// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "media/tools/player_x11/x11_video_renderer.h" #include <dlfcn.h> #include <X11/Xutil.h> #include <X11/extensions/Xrender.h> #include <X11/extensions/Xcomposite.h> #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "media/base/video_frame.h" #include "media/base/yuv_convert.h" X11VideoRenderer* X11VideoRenderer::instance_ = NULL; // Returns the picture format for ARGB. // This method is originally from chrome/common/x11_util.cc. static XRenderPictFormat* GetRenderARGB32Format(Display* dpy) { static XRenderPictFormat* pictformat = NULL; if (pictformat) return pictformat; // First look for a 32-bit format which ignores the alpha value. XRenderPictFormat templ; templ.depth = 32; templ.type = PictTypeDirect; templ.direct.red = 16; templ.direct.green = 8; templ.direct.blue = 0; templ.direct.redMask = 0xff; templ.direct.greenMask = 0xff; templ.direct.blueMask = 0xff; templ.direct.alphaMask = 0; static const unsigned long kMask = PictFormatType | PictFormatDepth | PictFormatRed | PictFormatRedMask | PictFormatGreen | PictFormatGreenMask | PictFormatBlue | PictFormatBlueMask | PictFormatAlphaMask; pictformat = XRenderFindFormat(dpy, kMask, &templ, 0 /* first result */); if (!pictformat) { // Not all X servers support xRGB32 formats. However, the XRENDER spec // says that they must support an ARGB32 format, so we can always return // that. pictformat = XRenderFindStandardFormat(dpy, PictStandardARGB32); CHECK(pictformat) << "XRENDER ARGB32 not supported."; } return pictformat; } X11VideoRenderer::X11VideoRenderer(Display* display, Window window, MessageLoop* message_loop) : display_(display), window_(window), image_(NULL), picture_(0), use_render_(false), glx_thread_message_loop_(message_loop) { } X11VideoRenderer::~X11VideoRenderer() { } // static bool X11VideoRenderer::IsMediaFormatSupported( const media::MediaFormat& media_format) { return ParseMediaFormat(media_format, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); } void X11VideoRenderer::OnStop(media::FilterCallback* callback) { if (image_) { XDestroyImage(image_); } XRenderFreePicture(display_, picture_); if (callback) { callback->Run(); delete callback; } } bool X11VideoRenderer::OnInitialize(media::VideoDecoder* decoder) { LOG(INFO) << "Initializing X11 Renderer..."; // Resize the window to fit that of the video. XResizeWindow(display_, window_, width(), height()); // Testing XRender support. We'll use the very basic of XRender // so if it presents it is already good enough. We don't need // to check its version. int dummy; use_render_ = XRenderQueryExtension(display_, &dummy, &dummy); if (use_render_) { // If we are using XRender, we'll create a picture representing the // window. XWindowAttributes attr; XGetWindowAttributes(display_, window_, &attr); XRenderPictFormat* pictformat = XRenderFindVisualFormat( display_, attr.visual); CHECK(pictformat) << "XRENDER does not support default visual"; picture_ = XRenderCreatePicture(display_, window_, pictformat, 0, NULL); CHECK(picture_) << "Backing picture not created"; } // Initialize the XImage to store the output of YUV -> RGB conversion. image_ = XCreateImage(display_, DefaultVisual(display_, DefaultScreen(display_)), DefaultDepth(display_, DefaultScreen(display_)), ZPixmap, 0, static_cast<char*>(malloc(width() * height() * 4)), width(), height(), 32, width() * 4); DCHECK(image_); // Save this instance. DCHECK(!instance_); instance_ = this; return true; } void X11VideoRenderer::OnFrameAvailable() { if (glx_thread_message_loop()) { glx_thread_message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &X11VideoRenderer::Paint)); } } void X11VideoRenderer::Paint() { scoped_refptr<media::VideoFrame> video_frame; GetCurrentFrame(&video_frame); if (!image_ || !video_frame) { // TODO(jiesun): Use color fill rather than create black frame then scale. PutCurrentFrame(video_frame); return; } // Convert YUV frame to RGB. DCHECK(video_frame->format() == media::VideoFrame::YV12 || video_frame->format() == media::VideoFrame::YV16); DCHECK(video_frame->stride(media::VideoFrame::kUPlane) == video_frame->stride(media::VideoFrame::kVPlane)); DCHECK(video_frame->planes() == media::VideoFrame::kNumYUVPlanes); DCHECK(image_->data); media::YUVType yuv_type = (video_frame->format() == media::VideoFrame::YV12) ? media::YV12 : media::YV16; media::ConvertYUVToRGB32(video_frame->data(media::VideoFrame::kYPlane), video_frame->data(media::VideoFrame::kUPlane), video_frame->data(media::VideoFrame::kVPlane), (uint8*)image_->data, video_frame->width(), video_frame->height(), video_frame->stride(media::VideoFrame::kYPlane), video_frame->stride(media::VideoFrame::kUPlane), image_->bytes_per_line, yuv_type); PutCurrentFrame(video_frame); if (use_render_) { // If XRender is used, we'll upload the image to a pixmap. And then // creats a picture from the pixmap and composite the picture over // the picture represending the window. // Creates a XImage. XImage image; memset(&image, 0, sizeof(image)); image.width = width(); image.height = height(); image.depth = 32; image.bits_per_pixel = 32; image.format = ZPixmap; image.byte_order = LSBFirst; image.bitmap_unit = 8; image.bitmap_bit_order = LSBFirst; image.bytes_per_line = image_->bytes_per_line; image.red_mask = 0xff; image.green_mask = 0xff00; image.blue_mask = 0xff0000; image.data = image_->data; // Creates a pixmap and uploads from the XImage. unsigned long pixmap = XCreatePixmap(display_, window_, width(), height(), 32); GC gc = XCreateGC(display_, pixmap, 0, NULL); XPutImage(display_, pixmap, gc, &image, 0, 0, 0, 0, width(), height()); XFreeGC(display_, gc); // Creates the picture representing the pixmap. unsigned long picture = XRenderCreatePicture( display_, pixmap, GetRenderARGB32Format(display_), 0, NULL); // Composite the picture over the picture representing the window. XRenderComposite(display_, PictOpSrc, picture, 0, picture_, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, width(), height()); XRenderFreePicture(display_, picture); XFreePixmap(display_, pixmap); return; } // If XRender is not used, simply put the image to the server. // This will have a tearing effect but this is OK. // TODO(hclam): Upload the image to a pixmap and do XCopyArea() // to the window. GC gc = XCreateGC(display_, window_, 0, NULL); XPutImage(display_, window_, gc, image_, 0, 0, 0, 0, width(), height()); XFlush(display_); XFreeGC(display_, gc); }