#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Utility script for emulating common unix commands.""" from __future__ import print_function import argparse import fnmatch import glob import os import posixpath import shutil import stat import subprocess import sys import time import zipfile if sys.version_info < (2, 7, 0): sys.stderr.write("python 2.7 or later is required run this script\n") sys.exit(1) def IncludeFiles(filters, files): """Filter files based on inclusion lists Return a list of files which match and of the Unix shell-style wildcards provided, or return all the files if no filter is provided. """ if not filters: return files match = set() for file_filter in filters: match |= set(fnmatch.filter(files, file_filter)) return [name for name in files if name in match] def ExcludeFiles(filters, files): """Filter files based on exclusions lists Return a list of files which do not match any of the Unix shell-style wildcards provided, or return all the files if no filter is provided. """ if not filters: return files match = set() for file_filter in filters: excludes = set(fnmatch.filter(files, file_filter)) match |= excludes return [name for name in files if name not in match] def CopyPath(options, src, dst): """CopyPath from src to dst Copy a fully specified src to a fully specified dst. If src and dst are both files, the dst file is removed first to prevent error. If and include or exclude list are provided, the destination is first matched against that filter. """ if options.includes: if not IncludeFiles(options.includes, [src]): return if options.excludes: if not ExcludeFiles(options.excludes, [src]): return if options.verbose: print('cp %s %s' % (src, dst)) # If the source is a single file, copy it individually if os.path.isfile(src): # We can not copy over a directory with a file. if os.path.exists(dst): if not os.path.isfile(dst): msg = "cp: cannot overwrite non-file '%s' with file." % dst raise OSError(msg) # If the destination exists as a file, remove it before copying to avoid # 'readonly' issues. os.remove(dst) # Now copy to the non-existent fully qualified target shutil.copy(src, dst) return # Otherwise it's a directory, ignore it unless allowed if os.path.isdir(src): if not options.recursive: print("cp: omitting directory '%s'" % src) return # We can not copy over a file with a directory. if os.path.exists(dst): if not os.path.isdir(dst): msg = "cp: cannot overwrite non-directory '%s' with directory." % dst raise OSError(msg) else: # if it didn't exist, create the directory os.makedirs(dst) # Now copy all members for filename in os.listdir(src): srcfile = os.path.join(src, filename) dstfile = os.path.join(dst, filename) CopyPath(options, srcfile, dstfile) return def Copy(args): """A Unix cp style copy. Copies multiple sources to a single destination using the normal cp semantics. In addition, it support inclusion and exclusion filters which allows the copy to skip certain types of files. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage='cp [Options] sources... dest', description=Copy.__doc__) parser.add_argument( '-R', '-r', '--recursive', dest='recursive', action='store_true', default=False, help='copy directories recursively.') parser.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true', default=False, help='verbose output.') parser.add_argument( '--include', dest='includes', action='append', default=[], help='include files matching this expression.') parser.add_argument( '--exclude', dest='excludes', action='append', default=[], help='exclude files matching this expression.') parser.add_argument('srcs', nargs='+', help='files to copy') parser.add_argument('dest', help='destination') options = parser.parse_args(args) src_list = [] for src in options.srcs: files = glob.glob(src) if not files: raise OSError('cp: no such file or directory: ' + src) if files: src_list.extend(files) for src in src_list: # If the destination is a directory, then append the basename of the src # to the destination. if os.path.isdir(options.dest): CopyPath(options, src, os.path.join(options.dest, os.path.basename(src))) else: CopyPath(options, src, options.dest) def Mkdir(args): """A Unix style mkdir.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage='mkdir [Options] DIRECTORY...', description=Mkdir.__doc__) parser.add_argument( '-p', '--parents', dest='parents', action='store_true', default=False, help='ignore existing parents, create parents as needed.') parser.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true', default=False, help='verbose output.') parser.add_argument('dirs', nargs='+', help='directory(s) to create') options = parser.parse_args(args) for dst in options.dirs: if options.verbose: print('mkdir %s' % dst) try: os.makedirs(dst) except OSError: if os.path.isdir(dst): if options.parents: continue raise OSError('mkdir: Already exists: ' + dst) else: raise OSError('mkdir: Failed to create: ' + dst) return 0 def MovePath(options, src, dst): """MovePath from src to dst. Moves the src to the dst much like the Unix style mv command, except it only handles one source at a time. Because of possible temporary failures do to locks (such as anti-virus software on Windows), the function will retry up to five times. """ # if the destination is not an existing directory, then overwrite it if os.path.isdir(dst): dst = os.path.join(dst, os.path.basename(src)) # If the destination exists, the remove it if os.path.exists(dst): if options.force: Remove(['-vfr', dst]) if os.path.exists(dst): raise OSError('mv: FAILED TO REMOVE ' + dst) else: raise OSError('mv: already exists ' + dst) for _ in range(5): try: os.rename(src, dst) break except OSError as error: print('Failed on %s with %s, retrying' % (src, error)) time.sleep(5) else: print('Gave up.') raise OSError('mv: ' + error) def Move(args): """A Unix style mv.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage='mv [Options] sources... dest', description=Move.__doc__) parser.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true', default=False, help='verbose output.') parser.add_argument( '-f', '--force', dest='force', action='store_true', default=False, help='force, do not error it files already exist.') parser.add_argument('srcs', nargs='+') parser.add_argument('dest') options = parser.parse_args(args) if options.verbose: print('mv %s %s' % (' '.join(options.srcs), options.dest)) for src in options.srcs: MovePath(options, src, options.dest) return 0 def Remove(args): """A Unix style rm. Removes the list of paths. Because of possible temporary failures do to locks (such as anti-virus software on Windows), the function will retry up to five times. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage='rm [Options] PATHS...', description=Remove.__doc__) parser.add_argument( '-R', '-r', '--recursive', dest='recursive', action='store_true', default=False, help='remove directories recursively.') parser.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true', default=False, help='verbose output.') parser.add_argument( '-f', '--force', dest='force', action='store_true', default=False, help='force, do not error it files does not exist.') parser.add_argument('files', nargs='+') options = parser.parse_args(args) try: for pattern in options.files: dst_files = glob.glob(pattern) if not dst_files: # Ignore non existing files when using force if options.force: continue raise OSError('rm: no such file or directory: ' + pattern) for dst in dst_files: if options.verbose: print('rm ' + dst) if os.path.isfile(dst) or os.path.islink(dst): for _ in range(5): try: # Check every time, since it may have been deleted after the # previous failed attempt. if os.path.isfile(dst) or os.path.islink(dst): os.remove(dst) break except OSError as error: print('Failed remove with %s, retrying' % error) time.sleep(5) else: print('Gave up.') raise OSError('rm: ' + str(error)) if options.recursive: for _ in range(5): try: if os.path.isdir(dst): if sys.platform == 'win32': # shutil.rmtree doesn't handle junctions properly. Let's just # shell out to rd for this. subprocess.check_call([ 'rd', '/s', '/q', os.path.normpath(dst)], shell=True) else: shutil.rmtree(dst) break except OSError as error: print('Failed rmtree with %s, retrying' % error) time.sleep(5) else: print('Gave up.') raise OSError('rm: ' + str(error)) except OSError as error: print(error) return 0 def MakeZipPath(os_path, isdir, iswindows): """Changes a path into zipfile format. # doctest doesn't seem to honor r'' strings, so the backslashes need to be # escaped. >>> MakeZipPath(r'C:\\users\\foobar\\blah', False, True) 'users/foobar/blah' >>> MakeZipPath('/tmp/tmpfoobar/something', False, False) 'tmp/tmpfoobar/something' >>> MakeZipPath('./somefile.txt', False, False) 'somefile.txt' >>> MakeZipPath('somedir', True, False) 'somedir/' >>> MakeZipPath('../dir/filename.txt', False, False) '../dir/filename.txt' >>> MakeZipPath('dir/../filename.txt', False, False) 'filename.txt' """ zip_path = os_path if iswindows: import ntpath # zipfile paths are always posix-style. They also have the drive # letter and leading slashes removed. zip_path = ntpath.splitdrive(os_path)[1].replace('\\', '/') if zip_path.startswith('/'): zip_path = zip_path[1:] zip_path = posixpath.normpath(zip_path) # zipfile also always appends a slash to a directory name. if isdir: zip_path += '/' return zip_path def OSMakeZipPath(os_path): return MakeZipPath(os_path, os.path.isdir(os_path), sys.platform == 'win32') def Zip(args): """A Unix style zip. Compresses the listed files. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=Zip.__doc__) parser.add_argument( '-r', dest='recursive', action='store_true', default=False, help='recurse into directories') parser.add_argument( '-q', dest='quiet', action='store_true', default=False, help='quiet operation') parser.add_argument('zipfile') parser.add_argument('filenames', nargs='+') options = parser.parse_args(args) src_files = [] for filename in options.filenames: globbed_src_args = glob.glob(filename) if not globbed_src_args: if not options.quiet: print('zip warning: name not matched: %s' % filename) for src_file in globbed_src_args: src_file = os.path.normpath(src_file) src_files.append(src_file) if options.recursive and os.path.isdir(src_file): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(src_file): for dirname in dirs: src_files.append(os.path.join(root, dirname)) for filename in files: src_files.append(os.path.join(root, filename)) # zip_data represents a list of the data to be written or appended to the # zip_stream. It is a list of tuples: # (OS file path, zip path/zip file info, and file data) # In all cases one of the |os path| or the |file data| will be None. # |os path| is None when there is no OS file to write to the archive (i.e. # the file data already existed in the archive). |file data| is None when the # file is new (never existed in the archive) or being updated. zip_data = [] new_files_to_add = [OSMakeZipPath(src_file) for src_file in src_files] zip_path_to_os_path_dict = dict((new_files_to_add[i], src_files[i]) for i in range(len(src_files))) write_mode = 'a' if os.path.exists(options.zipfile): with zipfile.ZipFile(options.zipfile, 'r') as zip_stream: try: files_to_update = set(new_files_to_add).intersection( set(zip_stream.namelist())) if files_to_update: # As far as I can tell, there is no way to update a zip entry using # zipfile; the best you can do is rewrite the archive. # Iterate through the zipfile to maintain file order. write_mode = 'w' for zip_path in zip_stream.namelist(): if zip_path in files_to_update: os_path = zip_path_to_os_path_dict[zip_path] zip_data.append((os_path, zip_path, None)) new_files_to_add.remove(zip_path) else: file_bytes = zip_stream.read(zip_path) file_info = zip_stream.getinfo(zip_path) zip_data.append((None, file_info, file_bytes)) except IOError: pass for zip_path in new_files_to_add: zip_data.append((zip_path_to_os_path_dict[zip_path], zip_path, None)) if not zip_data: print('zip error: Nothing to do! (%s)' % options.zipfile) return 1 with zipfile.ZipFile(options.zipfile, write_mode, zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zip_stream: for os_path, file_info_or_zip_path, file_bytes in zip_data: if isinstance(file_info_or_zip_path, zipfile.ZipInfo): zip_path = file_info_or_zip_path.filename else: zip_path = file_info_or_zip_path if os_path: st = os.stat(os_path) if stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode): # Python 2.6 on the buildbots doesn't support writing directories to # zip files. This was resolved in a later version of Python 2.6. # We'll work around it by writing an empty file with the correct # path. (This is basically what later versions do anyway.) zip_info = zipfile.ZipInfo() zip_info.filename = zip_path zip_info.date_time = time.localtime(st.st_mtime)[0:6] zip_info.compress_type = zip_stream.compression zip_info.flag_bits = 0x00 zip_info.external_attr = (st[0] & 0xFFFF) << 16L zip_info.CRC = 0 zip_info.compress_size = 0 zip_info.file_size = 0 zip_stream.writestr(zip_info, '') else: zip_stream.write(os_path, zip_path) else: zip_stream.writestr(file_info_or_zip_path, file_bytes) if not options.quiet: if zip_path in new_files_to_add: operation = 'adding' else: operation = 'updating' zip_info = zip_stream.getinfo(zip_path) if (zip_info.compress_type == zipfile.ZIP_STORED or zip_info.file_size == 0): print(' %s: %s (stored 0%%)' % (operation, zip_path)) elif zip_info.compress_type == zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED: print(' %s: %s (deflated %d%%)' % (operation, zip_path, 100 - zip_info.compress_size * 100 / zip_info.file_size)) return 0 def FindExeInPath(filename): env_path = os.environ.get('PATH', '') paths = env_path.split(os.pathsep) def IsExecutableFile(path): return os.path.isfile(path) and os.access(path, os.X_OK) if os.path.sep in filename: if IsExecutableFile(filename): return filename for path in paths: filepath = os.path.join(path, filename) if IsExecutableFile(filepath): return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, filename)) def Which(args): """A Unix style which. Looks for all arguments in the PATH environment variable, and prints their path if they are executable files. Note: If you pass an argument with a path to which, it will just test if it is executable, not if it is in the path. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=Which.__doc__) parser.add_argument('files', nargs='+') options = parser.parse_args(args) retval = 0 for filename in options.files: fullname = FindExeInPath(filename) if fullname: print(fullname) else: retval = 1 return retval FuncMap = { 'cp': Copy, 'mkdir': Mkdir, 'mv': Move, 'rm': Remove, 'zip': Zip, 'which': Which, } def main(args): if not args: print('No command specified') print('Available commands: %s' % ' '.join(FuncMap)) return 1 func_name = args[0] func = FuncMap.get(func_name) if not func: print('Do not recognize command: %s' % func_name) print('Available commands: %s' % ' '.join(FuncMap)) return 1 try: return func(args[1:]) except KeyboardInterrupt: print('%s: interrupted' % func_name) return 1 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))