// Copyright (c) 2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. Use of this // source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the // LICENSE file. #ifndef NET_FTP_FTP_NETWORK_TRANSACTION_H_ #define NET_FTP_FTP_NETWORK_TRANSACTION_H_ #include #include "base/ref_counted.h" #include "base/scoped_ptr.h" #include "net/base/address_list.h" #include "net/base/host_resolver.h" #include "net/ftp/ftp_response_info.h" #include "net/ftp/ftp_transaction.h" namespace net { class ClientSocket; class ClientSocketFactory; class FtpNetworkSession; class FtpNetworkTransaction : public FtpTransaction { public: FtpNetworkTransaction(FtpNetworkSession* session, ClientSocketFactory* socket_factory); virtual ~FtpNetworkTransaction(); // FtpTransaction methods: virtual int Start(const FtpRequestInfo* request_info, CompletionCallback* callback); virtual int Stop(int error); virtual int RestartWithAuth(const std::wstring& username, const std::wstring& password, CompletionCallback* callback); virtual int RestartIgnoringLastError(CompletionCallback* callback); virtual int Read(IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len, CompletionCallback* callback); virtual const FtpResponseInfo* GetResponseInfo() const; virtual LoadState GetLoadState() const; virtual uint64 GetUploadProgress() const; private: enum Command { COMMAND_NONE, COMMAND_USER, COMMAND_PASS, COMMAND_ACCT, COMMAND_SYST, COMMAND_TYPE, COMMAND_PASV, COMMAND_PWD, COMMAND_SIZE, COMMAND_RETR, COMMAND_CWD, COMMAND_LIST, COMMAND_MDTM, COMMAND_QUIT }; enum ErrorClass { ERROR_CLASS_INITIATED = 1, // The requested action was initiated. ERROR_CLASS_OK, // The requested action successfully completed. ERROR_CLASS_PENDING, // The command accepted, but the // request on hold. ERROR_CLASS_ERROR_RETRY, // The command was not accepted and the // requested action did not take place, // but the error condition is temporary and the // action may be requested again. ERROR_CLASS_ERROR, // The command was not accepted and // the requested action did not take place. }; void DoCallback(int result); void OnIOComplete(int result); int GetRespnseCode(); int ProcessResponse(int response_code); int ParsePasvResponse(); int SendFtpCommand(const std::string& command, Command cmd); // TODO(ibrar): Use C++ static_cast. ErrorClass GetErrorClass(int response_code) { return (ErrorClass)(response_code / 100); } // Runs the state transition loop. int DoLoop(int result); // Each of these methods corresponds to a State value. Those with an input // argument receive the result from the previous state. If a method returns // ERR_IO_PENDING, then the result from OnIOComplete will be passed to the // next state method as the result arg. int DoCtrlInit(); int DoCtrlInitComplete(int result); int DoCtrlResolveHost(); int DoCtrlResolveHostComplete(int result); int DoCtrlConnect(); int DoCtrlConnectComplete(int result); int DoCtrlRead(); int DoCtrlReadComplete(int result); int DoCtrlWriteUSER(); int ProcessResponseUSER(int response_code); int DoCtrlWritePASS(); int ProcessResponsePASS(int response_code); int DoCtrlWriteACCT(); int ProcessResponseACCT(int response_code); int DoCtrlWriteSYST(); int ProcessResponseSYST(int response_code); int DoCtrlWritePWD(); int ProcessResponsePWD(int response_code); int DoCtrlWriteTYPE(); int ProcessResponseTYPE(int response_code); int DoCtrlWritePASV(); int ProcessResponsePASV(int response_code); int DoCtrlWriteRETR(); int ProcessResponseRETR(int response_code); int DoCtrlWriteSIZE(); int ProcessResponseSIZE(int response_code); int DoCtrlWriteCWD(); int ProcessResponseCWD(int response_code); int DoCtrlWriteLIST(); int ProcessResponseLIST(int response_code); int DoCtrlWriteMDTM(); int ProcessResponseMDTM(int response_code); int DoCtrlWriteQUIT(); int ProcessResponseQUIT(int response_code); int DoDataResolveHost(); int DoDataResolveHostComplete(int result); int DoDataConnect(); int DoDataConnectComplete(int result); int DoDataRead(); int DoDataReadComplete(int result); Command command_sent_; CompletionCallbackImpl io_callback_; CompletionCallback* user_callback_; scoped_refptr session_; const FtpRequestInfo* request_; FtpResponseInfo response_; // Cancels the outstanding request on destruction. SingleRequestHostResolver resolver_; AddressList addresses_; // User buffer and length passed to the Read method. scoped_refptr read_ctrl_buf_; int read_ctrl_buf_size_; scoped_refptr response_message_buf_; int response_message_buf_len_; scoped_refptr read_data_buf_; int read_data_buf_len_; int file_data_len_; scoped_refptr write_buf_; int last_error_; bool is_anonymous_; bool retr_failed_; std::string data_connection_ip_; int data_connection_port_; ClientSocketFactory* socket_factory_; scoped_ptr ctrl_socket_; scoped_ptr data_socket_; enum State { // Control connection states: STATE_CTRL_INIT, STATE_CTRL_INIT_COMPLETE, STATE_CTRL_RESOLVE_HOST, STATE_CTRL_RESOLVE_HOST_COMPLETE, STATE_CTRL_CONNECT, STATE_CTRL_CONNECT_COMPLETE, STATE_CTRL_READ, STATE_CTRL_READ_COMPLETE, STATE_CTRL_WRITE_USER, STATE_CTRL_WRITE_PASS, STATE_CTRL_WRITE_ACCT, STATE_CTRL_WRITE_SYST, STATE_CTRL_WRITE_TYPE, STATE_CTRL_WRITE_PASV, STATE_CTRL_WRITE_PWD, STATE_CTRL_WRITE_RETR, STATE_CTRL_WRITE_SIZE, STATE_CTRL_WRITE_CWD, STATE_CTRL_WRITE_LIST, STATE_CTRL_WRITE_MDTM, STATE_CTRL_WRITE_QUIT, // Data connection states: STATE_DATA_RESOLVE_HOST, STATE_DATA_RESOLVE_HOST_COMPLETE, STATE_DATA_CONNECT, STATE_DATA_CONNECT_COMPLETE, STATE_DATA_READ, STATE_DATA_READ_COMPLETE, STATE_NONE }; State next_state_; }; } // namespace net #endif // NET_FTP_FTP_NETWORK_TRANSACTION_H_