#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import argparse import multiprocessing import os import posixpath import sys import urllib2 import buildbot_common import build_version import generate_make import parse_dsc from build_paths import SDK_SRC_DIR, OUT_DIR, SDK_RESOURCE_DIR from build_paths import GSTORE from generate_index import LandingPage sys.path.append(os.path.join(SDK_SRC_DIR, 'tools')) import getos MAKE = 'nacl_sdk/make_3.99.90-26-gf80222c/make.exe' LIB_DICT = { 'linux': [], 'mac': [], 'win': ['x86_32'] } VALID_TOOLCHAINS = [ 'clang-newlib', 'glibc', 'pnacl', 'win', 'linux', 'mac', ] # Global verbosity setting. # If set to True (normally via a command line arg) then build_projects will # add V=1 to all calls to 'make' verbose = False def Trace(msg): if verbose: sys.stderr.write(str(msg) + '\n') def CopyFilesFromTo(filelist, srcdir, dstdir): for filename in filelist: srcpath = os.path.join(srcdir, filename) dstpath = os.path.join(dstdir, filename) buildbot_common.CopyFile(srcpath, dstpath) def UpdateHelpers(pepperdir, clobber=False): tools_dir = os.path.join(pepperdir, 'tools') if not os.path.exists(tools_dir): buildbot_common.ErrorExit('SDK tools dir is missing: %s' % tools_dir) exampledir = os.path.join(pepperdir, 'examples') if clobber: buildbot_common.RemoveDir(exampledir) buildbot_common.MakeDir(exampledir) # Copy files for individual build and landing page files = ['favicon.ico', 'httpd.cmd', 'index.css', 'index.js', 'button_close.png', 'button_close_hover.png'] CopyFilesFromTo(files, SDK_RESOURCE_DIR, exampledir) # Copy tools scripts and make includes buildbot_common.CopyDir(os.path.join(SDK_SRC_DIR, 'tools', '*.py'), tools_dir) buildbot_common.CopyDir(os.path.join(SDK_SRC_DIR, 'tools', '*.mk'), tools_dir) # Copy tools/lib scripts tools_lib_dir = os.path.join(pepperdir, 'tools', 'lib') buildbot_common.MakeDir(tools_lib_dir) buildbot_common.CopyDir(os.path.join(SDK_SRC_DIR, 'tools', 'lib', '*.py'), tools_lib_dir) # On Windows add a prebuilt make if getos.GetPlatform() == 'win': buildbot_common.BuildStep('Add MAKE') make_url = posixpath.join(GSTORE, MAKE) make_exe = os.path.join(tools_dir, 'make.exe') with open(make_exe, 'wb') as f: f.write(urllib2.urlopen(make_url).read()) def ValidateToolchains(toolchains): invalid_toolchains = set(toolchains) - set(VALID_TOOLCHAINS) if invalid_toolchains: buildbot_common.ErrorExit('Invalid toolchain(s): %s' % ( ', '.join(invalid_toolchains))) def GetDeps(projects): out = {} # Build list of all project names localtargets = [proj['NAME'] for proj in projects] # For each project for proj in projects: deplist = [] # generate a list of dependencies for targ in proj.get('TARGETS', []): deplist.extend(targ.get('DEPS', []) + targ.get('LIBS', [])) # and add dependencies to targets built in this subtree localdeps = [dep for dep in deplist if dep in localtargets] if localdeps: out[proj['NAME']] = localdeps return out def UpdateProjects(pepperdir, project_tree, toolchains, clobber=False, configs=None, first_toolchain=False): if configs is None: configs = ['Debug', 'Release'] if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(pepperdir, 'tools')): buildbot_common.ErrorExit('Examples depend on missing tools.') if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(pepperdir, 'toolchain')): buildbot_common.ErrorExit('Examples depend on missing toolchains.') ValidateToolchains(toolchains) # Create the library output directories libdir = os.path.join(pepperdir, 'lib') platform = getos.GetPlatform() for config in configs: for arch in LIB_DICT[platform]: dirpath = os.path.join(libdir, '%s_%s_host' % (platform, arch), config) if clobber: buildbot_common.RemoveDir(dirpath) buildbot_common.MakeDir(dirpath) landing_page = None for branch, projects in project_tree.iteritems(): dirpath = os.path.join(pepperdir, branch) if clobber: buildbot_common.RemoveDir(dirpath) buildbot_common.MakeDir(dirpath) targets = [desc['NAME'] for desc in projects if 'TARGETS' in desc] deps = GetDeps(projects) # Generate master make for this branch of projects generate_make.GenerateMasterMakefile(pepperdir, os.path.join(pepperdir, branch), targets, deps) if branch.startswith('examples') and not landing_page: landing_page = LandingPage() # Generate individual projects for desc in projects: srcroot = os.path.dirname(desc['FILEPATH']) generate_make.ProcessProject(pepperdir, srcroot, pepperdir, desc, toolchains, configs=configs, first_toolchain=first_toolchain) if branch.startswith('examples'): landing_page.AddDesc(desc) if landing_page: # Generate the landing page text file. index_html = os.path.join(pepperdir, 'examples', 'index.html') index_template = os.path.join(SDK_RESOURCE_DIR, 'index.html.template') with open(index_html, 'w') as fh: out = landing_page.GeneratePage(index_template) fh.write(out) # Generate top Make for examples targets = ['api', 'demo', 'getting_started', 'tutorial'] targets = [x for x in targets if 'examples/'+x in project_tree] branch_name = 'examples' generate_make.GenerateMasterMakefile(pepperdir, os.path.join(pepperdir, branch_name), targets, {}) def BuildProjectsBranch(pepperdir, branch, deps, clean, config, args=None): make_dir = os.path.join(pepperdir, branch) print "\nMake: " + make_dir if getos.GetPlatform() == 'win': # We need to modify the environment to build host on Windows. make = os.path.join(make_dir, 'make.bat') else: make = 'make' env = None if os.environ.get('USE_GOMA') == '1': env = dict(os.environ) env['NACL_COMPILER_PREFIX'] = 'gomacc' # Add -m32 to the CFLAGS when building using i686-nacl-gcc # otherwise goma won't recognise it as different to the x86_64 # build. env['X86_32_CFLAGS'] = '-m32' env['X86_32_CXXFLAGS'] = '-m32' jobs = '50' else: jobs = str(multiprocessing.cpu_count()) make_cmd = [make, '-j', jobs] make_cmd.append('CONFIG='+config) if not deps: make_cmd.append('IGNORE_DEPS=1') if verbose: make_cmd.append('V=1') if args: make_cmd += args else: make_cmd.append('TOOLCHAIN=all') buildbot_common.Run(make_cmd, cwd=make_dir, env=env) if clean: # Clean to remove temporary files but keep the built buildbot_common.Run(make_cmd + ['clean'], cwd=make_dir, env=env) def BuildProjects(pepperdir, project_tree, deps=True, clean=False, config='Debug'): # Make sure we build libraries (which live in 'src') before # any of the examples. build_first = [p for p in project_tree if p != 'src'] build_second = [p for p in project_tree if p == 'src'] for branch in build_first + build_second: BuildProjectsBranch(pepperdir, branch, deps, clean, config) def main(args): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument('-c', '--clobber', help='Clobber project directories before copying new files', action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_argument('-b', '--build', help='Build the projects. Otherwise the projects are only copied.', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--config', help='Choose configuration to build (Debug or Release). Builds both ' 'by default') parser.add_argument('-x', '--experimental', help='Build experimental projects', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-t', '--toolchain', help='Build using toolchain. Can be passed more than once.', action='append', default=[]) parser.add_argument('-d', '--dest', help='Select which build destinations (project types) are valid.', action='append') parser.add_argument('projects', nargs='*', help='Select which projects to build.') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true') # To setup bash completion for this command first install optcomplete # and then add this line to your .bashrc: # complete -F _optcomplete build_projects.py try: import optcomplete optcomplete.autocomplete(parser) except ImportError: pass options = parser.parse_args(args) global verbose if options.verbose: verbose = True buildbot_common.verbose = verbose if 'NACL_SDK_ROOT' in os.environ: # We don't want the currently configured NACL_SDK_ROOT to have any effect # on the build. del os.environ['NACL_SDK_ROOT'] pepper_ver = str(int(build_version.ChromeMajorVersion())) pepperdir = os.path.join(OUT_DIR, 'pepper_' + pepper_ver) if not options.toolchain: # Order matters here: the default toolchain for an example's Makefile will # be the first toolchain in this list that is available in the example. # e.g. If an example supports clang-newlib and glibc, then the default will # be clang-newlib. options.toolchain = ['pnacl', 'clang-newlib', 'glibc', 'host'] if 'host' in options.toolchain: options.toolchain.remove('host') options.toolchain.append(getos.GetPlatform()) Trace('Adding platform: ' + getos.GetPlatform()) ValidateToolchains(options.toolchain) filters = {} if options.toolchain: filters['TOOLS'] = options.toolchain Trace('Filter by toolchain: ' + str(options.toolchain)) if not options.experimental: filters['EXPERIMENTAL'] = False if options.dest: filters['DEST'] = options.dest Trace('Filter by type: ' + str(options.dest)) if options.projects: filters['NAME'] = options.projects Trace('Filter by name: ' + str(options.projects)) try: project_tree = parse_dsc.LoadProjectTree(SDK_SRC_DIR, include=filters) except parse_dsc.ValidationError as e: buildbot_common.ErrorExit(str(e)) if verbose: parse_dsc.PrintProjectTree(project_tree) UpdateHelpers(pepperdir, clobber=options.clobber) UpdateProjects(pepperdir, project_tree, options.toolchain, clobber=options.clobber) if options.build: if options.config: configs = [options.config] else: configs = ['Debug', 'Release'] for config in configs: BuildProjects(pepperdir, project_tree, config=config, deps=False) return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': script_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) try: sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:])) except parse_dsc.ValidationError as e: buildbot_common.ErrorExit('%s: %s' % (script_name, e)) except KeyboardInterrupt: buildbot_common.ErrorExit('%s: interrupted' % script_name)