#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Tool for automatically creating .nmf files from .nexe/.pexe/.bc executables. As well as creating the nmf file this tool can also find and stage any shared libraries dependencies that the executables might have. """ import argparse import errno import json import os import posixpath import shutil import sys import getos if sys.version_info < (2, 7, 0): sys.stderr.write("python 2.7 or later is required run this script\n") sys.exit(1) SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) LIB_DIR = os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'lib') sys.path.append(LIB_DIR) import elf import get_shared_deps import quote ARCH_LOCATION = { 'x86-32': 'lib32', 'x86-64': 'lib64', 'arm': 'libarm', } # These constants are used within nmf files. MAIN_NEXE = 'main.nexe' # Name of entry point for execution PROGRAM_KEY = 'program' # Key of the program section in an nmf file URL_KEY = 'url' # Key of the url field for a particular file in an nmf file FILES_KEY = 'files' # Key of the files section in an nmf file PNACL_OPTLEVEL_KEY = 'optlevel' # key for PNaCl optimization level PORTABLE_KEY = 'portable' # key for portable section of manifest TRANSLATE_KEY = 'pnacl-translate' # key for translatable objects TRANSLATE_DEBUG_KEY = 'pnacl-debug' # key for translatable debug objects def DebugPrint(message): if DebugPrint.debug_mode: sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % message) DebugPrint.debug_mode = False # Set to True to enable extra debug prints def SplitPath(path): """Returns all components of a path as a list. e.g. 'foo/bar/baz.blah' => ['foo', 'bar', 'baz.blah'] """ result = [] while path: path, part = os.path.split(path) result.append(part) return result[::-1] # Reverse. def MakePosixPath(path): """Converts from the native format to posixpath format. e.g. on Windows, "foo\\bar\\baz.blah" => "foo/bar/baz.blah" on Mac/Linux this is a no-op. """ if os.path == posixpath: return path return posixpath.join(*SplitPath(path)) def PosixRelPath(path, start): """Takes two paths in native format, and produces a relative path in posix format. e.g. For Windows: "foo\\bar\\baz.blah", "foo" => "bar/baz.blah" For Mac/Linux: "foo/bar/baz.blah", "foo" => "bar/baz.blah" NOTE: This function uses os.path.realpath to create a canonical path for |path| and |start|. """ real_path = os.path.realpath(path) real_start = os.path.realpath(start) return MakePosixPath(os.path.relpath(real_path, real_start)) def DirectoryTreeContainsFile(dirname, filename): """Returns True if a file is in a directory, or any of that directory's subdirectories recursively. e.g. DirectoryTreeContainsFile("foo", "foo/quux.txt") => True DirectoryTreeContainsFile("foo", "foo/bar/baz/blah.txt") => True DirectoryTreeContainsFile("foo", "bar/blah.txt") => False """ real_dirname = os.path.realpath(dirname) real_filename = os.path.realpath(filename) return real_filename.startswith(real_dirname) def MakeDir(dirname): """Just like os.makedirs but doesn't generate errors when dirname already exists. """ if os.path.isdir(dirname): return Trace("mkdir: %s" % dirname) try: os.makedirs(dirname) except OSError as exception_info: if exception_info.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise def ParseElfHeader(path): """Wrap elf.ParseElfHeader to return raise this module's Error on failure.""" try: return elf.ParseElfHeader(path) except elf.Error, e: raise Error(str(e)) class Error(Exception): """Local Error class for this file.""" pass def IsLoader(filename): return (filename.endswith(get_shared_deps.LOADER_X86) or filename.endswith(get_shared_deps.LOADER_ARM)) class ArchFile(object): """Simple structure containing information about an architecture-specific file. Attributes: name: Name of this file path: Full path to this file on the build system arch: Architecture of this file (e.g., x86-32) url: Relative path to file in the staged web directory. Used for specifying the "url" attribute in the nmf file.""" def __init__(self, name, path, url=None, arch=None): self.name = name self.path = path self.url = url self.arch = arch if arch is None: self.arch = ParseElfHeader(path)[0] def __repr__(self): return '' % self.path def __str__(self): """Return the file path when invoked with the str() function""" return self.path class NmfUtils(object): """Helper class for creating and managing nmf files""" def __init__(self, main_files=None, objdump=None, lib_path=None, extra_files=None, lib_prefix=None, nexe_prefix=None, no_arch_prefix=None, remap=None, pnacl_optlevel=None, pnacl_debug_optlevel=None, nmf_root=None): """Constructor Args: main_files: List of main entry program files. These will be named files->main.nexe for dynamic nexes, and program for static nexes objdump: path to x86_64-nacl-objdump tool (or Linux equivalent) lib_path: List of paths to library directories extra_files: List of extra files to include in the nmf lib_prefix: A path prefix to prepend to the library paths, both for staging the libraries and for inclusion into the nmf file. Example: '../lib_dir' nexe_prefix: Like lib_prefix, but is prepended to the nexes instead. no_arch_prefix: Don't prefix shared libraries by lib32/lib64. remap: Remaps the library name in the manifest. pnacl_optlevel: Optimization level for PNaCl translation. pnacl_debug_optlevel: Optimization level for debug PNaCl translation. nmf_root: Directory of the NMF. All urls are relative to this directory. """ assert len(main_files) > 0 self.objdump = objdump self.main_files = main_files self.extra_files = extra_files or [] self.lib_path = lib_path or [] self.manifest = None self.needed = None self.lib_prefix = lib_prefix or '' self.nexe_prefix = nexe_prefix or '' self.no_arch_prefix = no_arch_prefix self.remap = remap or {} self.pnacl = main_files[0].endswith(('.pexe', '.bc')) self.pnacl_optlevel = pnacl_optlevel self.pnacl_debug_optlevel = pnacl_debug_optlevel if nmf_root is not None: self.nmf_root = nmf_root else: # To match old behavior, if there is no nmf_root, use the directory of # the first nexe found in main_files. self.nmf_root = os.path.dirname(main_files[0]) for filename in self.main_files: if not os.path.exists(filename): raise Error('Input file not found: %s' % filename) if not os.path.isfile(filename): raise Error('Input is not a file: %s' % filename) def GetNeeded(self): """Collect the list of dependencies for the main_files Returns: A dict with key=filename and value=ArchFile of input files. Includes the input files as well, with arch filled in if absent. Example: { '/path/to/my.nexe': ArchFile(my.nexe), '/path/to/libfoo.so': ArchFile(libfoo.so) }""" if self.needed: return self.needed DebugPrint('GetNeeded(%s)' % self.main_files) if not self.objdump: self.objdump = FindObjdumpExecutable() try: all_files = get_shared_deps.GetNeeded(self.main_files, self.objdump, self.lib_path) except get_shared_deps.NoObjdumpError: raise Error('No objdump executable found (see --help for more info)') except get_shared_deps.Error, e: raise Error(str(e)) self.needed = {} # all_files is a dictionary mapping filename to architecture. self.needed # should be a dictionary of filename to ArchFile. for filename, arch in all_files.iteritems(): name = os.path.basename(filename) self.needed[filename] = ArchFile(name=name, path=filename, arch=arch) self._SetArchFileUrls() return self.needed def _SetArchFileUrls(self): """Fill in the url member of all ArchFiles in self.needed. All urls are relative to the nmf_root. In addition, architecture-specific files are relative to the .nexe with the matching architecture. This is useful when making a multi-platform packaged app, so each architecture's files are in a different directory. """ # self.GetNeeded() should have already been called. assert self.needed is not None main_nexes = [f for f in self.main_files if f.endswith('.nexe')] # map from each arch to its corresponding main nexe. arch_to_main_dir = {} for main_file in main_nexes: arch, _ = ParseElfHeader(main_file) main_dir = os.path.dirname(main_file) main_dir = PosixRelPath(main_dir, self.nmf_root) if main_dir == '.': main_dir = '' arch_to_main_dir[arch] = main_dir for arch_file in self.needed.itervalues(): prefix = '' if DirectoryTreeContainsFile(self.nmf_root, arch_file.path): # This file is already in the nmf_root tree, so it does not need to be # staged. Just make the URL relative to the .nmf. url = PosixRelPath(arch_file.path, self.nmf_root) else: # This file is outside of the nmf_root subtree, so it needs to be # staged. Its path should be relative to the main .nexe with the same # architecture. prefix = arch_to_main_dir[arch_file.arch] url = os.path.basename(arch_file.path) if arch_file.name.endswith('.nexe') and not IsLoader(arch_file.name): prefix = posixpath.join(prefix, self.nexe_prefix) elif self.no_arch_prefix: prefix = posixpath.join(prefix, self.lib_prefix) else: prefix = posixpath.join( prefix, self.lib_prefix, ARCH_LOCATION[arch_file.arch]) arch_file.url = posixpath.join(prefix, url) def StageDependencies(self, destination_dir): """Copies over the dependencies into a given destination directory Each library will be put into a subdirectory that corresponds to the arch. Args: destination_dir: The destination directory for staging the dependencies """ assert self.needed is not None for arch_file in self.needed.itervalues(): source = arch_file.path destination = os.path.join(destination_dir, arch_file.url) if (os.path.normcase(os.path.realpath(source)) == os.path.normcase(os.path.realpath(destination))): continue # make sure target dir exists MakeDir(os.path.dirname(destination)) Trace('copy: %s -> %s' % (source, destination)) shutil.copy2(source, destination) def _GeneratePNaClManifest(self): manifest = {} manifest[PROGRAM_KEY] = {} manifest[PROGRAM_KEY][PORTABLE_KEY] = {} portable = manifest[PROGRAM_KEY][PORTABLE_KEY] for filename in self.main_files: translate_dict = { 'url': os.path.basename(filename), } if filename.endswith('.pexe'): if self.pnacl_optlevel is not None: translate_dict[PNACL_OPTLEVEL_KEY] = self.pnacl_optlevel if TRANSLATE_KEY in portable: raise Error('Multiple .pexe files') portable[TRANSLATE_KEY] = translate_dict elif filename.endswith('.bc'): if self.pnacl_debug_optlevel is not None: translate_dict[PNACL_OPTLEVEL_KEY] = self.pnacl_debug_optlevel if TRANSLATE_DEBUG_KEY in portable: raise Error('Multiple .bc files') portable[TRANSLATE_DEBUG_KEY] = translate_dict else: raise Error('Unexpected executable type: %s' % filename) self.manifest = manifest def _GenerateManifest(self): """Create a JSON formatted dict containing the files NaCl will map url requests based on architecture. The startup NEXE can always be found under the top key PROGRAM. Additional files are under the FILES key further mapped by file name. In the case of 'runnable' the PROGRAM key is populated with urls pointing the runnable-ld.so which acts as the startup nexe. The application itself is then placed under the FILES key mapped as 'main.exe' instead of the original name so that the loader can find it. """ manifest = { FILES_KEY: {}, PROGRAM_KEY: {} } needed = self.GetNeeded() extra_files_kv = [(key, ArchFile(name=key, arch=arch, path=url, url=url)) for key, arch, url in self.extra_files] manifest_items = needed.items() + extra_files_kv # Add dynamic loader to the program section. for need, archinfo in manifest_items: if IsLoader(need): urlinfo = { URL_KEY: archinfo.url } manifest[PROGRAM_KEY][archinfo.arch] = urlinfo for need, archinfo in manifest_items: urlinfo = { URL_KEY: archinfo.url } name = archinfo.name arch = archinfo.arch if IsLoader(need): continue if need in self.main_files: if need.endswith(".nexe"): # Place it under program if we aren't using the runnable-ld.so. program = manifest[PROGRAM_KEY] if arch not in program: program[arch] = urlinfo continue # Otherwise, treat it like another another file named main.nexe. name = MAIN_NEXE name = self.remap.get(name, name) fileinfo = manifest[FILES_KEY].get(name, {}) fileinfo[arch] = urlinfo manifest[FILES_KEY][name] = fileinfo self.manifest = manifest def GetManifest(self): """Returns a JSON-formatted dict containing the NaCl dependencies""" if self.manifest is None: if self.pnacl: self._GeneratePNaClManifest() else: self._GenerateManifest() return self.manifest def GetJson(self): """Returns the Manifest as a JSON-formatted string""" pretty_string = json.dumps(self.GetManifest(), indent=2) # json.dumps sometimes returns trailing whitespace and does not put # a newline at the end. This code fixes these problems. pretty_lines = pretty_string.split('\n') return '\n'.join([line.rstrip() for line in pretty_lines]) + '\n' def Trace(msg): if Trace.verbose: sys.stderr.write(str(msg) + '\n') Trace.verbose = False def ParseExtraFiles(encoded_list, err): """Parse the extra-files list and return a canonicalized list of [key, arch, url] triples. The |encoded_list| should be a list of strings of the form 'key:url' or 'key:arch:url', where an omitted 'arch' is taken to mean 'portable'. All entries in |encoded_list| are checked for syntax errors before returning. Error messages are written to |err| (typically sys.stderr) so that the user has actionable feedback for fixing all errors, rather than one at a time. If there are any errors, None is returned instead of a list, since an empty list is a valid return value. """ seen_error = False canonicalized = [] for ix in range(len(encoded_list)): kv = encoded_list[ix] unquoted = quote.unquote(kv, ':') if len(unquoted) == 3: if unquoted[1] != ':': err.write('Syntax error for key:value tuple ' + 'for --extra-files argument: ' + kv + '\n') seen_error = True else: canonicalized.append([unquoted[0], 'portable', unquoted[2]]) elif len(unquoted) == 5: if unquoted[1] != ':' or unquoted[3] != ':': err.write('Syntax error for key:arch:url tuple ' + 'for --extra-files argument: ' + kv + '\n') seen_error = True else: canonicalized.append([unquoted[0], unquoted[2], unquoted[4]]) else: err.write('Bad key:arch:url tuple for --extra-files: ' + kv + '\n') if seen_error: return None return canonicalized def GetSDKRoot(): """Returns the root directory of the NaCl SDK. """ # This script should be installed in NACL_SDK_ROOT/tools. Assert that # the 'toolchain' folder exists within this directory in case, for # example, this script is moved to a different location. # During the Chrome build this script is sometimes run outside of # of an SDK but in these cases it should always be run with --objdump= # and --no-default-libpath which avoids the need to call this function. sdk_root = os.path.dirname(SCRIPT_DIR) assert(os.path.exists(os.path.join(sdk_root, 'toolchain'))) return sdk_root def FindObjdumpExecutable(): """Derive path to objdump executable to use for determining shared object dependencies. """ osname = getos.GetPlatform() toolchain = os.path.join(GetSDKRoot(), 'toolchain', '%s_x86_glibc' % osname) objdump = os.path.join(toolchain, 'bin', 'x86_64-nacl-objdump') if osname == 'win': objdump += '.exe' if not os.path.exists(objdump): sys.stderr.write('WARNING: failed to find objdump in default ' 'location: %s' % objdump) return None return objdump def GetDefaultLibPath(config): """Derive default library path. This path is used when searching for shared objects. This currently includes the toolchain library folders and the top level SDK lib folder. """ sdk_root = GetSDKRoot() osname = getos.GetPlatform() libpath = [ # Core toolchain libraries 'toolchain/%s_x86_glibc/x86_64-nacl/lib' % osname, 'toolchain/%s_x86_glibc/x86_64-nacl/lib32' % osname, 'toolchain/%s_arm_glibc/arm-nacl/lib' % osname, # user installed libraries (used by webports) 'toolchain/%s_x86_glibc/x86_64-nacl/usr/lib' % osname, 'toolchain/%s_x86_glibc/i686-nacl/usr/lib' % osname, 'toolchain/%s_arm_glibc/arm-nacl/usr/lib' % osname, # SDK bundle libraries 'lib/glibc_x86_32/%s' % config, 'lib/glibc_x86_64/%s' % config, 'lib/glibc_arm/%s' % config, ] # In some cases (e.g. ASAN, TSAN, STANDALONE) the name of the configuration # can be different to simply Debug or Release. For example 'msan_Release'. # In this case we search for libraries first in this directory and then # fall back to 'Release'. if config not in ['Debug', 'Release']: config_fallback = 'Release' if 'Debug' in config: config_fallback = 'Debug' libpath += [ 'lib/glibc_x86_32/%s' % config_fallback, 'lib/glibc_x86_64/%s' % config_fallback, 'lib/glibc_arm/%s' % config_fallback, 'ports/lib/glibc_x86_32/%s' % config_fallback, 'ports/lib/glibc_x86_64/%s' % config_fallback, 'ports/lib/glibc_arm/%s' % config_fallback, ] libpath = [os.path.normpath(p) for p in libpath] libpath = [os.path.join(sdk_root, p) for p in libpath] libpath.append(os.path.join(sdk_root, 'tools')) return libpath def main(args): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', dest='output', help='Write manifest file to FILE (default is stdout)', metavar='FILE') parser.add_argument('-D', '--objdump', dest='objdump', help='Override the default "objdump" tool used to find ' 'shared object dependencies', metavar='TOOL') parser.add_argument('--no-default-libpath', action='store_true', help="Don't include the SDK default library paths") parser.add_argument('--debug-libs', action='store_true', help='Legacy option, do not use') parser.add_argument('--config', default='Release', help='Use a particular library configuration (normally ' 'Debug or Release)') parser.add_argument('-L', '--library-path', dest='lib_path', action='append', default=[], help='Add DIRECTORY to library search path', metavar='DIRECTORY') parser.add_argument('-P', '--path-prefix', dest='path_prefix', default='', help='Deprecated. An alias for --lib-prefix.', metavar='DIRECTORY') parser.add_argument('-p', '--lib-prefix', dest='lib_prefix', default='', help='A path to prepend to shared libraries in the .nmf', metavar='DIRECTORY') parser.add_argument('-N', '--nexe-prefix', dest='nexe_prefix', default='', help='A path to prepend to nexes in the .nmf', metavar='DIRECTORY') parser.add_argument('-s', '--stage-dependencies', dest='stage_dependencies', help='Destination directory for staging libraries', metavar='DIRECTORY') parser.add_argument('--no-arch-prefix', action='store_true', help='Don\'t put shared libraries in the lib32/lib64 ' 'directories. Instead, they will be put in the same ' 'directory as the .nexe that matches its architecture.') parser.add_argument('-t', '--toolchain', help='Legacy option, do not use') parser.add_argument('-n', '--name', dest='name', help='Rename FOO as BAR', action='append', default=[], metavar='FOO,BAR') parser.add_argument('-x', '--extra-files', help='Add extra key:file tuple to the "files"' ' section of the .nmf', action='append', default=[], metavar='FILE') parser.add_argument('-O', '--pnacl-optlevel', help='Set the optimization level to N in PNaCl manifests', metavar='N') parser.add_argument('--pnacl-debug-optlevel', help='Set the optimization level to N for debugging ' 'sections in PNaCl manifests', metavar='N') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', help='Verbose output', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug-mode', help='Debug mode', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('executables', metavar='EXECUTABLE', nargs='+') # To enable bash completion for this command first install optcomplete # and then add this line to your .bashrc: # complete -F _optcomplete create_nmf.py try: import optcomplete optcomplete.autocomplete(parser) except ImportError: pass options = parser.parse_args(args) if options.verbose: Trace.verbose = True if options.debug_mode: DebugPrint.debug_mode = True if options.toolchain is not None: sys.stderr.write('warning: option -t/--toolchain is deprecated.\n') if options.debug_libs: sys.stderr.write('warning: --debug-libs is deprecated (use --config).\n') # Implement legacy behavior options.config = 'Debug' canonicalized = ParseExtraFiles(options.extra_files, sys.stderr) if canonicalized is None: parser.error('Bad --extra-files (-x) argument syntax') remap = {} for ren in options.name: parts = ren.split(',') if len(parts) != 2: parser.error('Expecting --name=,') remap[parts[0]] = parts[1] if options.path_prefix: options.lib_prefix = options.path_prefix for libpath in options.lib_path: if not os.path.exists(libpath): sys.stderr.write('Specified library path does not exist: %s\n' % libpath) elif not os.path.isdir(libpath): sys.stderr.write('Specified library is not a directory: %s\n' % libpath) if not options.no_default_libpath: # Add default libraries paths to the end of the search path. options.lib_path += GetDefaultLibPath(options.config) for path in options.lib_path: Trace('libpath: %s' % path) pnacl_optlevel = None if options.pnacl_optlevel is not None: pnacl_optlevel = int(options.pnacl_optlevel) if pnacl_optlevel < 0 or pnacl_optlevel > 3: sys.stderr.write( 'warning: PNaCl optlevel %d is unsupported (< 0 or > 3)\n' % pnacl_optlevel) if options.pnacl_debug_optlevel is not None: pnacl_debug_optlevel = int(options.pnacl_debug_optlevel) else: pnacl_debug_optlevel = pnacl_optlevel nmf_root = None if options.output: nmf_root = os.path.dirname(options.output) nmf = NmfUtils(objdump=options.objdump, main_files=options.executables, lib_path=options.lib_path, extra_files=canonicalized, lib_prefix=options.lib_prefix, nexe_prefix=options.nexe_prefix, no_arch_prefix=options.no_arch_prefix, remap=remap, pnacl_optlevel=pnacl_optlevel, pnacl_debug_optlevel=pnacl_debug_optlevel, nmf_root=nmf_root) if options.output is None: sys.stdout.write(nmf.GetJson()) else: with open(options.output, 'w') as output: output.write(nmf.GetJson()) if options.stage_dependencies and not nmf.pnacl: Trace('Staging dependencies...') nmf.StageDependencies(options.stage_dependencies) return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': try: rtn = main(sys.argv[1:]) except Error, e: sys.stderr.write('%s: %s\n' % (os.path.basename(__file__), e)) rtn = 1 except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.stderr.write('%s: interrupted\n' % os.path.basename(__file__)) rtn = 1 sys.exit(rtn)