Native Client Examples

This page lists all of the examples available in the most recent Native Client SDK bundle. Each example is designed to teach a few specific Native Client programming concepts. You will need to setup the build environment including a path to 'make' which can be found in the 'tools' directory for Windows, and the variable NACL_SDK_ROOT which points to one of the pepper bundles found under the SDK install location. Calling make from the examples directory will build all the projects, while calling make from and individual example directory will build only that example.

Using the Tools

The following "hello_world" examples, show the basic outline of a Native Client application. The make files in each of the examples bellow show a simple way to build a NaCl application using GNU Make. See the link for further information.

Hello World (NEWLIB)
The Hello World In C example demonstrates the basic structure of all Native Client applications. This example loads a Native Client module. The page tracks the status of the module as it load. On a successful load, the module will post a message containing the string "Hello World" back to JavaScript which will display it as an alert.

Teaching focus: Basic HTML, JavaScript, and module architecture.

Hello World (GLIBC)
The Hello World (GLIBC) example is identical to the one above, with the exception that it used the GLIBC toolchain which uses Shared Objects. The use of Shared Objects means a more complicated manifest file (NMF) which is needed to allow the application to find the libraries. The NMF is automatically generated as part of the build process, by scanning the application for dependencies.

Teaching focus: Basic HTML, JavaScript, Shared Objects, and module architecture.

Interactive Hello World in C++
The Interactive Hello World C++ example demonstrates the basic structure of all Native Client applications. This example loads a Native Client module which uses two way interaction with JavaScript whenever a button is clicked. The NaCl module will respond with the number 42 or the reversed version of the string in the text box when the appropriate button is clicked.

Teaching focus: Basic HTML, JavaScript, C++ PPAPI, and module architecture; Messaging API.

Common APIs

The following set of examples illustrate various Pepper APIs including audio, 2D, 3D, input and urls.

Sine Wave Synthesizer
The Sine Wave Synthesizer example demonstrates playing sound (a sine wave). Enter the desired frequency and hit play to start, stop to end. The frequency box will display "Loading, please wait." while the module loads.

Teaching focus: Audio.

Input Events
The Input Events example demonstrates how to handle events triggered by the user. This example allows a user to interact with a square representing a module instance. Events are displayed on the screen as the user clicks, scrolls, types, inside or outside of the square.

Teaching focus: Keyboard and mouse input, view change, and focus events.

Pi Generator
The Pi Generator example demonstrates creating a helper thread that estimate pi using the Monte Carlo method while randomly putting 1,000,000,000 points inside a 2D square that shares two sides with a quarter circle.

Teaching focus: Thread creation, 2D graphics, view change events.

The Tumbler example demonstrates how to create a 3D cube that you can rotate with your mouse while pressing the left mouse button. This example creates a 3D context and draws to it using OpenGL ES. The JavaScript implements a virtual trackball interface to map mouse movements into 3D rotations using simple 3D vector math and quaternions.

Teaching focus: 3D graphics

The Get URL example demonstrates fetching an URL and then displaying its contents.

Teaching focus: URL loading.

Common Concepts

The following set of examples illustrate various common concepts such as showing load progress, using Shared Objects (dynamic libraries), mulithreading...

Dynamic Library Open (GLIBC)
The dlopen example demonstrates how build dynamic libraries and then open and use them at runtime. When the page loads, type in a question and hit enter or click the ASK! button. The question and answer will be displayed in the page under the text entry box.

Teaching focus: Using shared objects.

Load Progress
The Load Progress example demonstrates how to listen for and handle events that occur while a NaCl module loads. This example listens for different load event types and dispatches different events to their respective handler. This example also checks for valid browser version and shows how to calculate and display loading progress.

Teaching focus: Progress event handling.

The Pong example demonstrates how to create a basic 2D video game and how to store application information in a local persistent file. This game uses up and down arrow keyboard input events to move the paddle.

Teaching focus: File I/O, 2D graphics, input events.

Multi-threaded Input Events
The Multithreaded Input Events example combines HTML, Javascript, and C++ (the C++ is compiled to create a .nexe file). The C++ shows how to handle input events in a multi-threaded application. The main thread converts input events to non-pepper events and puts them on a queue. The worker thread pulls them off of the queue, converts them to a string, and then uses CallOnMainThread so that PostMessage can be send the result of the worker thread to the browser.

Teaching focus: Multithreaded event handling.

Full-screen Tumbler
This is a modified version of the Tumbler example above that supports full-screen display. It is in every way identical to Tumbler in functionality, except that it adds the ability to switch to/from full-screen display by pressing the Enter key.

Teaching focus: Full-screen

Mouse Lock
The Mouselock example demonstrates how to use the MouseLock API to hide the mouse cursor. Mouse lock is only available in full-screen mode. You can lock and unlock the mouse while in full-screen mode by pressing the Enter key.

Teaching focus: Mouse lock, Full-screen

The Websocket example demonstrates how to use the Websocket API. The user first connects to the test server: ws:// by clicking on the 'Connect'' button. Then hitting Send' will cause the app to send the message to the server and retrieve the reply.

Teaching focus: Websockets