// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "media/tools/omx_test/file_reader_util.h" #include #include #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "media/ffmpeg/ffmpeg_common.h" #include "media/ffmpeg/file_protocol.h" #include "media/filters/bitstream_converter.h" #include "media/tools/omx_test/color_space_util.h" namespace media { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BasicFileReader BasicFileReader::BasicFileReader(const FilePath& path) : path_(path), file_(NULL) { } bool BasicFileReader::Initialize() { file_.Set(file_util::OpenFile(path_, "rb")); if (!file_.get()) { LOG(ERROR) << "unable to open " << path_.value(); } return file_.get() != NULL; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // YuvFileReader YuvFileReader::YuvFileReader(const FilePath& path, int width, int height, int loop_count, bool enable_csc) : BasicFileReader(path), width_(width), height_(height), loop_count_(loop_count), output_nv21_(enable_csc) { } void YuvFileReader::Read(uint8** output, int* size) { if (!file()) { *size = 0; *output = NULL; return; } while (true) { scoped_array data; int bytes_read = 0; // OMX require encoder input are delivered in frames (or planes). // Assume the input file is I420 YUV file. const int kFrameSize = width_ * height_ * 3 / 2; data.reset(new uint8[kFrameSize]); if (output_nv21_) { if (!csc_buf_.get()) csc_buf_.reset(new uint8[kFrameSize]); bytes_read = fread(csc_buf_.get(), 1, kFrameSize, file()); // We do not convert partial frames. if (bytes_read == kFrameSize) IYUVtoNV21(csc_buf_.get(), data.get(), width_, height_); else bytes_read = 0; // force cleanup or loop around. } else { bytes_read = fread(data.get(), 1, kFrameSize, file()); } if (bytes_read) { *size = bytes_read; *output = data.release(); break; } // Encounter the end of file. if (loop_count_ == 1) { // Signal end of stream. *size = 0; *output = data.release(); } --loop_count_; fseek(file(), 0, SEEK_SET); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BlockFileReader BlockFileReader::BlockFileReader(const FilePath& path, int block_size) : BasicFileReader(path), block_size_(block_size) { } void BlockFileReader::Read(uint8** output, int* size) { CHECK(file()); *output = new uint8[block_size_]; *size = fread(*output, 1, block_size_, file()); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FFmpegFileReader FFmpegFileReader::FFmpegFileReader(const FilePath& path) : path_(path), format_context_(NULL), codec_context_(NULL), target_stream_(-1), converter_(NULL) { } FFmpegFileReader::~FFmpegFileReader() { if (format_context_) av_close_input_file(format_context_); } bool FFmpegFileReader::Initialize() { // av_open_input_file wants a char*, which can't work with wide paths. // So we assume ASCII on Windows. On other platforms we can pass the // path bytes through verbatim. #if defined(OS_WIN) std::string string_path = WideToASCII(path_.value()); #else const std::string& string_path = path_.value(); #endif int result = av_open_input_file(&format_context_, string_path.c_str(), NULL, 0, NULL); if (result < 0) { switch (result) { case AVERROR_NOFMT: LOG(ERROR) << "Error: File format not supported " << path_.value() << std::endl; break; default: LOG(ERROR) << "Error: Could not open input for " << path_.value() << std::endl; break; } return false; } if (av_find_stream_info(format_context_) < 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "can't use FFmpeg to parse stream info"; return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < format_context_->nb_streams; ++i) { codec_context_ = format_context_->streams[i]->codec; // Find the video stream. if (codec_context_->codec_type == CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO) { target_stream_ = i; break; } } if (target_stream_ == -1) { LOG(ERROR) << "no video in the stream"; return false; } // Initialize the bitstream filter if needed. // TODO(hclam): find a better way to identify mp4 container. if (codec_context_->codec_id == CODEC_ID_H264) { converter_.reset(new media::FFmpegBitstreamConverter( "h264_mp4toannexb", codec_context_)); } else if (codec_context_->codec_id == CODEC_ID_MPEG4) { converter_.reset(new media::FFmpegBitstreamConverter( "mpeg4video_es", codec_context_)); } else if (codec_context_->codec_id == CODEC_ID_WMV3) { converter_.reset(new media::FFmpegBitstreamConverter( "vc1_asftorcv", codec_context_)); } else if (codec_context_->codec_id == CODEC_ID_VC1) { converter_.reset(new media::FFmpegBitstreamConverter( "vc1_asftoannexg", codec_context_)); } if (converter_.get() && !converter_->Initialize()) { converter_.reset(); LOG(ERROR) << "failed to initialize h264_mp4toannexb filter"; return false; } return true; } void FFmpegFileReader::Read(uint8** output, int* size) { if (!format_context_ || !codec_context_ || target_stream_ == -1) { *size = 0; *output = NULL; return; } AVPacket packet; bool found = false; while (!found) { int result = av_read_frame(format_context_, &packet); if (result < 0) { *output = NULL; *size = 0; return; } if (packet.stream_index == target_stream_) { if (converter_.get() && !converter_->ConvertPacket(&packet)) { LOG(ERROR) << "failed to convert AVPacket"; } *output = new uint8[packet.size]; *size = packet.size; memcpy(*output, packet.data, packet.size); found = true; } av_free_packet(&packet); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // H264FileReader const int kH264ReadSize = 1024 * 1024; H264FileReader::H264FileReader(const FilePath& path) : BasicFileReader(path), read_buf_(new uint8[kH264ReadSize]), current_(0), used_(0) { } void H264FileReader::Read(uint8** output, int *size) { // Fill the buffer when it's less than half full. int read = 0; if (used_ < kH264ReadSize / 2) { read = fread(read_buf_.get(), 1, kH264ReadSize - used_, file()); CHECK(read >= 0); used_ += read; } // If we failed to read. if (current_ == used_) { *output = NULL; *size = 0; return; } // Try to find start code of 0x00, 0x00, 0x01. bool found = false; int pos = current_ + 3; for (; pos < used_ - 2; ++pos) { if (read_buf_[pos] == 0 && read_buf_[pos+1] == 0 && read_buf_[pos+2] == 1) { found = true; break; } } // If next NALU is found. if (found) { CHECK(pos > current_); *size = pos - current_; *output = new uint8[*size]; memcpy(*output, read_buf_.get() + current_, *size); current_ = pos; // If we have used_ more than half of the available buffer. // Then move the unused_ buffer to the front to give space // for more incoming output. if (current_ > used_ / 2) { CHECK(used_ > current_); memcpy(read_buf_.get(), read_buf_.get() + current_, used_ - current_); used_ = used_ - current_; current_ = 0; } return; } // If next NALU is not found, assume the remaining data is a NALU // and return the data. CHECK(used_ > current_); *size = used_ - current_; *output = new uint8[*size]; memcpy(*output, read_buf_.get() + current_, *size); current_ = used_; } } // namespace media