// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/files/file_util.h" #include "base/files/scoped_temp_dir.h" #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/run_loop.h" #include "base/thread_task_runner_handle.h" #include "crypto/ec_private_key.h" #include "net/base/test_data_directory.h" #include "net/cert/asn1_util.h" #include "net/extras/sqlite/sqlite_channel_id_store.h" #include "net/ssl/channel_id_service.h" #include "net/ssl/ssl_client_cert_type.h" #include "net/test/cert_test_util.h" #include "net/test/channel_id_test_util.h" #include "sql/statement.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" namespace net { const base::FilePath::CharType kTestChannelIDFilename[] = FILE_PATH_LITERAL("ChannelID"); class SQLiteChannelIDStoreTest : public testing::Test { public: void Load( std::vector>* channel_ids) { base::RunLoop run_loop; store_->Load(base::Bind(&SQLiteChannelIDStoreTest::OnLoaded, base::Unretained(this), &run_loop)); run_loop.Run(); channel_ids->swap(channel_ids_); channel_ids_.clear(); } void OnLoaded( base::RunLoop* run_loop, scoped_ptr>> channel_ids) { channel_ids_.swap(*channel_ids); run_loop->Quit(); } protected: static void ReadTestKeyAndCert(std::string* key_data, std::string* cert_data, scoped_ptr* key) { base::FilePath key_path = GetTestCertsDirectory().AppendASCII("unittest.originbound.key.der"); base::FilePath cert_path = GetTestCertsDirectory().AppendASCII("unittest.originbound.der"); ASSERT_TRUE(base::ReadFileToString(key_path, key_data)); ASSERT_TRUE(base::ReadFileToString(cert_path, cert_data)); std::vector private_key(key_data->size()); memcpy(private_key.data(), key_data->data(), key_data->size()); base::StringPiece spki; ASSERT_TRUE(asn1::ExtractSPKIFromDERCert(*cert_data, &spki)); std::vector public_key(spki.size()); memcpy(public_key.data(), spki.data(), spki.size()); key->reset(crypto::ECPrivateKey::CreateFromEncryptedPrivateKeyInfo( ChannelIDService::kEPKIPassword, private_key, public_key)); } static base::Time GetTestCertExpirationTime() { // Cert expiration time from 'openssl asn1parse -inform der -in // unittest.originbound.der': // UTCTIME :160507022239Z // base::Time::FromUTCExploded can't generate values past 2038 on 32-bit // linux, so we use the raw value here. base::Time::Exploded exploded_time; exploded_time.year = 2016; exploded_time.month = 5; exploded_time.day_of_week = 0; // Unused. exploded_time.day_of_month = 7; exploded_time.hour = 2; exploded_time.minute = 22; exploded_time.second = 39; exploded_time.millisecond = 0; return base::Time::FromUTCExploded(exploded_time); } static base::Time GetTestCertCreationTime() { // UTCTIME :150508022239Z base::Time::Exploded exploded_time; exploded_time.year = 2015; exploded_time.month = 5; exploded_time.day_of_week = 0; // Unused. exploded_time.day_of_month = 8; exploded_time.hour = 2; exploded_time.minute = 22; exploded_time.second = 39; exploded_time.millisecond = 0; return base::Time::FromUTCExploded(exploded_time); } void SetUp() override { ASSERT_TRUE(temp_dir_.CreateUniqueTempDir()); store_ = new SQLiteChannelIDStore( temp_dir_.path().Append(kTestChannelIDFilename), base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()); std::vector> channel_ids; Load(&channel_ids); ASSERT_EQ(0u, channel_ids.size()); // Make sure the store gets written at least once. google_key_.reset(crypto::ECPrivateKey::Create()); store_->AddChannelID(DefaultChannelIDStore::ChannelID( "google.com", base::Time::FromInternalValue(1), make_scoped_ptr(google_key_->Copy()))); } base::ScopedTempDir temp_dir_; scoped_refptr store_; std::vector> channel_ids_; scoped_ptr google_key_; }; // Test if data is stored as expected in the SQLite database. TEST_F(SQLiteChannelIDStoreTest, TestPersistence) { scoped_ptr foo_key(crypto::ECPrivateKey::Create()); store_->AddChannelID(DefaultChannelIDStore::ChannelID( "foo.com", base::Time::FromInternalValue(3), make_scoped_ptr(foo_key->Copy()))); std::vector> channel_ids; // Replace the store effectively destroying the current one and forcing it // to write its data to disk. Then we can see if after loading it again it // is still there. store_ = NULL; // Make sure we wait until the destructor has run. base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); store_ = new SQLiteChannelIDStore(temp_dir_.path().Append(kTestChannelIDFilename), base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()); // Reload and test for persistence Load(&channel_ids); ASSERT_EQ(2U, channel_ids.size()); DefaultChannelIDStore::ChannelID* goog_channel_id; DefaultChannelIDStore::ChannelID* foo_channel_id; if (channel_ids[0]->server_identifier() == "google.com") { goog_channel_id = channel_ids[0].get(); foo_channel_id = channel_ids[1].get(); } else { goog_channel_id = channel_ids[1].get(); foo_channel_id = channel_ids[0].get(); } ASSERT_EQ("google.com", goog_channel_id->server_identifier()); EXPECT_TRUE(KeysEqual(google_key_.get(), goog_channel_id->key())); ASSERT_EQ(1, goog_channel_id->creation_time().ToInternalValue()); ASSERT_EQ("foo.com", foo_channel_id->server_identifier()); EXPECT_TRUE(KeysEqual(foo_key.get(), foo_channel_id->key())); ASSERT_EQ(3, foo_channel_id->creation_time().ToInternalValue()); // Now delete the keypair and check persistence again. store_->DeleteChannelID(*channel_ids[0]); store_->DeleteChannelID(*channel_ids[1]); store_ = NULL; // Make sure we wait until the destructor has run. base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); channel_ids.clear(); store_ = new SQLiteChannelIDStore(temp_dir_.path().Append(kTestChannelIDFilename), base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()); // Reload and check if the keypair has been removed. Load(&channel_ids); ASSERT_EQ(0U, channel_ids.size()); // Close the store. store_ = NULL; // Make sure we wait until the destructor has run. base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); } // Test if data is stored as expected in the SQLite database. TEST_F(SQLiteChannelIDStoreTest, TestDeleteAll) { store_->AddChannelID(DefaultChannelIDStore::ChannelID( "foo.com", base::Time::FromInternalValue(3), make_scoped_ptr(crypto::ECPrivateKey::Create()))); std::vector> channel_ids; // Replace the store effectively destroying the current one and forcing it // to write its data to disk. Then we can see if after loading it again it // is still there. store_ = NULL; // Make sure we wait until the destructor has run. base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); store_ = new SQLiteChannelIDStore(temp_dir_.path().Append(kTestChannelIDFilename), base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()); // Reload and test for persistence Load(&channel_ids); ASSERT_EQ(2U, channel_ids.size()); // DeleteAll except foo.com (shouldn't fail if one is missing either). std::list delete_server_identifiers; delete_server_identifiers.push_back("google.com"); delete_server_identifiers.push_back("missing.com"); store_->DeleteAllInList(delete_server_identifiers); // Now check persistence again. store_ = NULL; // Make sure we wait until the destructor has run. base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); channel_ids.clear(); store_ = new SQLiteChannelIDStore(temp_dir_.path().Append(kTestChannelIDFilename), base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()); // Reload and check that only foo.com persisted in store. Load(&channel_ids); ASSERT_EQ(1U, channel_ids.size()); ASSERT_EQ("foo.com", channel_ids[0]->server_identifier()); // Close the store. store_ = NULL; // Make sure we wait until the destructor has run. base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); } TEST_F(SQLiteChannelIDStoreTest, TestUpgradeV1) { // Reset the store. We'll be using a different database for this test. store_ = NULL; base::FilePath v1_db_path(temp_dir_.path().AppendASCII("v1db")); std::string key_data; std::string cert_data; scoped_ptr key; ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(ReadTestKeyAndCert(&key_data, &cert_data, &key)); // Create a version 1 database. { sql::Connection db; ASSERT_TRUE(db.Open(v1_db_path)); ASSERT_TRUE(db.Execute( "CREATE TABLE meta(key LONGVARCHAR NOT NULL UNIQUE PRIMARY KEY," "value LONGVARCHAR);" "INSERT INTO \"meta\" VALUES('version','1');" "INSERT INTO \"meta\" VALUES('last_compatible_version','1');" "CREATE TABLE origin_bound_certs (" "origin TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE PRIMARY KEY," "private_key BLOB NOT NULL,cert BLOB NOT NULL);")); sql::Statement add_smt(db.GetUniqueStatement( "INSERT INTO origin_bound_certs (origin, private_key, cert) " "VALUES (?,?,?)")); add_smt.BindString(0, "google.com"); add_smt.BindBlob(1, key_data.data(), key_data.size()); add_smt.BindBlob(2, cert_data.data(), cert_data.size()); ASSERT_TRUE(add_smt.Run()); ASSERT_TRUE(db.Execute( "INSERT INTO \"origin_bound_certs\" VALUES(" "'foo.com',X'AA',X'BB');")); } // Load and test the DB contents twice. First time ensures that we can use // the updated values immediately. Second time ensures that the updated // values are stored and read correctly on next load. for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { SCOPED_TRACE(i); std::vector> channel_ids; store_ = new SQLiteChannelIDStore(v1_db_path, base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()); // Load the database. Because the existing v1 certs are implicitly of type // RSA, which is unsupported, they're discarded. Load(&channel_ids); ASSERT_EQ(0U, channel_ids.size()); store_ = NULL; base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); // Verify the database version is updated. { sql::Connection db; ASSERT_TRUE(db.Open(v1_db_path)); sql::Statement smt(db.GetUniqueStatement( "SELECT value FROM meta WHERE key = \"version\"")); ASSERT_TRUE(smt.Step()); EXPECT_EQ(5, smt.ColumnInt(0)); EXPECT_FALSE(smt.Step()); } } } TEST_F(SQLiteChannelIDStoreTest, TestUpgradeV2) { // Reset the store. We'll be using a different database for this test. store_ = NULL; base::FilePath v2_db_path(temp_dir_.path().AppendASCII("v2db")); std::string key_data; std::string cert_data; scoped_ptr key; ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(ReadTestKeyAndCert(&key_data, &cert_data, &key)); // Create a version 2 database. { sql::Connection db; ASSERT_TRUE(db.Open(v2_db_path)); ASSERT_TRUE(db.Execute( "CREATE TABLE meta(key LONGVARCHAR NOT NULL UNIQUE PRIMARY KEY," "value LONGVARCHAR);" "INSERT INTO \"meta\" VALUES('version','2');" "INSERT INTO \"meta\" VALUES('last_compatible_version','1');" "CREATE TABLE origin_bound_certs (" "origin TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE PRIMARY KEY," "private_key BLOB NOT NULL," "cert BLOB NOT NULL," "cert_type INTEGER);")); sql::Statement add_smt(db.GetUniqueStatement( "INSERT INTO origin_bound_certs (origin, private_key, cert, cert_type) " "VALUES (?,?,?,?)")); add_smt.BindString(0, "google.com"); add_smt.BindBlob(1, key_data.data(), key_data.size()); add_smt.BindBlob(2, cert_data.data(), cert_data.size()); add_smt.BindInt64(3, 64); ASSERT_TRUE(add_smt.Run()); // Malformed certs will be ignored and not migrated. ASSERT_TRUE(db.Execute( "INSERT INTO \"origin_bound_certs\" VALUES(" "'foo.com',X'AA',X'BB',64);")); } // Load and test the DB contents twice. First time ensures that we can use // the updated values immediately. Second time ensures that the updated // values are saved and read correctly on next load. for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { SCOPED_TRACE(i); std::vector> channel_ids; store_ = new SQLiteChannelIDStore(v2_db_path, base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()); // Load the database and ensure the certs can be read. Load(&channel_ids); ASSERT_EQ(1U, channel_ids.size()); ASSERT_EQ("google.com", channel_ids[0]->server_identifier()); ASSERT_EQ(GetTestCertCreationTime(), channel_ids[0]->creation_time()); EXPECT_TRUE(KeysEqual(key.get(), channel_ids[0]->key())); store_ = NULL; // Make sure we wait until the destructor has run. base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); // Verify the database version is updated. { sql::Connection db; ASSERT_TRUE(db.Open(v2_db_path)); sql::Statement smt(db.GetUniqueStatement( "SELECT value FROM meta WHERE key = \"version\"")); ASSERT_TRUE(smt.Step()); EXPECT_EQ(5, smt.ColumnInt(0)); EXPECT_FALSE(smt.Step()); } } } TEST_F(SQLiteChannelIDStoreTest, TestUpgradeV3) { // Reset the store. We'll be using a different database for this test. store_ = NULL; base::FilePath v3_db_path(temp_dir_.path().AppendASCII("v3db")); std::string key_data; std::string cert_data; scoped_ptr key; ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(ReadTestKeyAndCert(&key_data, &cert_data, &key)); // Create a version 3 database. { sql::Connection db; ASSERT_TRUE(db.Open(v3_db_path)); ASSERT_TRUE(db.Execute( "CREATE TABLE meta(key LONGVARCHAR NOT NULL UNIQUE PRIMARY KEY," "value LONGVARCHAR);" "INSERT INTO \"meta\" VALUES('version','3');" "INSERT INTO \"meta\" VALUES('last_compatible_version','1');" "CREATE TABLE origin_bound_certs (" "origin TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE PRIMARY KEY," "private_key BLOB NOT NULL," "cert BLOB NOT NULL," "cert_type INTEGER," "expiration_time INTEGER);")); sql::Statement add_smt(db.GetUniqueStatement( "INSERT INTO origin_bound_certs (origin, private_key, cert, cert_type, " "expiration_time) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)")); add_smt.BindString(0, "google.com"); add_smt.BindBlob(1, key_data.data(), key_data.size()); add_smt.BindBlob(2, cert_data.data(), cert_data.size()); add_smt.BindInt64(3, 64); add_smt.BindInt64(4, 1000); ASSERT_TRUE(add_smt.Run()); // Malformed certs will be ignored and not migrated. ASSERT_TRUE(db.Execute( "INSERT INTO \"origin_bound_certs\" VALUES(" "'foo.com',X'AA',X'BB',64,2000);")); } // Load and test the DB contents twice. First time ensures that we can use // the updated values immediately. Second time ensures that the updated // values are saved and read correctly on next load. for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { SCOPED_TRACE(i); std::vector> channel_ids; store_ = new SQLiteChannelIDStore(v3_db_path, base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()); // Load the database and ensure the certs can be read. Load(&channel_ids); ASSERT_EQ(1U, channel_ids.size()); ASSERT_EQ("google.com", channel_ids[0]->server_identifier()); ASSERT_EQ(GetTestCertCreationTime(), channel_ids[0]->creation_time()); EXPECT_TRUE(KeysEqual(key.get(), channel_ids[0]->key())); store_ = NULL; // Make sure we wait until the destructor has run. base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); // Verify the database version is updated. { sql::Connection db; ASSERT_TRUE(db.Open(v3_db_path)); sql::Statement smt(db.GetUniqueStatement( "SELECT value FROM meta WHERE key = \"version\"")); ASSERT_TRUE(smt.Step()); EXPECT_EQ(5, smt.ColumnInt(0)); EXPECT_FALSE(smt.Step()); } } } TEST_F(SQLiteChannelIDStoreTest, TestUpgradeV4) { // Reset the store. We'll be using a different database for this test. store_ = NULL; base::FilePath v4_db_path(temp_dir_.path().AppendASCII("v4db")); std::string key_data; std::string cert_data; scoped_ptr key; ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(ReadTestKeyAndCert(&key_data, &cert_data, &key)); // Create a version 4 database. { sql::Connection db; ASSERT_TRUE(db.Open(v4_db_path)); ASSERT_TRUE(db.Execute( "CREATE TABLE meta(key LONGVARCHAR NOT NULL UNIQUE PRIMARY KEY," "value LONGVARCHAR);" "INSERT INTO \"meta\" VALUES('version','4');" "INSERT INTO \"meta\" VALUES('last_compatible_version','1');" "CREATE TABLE origin_bound_certs (" "origin TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE PRIMARY KEY," "private_key BLOB NOT NULL," "cert BLOB NOT NULL," "cert_type INTEGER," "expiration_time INTEGER," "creation_time INTEGER);")); sql::Statement add_smt(db.GetUniqueStatement( "INSERT INTO origin_bound_certs (origin, private_key, cert, cert_type, " "expiration_time, creation_time) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)")); add_smt.BindString(0, "google.com"); add_smt.BindBlob(1, key_data.data(), key_data.size()); add_smt.BindBlob(2, cert_data.data(), cert_data.size()); add_smt.BindInt64(3, 64); add_smt.BindInt64(4, 1000); add_smt.BindInt64(5, GetTestCertCreationTime().ToInternalValue()); ASSERT_TRUE(add_smt.Run()); // Add an RSA cert to the db. This cert should be ignored in the migration. add_smt.Clear(); add_smt.Assign(db.GetUniqueStatement( "INSERT INTO origin_bound_certs " "(origin, private_key, cert, cert_type, expiration_time, creation_time)" " VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)")); add_smt.BindString(0, "foo.com"); add_smt.BindBlob(1, key_data.data(), key_data.size()); add_smt.BindBlob(2, cert_data.data(), cert_data.size()); add_smt.BindInt64(3, 1); add_smt.BindInt64(4, GetTestCertExpirationTime().ToInternalValue()); add_smt.BindInt64(5, base::Time::Now().ToInternalValue()); ASSERT_TRUE(add_smt.Run()); // Malformed certs will be ignored and not migrated. ASSERT_TRUE(db.Execute( "INSERT INTO \"origin_bound_certs\" VALUES(" "'bar.com',X'AA',X'BB',64,2000,3000);")); } // Load and test the DB contents twice. First time ensures that we can use // the updated values immediately. Second time ensures that the updated // values are saved and read correctly on next load. for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { SCOPED_TRACE(i); std::vector> channel_ids; store_ = new SQLiteChannelIDStore(v4_db_path, base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()); // Load the database and ensure the certs can be read. Load(&channel_ids); ASSERT_EQ(1U, channel_ids.size()); ASSERT_EQ("google.com", channel_ids[0]->server_identifier()); ASSERT_EQ(GetTestCertCreationTime(), channel_ids[0]->creation_time()); EXPECT_TRUE(KeysEqual(key.get(), channel_ids[0]->key())); store_ = NULL; // Make sure we wait until the destructor has run. base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); // Verify the database version is updated. { sql::Connection db; ASSERT_TRUE(db.Open(v4_db_path)); sql::Statement smt(db.GetUniqueStatement( "SELECT value FROM meta WHERE key = \"version\"")); ASSERT_TRUE(smt.Step()); EXPECT_EQ(5, smt.ColumnInt(0)); EXPECT_FALSE(smt.Step()); } } } } // namespace net