// Copyright (c) 2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.  Use of this
// source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the
// LICENSE file.

// For 64-bit file access (off_t = off64_t, lseek64, etc).
#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64

#include "net/base/file_stream.h"

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>

#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/eintr_wrapper.h"
#include "base/file_path.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/message_loop.h"
#include "base/string_util.h"
#include "base/waitable_event.h"
#include "base/worker_pool.h"
#include "net/base/net_errors.h"

// We cast back and forth, so make sure it's the size we're expecting.
COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(int64) == sizeof(off_t), off_t_64_bit);

// Make sure our Whence mappings match the system headers.
               net::FROM_CURRENT == SEEK_CUR &&
               net::FROM_END     == SEEK_END, whence_matches_system);

namespace net {
namespace {

// Map from errno to net error codes.
int64 MapErrorCode(int err) {
  switch (err) {
    case ENOENT:
      return ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND;
    case EACCES:
      return ERR_ACCESS_DENIED;
      LOG(WARNING) << "Unknown error " << err << " mapped to net::ERR_FAILED";
      return ERR_FAILED;

// ReadFile() is a simple wrapper around read() that handles EINTR signals and
// calls MapErrorCode() to map errno to net error codes.
int ReadFile(base::PlatformFile file, char* buf, int buf_len) {
  // read(..., 0) returns 0 to indicate end-of-file.

  // Loop in the case of getting interrupted by a signal.
  ssize_t res = HANDLE_EINTR(read(file, buf, static_cast<size_t>(buf_len)));
  if (res == static_cast<ssize_t>(-1))
    return MapErrorCode(errno);
  return static_cast<int>(res);

// WriteFile() is a simple wrapper around write() that handles EINTR signals and
// calls MapErrorCode() to map errno to net error codes.  It tries to write to
// completion.
int WriteFile(base::PlatformFile file, const char* buf, int buf_len) {
  ssize_t res = HANDLE_EINTR(write(file, buf, buf_len));
  if (res == -1)
    return MapErrorCode(errno);
  return res;

// BackgroundReadTask is a simple task that reads a file and then runs
// |callback|.  AsyncContext will post this task to the WorkerPool.
class BackgroundReadTask : public Task {
  BackgroundReadTask(base::PlatformFile file, char* buf, int buf_len,
                     CompletionCallback* callback);

  virtual void Run();

  const base::PlatformFile file_;
  char* const buf_;
  const int buf_len_;
  CompletionCallback* const callback_;


    base::PlatformFile file, char* buf, int buf_len,
    CompletionCallback* callback)
    : file_(file), buf_(buf), buf_len_(buf_len), callback_(callback) {}

BackgroundReadTask::~BackgroundReadTask() {}

void BackgroundReadTask::Run() {
  int result = ReadFile(file_, buf_, buf_len_);

// BackgroundWriteTask is a simple task that writes to a file and then runs
// |callback|.  AsyncContext will post this task to the WorkerPool.
class BackgroundWriteTask : public Task {
  BackgroundWriteTask(base::PlatformFile file, const char* buf, int buf_len,
                      CompletionCallback* callback);

  virtual void Run();

  const base::PlatformFile file_;
  const char* const buf_;
  const int buf_len_;
  CompletionCallback* const callback_;


    base::PlatformFile file, const char* buf, int buf_len,
    CompletionCallback* callback)
    : file_(file), buf_(buf), buf_len_(buf_len), callback_(callback) {}

BackgroundWriteTask::~BackgroundWriteTask() {}

void BackgroundWriteTask::Run() {
  int result = WriteFile(file_, buf_, buf_len_);

}  // namespace

// CancelableCallbackTask takes ownership of the Callback.  This task gets
// posted to the MessageLoopForIO instance.
class CancelableCallbackTask : public CancelableTask {
  explicit CancelableCallbackTask(Callback0::Type* callback)
      : canceled_(false), callback_(callback) {}

  virtual void Run() {
    if (!canceled_)

  virtual void Cancel() {
    canceled_ = true;

  bool canceled_;
  scoped_ptr<Callback0::Type> callback_;

// FileStream::AsyncContext ----------------------------------------------

class FileStream::AsyncContext {

  // These methods post synchronous read() and write() calls to a WorkerThread.
  void InitiateAsyncRead(
      base::PlatformFile file, char* buf, int buf_len,
      CompletionCallback* callback);
  void InitiateAsyncWrite(
      base::PlatformFile file, const char* buf, int buf_len,
      CompletionCallback* callback);

  CompletionCallback* callback() const { return callback_; }

  // Called by the WorkerPool thread executing the IO after the IO completes.
  // This method queues RunAsynchronousCallback() on the MessageLoop and signals
  // |background_io_completed_callback_|, in case the destructor is waiting.  In
  // that case, the destructor will call RunAsynchronousCallback() instead, and
  // cancel |message_loop_task_|.
  // |result| is the result of the Read/Write task.
  void OnBackgroundIOCompleted(int result);

  // Always called on the IO thread, either directly by a task on the
  // MessageLoop or by ~AsyncContext().
  void RunAsynchronousCallback();

  // The MessageLoopForIO that this AsyncContext is running on.
  MessageLoopForIO* const message_loop_;
  CompletionCallback* callback_;  // The user provided callback.

  // A callback wrapper around OnBackgroundIOCompleted().  Run by the WorkerPool
  // thread doing the background IO on our behalf.
  CompletionCallbackImpl<AsyncContext> background_io_completed_callback_;

  // This is used to synchronize between the AsyncContext destructor (which runs
  // on the IO thread and OnBackgroundIOCompleted() which runs on the WorkerPool
  // thread.
  base::WaitableEvent background_io_completed_;

  // These variables are only valid when background_io_completed is signaled.
  int result_;
  CancelableCallbackTask* message_loop_task_;

  bool is_closing_;


    : message_loop_(MessageLoopForIO::current()),
          this, &AsyncContext::OnBackgroundIOCompleted),
      background_io_completed_(true, false),
      is_closing_(false) {}

FileStream::AsyncContext::~AsyncContext() {
  is_closing_ = true;
  if (callback_) {
    // If |callback_| is non-NULL, that implies either the worker thread is
    // still running the IO task, or the completion callback is queued up on the
    // MessageLoopForIO, but AsyncContext() got deleted before then.
    const bool need_to_wait = !background_io_completed_.IsSignaled();
    base::Time start = base::Time::Now();
    if (need_to_wait) {
      // We want to see if we block the message loop for too long.
      UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("AsyncIO.FileStreamClose", base::Time::Now() - start);

void FileStream::AsyncContext::InitiateAsyncRead(
    base::PlatformFile file, char* buf, int buf_len,
    CompletionCallback* callback) {
  callback_ = callback;

                       new BackgroundReadTask(
                           file, buf, buf_len,
                       true /* task_is_slow */);

void FileStream::AsyncContext::InitiateAsyncWrite(
    base::PlatformFile file, const char* buf, int buf_len,
    CompletionCallback* callback) {
  callback_ = callback;

                       new BackgroundWriteTask(
                           file, buf, buf_len,
                       true /* task_is_slow */);

void FileStream::AsyncContext::OnBackgroundIOCompleted(int result) {
  result_ = result;
  message_loop_task_ = new CancelableCallbackTask(
      NewCallback(this, &AsyncContext::RunAsynchronousCallback));
  message_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, message_loop_task_);

void FileStream::AsyncContext::RunAsynchronousCallback() {
  // Wait() here ensures that all modifications from the WorkerPool thread are
  // now visible.

  // Either we're in the MessageLoop's task, in which case Cancel() doesn't do
  // anything, or we're in ~AsyncContext(), in which case this prevents the call
  // from happening again.  Must do it here after calling Wait().
  message_loop_task_ = NULL;

  if (is_closing_) {
    callback_ = NULL;

  CompletionCallback* temp = NULL;
  std::swap(temp, callback_);

// FileStream ------------------------------------------------------------

    : file_(base::kInvalidPlatformFileValue),
      open_flags_(0) {

FileStream::FileStream(base::PlatformFile file, int flags)
    : file_(file),
      open_flags_(flags) {
  // If the file handle is opened with base::PLATFORM_FILE_ASYNC, we need to
  // make sure we will perform asynchronous File IO to it.
  if (flags & base::PLATFORM_FILE_ASYNC) {
    async_context_.reset(new AsyncContext());

FileStream::~FileStream() {

void FileStream::Close() {
  // Abort any existing asynchronous operations.

  if (file_ != base::kInvalidPlatformFileValue) {
    if (close(file_) != 0) {
    file_ = base::kInvalidPlatformFileValue;

int FileStream::Open(const FilePath& path, int open_flags) {
  if (IsOpen()) {
    DLOG(FATAL) << "File is already open!";
    return ERR_UNEXPECTED;

  open_flags_ = open_flags;
  file_ = base::CreatePlatformFile(path.ToWStringHack(), open_flags_, NULL);
  if (file_ == base::kInvalidPlatformFileValue) {
    LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to open file: " << errno;
    return MapErrorCode(errno);

  if (open_flags_ & base::PLATFORM_FILE_ASYNC) {
    async_context_.reset(new AsyncContext());

  return OK;

bool FileStream::IsOpen() const {
  return file_ != base::kInvalidPlatformFileValue;

int64 FileStream::Seek(Whence whence, int64 offset) {
  if (!IsOpen())
    return ERR_UNEXPECTED;

  // If we're in async, make sure we don't have a request in flight.
  DCHECK(!async_context_.get() || !async_context_->callback());

  off_t res = lseek(file_, static_cast<off_t>(offset),
  if (res == static_cast<off_t>(-1))
    return MapErrorCode(errno);

  return res;

int64 FileStream::Available() {
  if (!IsOpen())
    return ERR_UNEXPECTED;

  int64 cur_pos = Seek(FROM_CURRENT, 0);
  if (cur_pos < 0)
    return cur_pos;

  struct stat info;
  if (fstat(file_, &info) != 0)
    return MapErrorCode(errno);

  int64 size = static_cast<int64>(info.st_size);
  DCHECK_GT(size, cur_pos);

  return size - cur_pos;

int FileStream::Read(
    char* buf, int buf_len, CompletionCallback* callback) {
  if (!IsOpen())
    return ERR_UNEXPECTED;

  // read(..., 0) will return 0, which indicates end-of-file.
  DCHECK(buf_len > 0);
  DCHECK(open_flags_ & base::PLATFORM_FILE_READ);

  if (async_context_.get()) {
    DCHECK(open_flags_ & base::PLATFORM_FILE_ASYNC);
    // If we're in async, make sure we don't have a request in flight.
    async_context_->InitiateAsyncRead(file_, buf, buf_len, callback);
    return ERR_IO_PENDING;
  } else {
    return ReadFile(file_, buf, buf_len);

int FileStream::ReadUntilComplete(char *buf, int buf_len) {
  int to_read = buf_len;
  int bytes_total = 0;

  do {
    int bytes_read = Read(buf, to_read, NULL);
    if (bytes_read <= 0) {
      if (bytes_total == 0)
        return bytes_read;

      return bytes_total;

    bytes_total += bytes_read;
    buf += bytes_read;
    to_read -= bytes_read;
  } while (bytes_total < buf_len);

  return bytes_total;

int FileStream::Write(
    const char* buf, int buf_len, CompletionCallback* callback) {
  // write(..., 0) will return 0, which indicates end-of-file.
  DCHECK(buf_len > 0);

  if (!IsOpen())
    return ERR_UNEXPECTED;

  if (async_context_.get()) {
    DCHECK(open_flags_ & base::PLATFORM_FILE_ASYNC);
    // If we're in async, make sure we don't have a request in flight.
    async_context_->InitiateAsyncWrite(file_, buf, buf_len, callback);
    return ERR_IO_PENDING;
  } else {
    return WriteFile(file_, buf, buf_len);

int64 FileStream::Truncate(int64 bytes) {
  if (!IsOpen())
    return ERR_UNEXPECTED;

  // We better be open for reading.
  DCHECK(open_flags_ & base::PLATFORM_FILE_WRITE);

  // Seek to the position to truncate from.
  int64 seek_position = Seek(FROM_BEGIN, bytes);
  if (seek_position != bytes)
    return ERR_UNEXPECTED;

  // And truncate the file.
  int result = ftruncate(file_, bytes);
  return result == 0 ? seek_position : MapErrorCode(errno);

}  // namespace net