#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # This a simple script to make building/testing Mojo components easier (on # Linux). # TODO(vtl): Maybe make the test runner smart and not run unchanged test # binaries. # TODO(vtl) Maybe also provide a way to pass command-line arguments to the test # binaries. do_help() { cat << EOF Usage: $(basename "$0") [command|option ...] command should be one of: build - Build. test - Run unit tests (does not build). perftest - Run Release and Debug perf tests (does not build). gyp - Run gyp for mojo (does not sync), with clang. sync - Sync using gclient (does not run gyp). show-bash-alias - Outputs an appropriate bash alias for mojob. In bash do: \$ eval \`mojo/tools/mojob.sh show-bash-alias\` option (which will only apply to following commands) should be one of: Build/test options (specified before build/test/perftest): --debug - Build/test in Debug mode. --release - Build/test in Release mode. --debug-and-release - Build/test in both Debug and Release modes (default). Compiler options (specified before gyp): --clang - Use clang (default). --gcc - Use gcc. Component options: --shared Build components as shared libraries (default). --static Build components as static libraries. Note: It will abort on the first failure (if any). EOF } do_build() { echo "Building in out/$1 ..." ninja -C "out/$1" mojo || exit 1 } do_unittests() { echo "Running unit tests in out/$1 ..." "out/$1/mojo_bindings_unittests" || exit 1 "out/$1/mojo_common_unittests" || exit 1 "out/$1/mojo_js_unittests" || exit 1 "out/$1/mojo_public_unittests" || exit 1 "out/$1/mojo_system_unittests" || exit 1 "out/$1/mojo_utility_unittests" || exit 1 } do_perftests() { echo "Running perf tests in out/$1 ..." "out/$1/mojo_public_perftests" || exit 1 } do_gyp() { local gyp_defines="$(make_gyp_defines)" echo "Running gyp with GYP_DEFINES=$gyp_defines ..." GYP_DEFINES="$gyp_defines" build/gyp_chromium mojo/mojo.gyp } # Valid values: Debug, Release, or Debug_and_Release. BUILD_TEST_TYPE=Debug_and_Release should_do_Debug() { test "$BUILD_TEST_TYPE" = Debug -o "$BUILD_TEST_TYPE" = Debug_and_Release } should_do_Release() { test "$BUILD_TEST_TYPE" = Release -o "$BUILD_TEST_TYPE" = Debug_and_Release } # Valid values: clang or gcc. COMPILER=clang # Valid values: shared or static. COMPONENT=shared make_gyp_defines() { local options=() # Always include these options. options+=("use_aura=1") case "$COMPILER" in clang) options+=("clang=1") ;; gcc) options+=("clang=0") ;; esac case "$COMPONENT" in shared) options+=("component=shared_library") ;; static) options+=("component=static_library") ;; esac echo ${options[*]} } # We're in src/mojo/tools. We want to get to src. cd "$(realpath "$(dirname "$0")")/../.." if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then do_help exit 0 fi for arg in "$@"; do case "$arg" in # Commands ----------------------------------------------------------------- help|--help) do_help exit 0 ;; build) should_do_Debug && do_build Debug should_do_Release && do_build Release ;; test) should_do_Debug && do_unittests Debug should_do_Release && do_unittests Release ;; perftest) should_do_Debug && do_perftests Debug should_do_Release && do_perftests Release ;; gyp) do_gyp ;; sync) # Note: sync only (with hooks, but no gyp-ing). GYP_CHROMIUM_NO_ACTION=1 gclient sync ;; show-bash-alias) # You want to type something like: # alias mojob=\ # '"$(pwd | sed '"'"'s/\(.*\/src\).*/\1/'"'"')/mojo/tools/mojob.sh"' # This is quoting hell, so we simply escape every non-alphanumeric # character. echo alias\ mojob\=\'\"\$\(pwd\ \|\ sed\ \'\"\'\"\'s\/\\\(\.\*\\\/src\\\)\ \.\*\/\\1\/\'\"\'\"\'\)\/mojo\/tools\/mojob\.sh\"\' ;; # Options ------------------------------------------------------------------ --debug) BUILD_TEST_TYPE=Debug ;; --release) BUILD_TEST_TYPE=Release ;; --debug-and-release) BUILD_TEST_TYPE=Debug_and_Release ;; --clang) COMPILER=clang ;; --gcc) COMPILER=gcc ;; --shared) COMPONENT=shared ;; --static) COMPONENT=static ;; *) echo "Unknown command \"${arg}\". Try \"$(basename "$0") help\"." exit 1 ;; esac done