// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "net/base/net_log.h" #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/time.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "base/values.h" #include "net/base/net_errors.h" namespace net { namespace { // Returns parameters for logging data transferred events. Includes number of // bytes transferred and, if the log level indicates bytes should be logged and // |byte_count| > 0, the bytes themselves. The bytes are hex-encoded, since // base::StringValue only supports UTF-8. Value* BytesTransferredCallback(int byte_count, const char* bytes, NetLog::LogLevel log_level) { DictionaryValue* dict = new DictionaryValue(); dict->SetInteger("byte_count", byte_count); if (NetLog::IsLoggingBytes(log_level) && byte_count > 0) dict->SetString("hex_encoded_bytes", base::HexEncode(bytes, byte_count)); return dict; } Value* SourceEventParametersCallback(const NetLog::Source source, NetLog::LogLevel /* log_level */) { if (!source.IsValid()) return NULL; DictionaryValue* event_params = new DictionaryValue(); source.AddToEventParameters(event_params); return event_params; } Value* NetLogIntegerCallback(const char* name, int value, NetLog::LogLevel /* log_level */) { DictionaryValue* event_params = new DictionaryValue(); event_params->SetInteger(name, value); return event_params; } Value* NetLogInt64Callback(const char* name, int64 value, NetLog::LogLevel /* log_level */) { DictionaryValue* event_params = new DictionaryValue(); event_params->SetString(name, base::Int64ToString(value)); return event_params; } Value* NetLogStringCallback(const char* name, const std::string* value, NetLog::LogLevel /* log_level */) { DictionaryValue* event_params = new DictionaryValue(); event_params->SetString(name, *value); return event_params; } Value* NetLogString16Callback(const char* name, const string16* value, NetLog::LogLevel /* log_level */) { DictionaryValue* event_params = new DictionaryValue(); event_params->SetString(name, *value); return event_params; } } // namespace const uint32 NetLog::Source::kInvalidId = 0; NetLog::Source::Source() : type(SOURCE_NONE), id(kInvalidId) { } NetLog::Source::Source(SourceType type, uint32 id) : type(type), id(id) { } bool NetLog::Source::IsValid() const { return id != kInvalidId; } void NetLog::Source::AddToEventParameters(DictionaryValue* event_params) const { DictionaryValue* dict = new DictionaryValue(); dict->SetInteger("type", static_cast(type)); dict->SetInteger("id", static_cast(id)); event_params->Set("source_dependency", dict); } NetLog::ParametersCallback NetLog::Source::ToEventParametersCallback() const { return base::Bind(&SourceEventParametersCallback, *this); } // static bool NetLog::Source::FromEventParameters(Value* event_params, Source* source) { DictionaryValue* dict; DictionaryValue* source_dict; int source_id; int source_type; if (!event_params || !event_params->GetAsDictionary(&dict) || !dict->GetDictionary("source_dependency", &source_dict) || !source_dict->GetInteger("id", &source_id) || !source_dict->GetInteger("type", &source_type)) { *source = Source(); return false; } DCHECK_LE(0, source_id); DCHECK_LT(source_type, NetLog::SOURCE_COUNT); *source = Source(static_cast(source_type), source_id); return true; } Value* NetLog::Entry::ToValue() const { DictionaryValue* entry_dict(new DictionaryValue()); entry_dict->SetString("time", TickCountToString(time_)); // Set the entry source. DictionaryValue* source_dict = new DictionaryValue(); source_dict->SetInteger("id", source_.id); source_dict->SetInteger("type", static_cast(source_.type)); entry_dict->Set("source", source_dict); // Set the event info. entry_dict->SetInteger("type", static_cast(type_)); entry_dict->SetInteger("phase", static_cast(phase_)); // Set the event-specific parameters. if (parameters_callback_) { Value* value = parameters_callback_->Run(log_level_); if (value) entry_dict->Set("params", value); } return entry_dict; } Value* NetLog::Entry::ParametersToValue() const { if (parameters_callback_) return parameters_callback_->Run(log_level_); return NULL; } NetLog::Entry::Entry( EventType type, Source source, EventPhase phase, base::TimeTicks time, const ParametersCallback* parameters_callback, LogLevel log_level) : type_(type), source_(source), phase_(phase), time_(time), parameters_callback_(parameters_callback), log_level_(log_level) { }; NetLog::Entry::~Entry() { } NetLog::ThreadSafeObserver::ThreadSafeObserver() : log_level_(LOG_BASIC), net_log_(NULL) { } NetLog::ThreadSafeObserver::~ThreadSafeObserver() { // Make sure we aren't watching a NetLog on destruction. Because the NetLog // may pass events to each observer on multiple threads, we cannot safely // stop watching a NetLog automatically from a parent class. DCHECK(!net_log_); } NetLog::LogLevel NetLog::ThreadSafeObserver::log_level() const { DCHECK(net_log_); return log_level_; } NetLog* NetLog::ThreadSafeObserver::net_log() const { return net_log_; } void NetLog::AddGlobalEntry(EventType type) { AddEntry(type, Source(net::NetLog::SOURCE_NONE, NextID()), net::NetLog::PHASE_NONE, NULL); } void NetLog::AddGlobalEntry( EventType type, const NetLog::ParametersCallback& parameters_callback) { AddEntry(type, Source(net::NetLog::SOURCE_NONE, NextID()), net::NetLog::PHASE_NONE, ¶meters_callback); } // static std::string NetLog::TickCountToString(const base::TimeTicks& time) { int64 delta_time = (time - base::TimeTicks()).InMilliseconds(); return base::Int64ToString(delta_time); } // static const char* NetLog::EventTypeToString(EventType event) { switch (event) { #define EVENT_TYPE(label) case TYPE_ ## label: return #label; #include "net/base/net_log_event_type_list.h" #undef EVENT_TYPE default: NOTREACHED(); return NULL; } } // static base::Value* NetLog::GetEventTypesAsValue() { DictionaryValue* dict = new DictionaryValue(); for (int i = 0; i < EVENT_COUNT; ++i) { dict->SetInteger(EventTypeToString(static_cast(i)), i); } return dict; } // static const char* NetLog::SourceTypeToString(SourceType source) { switch (source) { #define SOURCE_TYPE(label) case SOURCE_ ## label: return #label; #include "net/base/net_log_source_type_list.h" #undef SOURCE_TYPE default: NOTREACHED(); return NULL; } } // static base::Value* NetLog::GetSourceTypesAsValue() { DictionaryValue* dict = new DictionaryValue(); for (int i = 0; i < SOURCE_COUNT; ++i) { dict->SetInteger(SourceTypeToString(static_cast(i)), i); } return dict; } // static const char* NetLog::EventPhaseToString(EventPhase phase) { switch (phase) { case PHASE_BEGIN: return "PHASE_BEGIN"; case PHASE_END: return "PHASE_END"; case PHASE_NONE: return "PHASE_NONE"; } NOTREACHED(); return NULL; } // static bool NetLog::IsLoggingBytes(LogLevel log_level) { return log_level == NetLog::LOG_ALL; } // static bool NetLog::IsLoggingAllEvents(LogLevel log_level) { return log_level <= NetLog::LOG_ALL_BUT_BYTES; } // static NetLog::ParametersCallback NetLog::IntegerCallback(const char* name, int value) { return base::Bind(&NetLogIntegerCallback, name, value); } // static NetLog::ParametersCallback NetLog::Int64Callback(const char* name, int64 value) { return base::Bind(&NetLogInt64Callback, name, value); } // static NetLog::ParametersCallback NetLog::StringCallback(const char* name, const std::string* value) { DCHECK(value); return base::Bind(&NetLogStringCallback, name, value); } // static NetLog::ParametersCallback NetLog::StringCallback(const char* name, const string16* value) { DCHECK(value); return base::Bind(&NetLogString16Callback, name, value); } void NetLog::OnAddObserver(ThreadSafeObserver* observer, LogLevel log_level) { DCHECK(!observer->net_log_); observer->net_log_ = this; observer->log_level_ = log_level; } void NetLog::OnSetObserverLogLevel(ThreadSafeObserver* observer, LogLevel log_level) { DCHECK_EQ(this, observer->net_log_); observer->log_level_ = log_level; } void NetLog::OnRemoveObserver(ThreadSafeObserver* observer) { DCHECK_EQ(this, observer->net_log_); observer->net_log_ = NULL; } void NetLog::AddEntry(EventType type, const Source& source, EventPhase phase, const NetLog::ParametersCallback* parameters_callback) { Entry entry(type, source, phase, base::TimeTicks::Now(), parameters_callback, GetLogLevel()); OnAddEntry(entry); } void BoundNetLog::AddEntry(NetLog::EventType type, NetLog::EventPhase phase) const { if (!net_log_) return; net_log_->AddEntry(type, source_, phase, NULL); } void BoundNetLog::AddEntry( NetLog::EventType type, NetLog::EventPhase phase, const NetLog::ParametersCallback& get_parameters) const { if (!net_log_) return; net_log_->AddEntry(type, source_, phase, &get_parameters); } void BoundNetLog::AddEvent(NetLog::EventType type) const { AddEntry(type, NetLog::PHASE_NONE); } void BoundNetLog::AddEvent( NetLog::EventType type, const NetLog::ParametersCallback& get_parameters) const { AddEntry(type, NetLog::PHASE_NONE, get_parameters); } void BoundNetLog::BeginEvent(NetLog::EventType type) const { AddEntry(type, NetLog::PHASE_BEGIN); } void BoundNetLog::BeginEvent( NetLog::EventType type, const NetLog::ParametersCallback& get_parameters) const { AddEntry(type, NetLog::PHASE_BEGIN, get_parameters); } void BoundNetLog::EndEvent(NetLog::EventType type) const { AddEntry(type, NetLog::PHASE_END); } void BoundNetLog::EndEvent( NetLog::EventType type, const NetLog::ParametersCallback& get_parameters) const { AddEntry(type, NetLog::PHASE_END, get_parameters); } void BoundNetLog::AddEventWithNetErrorCode(NetLog::EventType event_type, int net_error) const { DCHECK_NE(ERR_IO_PENDING, net_error); if (net_error >= 0) { AddEvent(event_type); } else { AddEvent(event_type, NetLog::IntegerCallback("net_error", net_error)); } } void BoundNetLog::EndEventWithNetErrorCode(NetLog::EventType event_type, int net_error) const { DCHECK_NE(ERR_IO_PENDING, net_error); if (net_error >= 0) { EndEvent(event_type); } else { EndEvent(event_type, NetLog::IntegerCallback("net_error", net_error)); } } void BoundNetLog::AddByteTransferEvent(NetLog::EventType event_type, int byte_count, const char* bytes) const { AddEvent(event_type, base::Bind(BytesTransferredCallback, byte_count, bytes)); } NetLog::LogLevel BoundNetLog::GetLogLevel() const { if (net_log_) return net_log_->GetLogLevel(); return NetLog::LOG_BASIC; } bool BoundNetLog::IsLoggingBytes() const { return NetLog::IsLoggingBytes(GetLogLevel()); } bool BoundNetLog::IsLoggingAllEvents() const { return NetLog::IsLoggingAllEvents(GetLogLevel()); } // static BoundNetLog BoundNetLog::Make(NetLog* net_log, NetLog::SourceType source_type) { if (!net_log) return BoundNetLog(); NetLog::Source source(source_type, net_log->NextID()); return BoundNetLog(source, net_log); } } // namespace net