@echo off

:: Copyright (c) 2011 The Native Client Authors. All rights reserved.
:: Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
:: found in the LICENSE file.


set NACL_SDK_ROOT=%~dp0..\..\native_client

:: Preserve a copy of the PATH (in case we need it later, mainly for cygwin).

:: Set the PYTHONPATH and SCONS_LIB_DIR so we can import SCons modules
set SCONS_LIB_DIR=%~dp0..\..\third_party\scons-2.0.1\engine
set PYTHONPATH=%~dp0..\..\third_party\scons-2.0.1\engine;%~dp0..\..\native_client\build;%~dp0

:: We have to do this because scons overrides PYTHONPATH and does not preserve
:: what is provided by the OS.  The custom variable name won't be overwritten.
set PYMOX=%~dp0..\..\third_party\pymox\src

:: Stop incessant CYGWIN complains about "MS-DOS style path"
set CYGWIN=nodosfilewarning %CYGWIN%

:: Run the included copy of scons.
python -O -OO "%~dp0..\..\third_party\scons-2.0.1\script\scons" --file=main.scons %*
