#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """A "smart" test runner for gtest unit tests (that caches successes).""" import logging import os import subprocess import sys _logging = logging.getLogger() _script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(_script_dir, "pylib")) from transitive_hash import transitive_hash def main(argv): logging.basicConfig() # Uncomment to debug: # _logging.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) if len(argv) < 3 or len(argv) > 4: print "Usage: %s gtest_list_file root_dir [successes_cache_file]" % \ os.path.basename(argv[0]) return 0 if len(argv) < 2 else 1 _logging.debug("Test list file: %s", argv[1]) with open(argv[1], 'rb') as f: gtest_list = [y for y in [x.strip() for x in f.readlines()] \ if y and y[0] != '#'] _logging.debug("Test list: %s" % gtest_list) print "Running tests in directory: %s" % argv[2] os.chdir(argv[2]) if len(argv) == 4 and argv[3]: successes_cache_filename = argv[3] print "Successes cache file: %s" % successes_cache_filename else: successes_cache_filename = None print "No successes cache file (will run all tests unconditionally)" if successes_cache_filename: # This file simply contains a list of transitive hashes of tests that # succeeded. try: _logging.debug("Trying to read successes cache file: %s", successes_cache_filename) with open(argv[3], 'rb') as f: successes = set([x.strip() for x in f.readlines()]) _logging.debug("Successes: %s", successes) except: # Just assume that it didn't exist, or whatever. print "Failed to read successes cache file %s (will create)" % argv[3] successes = set() # Run gtests with color if we're on a TTY (and we're not being told explicitly # what to do). if sys.stdout.isatty() and 'GTEST_COLOR' not in os.environ: _logging.debug("Setting GTEST_COLOR=yes") os.environ['GTEST_COLOR'] = 'yes' # TODO(vtl): We may not close this file on failure. successes_cache_file = open(successes_cache_filename, 'ab') \ if successes_cache_filename else None for gtest in gtest_list: if successes_cache_file: _logging.debug("Getting transitive hash for %s ... " % gtest) try: gtest_hash = transitive_hash(gtest) except: print "Failed to get transitive hash for %s" % gtest return 1 _logging.debug(" Transitive hash: %s" % gtest_hash) if gtest_hash in successes: print "Skipping %s (previously succeeded)" % gtest continue print "Running %s ..." % gtest try: subprocess.check_output(["./" + gtest], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) print " Succeeded" # Record success. if successes_cache_filename: successes.add(gtest_hash) successes_cache_file.write(gtest_hash + '\n') successes_cache_file.flush() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print " Failed with exit code %d and output:" % e.returncode print 72 * '-' print e.output print 72 * '-' return 1 except OSError as e: print " Failed to start test" return 1 print "All tests succeeded" if successes_cache_file: successes_cache_file.close() return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main(sys.argv))