// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "net/base/net_errors.h" #include #include "base/logging.h" namespace net { // Map winsock and system errors to Chromium errors. Error MapSystemError(int os_error) { if (os_error != 0) DVLOG(2) << "Error " << os_error; // There are numerous Winsock error codes, but these are the ones we thus far // find interesting. switch (os_error) { case WSAEWOULDBLOCK: case WSA_IO_PENDING: return ERR_IO_PENDING; case WSAEACCES: return ERR_ACCESS_DENIED; case WSAENETDOWN: return ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED; case WSAETIMEDOUT: return ERR_TIMED_OUT; case WSAECONNRESET: case WSAENETRESET: // Related to keep-alive return ERR_CONNECTION_RESET; case WSAECONNABORTED: return ERR_CONNECTION_ABORTED; case WSAECONNREFUSED: return ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED; case WSA_IO_INCOMPLETE: case WSAEDISCON: return ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED; case WSAEISCONN: return ERR_SOCKET_IS_CONNECTED; case WSAEHOSTUNREACH: case WSAENETUNREACH: return ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE; case WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL: return ERR_ADDRESS_INVALID; case WSAEMSGSIZE: return ERR_MSG_TOO_BIG; case WSAENOTCONN: return ERR_SOCKET_NOT_CONNECTED; case WSAEAFNOSUPPORT: return ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE; case WSAEINVAL: return ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; case WSAEADDRINUSE: return ERR_ADDRESS_IN_USE; // System errors. case ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: // The system cannot find the file specified. return ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; case ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND: // The system cannot find the path specified. return ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; case ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES: // The system cannot open the file. return ERR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; case ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: // Access is denied. return ERR_ACCESS_DENIED; case ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE: // The handle is invalid. return ERR_INVALID_HANDLE; case ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY: // Not enough storage is available to return ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; // process this command. case ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY: // Not enough storage is available to complete return ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; // this operation. case ERROR_WRITE_PROTECT: // The media is write protected. return ERR_ACCESS_DENIED; case ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION: // Cannot access the file because it is return ERR_ACCESS_DENIED; // being used by another process. case ERROR_LOCK_VIOLATION: // The process cannot access the file because return ERR_ACCESS_DENIED; // another process has locked the file. case ERROR_HANDLE_EOF: // Reached the end of the file. return ERR_FAILED; case ERROR_HANDLE_DISK_FULL: // The disk is full. return ERR_FILE_NO_SPACE; case ERROR_FILE_EXISTS: // The file exists. return ERR_FILE_EXISTS; case ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: // The parameter is incorrect. return ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; case ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW: // The file name is too long. return ERR_FILE_PATH_TOO_LONG; case ERROR_DISK_FULL: // There is not enough space on the disk. return ERR_FILE_NO_SPACE; case ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED: // This function is not supported on return ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; // this system. case ERROR_INVALID_NAME: // The filename, directory name, or volume return ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; // label syntax is incorrect. case ERROR_DIR_NOT_EMPTY: // The directory is not empty. return ERR_FAILED; case ERROR_BUSY: // The requested resource is in use. return ERR_ACCESS_DENIED; case ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS: // Cannot create a file when that file return ERR_FILE_EXISTS; // already exists. case ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE: // The filename or extension is too long. return ERR_FILE_PATH_TOO_LONG; case ERROR_FILE_TOO_LARGE: // The file size exceeds the limit allowed return ERR_FILE_NO_SPACE; // and cannot be saved. case ERROR_VIRUS_INFECTED: // Operation failed because the file return ERR_FILE_VIRUS_INFECTED; // contains a virus. case ERROR_IO_DEVICE: // The request could not be performed return ERR_ACCESS_DENIED; // because of an I/O device error. case ERROR_POSSIBLE_DEADLOCK: // A potential deadlock condition has return ERR_ACCESS_DENIED; // been detected. case ERROR_BAD_DEVICE: // The specified device name is invalid. return ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; case ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE: // Pipe is not connected. return ERR_CONNECTION_RESET; case ERROR_SUCCESS: return OK; default: LOG(WARNING) << "Unknown error " << os_error << " mapped to net::ERR_FAILED"; return ERR_FAILED; } } } // namespace net