// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "mojo/shell/shell_test_base.h" #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/i18n/time_formatting.h" #include "base/macros.h" #include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h" #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/error_handler.h" #include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/interface_ptr.h" #include "mojo/public/cpp/system/core.h" #include "mojo/services/test_service/test_request_tracker.mojom.h" #include "mojo/services/test_service/test_service.mojom.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" #include "url/gurl.h" using mojo::test::ServiceReport; using mojo::test::ServiceReportPtr; using mojo::test::TestService; using mojo::test::TestTimeService; using mojo::test::TestServicePtr; using mojo::test::TestTimeServicePtr; using mojo::test::TestTrackedRequestService; using mojo::test::TestTrackedRequestServicePtr; namespace mojo { namespace shell { namespace test { namespace { void GetReportCallback(base::MessageLoop* loop, std::vector* reports_out, mojo::Array report) { for (size_t i = 0; i < report.size(); i++) reports_out->push_back(*report[i]); loop->QuitWhenIdle(); } class ShellTestBaseTest : public ShellTestBase { public: // Convenience helpers for use as callbacks in tests. template base::Callback SetAndQuit(T* val, T result) { return base::Bind(&ShellTestBaseTest::SetAndQuitImpl, base::Unretained(this), val, result); } template base::Callback SetAndQuit(T* val) { return base::Bind(&ShellTestBaseTest::SetAndQuitImpl, base::Unretained(this), val); } static GURL test_app_url() { return GURL("mojo:mojo_test_app"); } void GetReport(std::vector* report) { ConnectToService(GURL("mojo:mojo_test_request_tracker_app"), &request_tracking_); request_tracking_->GetReport(base::Bind(&GetReportCallback, base::Unretained(message_loop()), base::Unretained(report))); message_loop()->Run(); } private: template void SetAndQuitImpl(T* val, T result) { *val = result; message_loop()->QuitWhenIdle(); } TestTrackedRequestServicePtr request_tracking_; }; class QuitMessageLoopErrorHandler : public ErrorHandler { public: QuitMessageLoopErrorHandler() {} virtual ~QuitMessageLoopErrorHandler() {} // |ErrorHandler| implementation: virtual void OnConnectionError() OVERRIDE { base::MessageLoop::current()->QuitWhenIdle(); } private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(QuitMessageLoopErrorHandler); }; // Tests that we can connect to a single service within a single app. TEST_F(ShellTestBaseTest, ConnectBasic) { InterfacePtr service; ConnectToService(test_app_url(), &service); bool was_run = false; service->Ping(SetAndQuit(&was_run, true)); message_loop()->Run(); EXPECT_TRUE(was_run); EXPECT_FALSE(service.encountered_error()); service.reset(); // This will run until the test app has actually quit (which it will, // since we killed the only connection to it). message_loop()->Run(); } // Tests that trying to connect to a service fails properly if the service // doesn't exist. Implicit in this test is verification that the shell // terminates if no services are running. TEST_F(ShellTestBaseTest, ConnectInvalidService) { InterfacePtr test_service; ConnectToService(GURL("mojo:non_existent_service"), &test_service); bool was_run = false; test_service->Ping(SetAndQuit(&was_run, true)); // This will quit because there's nothing running. message_loop()->Run(); EXPECT_FALSE(was_run); // It may have quit before an error was processed. if (!test_service.encountered_error()) { QuitMessageLoopErrorHandler quitter; test_service.set_error_handler(&quitter); message_loop()->Run(); EXPECT_TRUE(test_service.encountered_error()); } test_service.reset(); } // Tests that we can connect to a single service within a single app using // a network based loader instead of local files. // TODO(tim): Disabled because network service leaks NSS at exit, meaning // subsequent tests can't init properly. TEST_F(ShellTestBaseTest, DISABLED_ConnectBasicNetwork) { InterfacePtr service; ConnectToService(test_app_url(), &service); bool was_run = false; service->Ping(SetAndQuit(&was_run, true)); message_loop()->Run(); EXPECT_TRUE(was_run); EXPECT_FALSE(service.encountered_error()); // Note that use of the network service is implicit in this test. // Since TestService is not the only service in use, the shell won't auto // magically exit when TestService is destroyed (unlike ConnectBasic). // Tearing down the shell context will kill connections. The shell loop will // exit as soon as no more apps are connected. // TODO(tim): crbug.com/392685. Calling this explicitly shouldn't be // necessary once the shell terminates if the primordial app exits, which // we could enforce here by resetting |service|. shell_context()->application_manager()->TerminateShellConnections(); message_loop()->Run(); // Waits for all connections to die. } // Tests that trying to connect to a service over network fails preoprly // if the service doesn't exist. // TODO(tim): Disabled because network service leaks NSS at exit, meaning // subsequent tests can't init properly. TEST_F(ShellTestBaseTest, DISABLED_ConnectInvalidServiceNetwork) { InterfacePtr test_service; ConnectToServiceViaNetwork(GURL("mojo:non_existent_service"), &test_service); QuitMessageLoopErrorHandler quitter; test_service.set_error_handler(&quitter); bool was_run = false; test_service->Ping(SetAndQuit(&was_run, true)); message_loop()->Run(); EXPECT_TRUE(test_service.encountered_error()); // TODO(tim): crbug.com/392685. Calling this explicitly shouldn't be // necessary once the shell terminates if the primordial app exits, which // we could enforce here by resetting |service|. shell_context()->application_manager()->TerminateShellConnections(); message_loop()->Run(); // Waits for all connections to die. } // Similar to ConnectBasic, but causes the app to instantiate multiple // service implementation objects and verifies the shell can reach both. TEST_F(ShellTestBaseTest, ConnectMultipleInstancesPerApp) { { TestServicePtr service1, service2; ConnectToService(test_app_url(), &service1); ConnectToService(test_app_url(), &service2); bool was_run1 = false; bool was_run2 = false; service1->Ping(SetAndQuit(&was_run1, true)); message_loop()->Run(); service2->Ping(SetAndQuit(&was_run2, true)); message_loop()->Run(); EXPECT_TRUE(was_run1); EXPECT_TRUE(was_run2); EXPECT_FALSE(service1.encountered_error()); EXPECT_FALSE(service2.encountered_error()); } message_loop()->Run(); } // Tests that service A and service B, both in App 1, can talk to each other // and parameters are passed around properly. TEST_F(ShellTestBaseTest, ConnectDifferentServicesInSingleApp) { // Have a TestService GetPartyTime on a TestTimeService in the same app. int64 time_message; TestServicePtr service; ConnectToService(test_app_url(), &service); service->ConnectToAppAndGetTime(test_app_url().spec(), SetAndQuit(&time_message)); message_loop()->Run(); // Verify by hitting the TimeService directly. TestTimeServicePtr time_service; ConnectToService(test_app_url(), &time_service); int64 party_time; time_service->GetPartyTime(SetAndQuit(&party_time)); message_loop()->Run(); EXPECT_EQ(time_message, party_time); } // Tests that a service A in App 1 can talk to service B in App 2 and // parameters are passed around properly. TEST_F(ShellTestBaseTest, ConnectDifferentServicesInDifferentApps) { int64 time_message; TestServicePtr service; ConnectToService(test_app_url(), &service); service->ConnectToAppAndGetTime("mojo:mojo_test_request_tracker_app", SetAndQuit(&time_message)); message_loop()->Run(); // Verify by hitting the TimeService in the request tracker app directly. TestTimeServicePtr time_service; ConnectToService(GURL("mojo:mojo_test_request_tracker_app"), &time_service); int64 party_time; time_service->GetPartyTime(SetAndQuit(&party_time)); message_loop()->Run(); EXPECT_EQ(time_message, party_time); } // Tests that service A in App 1 can be a client of service B in App 2. TEST_F(ShellTestBaseTest, ConnectServiceAsClientOfSeparateApp) { TestServicePtr service; ConnectToService(test_app_url(), &service); service->StartTrackingRequests(message_loop()->QuitWhenIdleClosure()); service->Ping(mojo::Callback()); message_loop()->Run(); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) service->Ping(mojo::Callback()); service->Ping(message_loop()->QuitWhenIdleClosure()); message_loop()->Run(); // If everything worked properly, the tracking service should report // 10 pings to TestService. std::vector reports; GetReport(&reports); ASSERT_EQ(1U, reports.size()); EXPECT_EQ(TestService::Name_, reports[0].service_name); EXPECT_EQ(10U, reports[0].total_requests); } // Connect several services together and use the tracking service to verify // communication. TEST_F(ShellTestBaseTest, ConnectManyClientsAndServices) { TestServicePtr service; TestTimeServicePtr time_service; // Make a request to the TestService and have it contact TimeService in the // tracking app. Do all this with tracking enabled, meaning both services // are connected as clients of the TrackedRequestService. ConnectToService(test_app_url(), &service); service->StartTrackingRequests(message_loop()->QuitWhenIdleClosure()); message_loop()->Run(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) service->Ping(mojo::Callback()); int64 time_result; service->ConnectToAppAndGetTime("mojo:mojo_test_request_tracker_app", SetAndQuit(&time_result)); message_loop()->Run(); // Also make a few requests to the TimeService in the test_app. ConnectToService(test_app_url(), &time_service); time_service->StartTrackingRequests(message_loop()->QuitWhenIdleClosure()); time_service->GetPartyTime(mojo::Callback()); message_loop()->Run(); for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++) time_service->GetPartyTime(mojo::Callback()); // Flush the tasks with one more to quit. int64 party_time = 0; time_service->GetPartyTime(SetAndQuit(&party_time)); message_loop()->Run(); std::vector reports; GetReport(&reports); ASSERT_EQ(3U, reports.size()); EXPECT_EQ(TestService::Name_, reports[0].service_name); EXPECT_EQ(6U, reports[0].total_requests); EXPECT_EQ(TestTimeService::Name_, reports[1].service_name); EXPECT_EQ(1U, reports[1].total_requests); EXPECT_EQ(TestTimeService::Name_, reports[2].service_name); EXPECT_EQ(20U, reports[2].total_requests); } } // namespace } // namespace test } // namespace shell } // namespace mojo