Full-screen and Mouse-lock Example
- There are two different kinds of fullscreen mode: "tab fullscreen" and
"browser fullscreen".
- Tab fullscreen refers to when a tab enters fullscreen mode via the
JS or Pepper fullscreen API.
- Browser fullscreen refers to the user putting the browser itself
into fullscreen mode from the UI (e.g., pressing F11).
NOTE: Mouse lock is only allowed in "tab fullscreen" mode.
- Lock mouse:
- left click in the grey box; or
- right click in the box to ensure that it is focused and
then press Enter key. (You could verify that the tooltip window is
dismissed properly by this second approach.)
- Unlock mouse voluntarily (i.e., NaCl module unlocks mouse):
- Unlock mouse involuntarily (i.e. Chrome unlocks mouse):
- lose focus; or
- press Esc key; or
- exit from the "tab fullscreen" mode.
Clicking the mouse inside the grey square takes the NaCl module to/from
combined fullscreen and mouselock mode.
While in fullscreen, pressing Enter will exit/enter mouse lock mode.