#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Utility to decode a crash dump generated by untrusted_crash_dump.[ch] Currently this produces a simple stack trace. """ import argparse import json import os import posixpath import subprocess import sys class CoreDecoder(object): """Class to process core dumps.""" def __init__(self, main_nexe, nmf_filename, addr2line, library_paths, platform): """Construct and object to process core dumps. Args: main_nexe: nexe to resolve NaClMain references from. nmf_filename: nmf to resolve references from. addr2line: path to appropriate addr2line. library_paths: list of paths to search for libraries. platform: platform string to use in nmf files. """ self.main_nexe = main_nexe self.nmf_filename = nmf_filename if nmf_filename == '-': self.nmf_data = {} else: self.nmf_data = json.load(open(nmf_filename)) self.addr2line = addr2line self.library_paths = library_paths self.platform = platform def _SelectModulePath(self, filename): """Select which path to get a module from. Args: filename: filename of a module (as appears in phdrs). Returns: Full local path to the file. Derived by consulting the manifest. """ # For some names try the main nexe. # NaClMain is the argv[0] setup in sel_main.c # (null) shows up in chrome. if self.main_nexe is not None and filename in ['NaClMain', '(null)']: return self.main_nexe filepart = posixpath.basename(filename) nmf_entry = self.nmf_data.get('files', {}).get(filepart, {}) nmf_url = nmf_entry.get(self.platform, {}).get('url') # Try filename directly if not in manifest. if nmf_url is None: return filename # Look for the module relative to the manifest (if any), # then in other search paths. paths = [] if self.nmf_filename != '-': paths.append(os.path.dirname(self.nmf_filename)) paths.extend(self.library_paths) for path in paths: pfilename = os.path.join(path, nmf_url) if os.path.exists(pfilename): return pfilename # If nothing else, try the path directly. return filename def _DecodeAddressSegment(self, segments, address): """Convert an address to a segment relative one, plus filename. Args: segments: a list of phdr segments. address: a process wide code address. Returns: A tuple of filename and segment relative address. """ for segment in segments: for phdr in segment['dlpi_phdr']: start = segment['dlpi_addr'] + phdr['p_vaddr'] end = start + phdr['p_memsz'] if address >= start and address < end: return (segment['dlpi_name'], address - segment['dlpi_addr']) return ('(null)', address) def _Addr2Line(self, segments, address): """Use addr2line to decode a code address. Args: segments: A list of phdr segments. address: a code address. Returns: A list of dicts containing: function, filename, lineno. """ filename, address = self._DecodeAddressSegment(segments, address) filename = self._SelectModulePath(filename) if not os.path.exists(filename): return [{ 'function': 'Unknown_function', 'filename': 'unknown_file', 'lineno': -1, }] # Use address - 1 to get the call site instead of the line after. address -= 1 cmd = [ self.addr2line, '-f', '--inlines', '-e', filename, '0x%08x' % address, ] process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) process_stdout, _ = process.communicate() assert process.returncode == 0 lines = process_stdout.splitlines() assert len(lines) % 2 == 0 results = [] for index in xrange(len(lines) / 2): func = lines[index * 2] afilename, lineno = lines[index * 2 + 1].split(':', 1) results.append({ 'function': func, 'filename': afilename, 'lineno': int(lineno), }) return results def Decode(self, text): core = json.loads(text) for frame in core['frames']: frame['scopes'] = self._Addr2Line(core['segments'], frame['prog_ctr']) return core def LoadAndDecode(self, core_path): """Given a core.json file, load and embellish with decoded addresses. Args: core_path: source file containing a dump. Returns: An embellished core dump dict (decoded code addresses). """ core = json.load(open(core_path)) for frame in core['frames']: frame['scopes'] = self._Addr2Line(core['segments'], frame['prog_ctr']) return core def StackTrace(self, info): """Convert a decoded core.json dump to a simple stack trace. Args: info: core.json info with decoded code addresses. Returns: A list of dicts with filename, lineno, function (deepest first). """ trace = [] for frame in info['frames']: for scope in frame['scopes']: trace.append(scope) return trace def PrintTrace(self, trace, out): """Print a trace to a file like object. Args: trace: A list of [filename, lineno, function] (deepest first). out: file like object to output the trace to. """ for scope in trace: out.write('%s at %s:%d\n' % ( scope['function'], scope['filename'], scope['lineno'])) def main(args): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument('-m', '--main-nexe', help='nexe to resolve NaClMain references from') parser.add_argument('-n', '--nmf', default='-', help='nmf to resolve references from') parser.add_argument('-a', '--addr2line', help='path to appropriate addr2line') parser.add_argument('-L', '--library-path', dest='library_paths', action='append', default=[], help='path to search for shared libraries') parser.add_argument('-p', '--platform', help='platform in a style match nmf files') parser.add_argument('core_json') options = parser.parse_args(args) decoder = CoreDecoder( main_nexe=options.main_nexe, nmf_filename=options.nmf, addr2line=options.addr2line, library_paths=options.library_paths, platform=options.platform) info = decoder.LoadAndDecode(options.core_json) trace = decoder.StackTrace(info) decoder.PrintTrace(trace, sys.stdout) return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))