#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Unit Tests for bug hunter.""" import logging from optparse import Values import smtplib import sys import unittest from bug_hunter import BugHunter from bug_hunter import BugHunterUtils try: import atom.data import gdata.data import gdata.projecthosting.client except ImportError: logging.error('gdata-client needs to be installed. Please install\n' 'and try again (http://code.google.com/p/gdata-python-client/)') sys.exit(1) class MockClient(object): """A mock class for gdata.projecthosting.client.ProjectHostingClient. Mocking the very simple method invocations for get_issues() and get_comments(). """ def _CreateIssues(self, n_issues): feed = gdata.projecthosting.data.IssuesFeed() for i in xrange(n_issues): feed.entry.append(gdata.projecthosting.data.IssueEntry( title=atom.data.Title(text='title'), content=atom.data.Content(text='http://www.content.com'), id=atom.data.Id(text='/' + str(i)), status=gdata.projecthosting.data.Status(text='Unconfirmed'), state=gdata.projecthosting.data.State(text='open'), label=[gdata.projecthosting.data.Label('label1')], author=[atom.data.Author(name=atom.data.Name(text='author'))])) return feed def get_issues(self, project_name, query): """Get issues using mock object without calling the issue tracker API. Based on query argument, this returns the dummy issues. The number of dummy issues are specified in query.text_query. Args: project_name: A string for project name in the issue tracker. query: A query object for querying the issue tracker. Returns: A IssuesFeed object that contains a simple test issue. """ n_issues = 1 if query.text_query.isdigit(): n_issues = int(query.text_query) return self._CreateIssues(n_issues) def get_comments(self, project_name, issue_id): """Get comments using mock object without calling the issue tracker API. Args: project_name: A string for project name in the issue tracker. issue_id: Issue_id string. Returns: A CommentsFeed object that contains a simple test comment. """ feed = gdata.projecthosting.data.CommentsFeed() feed.entry = [gdata.projecthosting.data.CommentEntry( id=atom.data.Id(text='/0'), content=atom.data.Content(text='http://www.comments.com'), updated=atom.data.Updated(text='Updated'), author=[atom.data.Author(name=atom.data.Name(text='cauthor'))])] return feed class BugHunterUnitTest(unittest.TestCase): """Unit tests for the Bug Hunter class.""" def setUp(self): self._old_client = gdata.projecthosting.client.ProjectHostingClient gdata.projecthosting.client.ProjectHostingClient = MockClient def tearDown(self): gdata.projecthosting.client.ProjectHostingClient = self._old_client def _GetDefaultOption(self, set_10_days_ago, query='steps'): ops = Values() ops.query = query if set_10_days_ago: ops.interval_value = 10 ops.interval_unit = 'days' else: ops.interval_value = None ops.email_entries = ['comments'] ops.project_name = 'chromium' ops.query_title = 'query title' ops.max_comments = None return ops def _GetIssue(self, n_issues): issues = [] for i in xrange(n_issues): issues.append({'issue_id': str(i), 'title': 'title', 'author': 'author', 'status': 'status', 'state': 'state', 'content': 'content', 'comments': [], 'labels': [], 'urls': []}) return issues def testSetUpEmailSubjectMsg(self): bh = BugHunter(self._GetDefaultOption(False)) subject, content = bh._SetUpEmailSubjectMsg(self._GetIssue(1)) self.assertEquals(subject, 'BugHunter found 1 query title bug!') self.assertEquals(content, ('Used Query: steps

The number of ' 'issues : 1
')) def testSetUpEmailSubjectMsgMultipleIssues(self): bh = BugHunter(self._GetDefaultOption(False)) subject, content = bh._SetUpEmailSubjectMsg(self._GetIssue(2)) self.assertEquals(subject, 'BugHunter found 2 query title bugs!') def testSetUpEmailSubjectMsgWith10DaysAgoAndAssertSubject(self): bh = BugHunter(self._GetDefaultOption(True)) subject, _ = bh._SetUpEmailSubjectMsg(self._GetIssue(1)) self.assertEquals(subject, ('BugHunter found 1 query title bug in the past 10 ' 'days!')) def testGetIssuesWithMockClient(self): bh = BugHunter(self._GetDefaultOption(False, query=('dummy'))) expected_issues = [{'issue_id': '0', 'title': 'title', 'author': 'author', 'status': 'Unconfirmed', 'state': 'open', 'content': 'http://www.content.com', 'comments': '', 'labels': ['label1'], 'urls': ['http://www.content.com']}] self.assertEquals(expected_issues, bh.GetIssues()) class MockSmtp(object): """A mock class for SMTP.""" def __init__(self, server): pass def sendmail(self, sender_email_address, receivers_email_addresses, msg): # TODO(imasaki): Do something here. return True def quit(self): pass class BugHunterUtilsTest(unittest.TestCase): """Unit tests for the Bug Hunter utility.""" def testStripHTML(self): self.assertEquals(BugHunterUtils.StripHTML('


'), 'X') def testStripHTMLEmpty(self): self.assertEquals(BugHunterUtils.StripHTML(''), '') def testSendEmail(self): smtplib.SMTP = MockSmtp self.assertEqual(BugHunterUtils.SendEmail('message', 'sender_email_address', 'receivers_email_addresses', 'subject'), True)