// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "net/disk_cache/disk_cache.h"
#include "net/disk_cache/storage_block.h"
#include "net/disk_cache/storage_block-inl.h"

namespace disk_cache {

class BackendImpl;

// This class implements the Entry interface. An object of this
// class represents a single entry on the cache.
class EntryImpl : public Entry, public base::RefCounted<EntryImpl> {
  friend class base::RefCounted<EntryImpl>;
  EntryImpl(BackendImpl* backend, Addr address);

  // Entry interface.
  virtual void Doom();
  virtual void Close();
  virtual std::string GetKey() const;
  virtual Time GetLastUsed() const;
  virtual Time GetLastModified() const;
  virtual int32 GetDataSize(int index) const;
  virtual int ReadData(int index, int offset, char* buf, int buf_len,
                       net::CompletionCallback* completion_callback);
  virtual int WriteData(int index, int offset, const char* buf, int buf_len,
                        net::CompletionCallback* completion_callback,
                        bool truncate);

  inline CacheEntryBlock* entry() {
    return &entry_;

  inline CacheRankingsBlock* rankings() {
    return &node_;

  uint32 GetHash();

  // Performs the initialization of a EntryImpl that will be added to the
  // cache.
  bool CreateEntry(Addr node_address, const std::string& key,
                   uint32 hash);

  // Returns true if this entry matches the lookup arguments.
  bool IsSameEntry(const std::string& key, uint32 hash);

  // Permamently destroys this entry
  void InternalDoom();

  // Returns the address of the next entry on the list of entries with the same
  // hash.
  CacheAddr GetNextAddress();

  // Sets the address of the next entry on the list of entries with the same
  // hash.
  void SetNextAddress(Addr address);

  // Reloads the rankings node information.
  bool LoadNodeAddress();

  // Reloads the data for this entry. If there is already an object in memory
  // for the entry, the returned value is a pointer to that entry, otherwise
  // it is the passed in entry. On failure returns NULL.
  static EntryImpl* Update(EntryImpl* entry);

  // Returns true if this entry is marked as dirty on disk.
  bool IsDirty(int32 current_id);
  void ClearDirtyFlag();

  // Fixes this entry so it can be treated as valid (to delete it).
  void SetPointerForInvalidEntry(int32 new_id);

  // Returns false if the entry is clearly invalid.
  bool SanityCheck();

  // Handle the pending asynchronous IO count.
  void IncrementIoCount();
  void DecrementIoCount();


  // Index for the file used to store the key, if any (files_[kKeyFileIndex]).
  static const int kKeyFileIndex = 2;

  // Initializes the storage for an internal or external data block.
  bool CreateDataBlock(int index, int size);

  // Initializes the storage for an internal or external generic block.
  bool CreateBlock(int size, Addr* address);

  // Deletes the data pointed by address, maybe backed by files_[index].
  void DeleteData(Addr address, int index);

  // Updates ranking information.
  void UpdateRank(bool modified);

  // Returns a pointer to the file that stores the given address.
  File* GetBackingFile(Addr address, int index);

  // Returns a pointer to the file that stores external data.
  File* GetExternalFile(Addr address, int index);

  // Prepares the target file or buffer for a write of buf_len bytes at the
  // given offset.
  bool PrepareTarget(int index, int offset, int buf_len, bool truncate);

  // Grows the size of the storage used to store user data, if needed.
  bool GrowUserBuffer(int index, int offset, int buf_len, bool truncate);

  // Reads from a block data file to this object's memory buffer.
  bool MoveToLocalBuffer(int index);

  // Loads the external file to this object's memory buffer.
  bool ImportSeparateFile(int index, int offset, int buf_len);

  // Flush the in-memory data to the backing storage.
  bool Flush(int index, int size, bool async);

  // Logs this entry to the internal trace buffer.
  void Log(const char* msg);

  CacheEntryBlock entry_;     // Key related information for this entry.
  CacheRankingsBlock node_;   // Rankings related information for this entry.
  BackendImpl* backend_;      // Back pointer to the cache.
  scoped_array<char> user_buffers_[2];  // Store user data.
  scoped_refptr<File> files_[3];  // Files to store external user data and key.
  int unreported_size_[2];    // Bytes not reported yet to the backend.
  bool doomed_;               // True if this entry was removed from the cache.


}  // namespace disk_cache