// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "net/cert/x509_util.h" #include "net/cert/x509_util_nss.h" #include // Must be included before certdb.h #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "base/debug/leak_annotations.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/memory/singleton.h" #include "base/pickle.h" #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h" #include "crypto/ec_private_key.h" #include "crypto/nss_util.h" #include "crypto/nss_util_internal.h" #include "crypto/rsa_private_key.h" #include "crypto/scoped_nss_types.h" #include "crypto/third_party/nss/chromium-nss.h" #include "net/cert/x509_certificate.h" namespace net { namespace { class ChannelIDOIDWrapper { public: static ChannelIDOIDWrapper* GetInstance() { // Instantiated as a leaky singleton to allow the singleton to be // constructed on a worker thead that is not joined when a process // shuts down. return Singleton >::get(); } SECOidTag domain_bound_cert_oid_tag() const { return domain_bound_cert_oid_tag_; } private: friend struct DefaultSingletonTraits; ChannelIDOIDWrapper(); SECOidTag domain_bound_cert_oid_tag_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ChannelIDOIDWrapper); }; ChannelIDOIDWrapper::ChannelIDOIDWrapper() : domain_bound_cert_oid_tag_(SEC_OID_UNKNOWN) { // // (iso.org.dod.internet.private.enterprises.google.googleSecurity. // certificateExtensions.originBoundCertificate) static const uint8 kObCertOID[] = { 0x2b, 0x06, 0x01, 0x04, 0x01, 0xd6, 0x79, 0x02, 0x01, 0x06 }; SECOidData oid_data; memset(&oid_data, 0, sizeof(oid_data)); oid_data.oid.data = const_cast(kObCertOID); oid_data.oid.len = sizeof(kObCertOID); oid_data.offset = SEC_OID_UNKNOWN; oid_data.desc = "Origin Bound Certificate"; oid_data.mechanism = CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM; oid_data.supportedExtension = SUPPORTED_CERT_EXTENSION; domain_bound_cert_oid_tag_ = SECOID_AddEntry(&oid_data); if (domain_bound_cert_oid_tag_ == SEC_OID_UNKNOWN) LOG(ERROR) << "OB_CERT OID tag creation failed"; } // Creates a Certificate object that may be passed to the SignCertificate // method to generate an X509 certificate. // Returns NULL if an error is encountered in the certificate creation // process. // Caller responsible for freeing returned certificate object. CERTCertificate* CreateCertificate( SECKEYPublicKey* public_key, const std::string& subject, uint32 serial_number, base::Time not_valid_before, base::Time not_valid_after) { // Create info about public key. CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo* spki = SECKEY_CreateSubjectPublicKeyInfo(public_key); if (!spki) return NULL; // Create the certificate request. CERTName* subject_name = CERT_AsciiToName(const_cast(subject.c_str())); CERTCertificateRequest* cert_request = CERT_CreateCertificateRequest(subject_name, spki, NULL); SECKEY_DestroySubjectPublicKeyInfo(spki); if (!cert_request) { PRErrorCode prerr = PR_GetError(); LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create certificate request: " << prerr; CERT_DestroyName(subject_name); return NULL; } CERTValidity* validity = CERT_CreateValidity( crypto::BaseTimeToPRTime(not_valid_before), crypto::BaseTimeToPRTime(not_valid_after)); if (!validity) { PRErrorCode prerr = PR_GetError(); LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create certificate validity object: " << prerr; CERT_DestroyName(subject_name); CERT_DestroyCertificateRequest(cert_request); return NULL; } CERTCertificate* cert = CERT_CreateCertificate(serial_number, subject_name, validity, cert_request); if (!cert) { PRErrorCode prerr = PR_GetError(); LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create certificate: " << prerr; } // Cleanup for resources used to generate the cert. CERT_DestroyName(subject_name); CERT_DestroyValidity(validity); CERT_DestroyCertificateRequest(cert_request); return cert; } SECOidTag ToSECOid(x509_util::DigestAlgorithm alg) { switch (alg) { case x509_util::DIGEST_SHA1: return SEC_OID_SHA1; case x509_util::DIGEST_SHA256: return SEC_OID_SHA256; } return SEC_OID_UNKNOWN; } // Signs a certificate object, with |key| generating a new X509Certificate // and destroying the passed certificate object (even when NULL is returned). // The logic of this method references SignCert() in NSS utility certutil: // http://mxr.mozilla.org/security/ident?i=SignCert. // Returns true on success or false if an error is encountered in the // certificate signing process. bool SignCertificate( CERTCertificate* cert, SECKEYPrivateKey* key, SECOidTag hash_algorithm) { // |arena| is used to encode the cert. PLArenaPool* arena = cert->arena; SECOidTag algo_id = SEC_GetSignatureAlgorithmOidTag(key->keyType, hash_algorithm); if (algo_id == SEC_OID_UNKNOWN) return false; SECStatus rv = SECOID_SetAlgorithmID(arena, &cert->signature, algo_id, 0); if (rv != SECSuccess) return false; // Generate a cert of version 3. *(cert->version.data) = 2; cert->version.len = 1; SECItem der = { siBuffer, NULL, 0 }; // Use ASN1 DER to encode the cert. void* encode_result = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem( NULL, &der, cert, SEC_ASN1_GET(CERT_CertificateTemplate)); if (!encode_result) return false; // Allocate space to contain the signed cert. SECItem result = { siBuffer, NULL, 0 }; // Sign the ASN1 encoded cert and save it to |result|. rv = DerSignData(arena, &result, &der, key, algo_id); PORT_Free(der.data); if (rv != SECSuccess) { DLOG(ERROR) << "DerSignData: " << PORT_GetError(); return false; } // Save the signed result to the cert. cert->derCert = result; return true; } } // namespace namespace x509_util { bool CreateSelfSignedCert(crypto::RSAPrivateKey* key, DigestAlgorithm alg, const std::string& subject, uint32 serial_number, base::Time not_valid_before, base::Time not_valid_after, std::string* der_cert) { DCHECK(key); DCHECK(!strncmp(subject.c_str(), "CN=", 3U)); CERTCertificate* cert = CreateCertificate(key->public_key(), subject, serial_number, not_valid_before, not_valid_after); if (!cert) return false; if (!SignCertificate(cert, key->key(), ToSECOid(alg))) { CERT_DestroyCertificate(cert); return false; } der_cert->assign(reinterpret_cast(cert->derCert.data), cert->derCert.len); CERT_DestroyCertificate(cert); return true; } bool IsSupportedValidityRange(base::Time not_valid_before, base::Time not_valid_after) { CERTValidity* validity = CERT_CreateValidity( crypto::BaseTimeToPRTime(not_valid_before), crypto::BaseTimeToPRTime(not_valid_after)); if (!validity) return false; CERT_DestroyValidity(validity); return true; } bool CreateChannelIDEC(crypto::ECPrivateKey* key, DigestAlgorithm alg, const std::string& domain, uint32 serial_number, base::Time not_valid_before, base::Time not_valid_after, std::string* der_cert) { DCHECK(key); CERTCertificate* cert = CreateCertificate(key->public_key(), "CN=anonymous.invalid", serial_number, not_valid_before, not_valid_after); if (!cert) return false; // Create opaque handle used to add extensions later. void* cert_handle; if ((cert_handle = CERT_StartCertExtensions(cert)) == NULL) { LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to get opaque handle for adding extensions"; CERT_DestroyCertificate(cert); return false; } // Create SECItem for IA5String encoding. SECItem domain_string_item = { siAsciiString, (unsigned char*)domain.data(), static_cast(domain.size()) }; // IA5Encode and arena allocate SECItem SECItem* asn1_domain_string = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem( cert->arena, NULL, &domain_string_item, SEC_ASN1_GET(SEC_IA5StringTemplate)); if (asn1_domain_string == NULL) { LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to get ASN1 encoding for domain in domain_bound_cert" " extension"; CERT_DestroyCertificate(cert); return false; } // Add the extension to the opaque handle if (CERT_AddExtension( cert_handle, ChannelIDOIDWrapper::GetInstance()->domain_bound_cert_oid_tag(), asn1_domain_string, PR_TRUE, PR_TRUE) != SECSuccess){ LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to add domain bound cert extension to opaque handle"; CERT_DestroyCertificate(cert); return false; } // Copy extension into x509 cert if (CERT_FinishExtensions(cert_handle) != SECSuccess){ LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to copy extension to X509 cert"; CERT_DestroyCertificate(cert); return false; } if (!SignCertificate(cert, key->key(), ToSECOid(alg))) { CERT_DestroyCertificate(cert); return false; } DCHECK(cert->derCert.len); // XXX copied from X509Certificate::GetDEREncoded der_cert->clear(); der_cert->append(reinterpret_cast(cert->derCert.data), cert->derCert.len); CERT_DestroyCertificate(cert); return true; } } // namespace x509_util } // namespace net