// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#pragma once

#include <vector>

#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/file_path.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/ref_counted.h"
#include "googleurl/src/gurl.h"
#include "base/time.h"

namespace net {

class FileStream;

class UploadData : public base::RefCounted<UploadData> {
  enum Type {

  class Element {

    Type type() const { return type_; }
    const std::vector<char>& bytes() const { return bytes_; }
    const FilePath& file_path() const { return file_path_; }
    uint64 file_range_offset() const { return file_range_offset_; }
    uint64 file_range_length() const { return file_range_length_; }
    // If NULL time is returned, we do not do the check.
    const base::Time& expected_file_modification_time() const {
      return expected_file_modification_time_;
    const GURL& blob_url() const { return blob_url_; }

    void SetToBytes(const char* bytes, int bytes_len) {
      type_ = TYPE_BYTES;
      bytes_.assign(bytes, bytes + bytes_len);

    void SetToFilePath(const FilePath& path) {
      SetToFilePathRange(path, 0, kuint64max, base::Time());

    // If expected_modification_time is NULL, we do not check for the file
    // change. Also note that the granularity for comparison is time_t, not
    // the full precision.
    void SetToFilePathRange(const FilePath& path,
                            uint64 offset, uint64 length,
                            const base::Time& expected_modification_time) {
      type_ = TYPE_FILE;
      file_path_ = path;
      file_range_offset_ = offset;
      file_range_length_ = length;
      expected_file_modification_time_ = expected_modification_time;

    // TODO(jianli): UploadData should not contain any blob reference. We need
    // to define another structure to represent WebKit::WebHTTPBody.
    void SetToBlobUrl(const GURL& blob_url) {
      type_ = TYPE_BLOB;
      blob_url_ = blob_url;

    // Returns the byte-length of the element.  For files that do not exist, 0
    // is returned.  This is done for consistency with Mozilla.
    // Once called, this function will always return the same value.
    uint64 GetContentLength();

    // Returns a FileStream opened for reading for this element, positioned at
    // |file_range_offset_|.  The caller gets ownership and is responsible
    // for cleaning up the FileStream. Returns NULL if this element is not of
    // type TYPE_FILE or if the file is not openable.
    FileStream* NewFileStreamForReading();

    // Allows tests to override the result of GetContentLength.
    void SetContentLength(uint64 content_length) {
      override_content_length_ = true;
      content_length_ = content_length;

    Type type_;
    std::vector<char> bytes_;
    FilePath file_path_;
    uint64 file_range_offset_;
    uint64 file_range_length_;
    base::Time expected_file_modification_time_;
    GURL blob_url_;
    bool override_content_length_;
    bool content_length_computed_;
    uint64 content_length_;
    FileStream* file_stream_;

    FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(UploadDataStreamTest, FileSmallerThanLength);


  void AppendBytes(const char* bytes, int bytes_len);

  void AppendFile(const FilePath& file_path);

  void AppendFileRange(const FilePath& file_path,
                       uint64 offset, uint64 length,
                       const base::Time& expected_modification_time);

  void AppendBlob(const GURL& blob_url);

  // Returns the total size in bytes of the data to upload.
  uint64 GetContentLength();

  std::vector<Element>* elements() {
    return &elements_;

  void SetElements(const std::vector<Element>& elements);

  void swap_elements(std::vector<Element>* elements) {

  // Identifies a particular upload instance, which is used by the cache to
  // formulate a cache key.  This value should be unique across browser
  // sessions.  A value of 0 is used to indicate an unspecified identifier.
  void set_identifier(int64 id) { identifier_ = id; }
  int64 identifier() const { return identifier_; }

  friend class base::RefCounted<UploadData>;


  std::vector<Element> elements_;
  int64 identifier_;


#if defined(UNIT_TEST)
inline bool operator==(const UploadData::Element& a,
                       const UploadData::Element& b) {
  if (a.type() != b.type())
    return false;
  if (a.type() == UploadData::TYPE_BYTES)
    return a.bytes() == b.bytes();
  if (a.type() == UploadData::TYPE_FILE) {
    return a.file_path() == b.file_path() &&
           a.file_range_offset() == b.file_range_offset() &&
           a.file_range_length() == b.file_range_length() &&
           a.expected_file_modification_time() ==
  if (a.type() == UploadData::TYPE_BLOB)
    return a.blob_url() == b.blob_url();
  return false;

inline bool operator!=(const UploadData::Element& a,
                       const UploadData::Element& b) {
  return !(a == b);
#endif  // defined(UNIT_TEST)

}  // namespace net