// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "net/dns/dns_response.h" #include "base/sys_byteorder.h" #include "net/base/big_endian.h" #include "net/base/dns_util.h" #include "net/base/io_buffer.h" #include "net/base/net_errors.h" #include "net/dns/dns_protocol.h" #include "net/dns/dns_query.h" namespace net { DnsResourceRecord::DnsResourceRecord() { } DnsResourceRecord::~DnsResourceRecord() { } DnsRecordParser::DnsRecordParser() : packet_(NULL), length_(0), cur_(0) { } DnsRecordParser::DnsRecordParser(const void* packet, size_t length, size_t offset) : packet_(reinterpret_cast(packet)), length_(length), cur_(packet_ + offset) { DCHECK_LE(offset, length); } int DnsRecordParser::ParseName(const void* const vpos, std::string* out) const { const char* const pos = reinterpret_cast(vpos); DCHECK(packet_); DCHECK_LE(packet_, pos); DCHECK_LE(pos, packet_ + length_); const char* p = pos; const char* end = packet_ + length_; // Count number of seen bytes to detect loops. size_t seen = 0; // Remember how many bytes were consumed before first jump. size_t consumed = 0; if (pos >= end) return 0; if (out) { out->clear(); out->reserve(dns_protocol::kMaxNameLength); } for (;;) { // The two couple of bits of the length give the type of the length. It's // either a direct length or a pointer to the remainder of the name. switch (*p & dns_protocol::kLabelMask) { case dns_protocol::kLabelPointer: { if (p + sizeof(uint16) > end) return 0; if (consumed == 0) { consumed = p - pos + sizeof(uint16); if (!out) return consumed; // If name is not stored, that's all we need. } seen += sizeof(uint16); // If seen the whole packet, then we must be in a loop. if (seen > length_) return 0; uint16 offset; ReadBigEndian(p, &offset); offset &= dns_protocol::kOffsetMask; p = packet_ + offset; if (p >= end) return 0; break; } case dns_protocol::kLabelDirect: { uint8 label_len = *p; ++p; // Note: root domain (".") is NOT included. if (label_len == 0) { if (consumed == 0) { consumed = p - pos; } // else we set |consumed| before first jump return consumed; } if (p + label_len >= end) return 0; // Truncated or missing label. if (out) { if (!out->empty()) out->append("."); out->append(p, label_len); } p += label_len; seen += 1 + label_len; break; } default: // unhandled label type return 0; } } } bool DnsRecordParser::ParseRecord(DnsResourceRecord* out) { DCHECK(packet_); size_t consumed = ParseName(cur_, &out->name); if (!consumed) return false; BigEndianReader reader(cur_ + consumed, packet_ + length_ - (cur_ + consumed)); uint16 rdlen; if (reader.ReadU16(&out->type) && reader.ReadU16(&out->klass) && reader.ReadU32(&out->ttl) && reader.ReadU16(&rdlen) && reader.ReadPiece(&out->rdata, rdlen)) { cur_ = reader.ptr(); return true; } return false; } DnsResponse::DnsResponse() : io_buffer_(new IOBufferWithSize(dns_protocol::kMaxUDPSize + 1)) { } DnsResponse::DnsResponse(const void* data, size_t length, size_t answer_offset) : io_buffer_(new IOBufferWithSize(length)), parser_(io_buffer_->data(), length, answer_offset) { DCHECK(data); memcpy(io_buffer_->data(), data, length); } DnsResponse::~DnsResponse() { } bool DnsResponse::InitParse(int nbytes, const DnsQuery& query) { // Response includes query, it should be at least that size. if (nbytes < query.io_buffer()->size() || nbytes > dns_protocol::kMaxUDPSize) return false; // Match the query id. if (ntohs(header()->id) != query.id()) return false; // Match question count. if (ntohs(header()->qdcount) != 1) return false; // Match the question section. const size_t hdr_size = sizeof(dns_protocol::Header); const base::StringPiece question = query.question(); if (question != base::StringPiece(io_buffer_->data() + hdr_size, question.size())) { return false; } // Construct the parser. parser_ = DnsRecordParser(io_buffer_->data(), nbytes, hdr_size + question.size()); return true; } bool DnsResponse::IsValid() const { return parser_.IsValid(); } uint16 DnsResponse::flags() const { DCHECK(parser_.IsValid()); return ntohs(header()->flags) & ~(dns_protocol::kRcodeMask); } uint8 DnsResponse::rcode() const { DCHECK(parser_.IsValid()); return ntohs(header()->flags) & dns_protocol::kRcodeMask; } int DnsResponse::answer_count() const { DCHECK(parser_.IsValid()); return ntohs(header()->ancount); } base::StringPiece DnsResponse::qname() const { DCHECK(parser_.IsValid()); // The response is HEADER QNAME QTYPE QCLASS ANSWER. // |parser_| is positioned at the beginning of ANSWER, so the end of QNAME is // two uint16s before it. const size_t hdr_size = sizeof(dns_protocol::Header); const size_t qname_size = parser_.GetOffset() - 2 * sizeof(uint16) - hdr_size; return base::StringPiece(io_buffer_->data() + hdr_size, qname_size); } uint16 DnsResponse::qtype() const { DCHECK(parser_.IsValid()); // QTYPE starts where QNAME ends. const size_t type_offset = parser_.GetOffset() - 2 * sizeof(uint16); uint16 type; ReadBigEndian(io_buffer_->data() + type_offset, &type); return type; } std::string DnsResponse::GetDottedName() const { return DNSDomainToString(qname()); } DnsRecordParser DnsResponse::Parser() const { DCHECK(parser_.IsValid()); // Return a copy of the parser. return parser_; } const dns_protocol::Header* DnsResponse::header() const { return reinterpret_cast(io_buffer_->data()); } } // namespace net