_buffer->get()->frame_count() - frames_decoded; if (trim_frames > 0) output_buffer->get()->TrimEnd(trim_frames); // Handles discards and timestamping. Discard the buffer if more data needed. if (!discard_helper_->ProcessBuffers(input, *output_buffer)) *output_buffer = NULL; return true; } } // namespace media