#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import argparse import StringIO import sys import os SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(SCRIPT_DIR), 'tools')) import getos valid_tools = ['newlib', 'glibc', getos.GetPlatform()] def Error(msg): print(msg) sys.exit(1) PREAMBLE = """\ { 'includes': ['%s/build_tools/nacl.gypi'], """ NEXE_TARGET = """\ { 'target_name': '%(NAME)s_x86_32%(EXT)s', 'product_name': '%(NAME)s_x86_32%(EXT)s', 'type': '%(GYP_TYPE)s', 'sources': %(SOURCES)s, 'libraries': %(LIBS)s, 'include_dirs': %(INCLUDES)s, 'cflags': ['-m32', '-pedantic'] + %(CFLAGS)s, 'make_valid_configurations': ['newlib-debug', 'newlib-release', 'glibc-debug', 'glibc-release'], 'ldflags': ['-m32', '-L../../lib/x86_32/<(CONFIGURATION_NAME)'], 'toolset': 'target', %(CONFIGS)s }, { 'target_name': '%(NAME)s_x86_64%(EXT)s', 'product_name': '%(NAME)s_x86_64%(EXT)s', 'type': '%(GYP_TYPE)s', 'sources': %(SOURCES)s, 'libraries': %(LIBS)s, 'include_dirs': %(INCLUDES)s, 'make_valid_configurations': ['newlib-debug', 'newlib-release', 'glibc-debug', 'glibc-release'], 'cflags': ['-m64', '-pedantic'] + %(CFLAGS)s, 'ldflags': ['-m64', '-L../../lib/x86_64/<(CONFIGURATION_NAME)'], 'toolset': 'target', %(CONFIGS)s }, """ NLIB_TARGET = """\ { 'target_name': '%(NAME)s_x86_32%(EXT)s', 'product_name': 'lib%(NAME)s%(EXT)s', 'product_dir': '../../lib/x86_32/<(CONFIGURATION_NAME)', 'type': '%(GYP_TYPE)s', 'sources': %(SOURCES)s, 'libraries': %(LIBS)s, 'include_dirs': %(INCLUDES)s, 'cflags': ['-m32', '-pedantic'] + %(CFLAGS)s, 'make_valid_configurations': ['newlib-debug', 'newlib-release', 'glibc-debug', 'glibc-release'], 'ldflags': ['-m32'], 'toolset': 'target', %(CONFIGS)s }, { 'target_name': '%(NAME)s_x86_64%(EXT)s', 'product_name': 'lib%(NAME)s%(EXT)s', 'product_dir': '../../lib/x86_64/<(CONFIGURATION_NAME)', 'type': '%(GYP_TYPE)s', 'sources': %(SOURCES)s, 'libraries': %(LIBS)s, 'include_dirs': %(INCLUDES)s, 'make_valid_configurations': ['newlib-debug', 'newlib-release', 'glibc-debug', 'glibc-release'], 'cflags': ['-m64', '-pedantic'] + %(CFLAGS)s, 'ldflags': ['-m64'], 'toolset': 'target', %(CONFIGS)s }, """ HOST_LIB_TARGET = """\ { 'target_name': '%(NAME)s%(EXT)s', 'type': '%(GYP_TYPE)s', 'toolset': 'host', 'sources': %(SOURCES)s, 'cflags': %(CFLAGS)s, 'cflags_c': ['-std=gnu99'], 'include_dirs': %(INCLUDES)s, 'make_valid_configurations': ['host-debug', 'host-release'], 'product_dir': '../../lib/%(ARCH)s/<(CONFIGURATION_NAME)', 'product_name': '%(NAME)s%(EXT)s', %(CONFIGS)s }, """ HOST_EXE_TARGET = """\ { 'target_name': '%(NAME)s%(EXT)s', 'type': '%(GYP_TYPE)s', 'toolset': 'host', 'sources': %(SOURCES)s, 'cflags': %(CFLAGS)s, 'cflags_c': ['-std=gnu99'], 'ldflags': ['-L../../lib/%(ARCH)s/<(CONFIGURATION_NAME)'], 'libraries': %(LIBS)s, 'include_dirs': %(INCLUDES)s, 'make_valid_configurations': ['host-debug', 'host-release'], 'msvs_settings': { 'VCLinkerTool': { 'AdditionalLibraryDirectories': ['../../lib/%(ARCH)s/<(CONFIGURATION_NAME)'], } }, %(CONFIGS)s }, """ NMF_TARGET = """\ { 'target_name': '%(NAME)s_%(TOOLCHAIN)s.nmf', 'product_name': '%(NAME)s.nmf', 'product_dir': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/%(TOOLCHAIN)s', 'type': 'none', 'make_valid_configurations': ['%(TOOLCHAIN)s-debug', '%(TOOLCHAIN)s-release'], 'actions': [ { 'action_name': 'nmf', 'inputs': ['<(PRODUCT_DIR)/%(NAME)s_x86_32.nexe', '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/%(NAME)s_x86_64.nexe'] + %(SODEPS)s, 'outputs': ['<(PRODUCT_DIR)/%(NAME)s.nmf'], 'action': ['../../tools/create_nmf.py', '-t', '%(TOOLCHAIN)s', '-s', '<(PRODUCT_DIR)'] + %(NMFACTION)s, }, ] }, """ TOOLCHAIN_CONFIG = """\ '%(toolchain)s-release' : { 'cflags' : ['-O2'], }, '%(toolchain)s-debug' : { 'cflags' : ['-g', '-O0'], }, """ NEXE_CONFIG = """\ '%(toolchain)s-release' : { 'cflags' : ['--%(toolchain)s', '-O2', '-idirafter', '../../include'], 'ldflags' : ['--%(toolchain)s'], 'arflags' : ['--%(toolchain)s'], }, '%(toolchain)s-debug' : { 'cflags' : ['--%(toolchain)s', '-g', '-O0', '-idirafter', '../../include'], 'ldflags' : ['--%(toolchain)s'], 'arflags' : ['--%(toolchain)s'], }, """ WIN32_CONFIGS = """\ 'target_defaults': { 'default_configuration': 'Debug_PPAPI', 'configurations': { 'Debug_PPAPI': { 'msvs_configuration_platform': 'PPAPI', 'msbuild_configuration_attributes': { 'ConfigurationType': 'DynamicLibrary' }, 'include_dirs': ['../../include/win'], 'defines': ['_WINDOWS', '_DEBUG', 'WIN32'], }, 'Release_PPAPI': { 'msvs_configuration_platform': 'PPAPI', 'msbuild_configuration_attributes': { 'ConfigurationType': 'DynamicLibrary' }, 'include_dirs': ['../../include/win'], 'defines': ['_WINDOWS', 'NDEBUG', 'WIN32'], }, 'Debug_NaCl': { 'msvs_configuration_platform': 'NaCl', 'msbuild_configuration_attributes': { 'ConfigurationType': 'Application' }, }, 'Release_NaCl': { 'msvs_configuration_platform': 'NaCl', 'msbuild_configuration_attributes': { 'ConfigurationType': 'Application' }, }, }, }, """ def WriteNaClTargets(output, target, tools): configs = "'configurations' : {\n" for tc in tools: if tc not in valid_tools: continue if tc in ['newlib', 'glibc']: configs += NEXE_CONFIG % {'toolchain': tc} configs += " }" target['CONFIGS'] = configs if target['TYPE'] == 'lib': output.write(NLIB_TARGET % target) else: output.write(NEXE_TARGET % target) def ConfigName(toolchain): if toolchain == getos.GetPlatform(): return 'host' else: return toolchain def ProcessDSC(filename, outfile=None): if not os.path.exists(filename): Error("file not found: %s" % filename) desc = open(filename).read() desc = eval(desc, {}, {}) if not desc.get('TARGETS'): Error("no TARGETS found in dsc") if not outfile: outfile = desc['NAME'] + '.gyp' outfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filename), outfile) output = StringIO.StringIO() srcdir = os.path.dirname(SCRIPT_DIR) output.write(PREAMBLE % srcdir.replace("\\", '/')) win32 = sys.platform in ('win32', 'cygwin') if win32: output.write(WIN32_CONFIGS) else: for tc in desc['TOOLS']: if tc in valid_tools: default = '%s-debug' % ConfigName(tc) break output.write("""\ 'target_defaults': { 'default_configuration': '%s', 'configurations' : {\n""" % default) for tc in desc['TOOLS']: if tc not in valid_tools: continue output.write(TOOLCHAIN_CONFIG % {'toolchain': ConfigName(tc)}) output.write(" }\n },\n") output.write("\n 'targets': [\n") # make a list of all the so target names so that the nmf rules # can depend on them all sofiles = [] soremap = [] for target in desc['TARGETS']: if target['TYPE'] == 'so': name = target['NAME'] sofiles.append('<(PRODUCT_DIR)/%s_x86_64.so' % name) sofiles.append('<(PRODUCT_DIR)/%s_x86_32.so' % name) soremap += ['-n', '%s_x86_64.so,%s.so' % (name, name)] soremap += ['-n', '%s_x86_32.so,%s.so' % (name, name)] # iterate through dsc targets generating gyp targets for target in desc['TARGETS']: target.setdefault('INCLUDES', []) target['INCLUDES'] = [x.replace("$(NACL_SDK_ROOT)", "../..") for x in target['INCLUDES']] libs = target.get('LIBS', []) if win32: libs = [l for l in libs if l not in ('ppapi', 'ppapi_cpp')] target['LIBS'] = ['-l' + l + '.lib' for l in libs] else: target['LIBS'] = ['-l' + l for l in libs] if target['TYPE'] == 'so': if win32: target['EXT'] = '' else: target['EXT'] = '.so' target['GYP_TYPE'] = 'shared_library' elif target['TYPE'] == 'lib': if win32: target['EXT'] = '' else: target['EXT'] = '.a' target['GYP_TYPE'] = 'static_library' elif target['TYPE'] == 'main': target['EXT'] = '.nexe' target['GYP_TYPE'] = 'executable' else: Error("unknown type: %s" % target['TYPE']) target['CFLAGS'] = target.get('CXXFLAGS', []) if not win32 and ('newlib' in desc['TOOLS'] or 'glibc' in desc['TOOLS']): WriteNaClTargets(output, target, desc['TOOLS']) if target['TYPE'] == 'main': target['SODEPS'] = sofiles target['NMFACTION'] = ['-o', '<@(_outputs)', '-L<(NMF_PATH1)', '-L<(NMF_PATH2)', '-D', '<(OBJDUMP)', '<@(_inputs)'] target['NMFACTION'] += soremap if 'newlib' in desc['TOOLS']: target['TOOLCHAIN'] = 'newlib' output.write(NMF_TARGET % target) if 'glibc' in desc['TOOLS']: target['TOOLCHAIN'] = 'glibc' output.write(NMF_TARGET % target) if win32 or getos.GetPlatform() in desc['TOOLS']: target['ARCH'] = 'x86_32' target['INCLUDES'].append('../../include') if win32: target['HOST'] = 'win' target['CONFIGS'] = '' target['CFLAGS'] = [] else: target['CONFIGS'] = '' target['HOST'] = 'linux' target['CFLAGS'].append('-fPIC') if target['TYPE'] == 'main': target['GYP_TYPE'] = 'shared_library' if win32: target['EXT'] = '' else: target['EXT'] = '.so' output.write(HOST_EXE_TARGET % target) else: output.write(HOST_LIB_TARGET % target) output.write(' ],\n}\n') print('Writing: ' + outfile) open(outfile, 'w').write(output.getvalue()) def main(args): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-o', help='Set output filename.', dest='output') parser.add_argument('dsc', help='dsc to convert') options = parser.parse_args(args) if options.output: outdir = os.path.dirname(options.output) if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) ProcessDSC(options.dsc, options.output) return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))