// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "net/base/x509_openssl_util.h" #include <algorithm> #include "base/string_split.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" namespace net { namespace x509_openssl_util { namespace { struct CertificateNameVerifyTestData { // true iff we expect hostname to match an entry in cert_names. const bool expected; // The hostname to match. const char* const hostname; // '/' separated list of certificate names to match against. Any occurrence // of '#' will be replaced with a null character before processing. const char* const cert_names; }; CertificateNameVerifyTestData kNameVerifyTestData[] = { { true, "foo.com", "foo.com" }, { true, "foo.com", "foo.com." }, { true, "f", "f" }, { true, "f", "f." }, { true, "bar.foo.com", "*.foo.com" }, { true, "www-3.bar.foo.com", "*.bar.foo.com." }, { true, "www.test.fr", "*.test.com/*.test.co.uk/*.test.de/*.test.fr" }, { true, "wwW.tESt.fr", "//*.*/*.test.de/*.test.FR/www" }, { false, "foo.com", "*.com" }, { false, "f.uk", ".uk" }, { true, "h.co.uk", "*.co.uk" }, { false, "", "*.168.1.11" }, { false, "foo.us", "*.us" }, { false, "www.bar.foo.com", "*.foo.com/*.*.foo.com/*.*.bar.foo.com/*w*.bar.foo.com/*..bar.foo.com" }, { false, "w.bar.foo.com", "?.bar.foo.com" }, { false, "www.foo.com", "(www|ftp).foo.com" }, { false, "www.foo.com", "www.foo.com#*.foo.com/#" }, // # = null char. { false, "foo", "*" }, { false, "foo.", "*." }, { false, "test.org", "www.test.org/*.test.org/*.org" }, { false, "", "*." }, // IDN tests { true, "xn--poema-9qae5a.com.br", "xn--poema-9qae5a.com.br" }, { true, "www.xn--poema-9qae5a.com.br", "*.xn--poema-9qae5a.com.br" }, { false, "xn--poema-9qae5a.com.br", "*.xn--poema-9qae5a.com.br" }, // The following are adapted from the examples in http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-saintandre-tls-server-id-check-09#section-4.4.3 { true, "foo.example.com", "*.example.com" }, { false, "bar.foo.example.com", "*.example.com" }, { false, "example.com", "*.example.com" }, { false, "baz1.example.net", "baz*.example.net" }, { false, "baz2.example.net", "baz*.example.net" }, { false, "bar.*.example.net", "bar.*.example.net" }, { false, "bar.f*o.example.net", "bar.f*o.example.net" }, // IP addresses currently not supported, except for the localhost. { true, "", "" }, { false, "", "" }, { false, "FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210", "FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210" }, { false, "FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210", "*.]" }, { false, "::", "::" }, { false, "::", "*.9.5.5" }, { false, "2010:836B:4179::836B:4179", "*:836B:4179::836B:4179" }, // Invalid host names. { false, "www%26.foo.com", "www%26.foo.com" }, { false, "www.*.com", "www.*.com" }, { false, "w$w.f.com", "w$w.f.com" }, { false, "www-1.[::FFFF:]", "*.[::FFFF:]" }, }; class X509CertificateNameVerifyTest : public testing::TestWithParam<CertificateNameVerifyTestData> { }; TEST_P(X509CertificateNameVerifyTest, VerifyHostname) { CertificateNameVerifyTestData test_data(GetParam()); std::string cert_name_line(test_data.cert_names); std::replace(cert_name_line.begin(), cert_name_line.end(), '#', '\0'); std::vector<std::string> cert_names; base::SplitString(cert_name_line, '/', &cert_names); EXPECT_EQ(test_data.expected, VerifyHostname(test_data.hostname, cert_names)) << "Host [" << test_data.hostname << "], cert name [" << test_data.cert_names << "]"; } INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(, X509CertificateNameVerifyTest, testing::ValuesIn(kNameVerifyTestData)); } // namespace } // namespace x509_openssl_util } // namespace net