// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // A test program that drives an OpenMAX video decoder module. This program // will take video in elementary stream and read into the decoder. // // Run the following command to see usage: // ./omx_test #include "base/at_exit.h" #include "base/callback.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "base/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/time.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "media/base/data_buffer.h" #include "media/base/media.h" #include "media/base/video_frame.h" #include "media/ffmpeg/ffmpeg_common.h" #include "media/ffmpeg/file_protocol.h" #include "media/filters/bitstream_converter.h" #include "media/filters/omx_video_decode_engine.h" #include "media/tools/omx_test/color_space_util.h" #include "media/tools/omx_test/file_reader_util.h" #include "media/tools/omx_test/file_sink.h" using media::BlockFileReader; using media::Buffer; using media::DataBuffer; using media::FFmpegFileReader; using media::FileReader; using media::FileSink; using media::H264FileReader; using media::OmxConfigurator; using media::OmxDecoderConfigurator; using media::OmxEncoderConfigurator; using media::OmxVideoDecodeEngine; using media::VideoFrame; using media::YuvFileReader; // This is the driver object to feed the decoder with data from a file. // It also provides callbacks for the decoder to receive events from the // decoder. // TODO(wjia): AVStream should be replaced with a new structure which is // neutral to any video decoder. Also change media.gyp correspondingly. class TestApp : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe, public media::VideoDecodeEngine::EventHandler { public: TestApp(AVStream* av_stream, FileSink* file_sink, FileReader* file_reader) : av_stream_(av_stream), file_reader_(file_reader), file_sink_(file_sink), stopped_(false), error_(false) { } bool Initialize() { if (!file_reader_->Initialize()) { file_reader_.reset(); LOG(ERROR) << "can't initialize file reader"; return false;; } if (!file_sink_->Initialize()) { LOG(ERROR) << "can't initialize output writer"; return false; } return true; } virtual void OnInitializeComplete(const media::VideoCodecInfo& info) {} virtual void OnUninitializeComplete() { // If this callback is received, mark the |stopped_| flag so that we don't // feed more buffers into the decoder. // We need to exit the current message loop because we have no more work // to do on the message loop. This is done by calling // message_loop_.Quit(). stopped_ = true; message_loop_.Quit(); } virtual void OnError() { // In case of error, this method is called. Mark the error flag and // exit the message loop because we have no more work to do. LOG(ERROR) << "Error callback received!"; error_ = true; message_loop_.Quit(); } virtual void OnFlushComplete() { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); } virtual void OnSeekComplete() { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); } virtual void OnFormatChange(media::VideoStreamInfo stream_info) { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); } void FormatCallback( const OmxConfigurator::MediaFormat& input_format, const OmxConfigurator::MediaFormat& output_format) { // This callback will be called when port reconfiguration is done. // Input format and output format will be used in the codec. DCHECK_EQ(input_format.video_header.width, output_format.video_header.width); DCHECK_EQ(input_format.video_header.height, output_format.video_header.height); file_sink_->UpdateSize(input_format.video_header.width, input_format.video_header.height); } virtual void OnEmptyBufferCallback(scoped_refptr buffer) { // We receive this callback when the decoder has consumed an input buffer. // In this case, delete the previous buffer and enqueue a new one. // There are some conditions we don't want to enqueue, for example when // the last buffer is an end-of-stream buffer, when we have stopped, and // when we have received an error. bool eos = buffer.get() && buffer->IsEndOfStream(); if (!eos && !stopped_ && !error_) FeedInputBuffer(); } virtual void OnFillBufferCallback(scoped_refptr frame) { // This callback is received when the decoder has completed a decoding // task and given us some output data. The frame is owned by the decoder. if (stopped_ || error_) return; if (!frame_count_) first_sample_delivered_time_ = base::TimeTicks::HighResNow(); // If we are reading to the end, then stop. if (frame->IsEndOfStream()) { engine_->Uninitialize(); return; } if (file_sink_.get()) { for (size_t i = 0; i < frame->planes(); i++) { int plane_size = frame->width() * frame->height(); if (i > 0) plane_size >>= 2; file_sink_->BufferReady(plane_size, frame->data(i)); } } // could OMX IL return patial sample for decoder? frame_count_++; } void FeedInputBuffer() { uint8* data; int read; file_reader_->Read(&data, &read); engine_->EmptyThisBuffer(new DataBuffer(data, read)); } void Run() { StartProfiler(); // Setup the |engine_| with the message loop of the current thread. Also // setup codec format and callbacks. media::VideoCodecConfig config; switch (av_stream_->codec->codec_id) { case CODEC_ID_VC1: config.codec_ = media::kCodecVC1; break; case CODEC_ID_H264: config.codec_ = media::kCodecH264; break; case CODEC_ID_THEORA: config.codec_ = media::kCodecTheora; break; case CODEC_ID_MPEG2VIDEO: config.codec_ = media::kCodecMPEG2; break; case CODEC_ID_MPEG4: config.codec_ = media::kCodecMPEG4; break; default: NOTREACHED(); break; } config.opaque_context_ = NULL; config.width_ = av_stream_->codec->width; config.height_ = av_stream_->codec->height; engine_ = new OmxVideoDecodeEngine(); engine_->Initialize(&message_loop_, this, config); // Execute the message loop so that we can run tasks on it. This call // will return when we call message_loop_.Quit(). message_loop_.Run(); StopProfiler(); } void StartProfiler() { start_time_ = base::TimeTicks::HighResNow(); frame_count_ = 0; } void StopProfiler() { base::TimeDelta duration = base::TimeTicks::HighResNow() - start_time_; int64 duration_ms = duration.InMilliseconds(); int64 fps = 0; if (duration_ms) { fps = (static_cast(frame_count_) * base::Time::kMillisecondsPerSecond) / duration_ms; } base::TimeDelta delay = first_sample_delivered_time_ - start_time_; printf("\n<<< frame delivered : %d >>>", frame_count_); printf("\n<<< time used(ms) : %d >>>", static_cast(duration_ms)); printf("\n<<< fps : %d >>>", static_cast(fps)); printf("\n<<< initial delay used(us): %d >>>", static_cast(delay.InMicroseconds())); printf("\n"); } scoped_refptr engine_; MessageLoop message_loop_; scoped_ptr av_stream_; scoped_ptr file_reader_; scoped_ptr file_sink_; // Internal states for execution. bool stopped_; bool error_; // Counters for performance. base::TimeTicks start_time_; base::TimeTicks first_sample_delivered_time_; int frame_count_; }; static std::string GetStringSwitch(const char* name) { return CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->GetSwitchValueASCII(name); } static bool HasSwitch(const char* name) { return CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(name); } static int GetIntSwitch(const char* name) { if (HasSwitch(name)) { int val; base::StringToInt(GetStringSwitch(name), &val); return val; } return 0; } static bool PrepareDecodeFormats(AVStream *av_stream) { std::string codec = GetStringSwitch("codec"); av_stream->codec->codec_id = CODEC_ID_NONE; if (codec == "h264") { av_stream->codec->codec_id = CODEC_ID_H264; } else if (codec == "mpeg4") { av_stream->codec->codec_id = CODEC_ID_MPEG4; } else if (codec == "h263") { av_stream->codec->codec_id = CODEC_ID_H263; } else if (codec == "vc1") { av_stream->codec->codec_id = CODEC_ID_VC1; } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Unknown codec."; return false; } return true; } static bool PrepareEncodeFormats(AVStream *av_stream) { av_stream->codec->width = GetIntSwitch("width"); av_stream->codec->height = GetIntSwitch("height"); av_stream->avg_frame_rate.num = GetIntSwitch("framerate"); av_stream->avg_frame_rate.den = 1; std::string codec = GetStringSwitch("codec"); av_stream->codec->codec_id = CODEC_ID_NONE; if (codec == "h264") { av_stream->codec->codec_id = CODEC_ID_H264; } else if (codec == "mpeg4") { av_stream->codec->codec_id = CODEC_ID_MPEG4; } else if (codec == "h263") { av_stream->codec->codec_id = CODEC_ID_H263; } else if (codec == "vc1") { av_stream->codec->codec_id = CODEC_ID_VC1; } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Unknown codec."; return false; } // TODO(jiesun): assume constant bitrate now. av_stream->codec->bit_rate = GetIntSwitch("bitrate"); // TODO(wjia): add more configurations needed by encoder return true; } static bool InitFFmpeg() { if (!media::InitializeMediaLibrary(FilePath())) return false; avcodec_init(); av_register_all(); av_register_protocol2(&kFFmpegFileProtocol, sizeof(kFFmpegFileProtocol)); return true; } static void PrintHelp() { printf("Using for decoding...\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Usage: omx_test --input-file=FILE --codec=CODEC" " [--output-file=FILE] [--enable-csc]" " [--copy] [--use-ffmpeg]\n"); printf(" CODEC: h264/mpeg4/h263/vc1\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Optional Arguments\n"); printf(" --output-file Dump raw OMX output to file.\n"); printf(" --enable-csc Dump the CSCed output to file.\n"); printf(" --copy Simulate a memcpy from the output.\n"); printf(" --use-ffmpeg Use ffmpeg demuxer\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Using for encoding...\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Usage: omx_test --encoder --input-file=FILE --codec=CODEC" " --width=PIXEL_WIDTH --height=PIXEL_HEIGHT" " --bitrate=BIT_PER_SECOND --framerate=FRAME_PER_SECOND" " [--output-file=FILE] [--enable-csc]" " [--copy]\n"); printf(" CODEC: h264/mpeg4/h263/vc1\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Optional Arguments\n"); printf(" --output-file Dump raw OMX output to file.\n"); printf(" --enable-csc Dump the CSCed input from file.\n"); printf(" --copy Simulate a memcpy from the output.\n"); printf(" --loop=COUNT loop input streams\n"); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { base::AtExitManager at_exit_manager; CommandLine::Init(argc, argv); // Print help if there is not enough arguments. if (argc == 1) { PrintHelp(); return -1; } const CommandLine& cmd_line = *CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess(); // Read a bunch of parameters. FilePath input_path = cmd_line.GetSwitchValuePath("input-file"); FilePath output_path = cmd_line.GetSwitchValuePath("output-file"); bool encoder = HasSwitch("encoder"); bool copy = HasSwitch("copy"); bool enable_csc = HasSwitch("enable-csc"); bool use_ffmpeg = HasSwitch("use-ffmpeg"); int loop_count = GetIntSwitch("loop"); if (loop_count == 0) loop_count = 1; DCHECK_GE(loop_count, 1); // Initialize OpenMAX. if (!media::InitializeOpenMaxLibrary(FilePath())) { LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to initialize OpenMAX library."; return false; } // If FFmpeg should be used for demuxing load the library here and do // the initialization. if (use_ffmpeg && !InitFFmpeg()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to initialize the media library."; return -1; } // Create AVStream AVStream *av_stream = new AVStream; AVCodecContext *av_codec_context = new AVCodecContext; memset(av_stream, 0, sizeof(AVStream)); memset(av_codec_context, 0, sizeof(AVCodecContext)); scoped_ptr av_codec_context_deleter(av_codec_context); av_stream->codec = av_codec_context; av_codec_context->width = 320; av_codec_context->height = 240; if (encoder) PrepareEncodeFormats(av_stream); else PrepareDecodeFormats(av_stream); // Creates the FileReader to read input file. FileReader* file_reader; if (encoder) { file_reader = new YuvFileReader( input_path, av_stream->codec->width, av_stream->codec->height, loop_count, enable_csc); } else if (use_ffmpeg) { // Use ffmepg for reading. file_reader = new FFmpegFileReader(input_path); } else if (input_path.Extension() == FILE_PATH_LITERAL(".264")) { file_reader = new H264FileReader(input_path); } else { // Creates a reader that reads in blocks of 32KB. const int kReadSize = 32768; file_reader = new BlockFileReader(input_path, kReadSize); } // Create a file sink. FileSink* file_sink = new FileSink(output_path, copy, enable_csc); // Create a test app object and initialize it. scoped_refptr test = new TestApp(av_stream, file_sink, file_reader); if (!test->Initialize()) { LOG(ERROR) << "can't initialize this application"; return -1; } // This will run the decoder until EOS is reached or an error // is encountered. test->Run(); return 0; }