// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "build/build_config.h" // For OS_WIN. #if defined(OS_WIN) #include "media/mf/mft_h264_decoder.h" #include #include #include #include // Placed after mfapi.h to avoid linking strmiids.lib for MR_BUFFER_SERVICE. #include #include #include #include "base/time.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #pragma comment(lib, "dxva2.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "d3d9.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "mf.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "mfplat.lib") namespace { // Creates an empty Media Foundation sample with no buffers. static IMFSample* CreateEmptySample() { HRESULT hr; ScopedComPtr sample; hr = MFCreateSample(sample.Receive()); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to create an empty sample"; return NULL; } return sample.Detach(); } // Creates a Media Foundation sample with one buffer of length |buffer_length| // on a |align|-byte boundary. Alignment must be a perfect power of 2 or 0. // If |align| is 0, then no alignment is specified. static IMFSample* CreateEmptySampleWithBuffer(int buffer_length, int align) { CHECK_GT(buffer_length, 0); ScopedComPtr sample; sample.Attach(CreateEmptySample()); if (!sample.get()) return NULL; ScopedComPtr buffer; HRESULT hr; if (align == 0) { // Note that MFCreateMemoryBuffer is same as MFCreateAlignedMemoryBuffer // with the align argument being 0. hr = MFCreateMemoryBuffer(buffer_length, buffer.Receive()); } else { hr = MFCreateAlignedMemoryBuffer(buffer_length, align - 1, buffer.Receive()); } if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to create an empty buffer"; return NULL; } hr = sample->AddBuffer(buffer.get()); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to add empty buffer to sample"; return NULL; } return sample.Detach(); } // Creates a Media Foundation sample with one buffer containing a copy of the // given Annex B stream data. // If duration and sample time are not known, provide 0. // |min_size| specifies the minimum size of the buffer (might be required by // the decoder for input). The times here should be given in 100ns units. // |alignment| specifies the buffer in the sample to be aligned. If no // alignment is required, provide 0 or 1. static IMFSample* CreateInputSample(const uint8* stream, int size, int64 timestamp, int64 duration, int min_size, int alignment) { CHECK(stream); CHECK_GT(size, 0); ScopedComPtr sample; sample.Attach(CreateEmptySampleWithBuffer(std::max(min_size, size), alignment)); if (!sample.get()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create empty buffer for input"; return NULL; } HRESULT hr; if (duration > 0) { hr = sample->SetSampleDuration(duration); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to set sample duration"; return NULL; } } if (timestamp > 0) { hr = sample->SetSampleTime(timestamp); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to set sample time"; return NULL; } } ScopedComPtr buffer; hr = sample->GetBufferByIndex(0, buffer.Receive()); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get buffer in sample"; return NULL; } DWORD max_length, current_length; uint8* destination; hr = buffer->Lock(&destination, &max_length, ¤t_length); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to lock buffer"; return NULL; } CHECK_EQ(current_length, 0u); CHECK_GE(static_cast(max_length), size); memcpy(destination, stream, size); CHECK(SUCCEEDED(buffer->Unlock())); hr = buffer->SetCurrentLength(size); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to set current length to " << size; return NULL; } LOG(INFO) << __FUNCTION__ << " wrote " << size << " bytes into input sample"; return sample.Detach(); } } // namespace namespace media { // public methods MftH264Decoder::MftH264Decoder(bool use_dxva) : use_dxva_(use_dxva), d3d9_(NULL), device_(NULL), device_manager_(NULL), device_window_(NULL), decoder_(NULL), input_stream_info_(), output_stream_info_(), state_(kUninitialized), event_handler_(NULL) { memset(&config_, 0, sizeof(config_)); memset(&info_, 0, sizeof(info_)); } MftH264Decoder::~MftH264Decoder() { } void MftH264Decoder::Initialize( MessageLoop* message_loop, VideoDecodeEngine::EventHandler* event_handler, const VideoCodecConfig& config) { LOG(INFO) << "MftH264Decoder::Initialize"; if (state_ != kUninitialized) { LOG(ERROR) << "Initialize: invalid state"; return; } if (!message_loop || !event_handler) { LOG(ERROR) << "MftH264Decoder::Initialize: parameters cannot be NULL"; return; } config_ = config; event_handler_ = event_handler; info_.provides_buffers_ = true; // TODO(jiesun): Actually it is more likely an NV12 D3DSuface9. // Until we had hardware composition working. if (use_dxva_) { info_.stream_info_.surface_format_ = VideoFrame::YV12; info_.stream_info_.surface_type_ = VideoFrame::TYPE_SYSTEM_MEMORY; } else { info_.stream_info_.surface_format_ = VideoFrame::YV12; info_.stream_info_.surface_type_ = VideoFrame::TYPE_SYSTEM_MEMORY; } // codec_info.stream_info_.surface_width_/height_ are initialized // in InitInternal(). info_.success_ = InitInternal(); if (info_.success_) { state_ = kNormal; event_handler_->OnInitializeComplete(info_); } else { LOG(ERROR) << "MftH264Decoder::Initialize failed"; } } void MftH264Decoder::Uninitialize() { LOG(INFO) << "MftH264Decoder::Uninitialize"; if (state_ == kUninitialized) { LOG(ERROR) << "Uninitialize: invalid state"; return; } // TODO(imcheng): // Cannot shutdown COM libraries here because the COM objects still needs // to be Release()'ed. We can explicitly release them here, or move the // uninitialize to GpuVideoService... if (device_window_) DestroyWindow(device_window_); decoder_.Release(); device_manager_.Release(); device_.Release(); d3d9_.Release(); ShutdownComLibraries(); state_ = kUninitialized; event_handler_->OnUninitializeComplete(); } void MftH264Decoder::Flush() { LOG(INFO) << "MftH264Decoder::Flush"; if (state_ != kNormal) { LOG(ERROR) << "Flush: invalid state"; return; } state_ = kFlushing; if (!SendMFTMessage(MFT_MESSAGE_COMMAND_FLUSH)) { LOG(WARNING) << "MftH264Decoder::Flush failed to send message"; } state_ = kNormal; event_handler_->OnFlushComplete(); } void MftH264Decoder::Seek() { if (state_ != kNormal) { LOG(ERROR) << "Seek: invalid state"; return; } LOG(INFO) << "MftH264Decoder::Seek"; // Seek not implemented. event_handler_->OnSeekComplete(); } void MftH264Decoder::EmptyThisBuffer(scoped_refptr buffer) { LOG(INFO) << "MftH264Decoder::EmptyThisBuffer"; if (state_ == kUninitialized) { LOG(ERROR) << "EmptyThisBuffer: invalid state"; } ScopedComPtr sample; if (!buffer->IsEndOfStream()) { sample.Attach( CreateInputSample(buffer->GetData(), buffer->GetDataSize(), buffer->GetTimestamp().InMicroseconds() * 10, buffer->GetDuration().InMicroseconds() * 10, input_stream_info_.cbSize, input_stream_info_.cbAlignment)); if (!sample.get()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create an input sample"; } else { if (FAILED(decoder_->ProcessInput(0, sample.get(), 0))) { event_handler_->OnError(); } } } else { if (state_ != MftH264Decoder::kEosDrain) { // End of stream, send drain messages. if (!SendMFTMessage(MFT_MESSAGE_NOTIFY_END_OF_STREAM) || !SendMFTMessage(MFT_MESSAGE_COMMAND_DRAIN)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to send EOS / drain messages to MFT"; event_handler_->OnError(); } else { state_ = MftH264Decoder::kEosDrain; } } } DoDecode(); } void MftH264Decoder::FillThisBuffer(scoped_refptr frame) { LOG(INFO) << "MftH264Decoder::FillThisBuffer"; if (state_ == kUninitialized) { LOG(ERROR) << "FillThisBuffer: invalid state"; return; } scoped_refptr buffer; event_handler_->OnEmptyBufferCallback(buffer); } // private methods // static bool MftH264Decoder::StartupComLibraries() { HRESULT hr; hr = CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED | COINIT_DISABLE_OLE1DDE); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(ERROR) << "CoInit fail"; return false; } hr = MFStartup(MF_VERSION, MFSTARTUP_FULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(ERROR) << "MFStartup fail"; CoUninitialize(); return false; } return true; } // static void MftH264Decoder::ShutdownComLibraries() { HRESULT hr; hr = MFShutdown(); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(WARNING) << "Warning: MF failed to shutdown"; } CoUninitialize(); } bool MftH264Decoder::CreateD3DDevManager() { d3d9_.Attach(Direct3DCreate9(D3D_SDK_VERSION)); if (d3d9_.get() == NULL) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create D3D9"; return false; } static const TCHAR windowName[] = TEXT("MFT Decoder Hidden Window"); static const TCHAR className[] = TEXT("STATIC"); device_window_ = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_NOACTIVATE, className, windowName, WS_DISABLED | WS_POPUP, 0, 0, 1, 1, HWND_MESSAGE, NULL, GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL); CHECK(device_window_); D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS present_params = {0}; present_params.BackBufferWidth = 1; present_params.BackBufferHeight = 1; present_params.BackBufferFormat = D3DFMT_UNKNOWN; present_params.BackBufferCount = 1; present_params.SwapEffect = D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD; present_params.hDeviceWindow = device_window_; present_params.Windowed = TRUE; present_params.Flags = D3DPRESENTFLAG_VIDEO; present_params.FullScreen_RefreshRateInHz = 0; present_params.PresentationInterval = 0; // D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING specifies hardware vertex processing. // (Is it even needed for just video decoding?) HRESULT hr = d3d9_->CreateDevice(D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, D3DDEVTYPE_HAL, device_window_, (D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING | D3DCREATE_MULTITHREADED), &present_params, device_.Receive()); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create D3D Device"; return false; } UINT dev_manager_reset_token = 0; hr = DXVA2CreateDirect3DDeviceManager9(&dev_manager_reset_token, device_manager_.Receive()); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't create D3D Device manager"; return false; } hr = device_manager_->ResetDevice(device_.get(), dev_manager_reset_token); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to set device to device manager"; return false; } return true; } bool MftH264Decoder::InitInternal() { if (!StartupComLibraries()) return false; if (use_dxva_ && !CreateD3DDevManager()) return false; if (!InitDecoder()) return false; if (!GetStreamsInfoAndBufferReqs()) return false; return SendMFTMessage(MFT_MESSAGE_NOTIFY_BEGIN_STREAMING); } bool MftH264Decoder::InitDecoder() { // TODO(jiesun): use MFEnum to get decoder CLSID. HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(CMSH264DecoderMFT), NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, __uuidof(IMFTransform), reinterpret_cast(decoder_.Receive())); if (FAILED(hr) || !decoder_.get()) { LOG(ERROR) << "CoCreateInstance failed " << std::hex << std::showbase << hr; return false; } if (!CheckDecoderDxvaSupport()) return false; if (use_dxva_) { hr = decoder_->ProcessMessage( MFT_MESSAGE_SET_D3D_MANAGER, reinterpret_cast(device_manager_.get())); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to set D3D9 device to decoder"; return false; } } return SetDecoderMediaTypes(); } bool MftH264Decoder::CheckDecoderDxvaSupport() { ScopedComPtr attributes; HRESULT hr = decoder_->GetAttributes(attributes.Receive()); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Unlock: Failed to get attributes, hr = " << std::hex << std::showbase << hr; return false; } UINT32 dxva; hr = attributes->GetUINT32(MF_SA_D3D_AWARE, &dxva); if (FAILED(hr) || !dxva) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get DXVA attr or decoder is not DXVA-aware, hr = " << std::hex << std::showbase << hr << " this might not be the right decoder."; return false; } return true; } bool MftH264Decoder::SetDecoderMediaTypes() { if (!SetDecoderInputMediaType()) return false; return SetDecoderOutputMediaType(use_dxva_ ? MFVideoFormat_NV12 : MFVideoFormat_YV12); } bool MftH264Decoder::SetDecoderInputMediaType() { ScopedComPtr media_type; HRESULT hr = MFCreateMediaType(media_type.Receive()); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create empty media type object"; return false; } hr = media_type->SetGUID(MF_MT_MAJOR_TYPE, MFMediaType_Video); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(ERROR) << "SetGUID for major type failed"; return false; } hr = media_type->SetGUID(MF_MT_SUBTYPE, MFVideoFormat_H264); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(ERROR) << "SetGUID for subtype failed"; return false; } hr = decoder_->SetInputType(0, media_type.get(), 0); // No flags if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to set decoder's input type"; return false; } return true; } bool MftH264Decoder::SetDecoderOutputMediaType(const GUID subtype) { DWORD i = 0; IMFMediaType* out_media_type; bool found = false; while (SUCCEEDED(decoder_->GetOutputAvailableType(0, i, &out_media_type))) { GUID out_subtype; HRESULT hr = out_media_type->GetGUID(MF_MT_SUBTYPE, &out_subtype); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to GetGUID() on GetOutputAvailableType() " << i; out_media_type->Release(); continue; } if (out_subtype == subtype) { hr = decoder_->SetOutputType(0, out_media_type, 0); // No flags hr = MFGetAttributeSize(out_media_type, MF_MT_FRAME_SIZE, reinterpret_cast(&info_.stream_info_.surface_width_), reinterpret_cast(&info_.stream_info_.surface_height_)); config_.width_ = info_.stream_info_.surface_width_; config_.height_ = info_.stream_info_.surface_height_; if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to SetOutputType to |subtype| or obtain " << "width/height " << std::hex << hr; } else { out_media_type->Release(); return true; } } i++; out_media_type->Release(); } return false; } bool MftH264Decoder::SendMFTMessage(MFT_MESSAGE_TYPE msg) { HRESULT hr = decoder_->ProcessMessage(msg, NULL); return SUCCEEDED(hr); } // Prints out info about the input/output streams, gets the minimum buffer sizes // for input and output samples. // The MFT will not allocate buffer for neither input nor output, so we have // to do it ourselves and make sure they're the correct size. // Exception is when dxva is enabled, the decoder will allocate output. bool MftH264Decoder::GetStreamsInfoAndBufferReqs() { HRESULT hr = decoder_->GetInputStreamInfo(0, &input_stream_info_); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get input stream info"; return false; } LOG(INFO) << "Input stream info: "; LOG(INFO) << "Max latency: " << input_stream_info_.hnsMaxLatency; // There should be three flags, one for requiring a whole frame be in a // single sample, one for requiring there be one buffer only in a single // sample, and one that specifies a fixed sample size. (as in cbSize) LOG(INFO) << "Flags: " << std::hex << std::showbase << input_stream_info_.dwFlags; CHECK_EQ(input_stream_info_.dwFlags, 0x7u); LOG(INFO) << "Min buffer size: " << input_stream_info_.cbSize; LOG(INFO) << "Max lookahead: " << input_stream_info_.cbMaxLookahead; LOG(INFO) << "Alignment: " << input_stream_info_.cbAlignment; hr = decoder_->GetOutputStreamInfo(0, &output_stream_info_); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get output stream info"; return false; } LOG(INFO) << "Output stream info: "; // The flags here should be the same and mean the same thing, except when // DXVA is enabled, there is an extra 0x100 flag meaning decoder will // allocate its own sample. LOG(INFO) << "Flags: " << std::hex << std::showbase << output_stream_info_.dwFlags; CHECK_EQ(output_stream_info_.dwFlags, use_dxva_ ? 0x107u : 0x7u); LOG(INFO) << "Min buffer size: " << output_stream_info_.cbSize; LOG(INFO) << "Alignment: " << output_stream_info_.cbAlignment; return true; } bool MftH264Decoder::DoDecode() { if (state_ != kNormal && state_ != kEosDrain) { LOG(ERROR) << "DoDecode: not in normal or drain state"; return false; } scoped_refptr frame; ScopedComPtr output_sample; if (!use_dxva_) { output_sample.Attach( CreateEmptySampleWithBuffer(output_stream_info_.cbSize, output_stream_info_.cbAlignment)); if (!output_sample.get()) { LOG(ERROR) << "GetSample: failed to create empty output sample"; event_handler_->OnError(); return false; } } MFT_OUTPUT_DATA_BUFFER output_data_buffer; memset(&output_data_buffer, 0, sizeof(output_data_buffer)); output_data_buffer.dwStreamID = 0; output_data_buffer.pSample = output_sample; DWORD status; HRESULT hr = decoder_->ProcessOutput(0, // No flags 1, // # of out streams to pull from &output_data_buffer, &status); IMFCollection* events = output_data_buffer.pEvents; if (events != NULL) { LOG(INFO) << "Got events from ProcessOuput, but discarding"; events->Release(); } if (FAILED(hr)) { if (hr == MF_E_TRANSFORM_STREAM_CHANGE) { hr = SetDecoderOutputMediaType(use_dxva_ ? MFVideoFormat_NV12 : MFVideoFormat_YV12); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { event_handler_->OnFormatChange(info_.stream_info_); return true; } else { event_handler_->OnError(); return false; } } else if (hr == MF_E_TRANSFORM_NEED_MORE_INPUT) { if (state_ == kEosDrain) { // No more output from the decoder. Notify EOS and stop playback. scoped_refptr frame; VideoFrame::CreateEmptyFrame(&frame); event_handler_->OnFillBufferCallback(frame); state_ = MftH264Decoder::kStopped; return false; } return true; } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Unhandled error in DoDecode()"; state_ = MftH264Decoder::kStopped; event_handler_->OnError(); return false; } } // We succeeded in getting an output sample. if (use_dxva_) { // For DXVA we didn't provide the sample, i.e. output_sample was NULL. output_sample.Attach(output_data_buffer.pSample); } if (!output_sample.get()) { LOG(ERROR) << "ProcessOutput succeeded, but did not get a sample back"; event_handler_->OnError(); return true; } int64 timestamp = 0, duration = 0; if (FAILED(output_sample->GetSampleTime(×tamp)) || FAILED(output_sample->GetSampleDuration(&duration))) { LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to get timestamp/duration from output"; } // The duration and timestamps are in 100-ns units, so divide by 10 // to convert to microseconds. timestamp /= 10; duration /= 10; // Sanity checks for checking if there is really something in the sample. DWORD buf_count; hr = output_sample->GetBufferCount(&buf_count); if (FAILED(hr) || buf_count != 1) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get buffer count, or buffer count mismatch"; return true; } ScopedComPtr output_buffer; hr = output_sample->GetBufferByIndex(0, output_buffer.Receive()); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get buffer from sample"; return true; } VideoFrame::CreateFrame(info_.stream_info_.surface_format_, info_.stream_info_.surface_width_, info_.stream_info_.surface_height_, base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(timestamp), base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(duration), &frame); if (!frame.get()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to allocate video frame"; event_handler_->OnError(); return true; } if (use_dxva_) { // temporary until we figure out how to send a D3D9 surface handle. ScopedComPtr surface; hr = MFGetService(output_buffer, MR_BUFFER_SERVICE, IID_PPV_ARGS(surface.Receive())); if (FAILED(hr)) return true; // TODO(imcheng): // This is causing some problems (LockRect does not work always). // We won't need this when we figure out how to use the d3d // surface directly. // NV12 to YV12 D3DLOCKED_RECT d3dlocked_rect; hr = surface->LockRect(&d3dlocked_rect, NULL, D3DLOCK_READONLY); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(ERROR) << "LockRect"; return true; } D3DSURFACE_DESC desc; hr = surface->GetDesc(&desc); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(ERROR) << "GetDesc"; CHECK(SUCCEEDED(surface->UnlockRect())); return true; } uint32 src_stride = d3dlocked_rect.Pitch; uint32 dst_stride = config_.width_; uint8* src_y = static_cast(d3dlocked_rect.pBits); uint8* src_uv = src_y + src_stride * desc.Height; uint8* dst_y = static_cast(frame->data(VideoFrame::kYPlane)); uint8* dst_u = static_cast(frame->data(VideoFrame::kVPlane)); uint8* dst_v = static_cast(frame->data(VideoFrame::kUPlane)); for (int y = 0; y < config_.height_; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < config_.width_; ++x) { dst_y[x] = src_y[x]; if (!(y & 1)) { if (x & 1) dst_v[x>>1] = src_uv[x]; else dst_u[x>>1] = src_uv[x]; } } dst_y += dst_stride; src_y += src_stride; if (!(y & 1)) { src_uv += src_stride; dst_v += dst_stride >> 1; dst_u += dst_stride >> 1; } } CHECK(SUCCEEDED(surface->UnlockRect())); } else { // Not DXVA. uint8* src_y; DWORD max_length, current_length; HRESULT hr = output_buffer->Lock(&src_y, &max_length, ¤t_length); if (FAILED(hr)) return true; uint8* dst_y = static_cast(frame->data(VideoFrame::kYPlane)); memcpy(dst_y, src_y, current_length); CHECK(SUCCEEDED(output_buffer->Unlock())); } // TODO(jiesun): non-System memory case event_handler_->OnFillBufferCallback(frame); return true; } } // namespace media #endif // defined(OS_WIN)