// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef NET_DNS_ASYNC_HOST_RESOLVER_H_ #define NET_DNS_ASYNC_HOST_RESOLVER_H_ #pragma once #include #include #include "base/observer_list.h" #include "base/threading/non_thread_safe.h" #include "net/base/address_family.h" #include "net/base/host_cache.h" #include "net/base/host_resolver.h" #include "net/base/ip_endpoint.h" #include "net/base/net_log.h" #include "net/base/rand_callback.h" #include "net/dns/dns_transaction.h" namespace net { class AddressesList; class ClientSocketFactory; class NET_EXPORT AsyncHostResolver : public HostResolver, public DnsTransaction::Delegate, NON_EXPORTED_BASE(public base::NonThreadSafe) { public: AsyncHostResolver(const IPEndPoint& dns_server, size_t max_transactions, size_t max_pending_requests_, const RandIntCallback& rand_int, HostCache* cache, ClientSocketFactory* factory, NetLog* net_log); virtual ~AsyncHostResolver(); // HostResolver interface virtual int Resolve(const RequestInfo& info, AddressList* addresses, OldCompletionCallback* callback, RequestHandle* out_req, const BoundNetLog& source_net_log) OVERRIDE; virtual int ResolveFromCache(const RequestInfo& info, AddressList* addresses, const BoundNetLog& source_net_log) OVERRIDE; virtual void CancelRequest(RequestHandle req_handle) OVERRIDE; virtual void AddObserver(HostResolver::Observer* observer) OVERRIDE; virtual void RemoveObserver(HostResolver::Observer* observer) OVERRIDE; virtual void SetDefaultAddressFamily(AddressFamily address_family) OVERRIDE; virtual AddressFamily GetDefaultAddressFamily() const OVERRIDE; virtual HostResolverImpl* GetAsHostResolverImpl() OVERRIDE; // DnsTransaction::Delegate interface virtual void OnTransactionComplete( int result, const DnsTransaction* transaction, const IPAddressList& ip_addresses) OVERRIDE; private: FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AsyncHostResolverTest, QueuedLookup); FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AsyncHostResolverTest, CancelPendingLookup); FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AsyncHostResolverTest, ResolverDestructionCancelsLookups); FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AsyncHostResolverTest, OverflowQueueWithLowPriorityLookup); FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AsyncHostResolverTest, OverflowQueueWithHighPriorityLookup); class Request; typedef DnsTransaction::Key Key; typedef std::list RequestList; typedef std::list TransactionList; typedef std::map KeyRequestListMap; // Create a new request for the incoming Resolve() call. Request* CreateNewRequest(const RequestInfo& info, OldCompletionCallback* callback, AddressList* addresses, const BoundNetLog& source_net_log); // Called when a request has just been started. void OnStart(Request* request); // Called when a request has just completed (before its callback is run). void OnFinish(Request* request, int result); // Called when a request has been cancelled. void OnCancel(Request* request); // If there is an in-progress transaction for Request->key(), this will // attach |request| to the respective list. bool AttachToRequestList(Request* request); // Will start a new transaction for |request|, will insert a new key in // |requestlist_map_| and append |request| to the respective list. int StartNewTransactionFor(Request* request); // Will enqueue |request| in |pending_requests_|. int Enqueue(Request* request); // A helper used by Enqueue to insert |request| into |pending_requests_|. Request* Insert(Request* request); // Returns the number of pending requests. size_t GetNumPending() const; // Removes and returns a pointer to the lowest/highest priority request // from |pending_requests_|. Request* RemoveLowest(); Request* RemoveHighest(); // Once a transaction has completed, called to start a new transaction if // there are pending requests. void ProcessPending(); // Maximum number of concurrent transactions. size_t max_transactions_; // List of current transactions. TransactionList transactions_; // A map from Key to a list of requests waiting for the Key to resolve. KeyRequestListMap requestlist_map_; // Maximum number of pending requests. size_t max_pending_requests_; // Queues based on priority for putting pending requests. RequestList pending_requests_[NUM_PRIORITIES]; // DNS server to which queries will be setn. IPEndPoint dns_server_; // Callback to be passed to DnsTransaction for generating DNS query ids. RandIntCallback rand_int_cb_; // Cache of host resolution results. scoped_ptr cache_; // Also passed to DnsTransaction; it's a dependency injection to aid // testing, outside of unit tests, its value is always NULL. ClientSocketFactory* factory_; // The observers to notify when a request starts/ends. ObserverList observers_; // Monotonically increasing ID number to assign to the next request. // Observers are the only consumers of this ID number. int next_request_id_; NetLog* net_log_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(AsyncHostResolver); }; } // namespace net #endif // NET_DNS_ASYNC_HOST_RESOLVER_H_