// Copyright (c) 2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. Use of this // source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the // LICENSE file. #include "net/base/file_input_stream.h" #include #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "net/base/net_errors.h" namespace net { // Ensure that we can just use our Whence values directly. COMPILE_ASSERT(FROM_BEGIN == FILE_BEGIN, bad_whence_begin); COMPILE_ASSERT(FROM_CURRENT == FILE_CURRENT, bad_whence_current); COMPILE_ASSERT(FROM_END == FILE_END, bad_whence_end); static void SetOffset(OVERLAPPED* overlapped, const LARGE_INTEGER& offset) { overlapped->Offset = offset.LowPart; overlapped->OffsetHigh = offset.HighPart; } static void IncrementOffset(OVERLAPPED* overlapped, DWORD count) { LARGE_INTEGER offset; offset.LowPart = overlapped->Offset; offset.HighPart = overlapped->OffsetHigh; offset.QuadPart += static_cast(count); SetOffset(overlapped, offset); } static int MapErrorCode(DWORD err) { switch (err) { case ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: case ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND: return ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; case ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: return ERR_ACCESS_DENIED; case ERROR_SUCCESS: return OK; default: LOG(WARNING) << "Unknown error " << err << " mapped to net::ERR_FAILED"; return ERR_FAILED; } } // FileInputStream::AsyncContext ---------------------------------------------- class FileInputStream::AsyncContext : public MessageLoopForIO::IOHandler { public: AsyncContext(FileInputStream* owner) : owner_(owner), overlapped_(), callback_(NULL) { overlapped_.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); } ~AsyncContext() { if (callback_) MessageLoopForIO::current()->RegisterIOContext(&overlapped_, NULL); CloseHandle(overlapped_.hEvent); } void IOCompletionIsPending(CompletionCallback* callback); OVERLAPPED* overlapped() { return &overlapped_; } CompletionCallback* callback() const { return callback_; } private: // MessageLoopForIO::IOHandler implementation: virtual void OnIOCompleted(OVERLAPPED* context, DWORD bytes_read, DWORD error); FileInputStream* owner_; OVERLAPPED overlapped_; CompletionCallback* callback_; }; void FileInputStream::AsyncContext::IOCompletionIsPending( CompletionCallback* callback) { DCHECK(!callback_); callback_ = callback; MessageLoopForIO::current()->RegisterIOContext(&overlapped_, this); } void FileInputStream::AsyncContext::OnIOCompleted(OVERLAPPED* context, DWORD bytes_read, DWORD error) { DCHECK(&overlapped_ == context); DCHECK(callback_); MessageLoopForIO::current()->RegisterIOContext(&overlapped_, NULL); HANDLE handle = owner_->handle_; int result = static_cast(bytes_read); if (error && error != ERROR_HANDLE_EOF) result = MapErrorCode(error); if (bytes_read) IncrementOffset(&overlapped_, bytes_read); CompletionCallback* temp = NULL; std::swap(temp, callback_); temp->Run(result); } // FileInputStream ------------------------------------------------------------ FileInputStream::FileInputStream() : handle_(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { } FileInputStream::~FileInputStream() { Close(); } void FileInputStream::Close() { if (handle_ != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(handle_); handle_ = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } async_context_.reset(); } int FileInputStream::Open(const std::wstring& path, bool asynchronous_mode) { if (IsOpen()) { DLOG(FATAL) << "File is already open!"; return ERR_UNEXPECTED; } // Optimize for streaming, not seeking. If someone does a lot of random // access operations, then we should consider revising this. DWORD create_file_flags = FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN; if (asynchronous_mode) create_file_flags |= FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED; handle_ = CreateFile(path.c_str(), GENERIC_READ | SYNCHRONIZE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, create_file_flags, NULL); if (handle_ == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DWORD error = GetLastError(); LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to open file: " << error; return MapErrorCode(error); } if (asynchronous_mode) { async_context_.reset(new AsyncContext(this)); MessageLoopForIO::current()->RegisterIOHandler(handle_, async_context_.get()); } return OK; } bool FileInputStream::IsOpen() const { return handle_ != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } int64 FileInputStream::Seek(Whence whence, int64 offset) { if (!IsOpen()) return ERR_UNEXPECTED; DCHECK(!async_context_.get() || !async_context_->callback()); LARGE_INTEGER distance, result; distance.QuadPart = offset; DWORD move_method = static_cast(whence); if (!SetFilePointerEx(handle_, distance, &result, move_method)) { DWORD error = GetLastError(); LOG(WARNING) << "SetFilePointerEx failed: " << error; return MapErrorCode(error); } if (async_context_.get()) SetOffset(async_context_->overlapped(), result); return result.QuadPart; } int64 FileInputStream::Available() { if (!IsOpen()) return ERR_UNEXPECTED; int64 cur_pos = Seek(FROM_CURRENT, 0); if (cur_pos < 0) return cur_pos; LARGE_INTEGER file_size; if (!GetFileSizeEx(handle_, &file_size)) { DWORD error = GetLastError(); LOG(WARNING) << "GetFileSizeEx failed: " << error; return MapErrorCode(error); } return file_size.QuadPart - cur_pos; } int FileInputStream::Read( char* buf, int buf_len, CompletionCallback* callback) { if (!IsOpen()) return ERR_UNEXPECTED; OVERLAPPED* overlapped = NULL; if (async_context_.get()) { DCHECK(!async_context_->callback()); overlapped = async_context_->overlapped(); } int rv; DWORD bytes_read; if (!ReadFile(handle_, buf, buf_len, &bytes_read, overlapped)) { DWORD error = GetLastError(); if (async_context_.get() && error == ERROR_IO_PENDING) { async_context_->IOCompletionIsPending(callback); rv = ERR_IO_PENDING; } else if (error == ERROR_HANDLE_EOF) { rv = 0; // Report EOF by returning 0 bytes read. } else { LOG(WARNING) << "ReadFile failed: " << error; rv = MapErrorCode(error); } } else { if (overlapped) IncrementOffset(overlapped, bytes_read); rv = static_cast(bytes_read); } return rv; } } // namespace net