// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "net/dns/mdns_client_impl.h" #include #include #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/location.h" #include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h" #include "base/stl_util.h" #include "base/thread_task_runner_handle.h" #include "base/time/clock.h" #include "base/time/default_clock.h" #include "base/time/time.h" #include "base/timer/timer.h" #include "net/base/net_errors.h" #include "net/base/rand_callback.h" #include "net/dns/dns_protocol.h" #include "net/dns/dns_util.h" #include "net/dns/record_rdata.h" #include "net/log/net_log.h" #include "net/udp/datagram_socket.h" // TODO(gene): Remove this temporary method of disabling NSEC support once it // becomes clear whether this feature should be // supported. http://crbug.com/255232 #define ENABLE_NSEC namespace net { namespace { const unsigned MDnsTransactionTimeoutSeconds = 3; // The fractions of the record's original TTL after which an active listener // (one that had |SetActiveRefresh(true)| called) will send a query to refresh // its cache. This happens both at 85% of the original TTL and again at 95% of // the original TTL. const double kListenerRefreshRatio1 = 0.85; const double kListenerRefreshRatio2 = 0.95; } // namespace void MDnsSocketFactoryImpl::CreateSockets( std::vector>* sockets) { InterfaceIndexFamilyList interfaces(GetMDnsInterfacesToBind()); for (size_t i = 0; i < interfaces.size(); ++i) { DCHECK(interfaces[i].second == ADDRESS_FAMILY_IPV4 || interfaces[i].second == ADDRESS_FAMILY_IPV6); scoped_ptr socket( CreateAndBindMDnsSocket(interfaces[i].second, interfaces[i].first)); if (socket) sockets->push_back(socket.Pass()); } } MDnsConnection::SocketHandler::SocketHandler( scoped_ptr socket, MDnsConnection* connection) : socket_(socket.Pass()), connection_(connection), response_(dns_protocol::kMaxMulticastSize), send_in_progress_(false) { } MDnsConnection::SocketHandler::~SocketHandler() { } int MDnsConnection::SocketHandler::Start() { IPEndPoint end_point; int rv = socket_->GetLocalAddress(&end_point); if (rv != OK) return rv; DCHECK(end_point.GetFamily() == ADDRESS_FAMILY_IPV4 || end_point.GetFamily() == ADDRESS_FAMILY_IPV6); multicast_addr_ = GetMDnsIPEndPoint(end_point.GetFamily()); return DoLoop(0); } int MDnsConnection::SocketHandler::DoLoop(int rv) { do { if (rv > 0) connection_->OnDatagramReceived(&response_, recv_addr_, rv); rv = socket_->RecvFrom( response_.io_buffer(), response_.io_buffer()->size(), &recv_addr_, base::Bind(&MDnsConnection::SocketHandler::OnDatagramReceived, base::Unretained(this))); } while (rv > 0); if (rv != ERR_IO_PENDING) return rv; return OK; } void MDnsConnection::SocketHandler::OnDatagramReceived(int rv) { if (rv >= OK) rv = DoLoop(rv); if (rv != OK) connection_->PostOnError(this, rv); } void MDnsConnection::SocketHandler::Send(const scoped_refptr& buffer, unsigned size) { if (send_in_progress_) { send_queue_.push(std::make_pair(buffer, size)); return; } int rv = socket_->SendTo(buffer.get(), size, multicast_addr_, base::Bind(&MDnsConnection::SocketHandler::SendDone, base::Unretained(this))); if (rv == ERR_IO_PENDING) { send_in_progress_ = true; } else if (rv < OK) { connection_->PostOnError(this, rv); } } void MDnsConnection::SocketHandler::SendDone(int rv) { DCHECK(send_in_progress_); send_in_progress_ = false; if (rv != OK) connection_->PostOnError(this, rv); while (!send_in_progress_ && !send_queue_.empty()) { std::pair, unsigned> buffer = send_queue_.front(); send_queue_.pop(); Send(buffer.first, buffer.second); } } MDnsConnection::MDnsConnection(MDnsConnection::Delegate* delegate) : delegate_(delegate), weak_ptr_factory_(this) { } MDnsConnection::~MDnsConnection() { } bool MDnsConnection::Init(MDnsSocketFactory* socket_factory) { std::vector> sockets; socket_factory->CreateSockets(&sockets); for (scoped_ptr& socket : sockets) { socket_handlers_.push_back(make_scoped_ptr( new MDnsConnection::SocketHandler(std::move(socket), this))); } // All unbound sockets need to be bound before processing untrusted input. // This is done for security reasons, so that an attacker can't get an unbound // socket. for (size_t i = 0; i < socket_handlers_.size();) { int rv = socket_handlers_[i]->Start(); if (rv != OK) { socket_handlers_.erase(socket_handlers_.begin() + i); VLOG(1) << "Start failed, socket=" << i << ", error=" << rv; } else { ++i; } } VLOG(1) << "Sockets ready:" << socket_handlers_.size(); return !socket_handlers_.empty(); } void MDnsConnection::Send(const scoped_refptr& buffer, unsigned size) { for (scoped_ptr& handler : socket_handlers_) handler->Send(buffer, size); } void MDnsConnection::PostOnError(SocketHandler* loop, int rv) { int id = 0; for (const auto& it : socket_handlers_) { if (it.get() == loop) break; id++; } VLOG(1) << "Socket error. id=" << id << ", error=" << rv; // Post to allow deletion of this object by delegate. base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&MDnsConnection::OnError, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), rv)); } void MDnsConnection::OnError(int rv) { // TODO(noamsml): Specific handling of intermittent errors that can be handled // in the connection. delegate_->OnConnectionError(rv); } void MDnsConnection::OnDatagramReceived( DnsResponse* response, const IPEndPoint& recv_addr, int bytes_read) { // TODO(noamsml): More sophisticated error handling. DCHECK_GT(bytes_read, 0); delegate_->HandlePacket(response, bytes_read); } MDnsClientImpl::Core::Core(base::Clock* clock, base::Timer* timer) : clock_(clock), cleanup_timer_(timer), connection_(new MDnsConnection(this)) { } MDnsClientImpl::Core::~Core() { STLDeleteValues(&listeners_); } bool MDnsClientImpl::Core::Init(MDnsSocketFactory* socket_factory) { return connection_->Init(socket_factory); } bool MDnsClientImpl::Core::SendQuery(uint16 rrtype, const std::string& name) { std::string name_dns; if (!DNSDomainFromDot(name, &name_dns)) return false; DnsQuery query(0, name_dns, rrtype); query.set_flags(0); // Remove the RD flag from the query. It is unneeded. connection_->Send(query.io_buffer(), query.io_buffer()->size()); return true; } void MDnsClientImpl::Core::HandlePacket(DnsResponse* response, int bytes_read) { unsigned offset; // Note: We store cache keys rather than record pointers to avoid // erroneous behavior in case a packet contains multiple exclusive // records with the same type and name. std::map update_keys; if (!response->InitParseWithoutQuery(bytes_read)) { DVLOG(1) << "Could not understand an mDNS packet."; return; // Message is unreadable. } // TODO(noamsml): duplicate query suppression. if (!(response->flags() & dns_protocol::kFlagResponse)) return; // Message is a query. ignore it. DnsRecordParser parser = response->Parser(); unsigned answer_count = response->answer_count() + response->additional_answer_count(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < answer_count; i++) { offset = parser.GetOffset(); scoped_ptr record = RecordParsed::CreateFrom(&parser, clock_->Now()); if (!record) { DVLOG(1) << "Could not understand an mDNS record."; if (offset == parser.GetOffset()) { DVLOG(1) << "Abandoned parsing the rest of the packet."; return; // The parser did not advance, abort reading the packet. } else { continue; // We may be able to extract other records from the packet. } } if ((record->klass() & dns_protocol::kMDnsClassMask) != dns_protocol::kClassIN) { DVLOG(1) << "Received an mDNS record with non-IN class. Ignoring."; continue; // Ignore all records not in the IN class. } MDnsCache::Key update_key = MDnsCache::Key::CreateFor(record.get()); MDnsCache::UpdateType update = cache_.UpdateDnsRecord(record.Pass()); // Cleanup time may have changed. ScheduleCleanup(cache_.next_expiration()); update_keys.insert(std::make_pair(update_key, update)); } for (std::map::iterator i = update_keys.begin(); i != update_keys.end(); i++) { const RecordParsed* record = cache_.LookupKey(i->first); if (!record) continue; if (record->type() == dns_protocol::kTypeNSEC) { #if defined(ENABLE_NSEC) NotifyNsecRecord(record); #endif } else { AlertListeners(i->second, ListenerKey(record->name(), record->type()), record); } } } void MDnsClientImpl::Core::NotifyNsecRecord(const RecordParsed* record) { DCHECK_EQ(dns_protocol::kTypeNSEC, record->type()); const NsecRecordRdata* rdata = record->rdata(); DCHECK(rdata); // Remove all cached records matching the nonexistent RR types. std::vector records_to_remove; cache_.FindDnsRecords(0, record->name(), &records_to_remove, clock_->Now()); for (std::vector::iterator i = records_to_remove.begin(); i != records_to_remove.end(); i++) { if ((*i)->type() == dns_protocol::kTypeNSEC) continue; if (!rdata->GetBit((*i)->type())) { scoped_ptr record_removed = cache_.RemoveRecord((*i)); DCHECK(record_removed); OnRecordRemoved(record_removed.get()); } } // Alert all listeners waiting for the nonexistent RR types. ListenerMap::iterator i = listeners_.upper_bound(ListenerKey(record->name(), 0)); for (; i != listeners_.end() && i->first.first == record->name(); i++) { if (!rdata->GetBit(i->first.second)) { FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(MDnsListenerImpl, *i->second, AlertNsecRecord()); } } } void MDnsClientImpl::Core::OnConnectionError(int error) { // TODO(noamsml): On connection error, recreate connection and flush cache. VLOG(1) << "MDNS OnConnectionError (code: " << error << ")"; } void MDnsClientImpl::Core::AlertListeners( MDnsCache::UpdateType update_type, const ListenerKey& key, const RecordParsed* record) { ListenerMap::iterator listener_map_iterator = listeners_.find(key); if (listener_map_iterator == listeners_.end()) return; FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(MDnsListenerImpl, *listener_map_iterator->second, HandleRecordUpdate(update_type, record)); } void MDnsClientImpl::Core::AddListener( MDnsListenerImpl* listener) { ListenerKey key(listener->GetName(), listener->GetType()); std::pair observer_insert_result = listeners_.insert(make_pair( key, static_cast*>(NULL))); // If an equivalent key does not exist, actually create the observer list. if (observer_insert_result.second) observer_insert_result.first->second = new base::ObserverList(); base::ObserverList* observer_list = observer_insert_result.first->second; observer_list->AddObserver(listener); } void MDnsClientImpl::Core::RemoveListener(MDnsListenerImpl* listener) { ListenerKey key(listener->GetName(), listener->GetType()); ListenerMap::iterator observer_list_iterator = listeners_.find(key); DCHECK(observer_list_iterator != listeners_.end()); DCHECK(observer_list_iterator->second->HasObserver(listener)); observer_list_iterator->second->RemoveObserver(listener); // Remove the observer list from the map if it is empty if (!observer_list_iterator->second->might_have_observers()) { // Schedule the actual removal for later in case the listener removal // happens while iterating over the observer list. base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&MDnsClientImpl::Core::CleanupObserverList, AsWeakPtr(), key)); } } void MDnsClientImpl::Core::CleanupObserverList(const ListenerKey& key) { ListenerMap::iterator found = listeners_.find(key); if (found != listeners_.end() && !found->second->might_have_observers()) { delete found->second; listeners_.erase(found); } } void MDnsClientImpl::Core::ScheduleCleanup(base::Time cleanup) { // Cleanup is already scheduled, no need to do anything. if (cleanup == scheduled_cleanup_) { return; } scheduled_cleanup_ = cleanup; // This cancels the previously scheduled cleanup. cleanup_timer_->Stop(); // If |cleanup| is empty, then no cleanup necessary. if (cleanup != base::Time()) { cleanup_timer_->Start( FROM_HERE, std::max(base::TimeDelta(), cleanup - clock_->Now()), base::Bind(&MDnsClientImpl::Core::DoCleanup, base::Unretained(this))); } } void MDnsClientImpl::Core::DoCleanup() { cache_.CleanupRecords(clock_->Now(), base::Bind(&MDnsClientImpl::Core::OnRecordRemoved, base::Unretained(this))); ScheduleCleanup(cache_.next_expiration()); } void MDnsClientImpl::Core::OnRecordRemoved( const RecordParsed* record) { AlertListeners(MDnsCache::RecordRemoved, ListenerKey(record->name(), record->type()), record); } void MDnsClientImpl::Core::QueryCache( uint16 rrtype, const std::string& name, std::vector* records) const { cache_.FindDnsRecords(rrtype, name, records, clock_->Now()); } MDnsClientImpl::MDnsClientImpl() : clock_(new base::DefaultClock), cleanup_timer_(new base::Timer(false, false)) { } MDnsClientImpl::MDnsClientImpl(scoped_ptr clock, scoped_ptr timer) : clock_(clock.Pass()), cleanup_timer_(timer.Pass()) { } MDnsClientImpl::~MDnsClientImpl() { } bool MDnsClientImpl::StartListening(MDnsSocketFactory* socket_factory) { DCHECK(!core_.get()); core_.reset(new Core(clock_.get(), cleanup_timer_.get())); if (!core_->Init(socket_factory)) { core_.reset(); return false; } return true; } void MDnsClientImpl::StopListening() { core_.reset(); } bool MDnsClientImpl::IsListening() const { return core_.get() != NULL; } scoped_ptr MDnsClientImpl::CreateListener( uint16 rrtype, const std::string& name, MDnsListener::Delegate* delegate) { return scoped_ptr( new MDnsListenerImpl(rrtype, name, clock_.get(), delegate, this)); } scoped_ptr MDnsClientImpl::CreateTransaction( uint16 rrtype, const std::string& name, int flags, const MDnsTransaction::ResultCallback& callback) { return scoped_ptr( new MDnsTransactionImpl(rrtype, name, flags, callback, this)); } MDnsListenerImpl::MDnsListenerImpl(uint16 rrtype, const std::string& name, base::Clock* clock, MDnsListener::Delegate* delegate, MDnsClientImpl* client) : rrtype_(rrtype), name_(name), clock_(clock), client_(client), delegate_(delegate), started_(false), active_refresh_(false) { } MDnsListenerImpl::~MDnsListenerImpl() { if (started_) { DCHECK(client_->core()); client_->core()->RemoveListener(this); } } bool MDnsListenerImpl::Start() { DCHECK(!started_); started_ = true; DCHECK(client_->core()); client_->core()->AddListener(this); return true; } void MDnsListenerImpl::SetActiveRefresh(bool active_refresh) { active_refresh_ = active_refresh; if (started_) { if (!active_refresh_) { next_refresh_.Cancel(); } else if (last_update_ != base::Time()) { ScheduleNextRefresh(); } } } const std::string& MDnsListenerImpl::GetName() const { return name_; } uint16 MDnsListenerImpl::GetType() const { return rrtype_; } void MDnsListenerImpl::HandleRecordUpdate(MDnsCache::UpdateType update_type, const RecordParsed* record) { DCHECK(started_); if (update_type != MDnsCache::RecordRemoved) { ttl_ = record->ttl(); last_update_ = record->time_created(); ScheduleNextRefresh(); } if (update_type != MDnsCache::NoChange) { MDnsListener::UpdateType update_external; switch (update_type) { case MDnsCache::RecordAdded: update_external = MDnsListener::RECORD_ADDED; break; case MDnsCache::RecordChanged: update_external = MDnsListener::RECORD_CHANGED; break; case MDnsCache::RecordRemoved: update_external = MDnsListener::RECORD_REMOVED; break; case MDnsCache::NoChange: default: NOTREACHED(); // Dummy assignment to suppress compiler warning. update_external = MDnsListener::RECORD_CHANGED; break; } delegate_->OnRecordUpdate(update_external, record); } } void MDnsListenerImpl::AlertNsecRecord() { DCHECK(started_); delegate_->OnNsecRecord(name_, rrtype_); } void MDnsListenerImpl::ScheduleNextRefresh() { DCHECK(last_update_ != base::Time()); if (!active_refresh_) return; // A zero TTL is a goodbye packet and should not be refreshed. if (ttl_ == 0) { next_refresh_.Cancel(); return; } next_refresh_.Reset(base::Bind(&MDnsListenerImpl::DoRefresh, AsWeakPtr())); // Schedule refreshes at both 85% and 95% of the original TTL. These will both // be canceled and rescheduled if the record's TTL is updated due to a // response being received. base::Time next_refresh1 = last_update_ + base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds( static_cast(base::Time::kMillisecondsPerSecond * kListenerRefreshRatio1 * ttl_)); base::Time next_refresh2 = last_update_ + base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds( static_cast(base::Time::kMillisecondsPerSecond * kListenerRefreshRatio2 * ttl_)); base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()->PostDelayedTask( FROM_HERE, next_refresh_.callback(), next_refresh1 - clock_->Now()); base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()->PostDelayedTask( FROM_HERE, next_refresh_.callback(), next_refresh2 - clock_->Now()); } void MDnsListenerImpl::DoRefresh() { client_->core()->SendQuery(rrtype_, name_); } MDnsTransactionImpl::MDnsTransactionImpl( uint16 rrtype, const std::string& name, int flags, const MDnsTransaction::ResultCallback& callback, MDnsClientImpl* client) : rrtype_(rrtype), name_(name), callback_(callback), client_(client), started_(false), flags_(flags) { DCHECK((flags_ & MDnsTransaction::FLAG_MASK) == flags_); DCHECK(flags_ & MDnsTransaction::QUERY_CACHE || flags_ & MDnsTransaction::QUERY_NETWORK); } MDnsTransactionImpl::~MDnsTransactionImpl() { timeout_.Cancel(); } bool MDnsTransactionImpl::Start() { DCHECK(!started_); started_ = true; base::WeakPtr weak_this = AsWeakPtr(); if (flags_ & MDnsTransaction::QUERY_CACHE) { ServeRecordsFromCache(); if (!weak_this || !is_active()) return true; } if (flags_ & MDnsTransaction::QUERY_NETWORK) { return QueryAndListen(); } // If this is a cache only query, signal that the transaction is over // immediately. SignalTransactionOver(); return true; } const std::string& MDnsTransactionImpl::GetName() const { return name_; } uint16 MDnsTransactionImpl::GetType() const { return rrtype_; } void MDnsTransactionImpl::CacheRecordFound(const RecordParsed* record) { DCHECK(started_); OnRecordUpdate(MDnsListener::RECORD_ADDED, record); } void MDnsTransactionImpl::TriggerCallback(MDnsTransaction::Result result, const RecordParsed* record) { DCHECK(started_); if (!is_active()) return; // Ensure callback is run after touching all class state, so that // the callback can delete the transaction. MDnsTransaction::ResultCallback callback = callback_; // Reset the transaction if it expects a single result, or if the result // is a final one (everything except for a record). if (flags_ & MDnsTransaction::SINGLE_RESULT || result != MDnsTransaction::RESULT_RECORD) { Reset(); } callback.Run(result, record); } void MDnsTransactionImpl::Reset() { callback_.Reset(); listener_.reset(); timeout_.Cancel(); } void MDnsTransactionImpl::OnRecordUpdate(MDnsListener::UpdateType update, const RecordParsed* record) { DCHECK(started_); if (update == MDnsListener::RECORD_ADDED || update == MDnsListener::RECORD_CHANGED) TriggerCallback(MDnsTransaction::RESULT_RECORD, record); } void MDnsTransactionImpl::SignalTransactionOver() { DCHECK(started_); if (flags_ & MDnsTransaction::SINGLE_RESULT) { TriggerCallback(MDnsTransaction::RESULT_NO_RESULTS, NULL); } else { TriggerCallback(MDnsTransaction::RESULT_DONE, NULL); } } void MDnsTransactionImpl::ServeRecordsFromCache() { std::vector records; base::WeakPtr weak_this = AsWeakPtr(); if (client_->core()) { client_->core()->QueryCache(rrtype_, name_, &records); for (std::vector::iterator i = records.begin(); i != records.end() && weak_this; ++i) { weak_this->TriggerCallback(MDnsTransaction::RESULT_RECORD, *i); } #if defined(ENABLE_NSEC) if (records.empty()) { DCHECK(weak_this); client_->core()->QueryCache(dns_protocol::kTypeNSEC, name_, &records); if (!records.empty()) { const NsecRecordRdata* rdata = records.front()->rdata(); DCHECK(rdata); if (!rdata->GetBit(rrtype_)) weak_this->TriggerCallback(MDnsTransaction::RESULT_NSEC, NULL); } } #endif } } bool MDnsTransactionImpl::QueryAndListen() { listener_ = client_->CreateListener(rrtype_, name_, this); if (!listener_->Start()) return false; DCHECK(client_->core()); if (!client_->core()->SendQuery(rrtype_, name_)) return false; timeout_.Reset(base::Bind(&MDnsTransactionImpl::SignalTransactionOver, AsWeakPtr())); base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()->PostDelayedTask( FROM_HERE, timeout_.callback(), base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(MDnsTransactionTimeoutSeconds)); return true; } void MDnsTransactionImpl::OnNsecRecord(const std::string& name, unsigned type) { TriggerCallback(RESULT_NSEC, NULL); } void MDnsTransactionImpl::OnCachePurged() { // TODO(noamsml): Cache purge situations not yet implemented } } // namespace net