// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "net/curvecp/messenger.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "net/base/io_buffer.h" #include "net/base/net_errors.h" #include "net/curvecp/protocol.h" // Basic protocol design: // // OnTimeout: Called when the timeout timer pops. // - call SendMessage() // - call RecvMessage() // // OnSendTimer: Called when the send-timer pops. // - call SendMessage() // - call RecvMessage() // // OnMessage: Called when a message arrived from the packet layer // - add the message to the receive queue // - call RecvMessage() // // Write: Called by application to write data to remote // - add the data to the send_buffer // - call SendMessage() // // SendMessage: Called to Send a message to the remote // - msg = first message to retransmit where retransmit timer popped // - if msg == NULL // - msg = create a new message from the send buffer // - if msg != NULL // - send message to the packet layer // - setTimer(OnSendTimer, send_rate); // // RecvMessage: Called to process a Received message from the remote // - calculate RTT // - calculate Send Rate // - acknowledge data from received message // - resetTimeout // - timeout = now + rtt_timeout // - if currrent_timeout > timeout // setTimer(OnTimeout, timeout) namespace net { // Maximum number of write blocks. static const size_t kMaxWriteQueueMessages = 128; // Size of the send buffer. static const size_t kSendBufferSize = (128 * 1024); // Size of the receive buffer. static const size_t kReceiveBufferSize = (128 * 1024); Messenger::Messenger(Packetizer* packetizer) : packetizer_(packetizer), send_buffer_(kSendBufferSize), send_complete_callback_(NULL), receive_complete_callback_(NULL), pending_receive_length_(0), send_message_in_progress_(false), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST( send_message_callback_(this, &Messenger::OnSendMessageComplete)), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(factory_(this)) { } Messenger::~Messenger() { } int Messenger::Read(IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len, CompletionCallback* callback) { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); DCHECK(!receive_complete_callback_); if (!received_list_.bytes_available()) { receive_complete_callback_ = callback; pending_receive_ = buf; pending_receive_length_ = buf_len; return ERR_IO_PENDING; } int bytes_read = InternalRead(buf, buf_len); DCHECK_LT(0, bytes_read); return bytes_read; } int Messenger::Write(IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len, CompletionCallback* callback) { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); DCHECK(!pending_send_.get()); // Already a write pending! DCHECK(!send_complete_callback_); DCHECK_LT(0, buf_len); int len = send_buffer_.write(buf->data(), buf_len); if (!send_timer_.IsRunning()) send_timer_.Start(FROM_HERE, base::TimeDelta(), this, &Messenger::OnSendTimer); if (len) return len; // We couldn't add data to the send buffer, so block the application. pending_send_ = buf; pending_send_length_ = buf_len; send_complete_callback_ = callback; return ERR_IO_PENDING; } void Messenger::OnConnection(ConnectionKey key) { LOG(ERROR) << "Client Connect: " << key.ToString(); key_ = key; } void Messenger::OnClose(Packetizer* packetizer, ConnectionKey key) { LOG(ERROR) << "Got Close!"; } void Messenger::OnMessage(Packetizer* packetizer, ConnectionKey key, unsigned char* msg, size_t length) { DCHECK(key == key_); // Do basic message sanity checking. if (length < sizeof(Message)) return; if (length > static_cast(kMaxMessageLength)) return; // Add message to received queue. scoped_refptr buffer(new IOBufferWithSize(length)); memcpy(buffer->data(), msg, length); read_queue_.push_back(buffer); // Process a single received message RecvMessage(); } int Messenger::InternalRead(IOBuffer* buffer, int buffer_length) { return received_list_.ReadBytes(buffer, buffer_length); } IOBufferWithSize* Messenger::CreateBufferFromSendQueue() { DCHECK_LT(0, send_buffer_.length()); int length = std::min(packetizer_->max_message_payload(), send_buffer_.length()); IOBufferWithSize* rv = new IOBufferWithSize(length); int bytes = send_buffer_.read(rv->data(), length); DCHECK_EQ(bytes, length); // We consumed data, check to see if someone is waiting to write more data. if (send_complete_callback_) { DCHECK(pending_send_.get()); int len = send_buffer_.write(pending_send_->data(), pending_send_length_); if (len) { pending_send_ = NULL; CompletionCallback* callback = send_complete_callback_; send_complete_callback_ = NULL; callback->Run(len); } } return rv; } void Messenger::OnSendMessageComplete(int result) { DCHECK_NE(ERR_IO_PENDING, result); send_message_in_progress_ = false; if (result <= 0) { // TODO(mbelshe): Handle error. NOTIMPLEMENTED(); } // If the send timer fired while we were waiting for this send to complete, // we need to manually run the timer now. if (!send_timer_.IsRunning()) OnSendTimer(); if (!send_timeout_timer_.IsRunning()) { LOG(ERROR) << "RttTimeout is " << rtt_.rtt_timeout(); base::TimeDelta delay = base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(rtt_.rtt_timeout()); send_timeout_timer_.Start(FROM_HERE, delay, this, &Messenger::OnTimeout); } } void Messenger::OnTimeout() { LOG(ERROR) << "OnTimeout fired"; int64 position = sent_list_.FindPositionOfOldestSentBlock(); // XXXMB - need to verify that we really need to retransmit... if (position >= 0) { rtt_.OnTimeout(); // adjust our send rate. LOG(ERROR) << "OnTimeout retransmitting: " << position; SendMessage(position); } else { DCHECK_EQ(0u, sent_list_.size()); } RecvMessage(); received_list_.LogBlockList(); } void Messenger::OnSendTimer() { LOG(ERROR) << "OnSendTimer!"; DCHECK(!send_timer_.IsRunning()); // If the send buffer is empty, then we don't need to keep firing. if (!send_buffer_.length()) { LOG(ERROR) << "OnSendTimer: send_buffer empty"; return; } // Set the next send timer. LOG(ERROR) << "SendRate is: " << rtt_.send_rate() << "us"; send_timer_.Start(FROM_HERE, base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(rtt_.send_rate()), this, &Messenger::OnSendTimer); // Create a block from the send_buffer. if (!sent_list_.is_full()) { scoped_refptr buffer = CreateBufferFromSendQueue(); int64 position = sent_list_.CreateBlock(buffer.get()); DCHECK_LE(0, position); SendMessage(position); } RecvMessage(); // Try to process an incoming message } void Messenger::SendMessage(int64 position) { LOG(ERROR) << "SendMessage (position=" << position << ")"; if (send_message_in_progress_) return; // We're still waiting for the last write to complete. IOBufferWithSize* data = sent_list_.FindBlockByPosition(position); DCHECK(data != NULL); size_t message_size = sizeof(Message) + data->size(); size_t padded_size = (message_size + 15) & 0xfffffff0; scoped_refptr message(new IOBufferWithSize(padded_size)); Message* header = reinterpret_cast(message->data()); memset(header, 0, sizeof(Message)); uint64 id = sent_list_.GetNewMessageId(); uint32_pack(header->message_id, id); // TODO(mbelshe): Needs to carry EOF flags uint16_pack(header->size.val, data->size()); uint64_pack(header->position, position); // TODO(mbelshe): Fill in rest of the header fields. // needs to have the block-position. He tags each chunk with an // absolute offset into the data stream. // Copy the contents of the message into the Message frame. memcpy(message->data() + sizeof(Message), data->data(), data->size()); sent_list_.MarkBlockSent(position, id); int rv = packetizer_->SendMessage(key_, message->data(), padded_size, &send_message_callback_); if (rv == ERR_IO_PENDING) { send_message_in_progress_ = true; return; } // UDP must write all or none. DCHECK_EQ(padded_size, static_cast(rv)); OnSendMessageComplete(rv); } void Messenger::RecvMessage() { if (!read_queue_.size()) return; scoped_refptr message(read_queue_.front()); read_queue_.pop_front(); Message* header = reinterpret_cast(message->data()); uint16 body_length = uint16_unpack(header->size.val); if (body_length > kMaxMessageLength) return; if (body_length > message->size()) return; uint32 message_id = uint32_unpack(header->message_id); if (message_id) { LOG(ERROR) << "RecvMessage Message id: " << message_id << ", " << body_length << " bytes"; } else { LOG(ERROR) << "RecvMessage ACK "; } // See if this message has information for recomputing RTT. uint32 response_to_msg = uint32_unpack(header->last_message_received); base::TimeTicks last_sent_time = sent_list_.FindLastSendTime(response_to_msg); if (!last_sent_time.is_null()) { int rtt = (base::TimeTicks::Now() - last_sent_time).InMicroseconds(); DCHECK_LE(0, rtt); LOG(ERROR) << "RTT was: " << rtt << "us"; rtt_.OnMessage(rtt); } // Handle acknowledgements uint64 start_byte = 0; uint64 stop_byte = uint64_unpack(header->acknowledge_1); sent_list_.AcknowledgeBlocks(start_byte, stop_byte); start_byte = stop_byte + uint16_unpack(header->gap_1); stop_byte = start_byte + uint16_unpack(header->acknowledge_2); sent_list_.AcknowledgeBlocks(start_byte, stop_byte); start_byte = stop_byte + uint16_unpack(header->gap_2); stop_byte = start_byte + uint16_unpack(header->acknowledge_3); sent_list_.AcknowledgeBlocks(start_byte, stop_byte); start_byte = stop_byte + uint16_unpack(header->gap_3); stop_byte = start_byte + uint16_unpack(header->acknowledge_4); sent_list_.AcknowledgeBlocks(start_byte, stop_byte); start_byte = stop_byte + uint16_unpack(header->gap_4); stop_byte = start_byte + uint16_unpack(header->acknowledge_5); sent_list_.AcknowledgeBlocks(start_byte, stop_byte); start_byte = stop_byte + uint16_unpack(header->gap_5); stop_byte = start_byte + uint16_unpack(header->acknowledge_6); sent_list_.AcknowledgeBlocks(start_byte, stop_byte); if (!header->is_ack()) { // Add to our received block list uint64 position = uint64_unpack(header->position); scoped_refptr buffer(new IOBuffer(body_length)); memcpy(buffer->data(), message->data() + sizeof(Message), body_length); received_list_.AddBlock(position, buffer, body_length); SendAck(message_id); } // If we have data available, and a read is pending, notify the callback. if (received_list_.bytes_available() && receive_complete_callback_) { // Pass the data up to the caller. int bytes_read = InternalRead(pending_receive_, pending_receive_length_); CompletionCallback* callback = receive_complete_callback_; receive_complete_callback_ = NULL; callback->Run(bytes_read); } } void Messenger::SendAck(uint32 last_message_received) { scoped_refptr buffer(new IOBuffer(sizeof(Message))); memset(buffer->data(), 0, sizeof(Message)); Message* message = reinterpret_cast(buffer->data()); uint32_pack(message->last_message_received, last_message_received); uint64_pack(message->acknowledge_1, received_list_.bytes_received()); LOG(ERROR) << "SendAck " << received_list_.bytes_received(); // TODO(mbelshe): fill in remainder of selective acknowledgements // TODO(mbelshe): Fix this - it is totally possible to have a send message // in progress here... DCHECK(!send_message_in_progress_); int rv = packetizer_->SendMessage(key_, buffer->data(), sizeof(Message), &send_message_callback_); // TODO(mbelshe): Fix me! Deal with the error cases DCHECK(rv == sizeof(Message)); } } // namespace net