// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "net/base/net_util.h" #include #include #include "base/files/file_path.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/strings/string_tokenizer.h" #include "base/strings/string_util.h" #include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h" #include "net/base/escape.h" #include "net/base/ip_endpoint.h" #include "net/base/net_errors.h" #include "url/gurl.h" #if !defined(OS_ANDROID) && !defined(OS_NACL) #include #include #include #endif #if defined(OS_MACOSX) && !defined(OS_IOS) #include #include #include #endif #if defined(OS_ANDROID) #include "net/android/network_library.h" #endif namespace net { namespace { #if !defined(OS_ANDROID) struct NetworkInterfaceInfo { NetworkInterfaceInfo() : permanent(true) { } bool permanent; // IPv6 has notion of temporary address. If the address is // IPv6 and it's temporary this field will be false. NetworkInterface interface; }; // This method will remove permanent IPv6 addresses if a temporary address // is available for same network interface. void RemovePermanentIPv6AddressesWhereTemporaryExists( std::vector* infos) { if (!infos || infos->empty()) return; // Build a set containing the names of interfaces with a temp IPv6 address std::set ifaces_with_temp_addrs; std::vector::iterator i; for (i = infos->begin(); i != infos->end(); ++i) { if (!i->permanent && i->interface.address.size() == kIPv6AddressSize) { ifaces_with_temp_addrs.insert(i->interface.name); } } // If there are no such interfaces then there's no further work. if (ifaces_with_temp_addrs.empty()) return; // Search for permenent addresses belonging to same network interface. for (i = infos->begin(); i != infos->end(); ) { // If the address is IPv6 and it's permanent and there is temporary // address for it, then we can remove this address. if ((i->interface.address.size() == kIPv6AddressSize) && i->permanent && (ifaces_with_temp_addrs.find(i->interface.name) != ifaces_with_temp_addrs.end())) { i = infos->erase(i); } else { ++i; } } } #endif #if defined(OS_MACOSX) && !defined(OS_IOS) NetworkChangeNotifier::ConnectionType GetNetworkInterfaceType( int addr_family, const std::string& interface_name) { NetworkChangeNotifier::ConnectionType type = NetworkChangeNotifier::CONNECTION_UNKNOWN; struct ifmediareq ifmr = {}; strncpy(ifmr.ifm_name, interface_name.c_str(), sizeof(ifmr.ifm_name) - 1); int s = socket(addr_family, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (s == -1) { return type; } if (ioctl(s, SIOCGIFMEDIA, &ifmr) != -1) { if (ifmr.ifm_current & IFM_IEEE80211) { type = NetworkChangeNotifier::CONNECTION_WIFI; } else if (ifmr.ifm_current & IFM_ETHER) { type = NetworkChangeNotifier::CONNECTION_ETHERNET; } } close(s); return type; } #endif } // namespace bool GetNetworkList(NetworkInterfaceList* networks, int policy) { #if defined(OS_NACL) NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return false; #elif defined(OS_ANDROID) std::string network_list = android::GetNetworkList(); base::StringTokenizer network_interfaces(network_list, "\n"); while (network_interfaces.GetNext()) { std::string network_item = network_interfaces.token(); base::StringTokenizer network_tokenizer(network_item, "\t"); CHECK(network_tokenizer.GetNext()); std::string name = network_tokenizer.token(); CHECK(network_tokenizer.GetNext()); std::string interface_address = network_tokenizer.token(); IPAddressNumber address; size_t network_prefix = 0; CHECK(ParseCIDRBlock(network_tokenizer.token(), &address, &network_prefix)); CHECK(network_tokenizer.GetNext()); uint32 index = 0; CHECK(base::StringToUint(network_tokenizer.token(), &index)); networks->push_back( NetworkInterface(name, name, index, NetworkChangeNotifier::CONNECTION_UNKNOWN, address, network_prefix)); } return true; #else // getifaddrs() may require IO operations. base::ThreadRestrictions::AssertIOAllowed(); int ioctl_socket = -1; if (policy & INCLUDE_ONLY_TEMP_IPV6_ADDRESS_IF_POSSIBLE) { // we need a socket to query information about temporary address. ioctl_socket = socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); DCHECK_GT(ioctl_socket, 0); } ifaddrs *interfaces; if (getifaddrs(&interfaces) < 0) { PLOG(ERROR) << "getifaddrs"; return false; } std::vector network_infos; // Enumerate the addresses assigned to network interfaces which are up. for (ifaddrs *interface = interfaces; interface != NULL; interface = interface->ifa_next) { // Skip loopback interfaces, and ones which are down. if (!(IFF_UP & interface->ifa_flags)) continue; if (IFF_LOOPBACK & interface->ifa_flags) continue; // Skip interfaces with no address configured. struct sockaddr* addr = interface->ifa_addr; if (!addr) continue; // Skip unspecified addresses (i.e. made of zeroes) and loopback addresses // configured on non-loopback interfaces. int addr_size = 0; if (addr->sa_family == AF_INET6) { struct sockaddr_in6* addr_in6 = reinterpret_cast(addr); struct in6_addr* sin6_addr = &addr_in6->sin6_addr; addr_size = sizeof(*addr_in6); if (IN6_IS_ADDR_LOOPBACK(sin6_addr) || IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED(sin6_addr)) { continue; } } else if (addr->sa_family == AF_INET) { struct sockaddr_in* addr_in = reinterpret_cast(addr); addr_size = sizeof(*addr_in); if (addr_in->sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_LOOPBACK || addr_in->sin_addr.s_addr == 0) { continue; } } else { // Skip non-IP addresses. continue; } const std::string& name = interface->ifa_name; // Filter out VMware interfaces, typically named vmnet1 and vmnet8. if ((policy & EXCLUDE_HOST_SCOPE_VIRTUAL_INTERFACES) && ((name.find("vmnet") != std::string::npos) || (name.find("vnic") != std::string::npos))) { continue; } NetworkInterfaceInfo network_info; NetworkChangeNotifier::ConnectionType connection_type = NetworkChangeNotifier::CONNECTION_UNKNOWN; #if defined(OS_MACOSX) && !defined(OS_IOS) // Check if this is a temporary address. Currently this is only supported // on Mac. if ((policy & INCLUDE_ONLY_TEMP_IPV6_ADDRESS_IF_POSSIBLE) && ioctl_socket >= 0 && addr->sa_family == AF_INET6) { struct in6_ifreq ifr = {}; strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, interface->ifa_name, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name) - 1); memcpy(&ifr.ifr_ifru.ifru_addr, interface->ifa_addr, interface->ifa_addr->sa_len); int rv = ioctl(ioctl_socket, SIOCGIFAFLAG_IN6, &ifr); if (rv >= 0) { network_info.permanent = !(ifr.ifr_ifru.ifru_flags & IN6_IFF_TEMPORARY); } } connection_type = GetNetworkInterfaceType(addr->sa_family, name); #endif IPEndPoint address; if (address.FromSockAddr(addr, addr_size)) { uint8 net_mask = 0; if (interface->ifa_netmask) { // If not otherwise set, assume the same sa_family as ifa_addr. if (interface->ifa_netmask->sa_family == 0) { interface->ifa_netmask->sa_family = addr->sa_family; } IPEndPoint netmask; if (netmask.FromSockAddr(interface->ifa_netmask, addr_size)) { net_mask = MaskPrefixLength(netmask.address()); } } network_info.interface = NetworkInterface( name, name, if_nametoindex(name.c_str()), connection_type, address.address(), net_mask); network_infos.push_back(NetworkInterfaceInfo(network_info)); } } freeifaddrs(interfaces); if (ioctl_socket >= 0) { close(ioctl_socket); } if (policy & INCLUDE_ONLY_TEMP_IPV6_ADDRESS_IF_POSSIBLE) { RemovePermanentIPv6AddressesWhereTemporaryExists(&network_infos); } for (size_t i = 0; i < network_infos.size(); ++i) { networks->push_back(network_infos[i].interface); } return true; #endif } WifiPHYLayerProtocol GetWifiPHYLayerProtocol() { return WIFI_PHY_LAYER_PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN; } } // namespace net