// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "media/webm/webm_stream_parser.h" #include #include "base/callback.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "media/ffmpeg/ffmpeg_common.h" #include "media/filters/ffmpeg_glue.h" #include "media/filters/in_memory_url_protocol.h" #include "media/webm/webm_cluster_parser.h" #include "media/webm/webm_constants.h" #include "media/webm/webm_content_encodings.h" #include "media/webm/webm_info_parser.h" #include "media/webm/webm_tracks_parser.h" namespace media { // Helper class that uses FFmpeg to create AudioDecoderConfig & // VideoDecoderConfig objects. // // This dependency on FFmpeg can be removed once we update WebMTracksParser // to parse the necessary data to construct AudioDecoderConfig & // VideoDecoderConfig objects. http://crbug.com/108756 class FFmpegConfigHelper { public: FFmpegConfigHelper(); ~FFmpegConfigHelper(); bool Parse(const uint8* data, int size); const AudioDecoderConfig& audio_config() const; const VideoDecoderConfig& video_config() const; private: static const uint8 kWebMHeader[]; static const int kSegmentSizeOffset; static const uint8 kEmptyCluster[]; AVFormatContext* CreateFormatContext(const uint8* data, int size); bool SetupStreamConfigs(); AudioDecoderConfig audio_config_; VideoDecoderConfig video_config_; // Backing buffer for |url_protocol_|. scoped_array url_protocol_buffer_; // Protocol used by |format_context_|. It must outlive the context object. scoped_ptr url_protocol_; // FFmpeg format context for this demuxer. It is created by // avformat_open_input() during demuxer initialization and cleaned up with // DestroyAVFormatContext() in the destructor. AVFormatContext* format_context_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(FFmpegConfigHelper); }; // WebM File Header. This is prepended to the INFO & TRACKS // data passed to Init() before handing it to FFmpeg. Essentially // we are making the INFO & TRACKS data look like a small WebM // file so we can use FFmpeg to initialize the AVFormatContext. const uint8 FFmpegConfigHelper::kWebMHeader[] = { 0x1A, 0x45, 0xDF, 0xA3, 0x9F, // EBML (size = 0x1f) 0x42, 0x86, 0x81, 0x01, // EBMLVersion = 1 0x42, 0xF7, 0x81, 0x01, // EBMLReadVersion = 1 0x42, 0xF2, 0x81, 0x04, // EBMLMaxIDLength = 4 0x42, 0xF3, 0x81, 0x08, // EBMLMaxSizeLength = 8 0x42, 0x82, 0x84, 0x77, 0x65, 0x62, 0x6D, // DocType = "webm" 0x42, 0x87, 0x81, 0x02, // DocTypeVersion = 2 0x42, 0x85, 0x81, 0x02, // DocTypeReadVersion = 2 // EBML end 0x18, 0x53, 0x80, 0x67, // Segment 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // segment(size = 0) // INFO goes here. }; // Offset of the segment size field in kWebMHeader. Used to update // the segment size field before handing the buffer to FFmpeg. const int FFmpegConfigHelper::kSegmentSizeOffset = sizeof(kWebMHeader) - 8; const uint8 FFmpegConfigHelper::kEmptyCluster[] = { 0x1F, 0x43, 0xB6, 0x75, 0x80 // CLUSTER (size = 0) }; FFmpegConfigHelper::FFmpegConfigHelper() : format_context_(NULL) {} FFmpegConfigHelper::~FFmpegConfigHelper() { if (!format_context_) return; DestroyAVFormatContext(format_context_); format_context_ = NULL; if (url_protocol_.get()) { FFmpegGlue::GetInstance()->RemoveProtocol(url_protocol_.get()); url_protocol_.reset(); url_protocol_buffer_.reset(); } } bool FFmpegConfigHelper::Parse(const uint8* data, int size) { format_context_ = CreateFormatContext(data, size); return format_context_ && SetupStreamConfigs(); } const AudioDecoderConfig& FFmpegConfigHelper::audio_config() const { return audio_config_; } const VideoDecoderConfig& FFmpegConfigHelper::video_config() const { return video_config_; } AVFormatContext* FFmpegConfigHelper::CreateFormatContext(const uint8* data, int size) { DCHECK(!url_protocol_.get()); DCHECK(!url_protocol_buffer_.get()); int segment_size = size + sizeof(kEmptyCluster); int buf_size = sizeof(kWebMHeader) + segment_size; url_protocol_buffer_.reset(new uint8[buf_size]); uint8* buf = url_protocol_buffer_.get(); memcpy(buf, kWebMHeader, sizeof(kWebMHeader)); memcpy(buf + sizeof(kWebMHeader), data, size); memcpy(buf + sizeof(kWebMHeader) + size, kEmptyCluster, sizeof(kEmptyCluster)); // Update the segment size in the buffer. int64 tmp = (segment_size & GG_LONGLONG(0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF)) | GG_LONGLONG(0x0100000000000000); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { buf[kSegmentSizeOffset + i] = (tmp >> (8 * (7 - i))) & 0xff; } url_protocol_.reset(new InMemoryUrlProtocol(buf, buf_size, true)); std::string key = FFmpegGlue::GetInstance()->AddProtocol(url_protocol_.get()); // Open FFmpeg AVFormatContext. AVFormatContext* context = NULL; int result = avformat_open_input(&context, key.c_str(), NULL, NULL); if (result < 0) return NULL; return context; } bool FFmpegConfigHelper::SetupStreamConfigs() { int result = avformat_find_stream_info(format_context_, NULL); if (result < 0) return false; bool no_supported_streams = true; for (size_t i = 0; i < format_context_->nb_streams; ++i) { AVStream* stream = format_context_->streams[i]; AVCodecContext* codec_context = stream->codec; AVMediaType codec_type = codec_context->codec_type; if (codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO && stream->codec->codec_id == CODEC_ID_VORBIS && !audio_config_.IsValidConfig()) { AVCodecContextToAudioDecoderConfig(stream->codec, &audio_config_); no_supported_streams = false; continue; } if (codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO && stream->codec->codec_id == CODEC_ID_VP8 && !video_config_.IsValidConfig()) { AVStreamToVideoDecoderConfig(stream, &video_config_); no_supported_streams = false; continue; } } return !no_supported_streams; } WebMStreamParser::WebMStreamParser() : state_(kWaitingForInit), waiting_for_buffers_(false) { } WebMStreamParser::~WebMStreamParser() {} void WebMStreamParser::Init(const InitCB& init_cb, const NewConfigCB& config_cb, const NewBuffersCB& audio_cb, const NewBuffersCB& video_cb, const NeedKeyCB& need_key_cb, const NewMediaSegmentCB& new_segment_cb, const base::Closure& end_of_segment_cb) { DCHECK_EQ(state_, kWaitingForInit); DCHECK(init_cb_.is_null()); DCHECK(!init_cb.is_null()); DCHECK(!config_cb.is_null()); DCHECK(!audio_cb.is_null() || !video_cb.is_null()); DCHECK(!need_key_cb.is_null()); DCHECK(!new_segment_cb.is_null()); DCHECK(!end_of_segment_cb.is_null()); ChangeState(kParsingHeaders); init_cb_ = init_cb; config_cb_ = config_cb; audio_cb_ = audio_cb; video_cb_ = video_cb; need_key_cb_ = need_key_cb; new_segment_cb_ = new_segment_cb; end_of_segment_cb_ = end_of_segment_cb; } void WebMStreamParser::Flush() { DCHECK_NE(state_, kWaitingForInit); byte_queue_.Reset(); if (state_ != kParsingClusters) return; cluster_parser_->Reset(); } bool WebMStreamParser::Parse(const uint8* buf, int size) { DCHECK_NE(state_, kWaitingForInit); if (state_ == kError) return false; byte_queue_.Push(buf, size); int result = 0; int bytes_parsed = 0; const uint8* cur = NULL; int cur_size = 0; byte_queue_.Peek(&cur, &cur_size); while (cur_size > 0) { State oldState = state_; switch (state_) { case kParsingHeaders: result = ParseInfoAndTracks(cur, cur_size); break; case kParsingClusters: result = ParseCluster(cur, cur_size); break; case kWaitingForInit: case kError: return false; } if (result < 0) { ChangeState(kError); return false; } if (state_ == oldState && result == 0) break; DCHECK_GE(result, 0); cur += result; cur_size -= result; bytes_parsed += result; } byte_queue_.Pop(bytes_parsed); return true; } void WebMStreamParser::ChangeState(State new_state) { DVLOG(1) << "ChangeState() : " << state_ << " -> " << new_state; state_ = new_state; } int WebMStreamParser::ParseInfoAndTracks(const uint8* data, int size) { DCHECK(data); DCHECK_GT(size, 0); const uint8* cur = data; int cur_size = size; int bytes_parsed = 0; int id; int64 element_size; int result = WebMParseElementHeader(cur, cur_size, &id, &element_size); if (result <= 0) return result; switch (id) { case kWebMIdEBMLHeader: case kWebMIdSeekHead: case kWebMIdVoid: case kWebMIdCRC32: case kWebMIdCues: if (cur_size < (result + element_size)) { // We don't have the whole element yet. Signal we need more data. return 0; } // Skip the element. return result + element_size; break; case kWebMIdSegment: // Just consume the segment header. return result; break; case kWebMIdInfo: // We've found the element we are looking for. break; default: DVLOG(1) << "Unexpected ID 0x" << std::hex << id; return -1; } WebMInfoParser info_parser; result = info_parser.Parse(cur, cur_size); if (result <= 0) return result; cur += result; cur_size -= result; bytes_parsed += result; WebMTracksParser tracks_parser; result = tracks_parser.Parse(cur, cur_size); if (result <= 0) return result; bytes_parsed += result; base::TimeDelta duration = kInfiniteDuration(); if (info_parser.duration() > 0) { double mult = info_parser.timecode_scale() / 1000.0; int64 duration_in_us = info_parser.duration() * mult; duration = base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(duration_in_us); } FFmpegConfigHelper config_helper; if (!config_helper.Parse(data, bytes_parsed)) { DVLOG(1) << "Failed to parse config data."; return -1; } bool is_audio_encrypted = !tracks_parser.audio_encryption_key_id().empty(); AudioDecoderConfig audio_config; if (is_audio_encrypted) { const AudioDecoderConfig& original_audio_config = config_helper.audio_config(); audio_config.Initialize(original_audio_config.codec(), original_audio_config.bits_per_channel(), original_audio_config.channel_layout(), original_audio_config.samples_per_second(), original_audio_config.extra_data(), original_audio_config.extra_data_size(), is_audio_encrypted, false); FireNeedKey(tracks_parser.audio_encryption_key_id()); } else { audio_config.CopyFrom(config_helper.audio_config()); } // TODO(xhwang): Support decryption of audio (see http://crbug.com/123421). bool is_video_encrypted = !tracks_parser.video_encryption_key_id().empty(); VideoDecoderConfig video_config; if (is_video_encrypted) { const VideoDecoderConfig& original_video_config = config_helper.video_config(); video_config.Initialize(original_video_config.codec(), original_video_config.profile(), original_video_config.format(), original_video_config.coded_size(), original_video_config.visible_rect(), original_video_config.natural_size(), original_video_config.extra_data(), original_video_config.extra_data_size(), is_video_encrypted, false); FireNeedKey(tracks_parser.video_encryption_key_id()); } else { video_config.CopyFrom(config_helper.video_config()); } if (!config_cb_.Run(audio_config, video_config)) { DVLOG(1) << "New config data isn't allowed."; return -1; } cluster_parser_.reset(new WebMClusterParser( info_parser.timecode_scale(), tracks_parser.audio_track_num(), tracks_parser.video_track_num(), tracks_parser.audio_encryption_key_id(), tracks_parser.video_encryption_key_id())); ChangeState(kParsingClusters); if (!init_cb_.is_null()) { init_cb_.Run(true, duration); init_cb_.Reset(); } return bytes_parsed; } int WebMStreamParser::ParseCluster(const uint8* data, int size) { if (!cluster_parser_.get()) return -1; int id; int64 element_size; int result = WebMParseElementHeader(data, size, &id, &element_size); if (result <= 0) return result; if (id == kWebMIdCluster) waiting_for_buffers_ = true; if (id == kWebMIdCues) { if (size < (result + element_size)) { // We don't have the whole element yet. Signal we need more data. return 0; } // Skip the element. return result + element_size; } if (id == kWebMIdEBMLHeader) { ChangeState(kParsingHeaders); return 0; } int bytes_parsed = cluster_parser_->Parse(data, size); if (bytes_parsed <= 0) return bytes_parsed; const BufferQueue& audio_buffers = cluster_parser_->audio_buffers(); const BufferQueue& video_buffers = cluster_parser_->video_buffers(); base::TimeDelta cluster_start_time = cluster_parser_->cluster_start_time(); bool cluster_ended = cluster_parser_->cluster_ended(); if (waiting_for_buffers_ && cluster_start_time != kNoTimestamp()) { new_segment_cb_.Run(cluster_start_time); waiting_for_buffers_ = false; } if (!audio_buffers.empty() && !audio_cb_.Run(audio_buffers)) return -1; if (!video_buffers.empty() && !video_cb_.Run(video_buffers)) return -1; if (cluster_ended) end_of_segment_cb_.Run(); return bytes_parsed; } void WebMStreamParser::FireNeedKey(const std::string& key_id) { int key_id_size = key_id.size(); DCHECK_GT(key_id_size, 0); scoped_array key_id_array(new uint8[key_id_size]); memcpy(key_id_array.get(), key_id.data(), key_id_size); need_key_cb_.Run(key_id_array.Pass(), key_id_size); } } // namespace media