// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef MOJO_SERVICES_NETWORK_UDP_SOCKET_IMPL_H_ #define MOJO_SERVICES_NETWORK_UDP_SOCKET_IMPL_H_ #include #include #include #include "base/macros.h" #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h" #include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/strong_binding.h" #include "mojo/services/network/public/interfaces/udp_socket.mojom.h" #include "mojo/shell/public/cpp/message_loop_ref.h" #include "net/base/ip_endpoint.h" #include "net/udp/udp_socket.h" namespace net { class IOBuffer; class IOBufferWithSize; } namespace mojo { class UDPSocketImpl : public UDPSocket { public: // The lifetime of a new UDPSocketImpl is bound to the connection associated // with |request|. UDPSocketImpl(InterfaceRequest request, scoped_ptr app_refcount); ~UDPSocketImpl() override; // UDPSocket implementation. void AllowAddressReuse( const Callback& callback) override; void Bind(NetAddressPtr addr, const Callback)>& callback) override; void Connect(NetAddressPtr remote_addr, const Callback)>& callback) override; void SetSendBufferSize( uint32_t size, const Callback& callback) override; void SetReceiveBufferSize( uint32_t size, const Callback& callback) override; void NegotiateMaxPendingSendRequests( uint32_t requested_size, const Callback& callback) override; void ReceiveMore(uint32_t datagram_number) override; void SendTo(NetAddressPtr dest_addr, Array data, const Callback& callback) override; private: enum State { NOT_BOUND_OR_CONNECTED, BOUND, CONNECTED }; struct PendingSendRequest { PendingSendRequest(); ~PendingSendRequest(); NetAddressPtr addr; Array data; Callback callback; }; void DoRecvFrom(); void DoSendTo(NetAddressPtr addr, Array data, const Callback& callback); void OnRecvFromCompleted(int net_result); void OnSendToCompleted(const Callback& callback, int net_result); bool IsBoundOrConnected() const { return state_ == BOUND || state_ == CONNECTED; } StrongBinding binding_; net::UDPSocket socket_; State state_; bool allow_address_reuse_; // Non-null when there is a pending RecvFrom operation on |socket_|. scoped_refptr recvfrom_buffer_; // Non-null when there is a pending SendTo operation on |socket_|. scoped_refptr sendto_buffer_; // The address of the pending RecvFrom operation, if any. net::IPEndPoint recvfrom_address_; // The interface which gets data from fulfilled receive requests. UDPSocketReceiverPtr receiver_; // How many more packets the client side expects to receive. size_t remaining_recv_slots_; // The queue owns the PendingSendRequest instances. std::deque pending_send_requests_; // The maximum size of the |pending_send_requests_| queue. size_t max_pending_send_requests_; scoped_ptr app_refcount_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(UDPSocketImpl); }; } // namespace mojo #endif // MOJO_SERVICES_NETWORK_UDP_SOCKET_IMPL_H_