// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. Use of this // source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the // LICENSE file. #ifndef MEDIA_TOOLS_PLAYER_WTL_VIEW_H_ #define MEDIA_TOOLS_PLAYER_WTL_VIEW_H_ #include #include #include #include "media/base/buffers.h" #include "media/base/yuv_convert.h" #include "media/tools/player_wtl/movie.h" #include "media/tools/player_wtl/player_wtl.h" #include "media/tools/player_wtl/wtl_renderer.h" // Fetchs current time as milliseconds. // Returns as double for high duration and precision. inline double GetTime() { LARGE_INTEGER perf_time, perf_hz; QueryPerformanceFrequency(&perf_hz); // May change with speed step. QueryPerformanceCounter(&perf_time); return perf_time.QuadPart * 1000.0 / perf_hz.QuadPart; // Convert to ms. } // Paints the current movie frame (with scaling) to the display. // TODO(fbarchard): Consider rewriting as view.cc and view.h class WtlVideoWindow : public CScrollWindowImpl { public: DECLARE_WND_CLASS_EX(NULL, 0, -1) BEGIN_MSG_MAP(WtlVideoWindow) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_ERASEBKGND, OnEraseBackground) CHAIN_MSG_MAP(CScrollWindowImpl); END_MSG_MAP() WtlVideoWindow() { size_.cx = 0; size_.cy = 0; view_size_ = 2; // Normal size. view_rotate_ = media::ROTATE_0; renderer_ = new WtlVideoRenderer(this); last_frame_ = NULL; hbmp_ = NULL; } BOOL PreTranslateMessage(MSG* /*msg*/) { return FALSE; } void AllocateVideoBitmap(CDCHandle dc) { // See note on SetSize for why we check size_.cy. if (bmp_.IsNull() && size_.cy > 0) { BITMAPINFO bmi; bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(bmi.bmiHeader); bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = size_.cx; bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = size_.cy; bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32; bmi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; bmi.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = 0; bmi.bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 100; bmi.bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 100; bmi.bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0; bmi.bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 0; void* pBits; bmp_.CreateDIBSection(dc, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, &pBits, NULL, 0); SetScrollOffset(0, 0, FALSE); SetScrollSize(size_); } } // Called on the video renderer's thread. // Note that AllocateVideoBitmap examines the size_.cy value to determine // if a bitmap should be allocated, so we set it last to avoid a race // condition. void SetSize(int cx, int cy) { size_.cx = cx; size_.cy = cy; } void Reset() { if (!bmp_.IsNull()) { bmp_.DeleteObject(); } size_.cx = 0; size_.cy = 0; // TODO(frank): get rid of renderer at reset too. } LRESULT OnEraseBackground(UINT /*uMsg*/, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM /*lParam*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/) { CDCHandle dc = reinterpret_cast(wParam); AllocateVideoBitmap(dc); RECT rect; GetClientRect(&rect); int x = 0; int y = 0; if (!bmp_.IsNull()) { x = size_.cx + 1; y = size_.cy + 1; } if (rect.right > m_sizeAll.cx) { RECT rectRight = rect; rectRight.left = x; rectRight.bottom = y; dc.FillRect(&rectRight, COLOR_WINDOW); } if (rect.bottom > m_sizeAll.cy) { RECT rectBottom = rect; rectBottom.top = y; dc.FillRect(&rectBottom, COLOR_WINDOW); } if (!bmp_.IsNull()) { dc.MoveTo(size_.cx, 0); dc.LineTo(size_.cx, size_.cy); dc.LineTo(0, size_.cy); } return 0; } // Convert the video frame to RGB and Blit. void ConvertFrame(media::VideoFrame * video_frame) { media::VideoSurface frame_in; bool lock_result = video_frame->Lock(&frame_in); DCHECK(lock_result); BITMAP bm; bmp_.GetBitmap(&bm); int dibwidth = bm.bmWidth; int dibheight = bm.bmHeight; uint8 *movie_dib_bits = reinterpret_cast(bm.bmBits) + bm.bmWidthBytes * (bm.bmHeight - 1); int dibrowbytes = -bm.bmWidthBytes; int clipped_width = frame_in.width; if (dibwidth < clipped_width) { clipped_width = dibwidth; } int clipped_height = frame_in.height; if (dibheight < clipped_height) { clipped_height = dibheight; } int scaled_width = clipped_width; int scaled_height = clipped_height; switch (view_size_) { case 0: scaled_width = clipped_width / 4; scaled_height = clipped_height / 4; break; case 1: scaled_width = clipped_width / 2; scaled_height = clipped_height / 2; break; case 2: default: // Assume 1:1 for stray view sizes. scaled_width = clipped_width; scaled_height = clipped_height; break; case 3: // Double. scaled_width = clipped_width; scaled_height = clipped_height; clipped_width = scaled_width / 2; clipped_height = scaled_height / 2; break; case 4: // Triple. scaled_width = clipped_width; scaled_height = clipped_height; clipped_width = scaled_width / 3; clipped_height = scaled_height / 3; break; case 5: // Quadruple. scaled_width = clipped_width; scaled_height = clipped_height; clipped_width = scaled_width / 4; clipped_height = scaled_height / 4; break; } // Append each frame to end of file. bool enable_dump_yuv_file = media::Movie::get()->GetDumpYuvFileEnable(); if (enable_dump_yuv_file) { DumpYUV(frame_in); } #ifdef TESTING double yuv_time_start = GetTime(); // Start timer. #endif bool enable_draw = media::Movie::get()->GetDrawEnable(); if (enable_draw) { DCHECK(bm.bmBitsPixel == 32); DrawYUV(frame_in, movie_dib_bits, dibrowbytes, clipped_width, clipped_height, scaled_width, scaled_height); } #ifdef TESTING double yuv_time_end = GetTime(); static int yuv_time_count = 0; static double yuv_time_sum = 0.; if (!yuv_time_count) yuv_time_sum = 0.; yuv_time_sum += (yuv_time_end - yuv_time_start); ++yuv_time_count; char outputbuf[512]; _snprintf_s(outputbuf, sizeof(outputbuf), "test %f", yuv_time_end); _snprintf_s(outputbuf, sizeof(outputbuf), "yuv %5.2f ms avg %5.2f ms\n", yuv_time_end - yuv_time_start, yuv_time_sum / yuv_time_count); OutputDebugStringA(outputbuf); #endif } void DoPaint(CDCHandle dc) { AllocateVideoBitmap(dc); if (!bmp_.IsNull()) { scoped_refptr frame; renderer_->GetCurrentFrame(&frame); if (frame.get()) { base::TimeDelta frame_timestamp = frame->GetTimestamp(); if (frame != last_frame_ || frame_timestamp != last_timestamp_) { last_frame_ = frame; last_timestamp_ = frame_timestamp; ConvertFrame(frame); } frame = NULL; } #ifdef TESTING double paint_time_start = GetTime(); static double paint_time_previous = 0; if (!paint_time_previous) paint_time_previous = paint_time_start; #endif CDC dcMem; dcMem.CreateCompatibleDC(dc); HBITMAP hBmpOld = hbmp_ ? hbmp_: dcMem.SelectBitmap(bmp_); dc.BitBlt(0, 0, size_.cx, size_.cy, dcMem, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); dcMem.SelectBitmap(hBmpOld); #ifdef TESTING double paint_time_end = GetTime(); static int paint_count = 0; static double paint_time_sum = 0; paint_time_sum += paint_time_end - paint_time_start; ++paint_count; char outputbuf[512]; _snprintf_s(outputbuf, sizeof(outputbuf), "paint time %5.2f ms blit %5.2f ms avg %5.2f ms\n", paint_time_start - paint_time_previous, paint_time_end - paint_time_start, paint_time_sum / paint_count); OutputDebugStringA(outputbuf); paint_time_previous = paint_time_start; #endif } } // End of DoPaint function. void SetViewSize(int view_size) { view_size_ = view_size; } int GetViewSize() { return view_size_; } void SetViewRotate(int view_rotate) { switch (view_rotate) { default: case 0: view_rotate_ = media::ROTATE_0; break; case 1: view_rotate_ = media::ROTATE_90; break; case 2: view_rotate_ = media::ROTATE_180; break; case 3: view_rotate_ = media::ROTATE_270; break; case 4: view_rotate_ = media::MIRROR_ROTATE_0; break; case 5: view_rotate_ = media::MIRROR_ROTATE_180; break; } } int GetViewRotate() { int view_rotate = 0; switch (view_rotate_) { default: case media::ROTATE_0: view_rotate = 0; break; case media::ROTATE_90: view_rotate = 1; break; case media::ROTATE_180: view_rotate = 2; break; case media::ROTATE_270: view_rotate = 3; break; case media::MIRROR_ROTATE_0: view_rotate = 4; break; case media::MIRROR_ROTATE_180: view_rotate = 5; break; } return view_rotate; } void SetBitmap(HBITMAP hbmp) { hbmp_ = hbmp; } CBitmap bmp_; // Used by mainfrm.h. SIZE size_; // Used by WtlVideoWindow. scoped_refptr renderer_; // Used by WtlVideoWindow. private: HBITMAP hbmp_; // For Images // View Size: 0=1/4, 1=0.5, 2=normal, 3=2x, 4=3x, 5=4x, 3=fit, 4=full. int view_size_; // View Rotate 0-5 for ID_VIEW_ROTATE0 to ID_VIEW_MIRROR_VERTICAL media::Rotate view_rotate_; // Draw a frame of YUV to an RGB buffer with scaling. // Handles different YUV formats. void DrawYUV(const media::VideoSurface &frame_in, uint8 *movie_dib_bits, int dibrowbytes, int clipped_width, int clipped_height, int scaled_width, int scaled_height) { media::YUVType yuv_type = (frame_in.format == media::VideoSurface::YV12) ? media::YV12 : media::YV16; // Simple convert is not necessary for performance, but allows // easier alternative implementations. if ((view_rotate_ == media::ROTATE_0) && // Not scaled or rotated (view_size_ == 2)) { media::ConvertYUVToRGB32(frame_in.data[0], frame_in.data[1], frame_in.data[2], movie_dib_bits, scaled_width, scaled_height, frame_in.strides[0], frame_in.strides[1], dibrowbytes, yuv_type); } else { media::ScaleYUVToRGB32(frame_in.data[0], frame_in.data[1], frame_in.data[2], movie_dib_bits, clipped_width, clipped_height, scaled_width, scaled_height, frame_in.strides[0], frame_in.strides[1], dibrowbytes, yuv_type, view_rotate_); } } // Diagnostic function to write out YUV in format compatible with PYUV tool. void DumpYUV(const media::VideoSurface &frame_in) { FILE * file_yuv = fopen("raw.yuv", "ab+"); // Open for append binary. if (file_yuv != NULL) { fseek(file_yuv, 0, SEEK_END); const size_t frame_size = frame_in.width * frame_in.height; for (size_t y = 0; y < frame_in.height; ++y) fwrite(frame_in.data[0]+frame_in.strides[0]*y, frame_in.width, sizeof(uint8), file_yuv); for (size_t y = 0; y < frame_in.height/2; ++y) fwrite(frame_in.data[1]+frame_in.strides[1]*y, frame_in.width/2, sizeof(uint8), file_yuv); for (size_t y = 0; y < frame_in.height/2; ++y) fwrite(frame_in.data[2]+frame_in.strides[2]*y, frame_in.width/2, sizeof(uint8), file_yuv); fclose(file_yuv); #if TESTING static int frame_dump_count = 0; char outputbuf[512]; _snprintf_s(outputbuf, sizeof(outputbuf), "yuvdump %4d %dx%d stride %d\n", frame_dump_count, frame_in.width, frame_in.height, frame_in.strides[0]); OutputDebugStringA(outputbuf); ++frame_dump_count; #endif } } media::VideoFrame* last_frame_; base::TimeDelta last_timestamp_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(WtlVideoWindow); }; #endif // MEDIA_TOOLS_PLAYER_WTL_VIEW_H_