// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "media/mp4/track_run_iterator.h" #include #include "media/base/buffers.h" #include "media/base/stream_parser_buffer.h" #include "media/mp4/rcheck.h" namespace { static const uint32 kSampleIsDifferenceSampleFlagMask = 0x10000; } namespace media { namespace mp4 { struct SampleInfo { int size; int duration; int cts_offset; bool is_keyframe; }; struct TrackRunInfo { uint32 track_id; std::vector samples; int64 timescale; int64 start_dts; int64 sample_start_offset; bool is_audio; const AudioSampleEntry* audio_description; const VideoSampleEntry* video_description; int64 aux_info_start_offset; // Only valid if aux_info_total_size > 0. int aux_info_default_size; std::vector aux_info_sizes; // Populated if default_size == 0. int aux_info_total_size; TrackRunInfo(); ~TrackRunInfo(); }; TrackRunInfo::TrackRunInfo() : track_id(0), timescale(-1), start_dts(-1), sample_start_offset(-1), is_audio(false), aux_info_start_offset(-1), aux_info_default_size(-1), aux_info_total_size(-1) { } TrackRunInfo::~TrackRunInfo() {} TimeDelta TimeDeltaFromRational(int64 numer, int64 denom) { DCHECK_LT((numer > 0 ? numer : -numer), kint64max / base::Time::kMicrosecondsPerSecond); return TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds( base::Time::kMicrosecondsPerSecond * numer / denom); } TrackRunIterator::TrackRunIterator(const Movie* moov, const LogCB& log_cb) : moov_(moov), log_cb_(log_cb), sample_offset_(0) { CHECK(moov); } TrackRunIterator::~TrackRunIterator() {} static void PopulateSampleInfo(const TrackExtends& trex, const TrackFragmentHeader& tfhd, const TrackFragmentRun& trun, const int64 edit_list_offset, const uint32 i, SampleInfo* sample_info) { if (i < trun.sample_sizes.size()) { sample_info->size = trun.sample_sizes[i]; } else if (tfhd.default_sample_size > 0) { sample_info->size = tfhd.default_sample_size; } else { sample_info->size = trex.default_sample_size; } if (i < trun.sample_durations.size()) { sample_info->duration = trun.sample_durations[i]; } else if (tfhd.default_sample_duration > 0) { sample_info->duration = tfhd.default_sample_duration; } else { sample_info->duration = trex.default_sample_duration; } if (i < trun.sample_composition_time_offsets.size()) { sample_info->cts_offset = trun.sample_composition_time_offsets[i]; } else { sample_info->cts_offset = 0; } sample_info->cts_offset += edit_list_offset; uint32 flags; if (i < trun.sample_flags.size()) { flags = trun.sample_flags[i]; } else if (tfhd.has_default_sample_flags) { flags = tfhd.default_sample_flags; } else { flags = trex.default_sample_flags; } sample_info->is_keyframe = !(flags & kSampleIsDifferenceSampleFlagMask); } // In well-structured encrypted media, each track run will be immediately // preceded by its auxiliary information; this is the only optimal storage // pattern in terms of minimum number of bytes from a serial stream needed to // begin playback. It also allows us to optimize caching on memory-constrained // architectures, because we can cache the relatively small auxiliary // information for an entire run and then discard data from the input stream, // instead of retaining the entire 'mdat' box. // // We optimize for this situation (with no loss of generality) by sorting track // runs during iteration in order of their first data offset (either sample data // or auxiliary data). class CompareMinTrackRunDataOffset { public: bool operator()(const TrackRunInfo& a, const TrackRunInfo& b) { int64 a_aux = a.aux_info_total_size ? a.aux_info_start_offset : kint64max; int64 b_aux = b.aux_info_total_size ? b.aux_info_start_offset : kint64max; int64 a_lesser = std::min(a_aux, a.sample_start_offset); int64 a_greater = std::max(a_aux, a.sample_start_offset); int64 b_lesser = std::min(b_aux, b.sample_start_offset); int64 b_greater = std::max(b_aux, b.sample_start_offset); if (a_lesser == b_lesser) return a_greater < b_greater; return a_lesser < b_lesser; } }; bool TrackRunIterator::Init(const MovieFragment& moof) { runs_.clear(); for (size_t i = 0; i < moof.tracks.size(); i++) { const TrackFragment& traf = moof.tracks[i]; const Track* trak = NULL; for (size_t t = 0; t < moov_->tracks.size(); t++) { if (moov_->tracks[t].header.track_id == traf.header.track_id) trak = &moov_->tracks[t]; } RCHECK(trak); const TrackExtends* trex = NULL; for (size_t t = 0; t < moov_->extends.tracks.size(); t++) { if (moov_->extends.tracks[t].track_id == traf.header.track_id) trex = &moov_->extends.tracks[t]; } RCHECK(trex); const SampleDescription& stsd = trak->media.information.sample_table.description; if (stsd.type != kAudio && stsd.type != kVideo) { DVLOG(1) << "Skipping unhandled track type"; continue; } size_t desc_idx = traf.header.sample_description_index; if (!desc_idx) desc_idx = trex->default_sample_description_index; RCHECK(desc_idx > 0); // Descriptions are one-indexed in the file desc_idx -= 1; // Process edit list to remove CTS offset introduced in the presence of // B-frames (those that contain a single edit with a nonnegative media // time). Other uses of edit lists are not supported, as they are // both uncommon and better served by higher-level protocols. int64 edit_list_offset = 0; const std::vector& edits = trak->edit.list.edits; if (!edits.empty()) { if (edits.size() > 1) DVLOG(1) << "Multi-entry edit box detected; some components ignored."; if (edits[0].media_time < 0) { DVLOG(1) << "Empty edit list entry ignored."; } else { edit_list_offset = -edits[0].media_time; } } int64 run_start_dts = traf.decode_time.decode_time; int sample_count_sum = 0; for (size_t j = 0; j < traf.runs.size(); j++) { const TrackFragmentRun& trun = traf.runs[j]; TrackRunInfo tri; tri.track_id = traf.header.track_id; tri.timescale = trak->media.header.timescale; tri.start_dts = run_start_dts; tri.sample_start_offset = trun.data_offset; tri.is_audio = (stsd.type == kAudio); if (tri.is_audio) { RCHECK(!stsd.audio_entries.empty()); if (desc_idx > stsd.audio_entries.size()) desc_idx = 0; tri.audio_description = &stsd.audio_entries[desc_idx]; } else { RCHECK(!stsd.video_entries.empty()); if (desc_idx > stsd.video_entries.size()) desc_idx = 0; tri.video_description = &stsd.video_entries[desc_idx]; } // Collect information from the auxiliary_offset entry with the same index // in the 'saiz' container as the current run's index in the 'trun' // container, if it is present. if (traf.auxiliary_offset.offsets.size() > j) { // There should be an auxiliary info entry corresponding to each sample // in the auxiliary offset entry's corresponding track run. RCHECK(traf.auxiliary_size.sample_count >= sample_count_sum + trun.sample_count); tri.aux_info_start_offset = traf.auxiliary_offset.offsets[j]; tri.aux_info_default_size = traf.auxiliary_size.default_sample_info_size; if (tri.aux_info_default_size == 0) { const std::vector& sizes = traf.auxiliary_size.sample_info_sizes; tri.aux_info_sizes.insert(tri.aux_info_sizes.begin(), sizes.begin() + sample_count_sum, sizes.begin() + sample_count_sum + trun.sample_count); } // If the default info size is positive, find the total size of the aux // info block from it, otherwise sum over the individual sizes of each // aux info entry in the aux_offset entry. if (tri.aux_info_default_size) { tri.aux_info_total_size = tri.aux_info_default_size * trun.sample_count; } else { tri.aux_info_total_size = 0; for (size_t k = 0; k < trun.sample_count; k++) { tri.aux_info_total_size += tri.aux_info_sizes[k]; } } } else { tri.aux_info_start_offset = -1; tri.aux_info_total_size = 0; } tri.samples.resize(trun.sample_count); for (size_t k = 0; k < trun.sample_count; k++) { PopulateSampleInfo(*trex, traf.header, trun, edit_list_offset, k, &tri.samples[k]); run_start_dts += tri.samples[k].duration; } runs_.push_back(tri); sample_count_sum += trun.sample_count; } } std::sort(runs_.begin(), runs_.end(), CompareMinTrackRunDataOffset()); run_itr_ = runs_.begin(); ResetRun(); return true; } void TrackRunIterator::AdvanceRun() { ++run_itr_; ResetRun(); } void TrackRunIterator::ResetRun() { if (!IsRunValid()) return; sample_dts_ = run_itr_->start_dts; sample_offset_ = run_itr_->sample_start_offset; sample_itr_ = run_itr_->samples.begin(); cenc_info_.clear(); } void TrackRunIterator::AdvanceSample() { DCHECK(IsSampleValid()); sample_dts_ += sample_itr_->duration; sample_offset_ += sample_itr_->size; ++sample_itr_; } // This implementation only indicates a need for caching if CENC auxiliary // info is available in the stream. bool TrackRunIterator::AuxInfoNeedsToBeCached() { DCHECK(IsRunValid()); return is_encrypted() && aux_info_size() > 0 && cenc_info_.size() == 0; } // This implementation currently only caches CENC auxiliary info. bool TrackRunIterator::CacheAuxInfo(const uint8* buf, int buf_size) { RCHECK(AuxInfoNeedsToBeCached() && buf_size >= aux_info_size()); cenc_info_.resize(run_itr_->samples.size()); int64 pos = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < run_itr_->samples.size(); i++) { int info_size = run_itr_->aux_info_default_size; if (!info_size) info_size = run_itr_->aux_info_sizes[i]; BufferReader reader(buf + pos, info_size); RCHECK(cenc_info_[i].Parse(track_encryption().default_iv_size, &reader)); pos += info_size; } return true; } bool TrackRunIterator::IsRunValid() const { return run_itr_ != runs_.end(); } bool TrackRunIterator::IsSampleValid() const { return IsRunValid() && (sample_itr_ != run_itr_->samples.end()); } // Because tracks are in sorted order and auxiliary information is cached when // returning samples, it is guaranteed that no data will be required before the // lesser of the minimum data offset of this track and the next in sequence. // (The stronger condition - that no data is required before the minimum data // offset of this track alone - is not guaranteed, because the BMFF spec does // not have any inter-run ordering restrictions.) int64 TrackRunIterator::GetMaxClearOffset() { int64 offset = kint64max; if (IsSampleValid()) { offset = std::min(offset, sample_offset_); if (AuxInfoNeedsToBeCached()) offset = std::min(offset, aux_info_offset()); } if (run_itr_ != runs_.end()) { std::vector::const_iterator next_run = run_itr_ + 1; if (next_run != runs_.end()) { offset = std::min(offset, next_run->sample_start_offset); if (next_run->aux_info_total_size) offset = std::min(offset, next_run->aux_info_start_offset); } } if (offset == kint64max) return 0; return offset; } TimeDelta TrackRunIterator::GetMinDecodeTimestamp() { TimeDelta dts = kInfiniteDuration(); for (size_t i = 0; i < runs_.size(); i++) { dts = std::min(dts, TimeDeltaFromRational(runs_[i].start_dts, runs_[i].timescale)); } return dts; } uint32 TrackRunIterator::track_id() const { DCHECK(IsRunValid()); return run_itr_->track_id; } bool TrackRunIterator::is_encrypted() const { DCHECK(IsRunValid()); return track_encryption().is_encrypted; } int64 TrackRunIterator::aux_info_offset() const { return run_itr_->aux_info_start_offset; } int TrackRunIterator::aux_info_size() const { return run_itr_->aux_info_total_size; } bool TrackRunIterator::is_audio() const { DCHECK(IsRunValid()); return run_itr_->is_audio; } const AudioSampleEntry& TrackRunIterator::audio_description() const { DCHECK(is_audio()); DCHECK(run_itr_->audio_description); return *run_itr_->audio_description; } const VideoSampleEntry& TrackRunIterator::video_description() const { DCHECK(!is_audio()); DCHECK(run_itr_->video_description); return *run_itr_->video_description; } int64 TrackRunIterator::sample_offset() const { DCHECK(IsSampleValid()); return sample_offset_; } int TrackRunIterator::sample_size() const { DCHECK(IsSampleValid()); return sample_itr_->size; } TimeDelta TrackRunIterator::dts() const { DCHECK(IsSampleValid()); return TimeDeltaFromRational(sample_dts_, run_itr_->timescale); } TimeDelta TrackRunIterator::cts() const { DCHECK(IsSampleValid()); return TimeDeltaFromRational(sample_dts_ + sample_itr_->cts_offset, run_itr_->timescale); } TimeDelta TrackRunIterator::duration() const { DCHECK(IsSampleValid()); return TimeDeltaFromRational(sample_itr_->duration, run_itr_->timescale); } bool TrackRunIterator::is_keyframe() const { DCHECK(IsSampleValid()); return sample_itr_->is_keyframe; } const TrackEncryption& TrackRunIterator::track_encryption() const { if (is_audio()) return audio_description().sinf.info.track_encryption; return video_description().sinf.info.track_encryption; } scoped_ptr TrackRunIterator::GetDecryptConfig() { size_t sample_idx = sample_itr_ - run_itr_->samples.begin(); DCHECK(sample_idx < cenc_info_.size()); const FrameCENCInfo& cenc_info = cenc_info_[sample_idx]; DCHECK(is_encrypted() && !AuxInfoNeedsToBeCached()); if (!cenc_info.subsamples.empty() && (cenc_info.GetTotalSizeOfSubsamples() != static_cast(sample_size()))) { MEDIA_LOG(log_cb_) << "Incorrect CENC subsample size."; return scoped_ptr(); } const std::vector& kid = track_encryption().default_kid; return scoped_ptr(new DecryptConfig( std::string(reinterpret_cast(&kid[0]), kid.size()), std::string(reinterpret_cast(cenc_info.iv), arraysize(cenc_info.iv)), 0, // No offset to start of media data in MP4 using CENC. cenc_info.subsamples)); } } // namespace mp4 } // namespace media