
Chrome Dev Summit 2014 - Native Client Codelabs

A Crossroads

For your coding pleasure, we have two codelabs. Depending on your interests and prior experience, check out one or both.

Learn how easy it is to edit, build, and run NaCl applications all in your desktop web browser or on a Chromebook.

Codelab #1 - What a Difference Python Makes

Learn how you can use client-side Python on your webpage. Use the python difflib module to generate attractive online textual diffs. Develop inside Google Chrome, using a hot off the presses version of our NaCl Dev Environment, running on a webpage, powered by Portable Native Client. The techniques in this codelab also apply to other interpreted languages we’ve ported to PNaCl, including: Python, Lua, Ruby, Tcl, Bash, and Forth.

  • A Desktop / Laptop Windows, Mac, Linux, or ChromeOS browser
    Checking browser compatibility...
  • A fast broadband connection (500MB download)
  • Can read and write Python

Click here for Codelab #1 - What a Difference Python Makes

Codelab #2 - A Saga of Fire and Water

Learn the basics of using PPAPI to do 2D graphics from a C++ program running in Native Client. Modify our sample to turn fire into water. Develop inside Google Chrome, using our NaCl Development Environment Chrome App. While this codelab currently targets conventional Native Client using our GCC + GlibC based toolchain, the techniques involved are generally applicable.

  • An x86 (sorry no arm) Desktop / Laptop Windows, Mac, Linux, or ChromeOS browser
    Checking browser compatibility...
  • A fast broadband connection (500MB download)
  • Can read and write C++

Click here for Codelab #2 - A Saga of Fire and Water
