// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#pragma once

#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/threading/non_thread_safe.h"
#include "base/time.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "net/base/x509_certificate.h"
#include "net/base/x509_cert_types.h"

namespace net {

class SSLInfo;

typedef std::vector<SHA1Fingerprint> FingerprintVector;

// TransportSecurityState
// Tracks which hosts have enabled *-Transport-Security. This object manages
// the in-memory store. A separate object must register itself with this object
// in order to persist the state to disk.
class NET_EXPORT TransportSecurityState
    : NON_EXPORTED_BASE(public base::NonThreadSafe) {
  // If non-empty, |hsts_hosts| is a JSON-formatted string to treat as if it
  // were a built-in entry (same format as persisted metadata in the
  // TransportSecurityState file).
  explicit TransportSecurityState(const std::string& hsts_hosts);

  // A DomainState is the information that we persist about a given domain.
  struct NET_EXPORT DomainState {
    enum Mode {
      // Strict mode implies:
      //   * We generate internal redirects from HTTP -> HTTPS.
      //   * Certificate issues are fatal.
      MODE_STRICT = 0,
      // This used to be opportunistic HTTPS, but we removed support.
      // SPDY_ONLY (aka X-Bodge-Transport-Security) is a hopefully temporary
      // measure. It implies:
      //   * We'll request HTTP URLs over HTTPS iff we have SPDY support.
      //   * Certificate issues are fatal.
      MODE_SPDY_ONLY = 2,
      // Pinning means there are no HTTP -> HTTPS redirects, however certificate
      // issues are still fatal and there may be public key pins.


    // Takes a set of SubjectPublicKeyInfo |hashes| and returns true if:
    //   1) |bad_preloaded_spki_hashes| does not intersect |hashes|; AND
    //   2) Both |preloaded_spki_hashes| and |dynamic_spki_hashes| are empty
    //      or at least one of them intersects |hashes|.
    // |{dynamic,preloaded}_spki_hashes| contain trustworthy public key
    // hashes, any one of which is sufficient to validate the certificate
    // chain in question. The public keys could be of a root CA, intermediate
    // CA, or leaf certificate, depending on the security vs. disaster
    // recovery tradeoff selected. (Pinning only to leaf certifiates increases
    // security because you no longer trust any CAs, but it hampers disaster
    // recovery because you can't just get a new certificate signed by the
    // CA.)
    // |bad_preloaded_spki_hashes| contains public keys that we don't want to
    // trust.
    bool IsChainOfPublicKeysPermitted(const FingerprintVector& hashes);

    // Returns true if |this| describes a more strict policy than |other|.
    // Used to see if a dynamic DomainState should override a preloaded one.
    bool IsMoreStrict(const DomainState& other);

    // ShouldCertificateErrorsBeFatal returns true iff, given the |mode| of this
    // DomainState, certificate errors on this domain should be fatal (i.e. no
    // user bypass).
    bool ShouldCertificateErrorsBeFatal() const;

    // ShouldRedirectHTTPToHTTPS returns true iff, given the |mode| of this
    // DomainState, HTTP requests should be internally redirected to HTTPS.
    bool ShouldRedirectHTTPToHTTPS() const;

    Mode mode;
    base::Time created;  // when this host entry was first created
    base::Time expiry;  // the absolute time (UTC) when this record expires
    bool include_subdomains;  // subdomains included?

    // Optional; hashes of preloaded "pinned" SubjectPublicKeyInfos. Unless
    // both are empty, at least one of |preloaded_spki_hashes| and
    // |dynamic_spki_hashes| MUST intersect with the set of SPKIs in the TLS
    // server's certificate chain.
    // |dynamic_spki_hashes| take precedence over |preloaded_spki_hashes|.
    // That is, when performing pin validation, first check dynamic and then
    // check preloaded.
    FingerprintVector preloaded_spki_hashes;

    // Optional; hashes of dynamically pinned SubjectPublicKeyInfos. (They
    // could be set e.g. by an HTTP header or by a superfluous certificate.)
    FingerprintVector dynamic_spki_hashes;

    // The absolute time (UTC) when the |dynamic_spki_hashes| expire.
    base::Time dynamic_spki_hashes_expiry;

    // The max-age directive of the Public-Key-Pins header as parsed. Do not
    // persist this; it is only for testing. TODO(palmer): Therefore, get rid
    // of it and find a better way to test.
    int max_age;

    // Optional; hashes of preloaded known-bad SubjectPublicKeyInfos which
    // MUST NOT intersect with the set of SPKIs in the TLS server's
    // certificate chain.
    FingerprintVector bad_preloaded_spki_hashes;

    // The following members are not valid when stored in |enabled_hosts_|.
    bool preloaded;  // is this a preloaded entry?
    std::string domain;  // the domain which matched

  class Delegate {
    // This function may not block and may be called with internal locks held.
    // Thus it must not reenter the TransportSecurityState object.
    virtual void StateIsDirty(TransportSecurityState* state) = 0;

    virtual ~Delegate() {}

  void SetDelegate(Delegate* delegate);

  // Enable TransportSecurity for |host|.
  void EnableHost(const std::string& host, const DomainState& state);

  // Delete any entry for |host|. If |host| doesn't have an exact entry then no
  // action is taken. Returns true iff an entry was deleted.
  bool DeleteHost(const std::string& host);

  // Returns true if |host| has TransportSecurity enabled. Before operating
  // on this result, consult |result->mode|, as the expected behavior of
  // TransportSecurity can significantly differ based on mode.
  // If |sni_available| is true, searches the preloads defined for SNI-using
  // hosts as well as the usual preload list.
  // Note that |*result| is always overwritten on every call.
  // TODO(palmer): Only update |*result| on success.
  bool GetDomainState(DomainState* result,
                      const std::string& host,
                      bool sni_available);

  // Returns true if there are any certificates pinned for |host|.
  // If so, updates the |preloaded_spki_hashes|, |dynamic_spki_hashes|, and
  // |bad_preloaded_spki_hashes| fields of |*result| with the pins.
  // Note that |*result| is always overwritten on every call, regardless of
  // whether or not pins are enabled.
  // If |sni_available| is true, searches the preloads defined for SNI-using
  // hosts as well as the usual preload list.
  // TODO(palmer): Only update |*result| if pins exist.
  bool HasPinsForHost(DomainState* result,
                      const std::string& host,
                      bool sni_available);

  // Returns true and updates |*result| if there is any |DomainState|
  // metadata for |host| in the local TransportSecurityState database;
  // returns false otherwise. TODO(palmer): Unlike the other
  // TransportSecurityState lookup functions in this class (e.g
  // |HasPinsForHost|, |GetDomainState|), |*result| is updated iff metadata
  // is found. The other functions are buggy and will be fixed to behave
  // like this one.
  // If |sni_available| is true, searches the preloads defined for SNI-using
  // hosts as well as the usual preload list.
  bool HasMetadata(DomainState* result,
                   const std::string& host,
                   bool sni_available);

  // Returns true if we have a preloaded certificate pin for the |host| and if
  // its set of required certificates is the set we expect for Google
  // properties.
  // If |sni_available| is true, searches the preloads defined for SNI-using
  // hosts as well as the usual preload list.
  // Note that like HasMetadata, if |host| matches both an exact entry and is a
  // subdomain of another entry, the exact match determines the return value.
  static bool IsGooglePinnedProperty(const std::string& host,
                                     bool sni_available);

  // Reports UMA statistics upon public key pin failure. Reports only down to
  // the second-level domain of |host| (e.g. google.com if |host| is
  // mail.google.com), and only if |host| is a preloaded STS host.
  static void ReportUMAOnPinFailure(const std::string& host);

  // Parses |cert|'s Subject Public Key Info structure, hashes it, and writes
  // the hash into |spki_hash|. Returns true on parse success, false on
  // failure.
  static bool GetPublicKeyHash(const X509Certificate& cert,
                               SHA1Fingerprint* spki_hash);

  // Decodes a pin string |value| (e.g. "sha1/hvfkN/qlp/zhXR3cuerq6jd2Z7g=")
  // and populates |out|.
  static bool ParsePin(const std::string& value, SHA1Fingerprint* out);

  // Deletes all records created since a given time.
  void DeleteSince(const base::Time& time);

  // Parses |value| as a Public-Key-Pins header. If successful, returns |true|
  // and updates the |dynamic_spki_hashes| and |dynamic_spki_hashes_expiry|
  // fields of |*state|; otherwise, returns |false| without updating |*state|.
  static bool ParsePinsHeader(const std::string& value,
                              const SSLInfo& ssl_info,
                              DomainState* state);

  // Returns |true| if |value| parses as a valid *-Transport-Security
  // header value.  The values of max-age and and includeSubDomains are
  // returned in |max_age| and |include_subdomains|, respectively.  The out
  // parameters are not modified if the function returns |false|.
  static bool ParseHeader(const std::string& value,
                          int* max_age,
                          bool* include_subdomains);

  // ParseSidePin attempts to parse a side pin from |side_info| which signs the
  // SubjectPublicKeyInfo in |leaf_spki|. A side pin is a way for a site to
  // sign their public key with a key that is offline but still controlled by
  // them. If successful, the hash of the public key used to sign |leaf_spki|
  // is put into |out_pub_key_hash|.
  static bool ParseSidePin(const base::StringPiece& leaf_spki,
                           const base::StringPiece& side_info,
                           FingerprintVector* out_pub_key_hash);

  bool Serialise(std::string* output);
  // Existing non-preloaded entries are cleared and repopulated from the
  // passed JSON string.
  bool LoadEntries(const std::string& state, bool* dirty);

  // The maximum number of seconds for which we'll cache an HSTS request.
  static const long int kMaxHSTSAgeSecs;

  FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TransportSecurityStateTest, IsPreloaded);

  // If we have a callback configured, call it to let our serialiser know that
  // our state is dirty.
  void DirtyNotify();
  bool IsPreloadedSTS(const std::string& canonicalized_host,
                      bool sni_available,
                      DomainState* out);

  static std::string CanonicalizeHost(const std::string& host);
  static bool Deserialise(const std::string& state,
                          bool* dirty,
                          std::map<std::string, DomainState>* out);

  // The set of hosts that have enabled TransportSecurity. The keys here
  // are SHA256(DNSForm(domain)) where DNSForm converts from dotted form
  // ('www.google.com') to the form used in DNS: "\x03www\x06google\x03com"
  std::map<std::string, DomainState> enabled_hosts_;

  // These hosts are extra rules to treat as built-in, passed in the
  // constructor (typically originating from the command line).
  std::map<std::string, DomainState> forced_hosts_;

  // Our delegate who gets notified when we are dirtied, or NULL.
  Delegate* delegate_;


}  // namespace net