// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "media/midi/usb_midi_descriptor_parser.h" #include #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h" namespace media { namespace midi { namespace { // The constants below are specified in USB spec, USB audio spec // and USB midi spec. enum DescriptorType { TYPE_DEVICE = 1, TYPE_CONFIGURATION = 2, TYPE_STRING = 3, TYPE_INTERFACE = 4, TYPE_ENDPOINT = 5, TYPE_DEVICE_QUALIFIER = 6, TYPE_OTHER_SPEED_CONFIGURATION = 7, TYPE_INTERFACE_POWER = 8, TYPE_CS_INTERFACE = 36, TYPE_CS_ENDPOINT = 37, }; enum DescriptorSubType { SUBTYPE_MS_DESCRIPTOR_UNDEFINED = 0, SUBTYPE_MS_HEADER = 1, SUBTYPE_MIDI_IN_JACK = 2, SUBTYPE_MIDI_OUT_JACK = 3, SUBTYPE_ELEMENT = 4, }; enum JackType { JACK_TYPE_UNDEFINED = 0, JACK_TYPE_EMBEDDED = 1, JACK_TYPE_EXTERNAL = 2, }; const uint8 kAudioInterfaceClass = 1; const uint8 kAudioMidiInterfaceSubclass = 3; class JackMatcher { public: explicit JackMatcher(uint8 id) : id_(id) {} bool operator() (const UsbMidiJack& jack) const { return jack.jack_id == id_; } private: uint8 id_; }; int DecodeBcd(uint8 byte) { DCHECK_LT((byte & 0xf0) >> 4, 0xa); DCHECK_LT(byte & 0x0f, 0xa); return ((byte & 0xf0) >> 4) * 10 + (byte & 0x0f); } } // namespace std::string UsbMidiDescriptorParser::DeviceInfo::BcdVersionToString( uint16 version) { return base::StringPrintf("%d.%02d", DecodeBcd(version >> 8), DecodeBcd(version & 0xff)); } UsbMidiDescriptorParser::UsbMidiDescriptorParser() : is_parsing_usb_midi_interface_(false), current_endpoint_address_(0), current_cable_number_(0) {} UsbMidiDescriptorParser::~UsbMidiDescriptorParser() {} bool UsbMidiDescriptorParser::Parse(UsbMidiDevice* device, const uint8* data, size_t size, std::vector* jacks) { jacks->clear(); bool result = ParseInternal(device, data, size, jacks); if (!result) jacks->clear(); Clear(); return result; } bool UsbMidiDescriptorParser::ParseDeviceInfo( const uint8* data, size_t size, DeviceInfo* info) { *info = DeviceInfo(); for (const uint8* current = data; current < data + size; current += current[0]) { uint8 length = current[0]; if (length < 2) { DVLOG(1) << "Descriptor Type is not accessible."; return false; } if (current + length > data + size) { DVLOG(1) << "The header size is incorrect."; return false; } DescriptorType descriptor_type = static_cast(current[1]); if (descriptor_type != TYPE_DEVICE) continue; // We assume that ParseDevice doesn't modify |*info| if it returns false. return ParseDevice(current, length, info); } // No DEVICE descriptor is found. return false; } bool UsbMidiDescriptorParser::ParseInternal(UsbMidiDevice* device, const uint8* data, size_t size, std::vector* jacks) { for (const uint8* current = data; current < data + size; current += current[0]) { uint8 length = current[0]; if (length < 2) { DVLOG(1) << "Descriptor Type is not accessible."; return false; } if (current + length > data + size) { DVLOG(1) << "The header size is incorrect."; return false; } DescriptorType descriptor_type = static_cast(current[1]); if (descriptor_type != TYPE_INTERFACE && !is_parsing_usb_midi_interface_) continue; switch (descriptor_type) { case TYPE_INTERFACE: if (!ParseInterface(current, length)) return false; break; case TYPE_CS_INTERFACE: // We are assuming that the corresponding INTERFACE precedes // the CS_INTERFACE descriptor, as specified. if (!ParseCSInterface(device, current, length)) return false; break; case TYPE_ENDPOINT: // We are assuming that endpoints are contained in an interface. if (!ParseEndpoint(current, length)) return false; break; case TYPE_CS_ENDPOINT: // We are assuming that the corresponding ENDPOINT precedes // the CS_ENDPOINT descriptor, as specified. if (!ParseCSEndpoint(current, length, jacks)) return false; break; default: // Ignore uninteresting types. break; } } return true; } bool UsbMidiDescriptorParser::ParseDevice( const uint8* data, size_t size, DeviceInfo* info) { if (size < 0x12) { DVLOG(1) << "DEVICE header size is incorrect."; return false; } info->vendor_id = data[8] | (data[9] << 8); info->product_id = data[0xa] | (data[0xb] << 8); info->bcd_device_version = data[0xc] | (data[0xd] << 8); info->manufacturer_index = data[0xe]; info->product_index = data[0xf]; return true; } bool UsbMidiDescriptorParser::ParseInterface(const uint8* data, size_t size) { if (size != 9) { DVLOG(1) << "INTERFACE header size is incorrect."; return false; } incomplete_jacks_.clear(); uint8 interface_class = data[5]; uint8 interface_subclass = data[6]; // All descriptors of endpoints contained in this interface // precede the next INTERFACE descriptor. is_parsing_usb_midi_interface_ = interface_class == kAudioInterfaceClass && interface_subclass == kAudioMidiInterfaceSubclass; return true; } bool UsbMidiDescriptorParser::ParseCSInterface(UsbMidiDevice* device, const uint8* data, size_t size) { // Descriptor Type and Descriptor Subtype should be accessible. if (size < 3) { DVLOG(1) << "CS_INTERFACE header size is incorrect."; return false; } DescriptorSubType subtype = static_cast(data[2]); if (subtype != SUBTYPE_MIDI_OUT_JACK && subtype != SUBTYPE_MIDI_IN_JACK) return true; if (size < 6) { DVLOG(1) << "CS_INTERFACE (MIDI JACK) header size is incorrect."; return false; } uint8 jack_type = data[3]; uint8 id = data[4]; if (jack_type == JACK_TYPE_EMBEDDED) { // We can't determine the associated endpoint now. incomplete_jacks_.push_back(UsbMidiJack(device, id, 0, 0)); } return true; } bool UsbMidiDescriptorParser::ParseEndpoint(const uint8* data, size_t size) { if (size < 4) { DVLOG(1) << "ENDPOINT header size is incorrect."; return false; } current_endpoint_address_ = data[2]; current_cable_number_ = 0; return true; } bool UsbMidiDescriptorParser::ParseCSEndpoint(const uint8* data, size_t size, std::vector* jacks) { const size_t kSizeForEmptyJacks = 4; // CS_ENDPOINT must be of size 4 + n where n is the number of associated // jacks. if (size < kSizeForEmptyJacks) { DVLOG(1) << "CS_ENDPOINT header size is incorrect."; return false; } uint8 num_jacks = data[3]; if (size != kSizeForEmptyJacks + num_jacks) { DVLOG(1) << "CS_ENDPOINT header size is incorrect."; return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < num_jacks; ++i) { uint8 jack = data[kSizeForEmptyJacks + i]; std::vector::iterator it = std::find_if(incomplete_jacks_.begin(), incomplete_jacks_.end(), JackMatcher(jack)); if (it == incomplete_jacks_.end()) { DVLOG(1) << "A non-existing MIDI jack is associated."; return false; } if (current_cable_number_ > 0xf) { DVLOG(1) << "Cable number should range from 0x0 to 0xf."; return false; } // CS_ENDPOINT follows ENDPOINT and hence we can use the following // member variables. it->cable_number = current_cable_number_++; it->endpoint_address = current_endpoint_address_; jacks->push_back(*it); incomplete_jacks_.erase(it); } return true; } void UsbMidiDescriptorParser::Clear() { is_parsing_usb_midi_interface_ = false; current_endpoint_address_ = 0; current_cable_number_ = 0; incomplete_jacks_.clear(); } } // namespace midi } // namespace media