// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "net/disk_cache/block_files.h"

#include "base/file_util.h"
#include "base/histogram.h"
#include "base/string_util.h"
#include "base/time.h"
#include "net/disk_cache/file_lock.h"

using base::Time;

namespace {

const wchar_t* kBlockName = L"data_";

// This array is used to perform a fast lookup of the nibble bit pattern to the
// type of entry that can be stored there (number of consecutive blocks).
const char s_types[16] = {4, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};

// Returns the type of block (number of consecutive blocks that can be stored)
// for a given nibble of the bitmap.
inline int GetMapBlockType(uint8 value) {
  value &= 0xf;
  return s_types[value];

void FixAllocationCounters(disk_cache::BlockFileHeader* header);

// Creates a new entry on the allocation map, updating the apropriate counters.
// target is the type of block to use (number of empty blocks), and size is the
// actual number of blocks to use.
bool CreateMapBlock(int target, int size, disk_cache::BlockFileHeader* header,
                    int* index) {
  if (target <= 0 || target > disk_cache::kMaxNumBlocks ||
      size <= 0 || size > disk_cache::kMaxNumBlocks) {
    return false;

  Time start = Time::Now();
  // We are going to process the map on 32-block chunks (32 bits), and on every
  // chunk, iterate through the 8 nibbles where the new block can be located.
  int current = header->hints[target - 1];
  for (int i = 0; i < header->max_entries / 32; i++, current++) {
    if (current == header->max_entries / 32)
      current = 0;
    uint32 map_block = header->allocation_map[current];

    for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++, map_block >>= 4) {
      if (GetMapBlockType(map_block) != target)

      disk_cache::FileLock lock(header);
      int index_offset = j * 4 + 4 - target;
      *index = current * 32 + index_offset;
      uint32 to_add = ((1 << size) - 1) << index_offset;
      header->allocation_map[current] |= to_add;

      header->hints[target - 1] = current;
      header->empty[target - 1]--;
      DCHECK(header->empty[target - 1] >= 0);
      if (target != size) {
        header->empty[target - size - 1]++;
      HISTOGRAM_TIMES("DiskCache.CreateBlock", Time::Now() - start);
      return true;

  // It is possible to have an undetected corruption (for example when the OS
  // crashes), fix it here.
  LOG(ERROR) << "Failing CreateMapBlock";
  return false;

// Deletes the block pointed by index from allocation_map, and updates the
// relevant counters on the header.
void DeleteMapBlock(int index, int size, disk_cache::BlockFileHeader* header) {
  if (size < 0 || size > disk_cache::kMaxNumBlocks) {
  Time start = Time::Now();
  int byte_index = index / 8;
  uint8* byte_map = reinterpret_cast<uint8*>(header->allocation_map);
  uint8 map_block = byte_map[byte_index];

  if (index % 8 >= 4)
    map_block >>= 4;

  // See what type of block will be availabe after we delete this one.
  int bits_at_end = 4 - size - index % 4;
  uint8 end_mask = (0xf << (4 - bits_at_end)) & 0xf;
  bool update_counters = (map_block & end_mask) == 0;
  uint8 new_value = map_block & ~(((1 << size) - 1) << (index % 4));
  int new_type = GetMapBlockType(new_value);

  disk_cache::FileLock lock(header);
  DCHECK((((1 << size) - 1) << (index % 8)) < 0x100);
  uint8  to_clear = ((1 << size) - 1) << (index % 8);
  DCHECK((byte_map[byte_index] & to_clear) == to_clear);
  byte_map[byte_index] &= ~to_clear;

  if (update_counters) {
    if (bits_at_end)
      header->empty[bits_at_end - 1]--;
    header->empty[new_type - 1]++;
    DCHECK(header->empty[bits_at_end - 1] >= 0);
  DCHECK(header->num_entries >= 0);
  HISTOGRAM_TIMES("DiskCache.DeleteBlock", Time::Now() - start);

// Restores the "empty counters" and allocation hints.
void FixAllocationCounters(disk_cache::BlockFileHeader* header) {
  for (int i = 0; i < disk_cache::kMaxNumBlocks; i++) {
    header->hints[i] = 0;
    header->empty[i] = 0;

  for (int i = 0; i < header->max_entries / 32; i++) {
    uint32 map_block = header->allocation_map[i];

    for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++, map_block >>= 4) {
      int type = GetMapBlockType(map_block);
      if (type)
        header->empty[type -1]++;

// Returns true if the current block file should not be used as-is to store more
// records. |block_count| is the number of blocks to allocate, and
// |use_next_file| is set to true on return if we should use the next file in
// the chain, even though we could find empty space on the current file.
bool NeedToGrowBlockFile(const disk_cache::BlockFileHeader* header,
                         int block_count, bool* use_next_file) {
  if ((header->max_entries > disk_cache::kMaxBlocks * 9 / 10) &&
      header->next_file) {
    // This file is almost full but we already created another one, don't use
    // this file yet so that it is easier to find empty blocks when we start
    // using this file again.
    *use_next_file = true;
    return true;
  *use_next_file = false;
  for (int i = block_count; i <= disk_cache::kMaxNumBlocks; i++) {
    if (header->empty[i - 1])
      return false;
  return true;

}  // namespace

namespace disk_cache {

BlockFiles::~BlockFiles() {
  if (zero_buffer_)
    delete[] zero_buffer_;

bool BlockFiles::Init(bool create_files) {
  if (init_)
    return false;

  for (int i = 0; i < kFirstAdditionlBlockFile; i++) {
    if (create_files)
      if (!CreateBlockFile(i, static_cast<FileType>(i + 1), true))
        return false;

    if (!OpenBlockFile(i))
      return false;

  init_ = true;
  return true;

void BlockFiles::CloseFiles() {
  init_ = false;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < block_files_.size(); i++) {
    if (block_files_[i]) {
      block_files_[i] = NULL;

std::wstring BlockFiles::Name(int index) {
  // The file format allows for 256 files.
  DCHECK(index < 256 || index >= 0);
  std::wstring name(path_);
  std::wstring tmp = StringPrintf(L"%ls%d", kBlockName, index);
  file_util::AppendToPath(&name, tmp);

  return name;

bool BlockFiles::CreateBlockFile(int index, FileType file_type, bool force) {
  std::wstring name = Name(index);
  int flags =

  scoped_refptr<File> file(new File(
      base::CreatePlatformFile(name.c_str(), flags, NULL)));
  if (!file->IsValid())
    return false;

  BlockFileHeader header;
  header.entry_size = Addr::BlockSizeForFileType(file_type);
  header.this_file = static_cast<int16>(index);
  DCHECK(index <= kint16max && index >= 0);

  return file->Write(&header, sizeof(header), 0);

bool BlockFiles::OpenBlockFile(int index) {
  if (block_files_.size() - 1 < static_cast<unsigned int>(index)) {
    DCHECK(index > 0);
    int to_add = index - static_cast<int>(block_files_.size()) + 1;
    block_files_.resize(block_files_.size() + to_add);

  std::wstring name = Name(index);
  MappedFile* file = new MappedFile();

  if (!file->Init(name, kBlockHeaderSize)) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open " << name;
    return false;

  block_files_[index] = file;

  BlockFileHeader* header = reinterpret_cast<BlockFileHeader*>(file->buffer());
  if (kBlockMagic != header->magic || kCurrentVersion != header->version) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid file version or magic";
    return false;

  if (header->updating) {
    // Last instance was not properly shutdown.
    if (!FixBlockFileHeader(file))
      return false;
  return true;

MappedFile* BlockFiles::GetFile(Addr address) {
  CHECK(block_files_.size() >= 4);

  int file_index = address.FileNumber();
  if (static_cast<unsigned int>(file_index) >= block_files_.size() ||
      !block_files_[file_index]) {
    // We need to open the file
    if (!OpenBlockFile(file_index))
      return NULL;
  DCHECK(block_files_.size() >= static_cast<unsigned int>(file_index));
  return block_files_[file_index];

bool BlockFiles::GrowBlockFile(MappedFile* file, BlockFileHeader* header) {
  if (kMaxBlocks == header->max_entries)
    return false;

  int new_size = header->max_entries + 1024;
  if (new_size > kMaxBlocks)
    new_size = kMaxBlocks;

  int new_size_bytes = new_size * header->entry_size + sizeof(*header);

  FileLock lock(header);
  if (!file->SetLength(new_size_bytes)) {
    // Most likely we are trying to truncate the file, so the header is wrong.
    if (header->updating < 10 && !FixBlockFileHeader(file)) {
      // If we can't fix the file increase the lock guard so we'll pick it on
      // the next start and replace it.
      header->updating = 100;
      return false;
    return (header->max_entries >= new_size);

  header->empty[3] = (new_size - header->max_entries) / 4;  // 4 blocks entries
  header->max_entries = new_size;

  return true;

MappedFile* BlockFiles::FileForNewBlock(FileType block_type, int block_count) {
  COMPILE_ASSERT(RANKINGS == 1, invalid_fily_type);
  MappedFile* file = block_files_[block_type - 1];
  BlockFileHeader* header = reinterpret_cast<BlockFileHeader*>(file->buffer());

  Time start = Time::Now();
  bool use_next_file;
  while (NeedToGrowBlockFile(header, block_count, &use_next_file)) {
    if (use_next_file || kMaxBlocks == header->max_entries) {
      file = NextFile(file);
      if (!file)
        return NULL;
      header = reinterpret_cast<BlockFileHeader*>(file->buffer());

    if (!GrowBlockFile(file, header))
      return NULL;
  HISTOGRAM_TIMES("DiskCache.GetFileForNewBlock", Time::Now() - start);
  return file;

MappedFile* BlockFiles::NextFile(const MappedFile* file) {
  BlockFileHeader* header = reinterpret_cast<BlockFileHeader*>(file->buffer());
  int new_file = header->next_file;
  if (!new_file) {
    // RANKINGS is not reported as a type for small entries, but we may be
    // extending the rankings block file.
    FileType type = Addr::RequiredFileType(header->entry_size);
    if (header->entry_size == Addr::BlockSizeForFileType(RANKINGS))
      type = RANKINGS;

    new_file = CreateNextBlockFile(type);
    if (!new_file)
      return NULL;

    FileLock lock(header);
    header->next_file = new_file;

  // Only the block_file argument is relevant for what we want.
  Addr address(BLOCK_256, 1, new_file, 0);
  return GetFile(address);

int BlockFiles::CreateNextBlockFile(FileType block_type) {
  for (int i = kFirstAdditionlBlockFile; i <= kMaxBlockFile; i++) {
    if (CreateBlockFile(i, block_type, false))
      return i;
  return 0;

bool BlockFiles::CreateBlock(FileType block_type, int block_count,
                             Addr* block_address) {
  if (block_type < RANKINGS || block_type > BLOCK_4K ||
      block_count < 1 || block_count > 4)
    return false;
  if (!init_)
    return false;

  MappedFile* file = FileForNewBlock(block_type, block_count);
  if (!file)
    return false;

  BlockFileHeader* header = reinterpret_cast<BlockFileHeader*>(file->buffer());

  int target_size = 0;
  for (int i = block_count; i <= 4; i++) {
    if (header->empty[i - 1]) {
      target_size = i;

  int index;
  if (!CreateMapBlock(target_size, block_count, header, &index))
    return false;

  Addr address(block_type, block_count, header->this_file, index);
  return true;

void BlockFiles::DeleteBlock(Addr address, bool deep) {
  if (!address.is_initialized() || address.is_separate_file())

  if (!zero_buffer_) {
    zero_buffer_ = new char[Addr::BlockSizeForFileType(BLOCK_4K) * 4];
    memset(zero_buffer_, 0, Addr::BlockSizeForFileType(BLOCK_4K) * 4);
  MappedFile* file = GetFile(address);
  if (!file)

  size_t size = address.BlockSize() * address.num_blocks();
  size_t offset = address.start_block() * address.BlockSize() +
  if (deep)
    file->Write(zero_buffer_, size, offset);

  BlockFileHeader* header = reinterpret_cast<BlockFileHeader*>(file->buffer());
  DeleteMapBlock(address.start_block(), address.num_blocks(), header);

bool BlockFiles::FixBlockFileHeader(MappedFile* file) {
  BlockFileHeader* header = reinterpret_cast<BlockFileHeader*>(file->buffer());
  int file_size = static_cast<int>(file->GetLength());
  if (file_size < static_cast<int>(sizeof(*header)))
    return false;  // file_size > 2GB is also an error.

  int expected = header->entry_size * header->max_entries + sizeof(*header);
  if (file_size != expected) {
    int max_expected = header->entry_size * kMaxBlocks + sizeof(*header);
    if (file_size < expected || header->empty[3] || file_size > max_expected) {
      LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected file size";
      return false;
    // We were in the middle of growing the file.
    int num_entries = (file_size - sizeof(*header)) / header->entry_size;
    header->max_entries = num_entries;

  header->updating = 0;
  return true;

}  // namespace disk_cache