Note: This whole process takes about 1:30 to 2 hours for someone who is pretty familiar with it. If this is your first attempt, it's best to plan for this to take the whole day. Step 0: Make sure your toolchain dir is clean. The easiest way to do this is to remove these dirs and then do a gclient sync: rmdir src\toolchain rmdir src\third_party scons -c examples gclient sync Or: start with a fresh checkout from nothing. Step 1: Generate a base copy of make_native_client_sdk.nsi Edit so that it runs everything up to Easiest: add a 'break' after waiting for subprocess. This is around line 194. In src, python build_tools\ --development This will produce build_tools\make_native_client_sdk.nsi Step 3: Create a back-up and an editable copy of make_native_client_sdk.nsi Make 2 copies of make_native_client_sdk.nsi: copy make_native_client_sdk.nsi make_native_client_sdk-orig.nsi copy make_native_client_sdk.nsi make_native_client_sdk-new.nsi Step 4: Edit the .nsi file to contain the appropriate changes. Edit the "-new" version of make_native_client_sdk. Manually apply the patch in nsi_patch.txt (and any other necessary edits) to make_native_client_sdk-new.nsi Step 5: Create the new patch file. cd build_tools copy nsi_patch.txt nsi_patch-old.txt ..\third_party\cygwin\bin\diff -Naur make_native_client_sdk-orig.nsi make_native_client_sdk-new.nsi > nsi_patch.txt Note: the order of -orig and -new is important. Step 6: Edit the patch file. Edit nsi_patch.txt Change every occurrence of native_client_sdk_0_x_y to %NACL_SDK_FULL_NAME% Change every occurrence of third_party\cygwin\ to %$CYGWIN_DIR% Note: the trailing '\' on third_party\cygwin_dir\ is important. At the top of the file, change the diff file names to both be make_native_client_sdk.nsi Step 7: Test the patch. (In the build_tools dir): copy make_native_client_sdk-orig.nsi make_native_client_sdk.nsi ..\third_party\cygwin\bin\bash -V 0.x.y -v -n Note: |x| and |y| have to match the original values in native_client_sdk_0_x_y from Step 6. Note: This step can take a long time (5 min or more). Step 8: Test the installer. Step 7 should have produced nacl_sdk.exe in the root of the nacl-sdk project. Run this from the Finder, and install the SDK to see if it works. Step 9: Upload the changes. If everything works, make a CL. REMEMBER: remove the 'break' statement you added in Step 1.