// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "net/dns/mdns_cache.h" #include #include "base/stl_util.h" #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" #include "net/dns/dns_protocol.h" #include "net/dns/record_parsed.h" #include "net/dns/record_rdata.h" // TODO(noamsml): Recursive CNAME closure (backwards and forwards). namespace net { // The effective TTL given to records with a nominal zero TTL. // Allows time for hosts to send updated records, as detailed in RFC 6762 // Section 10.1. static const unsigned kZeroTTLSeconds = 1; MDnsCache::Key::Key(unsigned type, const std::string& name, const std::string& optional) : type_(type), name_(name), optional_(optional) { } MDnsCache::Key::Key( const MDnsCache::Key& other) : type_(other.type_), name_(other.name_), optional_(other.optional_) { } MDnsCache::Key& MDnsCache::Key::operator=( const MDnsCache::Key& other) { type_ = other.type_; name_ = other.name_; optional_ = other.optional_; return *this; } MDnsCache::Key::~Key() { } bool MDnsCache::Key::operator<(const MDnsCache::Key& key) const { if (type_ != key.type_) return type_ < key.type_; if (name_ != key.name_) return name_ < key.name_; if (optional_ != key.optional_) return optional_ < key.optional_; return false; // keys are equal } bool MDnsCache::Key::operator==(const MDnsCache::Key& key) const { return type_ == key.type_ && name_ == key.name_ && optional_ == key.optional_; } // static MDnsCache::Key MDnsCache::Key::CreateFor(const RecordParsed* record) { return Key(record->type(), record->name(), GetOptionalFieldForRecord(record)); } MDnsCache::MDnsCache() { } MDnsCache::~MDnsCache() { Clear(); } void MDnsCache::Clear() { next_expiration_ = base::Time(); STLDeleteValues(&mdns_cache_); } const RecordParsed* MDnsCache::LookupKey(const Key& key) { RecordMap::iterator found = mdns_cache_.find(key); if (found != mdns_cache_.end()) { return found->second; } return NULL; } MDnsCache::UpdateType MDnsCache::UpdateDnsRecord( scoped_ptr record) { UpdateType type = NoChange; Key cache_key = Key::CreateFor(record.get()); base::Time expiration = GetEffectiveExpiration(record.get()); if (next_expiration_ == base::Time() || expiration < next_expiration_) { next_expiration_ = expiration; } std::pair insert_result = mdns_cache_.insert(std::make_pair(cache_key, (const RecordParsed*)NULL)); if (insert_result.second) { type = RecordAdded; insert_result.first->second = record.release(); } else { const RecordParsed* other_record = insert_result.first->second; if (!record->IsEqual(other_record, true)) { type = RecordChanged; } delete other_record; insert_result.first->second = record.release(); } return type; } void MDnsCache::CleanupRecords( base::Time now, const RecordRemovedCallback& record_removed_callback) { base::Time next_expiration; // We are guaranteed that |next_expiration_| will be at or before the next // expiration. This allows clients to eagrely call CleanupRecords with // impunity. if (now < next_expiration_) return; for (RecordMap::iterator i = mdns_cache_.begin(); i != mdns_cache_.end(); ) { base::Time expiration = GetEffectiveExpiration(i->second); if (now >= expiration) { record_removed_callback.Run(i->second); delete i->second; mdns_cache_.erase(i++); } else { if (next_expiration == base::Time() || expiration < next_expiration) { next_expiration = expiration; } ++i; } } next_expiration_ = next_expiration; } void MDnsCache::FindDnsRecords(unsigned type, const std::string& name, std::vector* results, base::Time now) const { DCHECK(results); results->clear(); RecordMap::const_iterator i = mdns_cache_.lower_bound(Key(type, name, "")); for (; i != mdns_cache_.end(); ++i) { if (i->first.type() != type || (!name.empty() && i->first.name() != name)) { break; } const RecordParsed* record = i->second; // Records are deleted only upon request. if (now >= GetEffectiveExpiration(record)) continue; results->push_back(record); } } // static std::string MDnsCache::GetOptionalFieldForRecord( const RecordParsed* record) { switch (record->type()) { case PtrRecordRdata::kType: { const PtrRecordRdata* rdata = record->rdata(); return rdata->ptrdomain(); } default: // Most records are considered unique for our purposes return ""; } } // static base::Time MDnsCache::GetEffectiveExpiration(const RecordParsed* record) { base::TimeDelta ttl; if (record->ttl()) { ttl = base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(record->ttl()); } else { ttl = base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(kZeroTTLSeconds); } return record->time_created() + ttl; } } // namespace net