// Copyright (c) 2011 The Native Client Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. /** * @fileoverview Implement a virtual trackball in the tumbler.Trackball * class. This class maps 2D mouse events to 3D rotations by simulating a * trackball that you roll by dragging the mouse. There are two principle * methods in the class: startAtPointInFrame which you use to begin a trackball * simulation and rollToPoint, which you use while dragging the mouse. The * rollToPoint method returns a rotation expressed as a quaternion. */ // Requires tumbler.Application // Requires tumbler.DragEvent // Requires tumbler.Vector3 /** * Constructor for the Trackball object. This class maps 2D mouse drag events * into 3D rotations by simulating a trackball. The idea is to simulate * clicking on the trackball, and then rolling it as you drag the mouse. * The math behind the trackball is simple: start with a vector from the first * mouse-click on the ball to the center of the 3D view. At the same time, set * the radius of the ball to be the smaller dimension of the 3D view. As you * drag the mouse around in the 3D view, a second vector is computed from the * surface of the ball to the center. The axis of rotation is the cross * product of these two vectors, and the angle of rotation is the angle between * the two vectors. * @constructor */ tumbler.Trackball = function() { /** * The square of the trackball's radius. The math never looks at the radius, * but looks at the radius squared. * @type {number} * @private */ this.sqrRadius_ = 0; /** * The 3D vector representing the point on the trackball where the mouse * was clicked. Default is pointing stright through the center of the ball. * @type {Object} * @private */ this.rollStart_ = new tumbler.Vector3(0, 0, 1); /** * The 2D center of the frame that encloses the trackball. * @type {!Object} * @private */ this.center_ = { x: 0, y: 0 }; /** * Cached camera orientation. When a drag START event happens this is set to * the current orientation in the calling view's plugin. The default is the * identity quaternion. * @type {Array.} * @private */ this.cameraOrientation_ = [0, 0, 0, 1]; }; /** * Compute the dimensions of the virtual trackball to fit inside |frameSize|. * The radius of the trackball is set to be 1/2 of the smaller of the two frame * dimensions, the center point is at the midpoint of each side. * @param {!goog.math.Size} frameSize 2D-point representing the size of the * element that encloses the virtual trackball. * @private */ tumbler.Trackball.prototype.initInFrame_ = function(frameSize) { // Compute the radius of the virtual trackball. This is 1/2 of the smaller // of the frame's width and height. var halfFrameSize = 0.5 * Math.min(frameSize.width, frameSize.height); // Cache the square of the trackball's radius. this.sqrRadius_ = halfFrameSize * halfFrameSize; // Figure the center of the view. this.center_.x = frameSize.width * 0.5; this.center_.y = frameSize.height * 0.5; }; /** * Method to convert (by translation) a 2D client point from a coordinate space * with origin in the lower-left corner of the client view to a space with * origin in the center of the client view. Use this method before mapping the * 2D point to he 3D tackball point (see also the projectOnTrackball_() method). * Call the startAtPointInFrame before calling this method so that the * |center_| property is correctly initialized. * @param {!Object} clientPoint map this point to the coordinate space with * origin in thecenter of the client view. * @return {Object} the converted point. * @private */ tumbler.Trackball.prototype.convertClientPoint_ = function(clientPoint) { var difference = { x: clientPoint.x - this.center_.x, y: clientPoint.y - this.center_.y } return difference; }; /** * Method to map a 2D point to a 3D point on the virtual trackball that was set * up using the startAtPointInFrame method. If the point lies outside of the * radius of the virtual trackball, then the z-coordinate of the 3D point * is set to 0. * @param {!Object.} point 2D-point in the coordinate space with origin * in the center of the client view. * @return {tumbler.Vector3} the 3D point on the virtual trackball. * @private */ tumbler.Trackball.prototype.projectOnTrackball_ = function(point) { var sqrRadius2D = point.x * point.x + point.y * point.y; var zValue; if (sqrRadius2D > this.sqrRadius_) { // |point| lies outside the virtual trackball's sphere, so use a virtual // z-value of 0. This is equivalent to clicking on the horizontal equator // of the trackball. zValue = 0; } else { // A sphere can be defined as: r^2 = x^2 + y^2 + z^2, so z = // sqrt(r^2 - (x^2 + y^2)). zValue = Math.sqrt(this.sqrRadius_ - sqrRadius2D); } var trackballPoint = new tumbler.Vector3(point.x, point.y, zValue); return trackballPoint; }; /** * Method to start up the trackball. The trackball works by pretending that a * ball encloses the 3D view. You roll this pretend ball with the mouse. For * example, if you click on the center of the ball and move the mouse straight * to the right, you roll the ball around its Y-axis. This produces a Y-axis * rotation. You can click on the "edge" of the ball and roll it around * in a circle to get a Z-axis rotation. * @param {!Object.} startPoint 2D-point, usually the mouse-down * point. * @param {!Object.} frameSize 2D-point representing the size of * the element that encloses the virtual trackball. */ tumbler.Trackball.prototype.startAtPointInFrame = function(startPoint, frameSize) { this.initInFrame_(frameSize); // Compute the starting vector from the surface of the ball to its center. this.rollStart_ = this.projectOnTrackball_( this.convertClientPoint_(startPoint)); }; /** * Method to roll the virtual trackball; call this in response to a mouseDrag * event. Takes |dragPoint| and projects it from 2D mouse coordinates onto the * virtual track ball that was set up in startAtPointInFrame method. * Returns a quaternion that represents the rotation from |rollStart_| to * |rollEnd_|. * @param {!Object.} dragPoint 2D-point representing the * destination mouse point. * @return {Array.} a quaternion that represents the rotation from * the point wnere the mouse was clicked on the trackball to this point. * The quaternion looks like this: [[v], cos(angle/2)], where [v] is the * imaginary part of the quaternion and is computed as [x, y, z] * * sin(angle/2). */ tumbler.Trackball.prototype.rollToPoint = function(dragPoint) { var rollTo = this.convertClientPoint_(dragPoint); if ((Math.abs(this.rollStart_.x - rollTo.x) < tumbler.Trackball.DOUBLE_EPSILON) && (Math.abs(this.rollStart_.y, rollTo.y) < tumbler.Trackball.DOUBLE_EPSILON)) { // Not enough change in the vectors to roll the ball, return the identity // quaternion. return [0, 0, 0, 1]; } // Compute the ending vector from the surface of the ball to its center. var rollEnd = this.projectOnTrackball_(rollTo); // Take the cross product of the two vectors. r = s X e var rollVector = this.rollStart_.cross(rollEnd); var invStartMag = 1.0 / this.rollStart_.magnitude(); var invEndMag = 1.0 / rollEnd.magnitude(); // cos(a) = (s . e) / (||s|| ||e||) var cosAng = this.rollStart_.dot(rollEnd) * invStartMag * invEndMag; // sin(a) = ||(s X e)|| / (||s|| ||e||) var sinAng = rollVector.magnitude() * invStartMag * invEndMag; // Build a quaternion that represents the rotation about |rollVector|. // Use atan2 for a better angle. If you use only cos or sin, you only get // half the possible angles, and you can end up with rotations that flip // around near the poles. var rollHalfAngle = Math.atan2(sinAng, cosAng) * 0.5; rollVector.normalize(); // The quaternion looks like this: [[v], cos(angle/2)], where [v] is the // imaginary part of the quaternion and is computed as [x, y, z] * // sin(angle/2). rollVector.scale(Math.sin(rollHalfAngle)); var ballQuaternion = [rollVector.x, rollVector.y, rollVector.z, Math.cos(rollHalfAngle)]; return ballQuaternion; }; /** * Handle the drag START event: grab the current camera orientation from the * sending view and set up the virtual trackball. * @param {!tumbler.Application} view The view controller that called this * method. * @param {!tumbler.DragEvent} dragStartEvent The DRAG_START event that * triggered this handler. */ tumbler.Trackball.prototype.handleStartDrag = function(controller, dragStartEvent) { // Cache the camera orientation. The orientations from the trackball as it // rolls are concatenated to this orientation and pushed back into the // plugin on the other side of the JavaScript bridge. controller.setCameraOrientation(this.cameraOrientation_); // Invert the y-coordinate for the trackball computations. var frameSize = { width: controller.offsetWidth, height: controller.offsetHeight }; var flippedY = { x: dragStartEvent.clientX, y: frameSize.height - dragStartEvent.clientY }; this.startAtPointInFrame(flippedY, frameSize); }; /** * Handle the drag DRAG event: concatenate the current orientation to the * cached orientation. Send this final value through to the GSPlugin via the * setValueForKey() method. * @param {!tumbler.Application} view The view controller that called this * method. * @param {!tumbler.DragEvent} dragEvent The DRAG event that triggered this * handler. */ tumbler.Trackball.prototype.handleDrag = function(controller, dragEvent) { // Flip the y-coordinate so that the 2D origin is in the lower-left corner. var frameSize = { width: controller.offsetWidth, height: controller.offsetHeight }; var flippedY = { x: dragEvent.clientX, y: frameSize.height - dragEvent.clientY }; controller.setCameraOrientation( tumbler.multQuaternions(this.rollToPoint(flippedY), this.cameraOrientation_)); }; /** * Handle the drag END event: get the final orientation and concatenate it to * the cached orientation. * @param {!tumbler.Application} view The view controller that called this * method. * @param {!tumbler.DragEvent} dragEndEvent The DRAG_END event that triggered * this handler. */ tumbler.Trackball.prototype.handleEndDrag = function(controller, dragEndEvent) { // Flip the y-coordinate so that the 2D origin is in the lower-left corner. var frameSize = { width: controller.offsetWidth, height: controller.offsetHeight }; var flippedY = { x: dragEndEvent.clientX, y: frameSize.height - dragEndEvent.clientY }; this.cameraOrientation_ = tumbler.multQuaternions(this.rollToPoint(flippedY), this.cameraOrientation_); controller.setCameraOrientation(this.cameraOrientation_); }; /** * A utility function to multiply two quaterions. Returns the product q0 * q1. * This is effectively the same thing as concatenating the two rotations * represented in each quaternion together. Note that quaternion multiplication * is NOT commutative: q0 * q1 != q1 * q0. * @param {!Array.} q0 A 4-element array representing the first * quaternion. * @param {!Array.} q1 A 4-element array representing the second * quaternion. * @return {Array.} A 4-element array representing the product q0 * q1. */ tumbler.multQuaternions = function(q0, q1) { // Return q0 * q1 (note the order). var qMult = [ q0[3] * q1[0] + q0[0] * q1[3] + q0[1] * q1[2] - q0[2] * q1[1], q0[3] * q1[1] - q0[0] * q1[2] + q0[1] * q1[3] + q0[2] * q1[0], q0[3] * q1[2] + q0[0] * q1[1] - q0[1] * q1[0] + q0[2] * q1[3], q0[3] * q1[3] - q0[0] * q1[0] - q0[1] * q1[1] - q0[2] * q1[2] ]; return qMult; }; /** * Real numbers that are less than this distance apart are considered * equivalent. * TODO(dspringer): It seems as though there should be a const like this * in Closure somewhere (goog.math?). * @type {number} */ tumbler.Trackball.DOUBLE_EPSILON = 1.0e-16;