// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "net/http/http_auth_handler.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "net/base/net_errors.h" namespace net { HttpAuthHandler::HttpAuthHandler() : auth_scheme_(HttpAuth::AUTH_SCHEME_MAX), score_(-1), target_(HttpAuth::AUTH_NONE), properties_(-1), original_callback_(NULL), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST( wrapper_callback_( this, &HttpAuthHandler::OnGenerateAuthTokenComplete)) { } HttpAuthHandler::~HttpAuthHandler() { } bool HttpAuthHandler::InitFromChallenge( HttpAuth::ChallengeTokenizer* challenge, HttpAuth::Target target, const GURL& origin, const BoundNetLog& net_log) { origin_ = origin; target_ = target; score_ = -1; properties_ = -1; net_log_ = net_log; auth_challenge_ = challenge->challenge_text(); bool ok = Init(challenge); // Init() is expected to set the scheme, realm, score, and properties. The // realm may be empty. DCHECK(!ok || score_ != -1); DCHECK(!ok || properties_ != -1); DCHECK(!ok || auth_scheme_ != HttpAuth::AUTH_SCHEME_MAX); return ok; } namespace { NetLog::EventType EventTypeFromAuthTarget(HttpAuth::Target target) { switch (target) { case HttpAuth::AUTH_PROXY: return NetLog::TYPE_AUTH_PROXY; case HttpAuth::AUTH_SERVER: return NetLog::TYPE_AUTH_SERVER; default: NOTREACHED(); return NetLog::TYPE_CANCELLED; } } } // namespace int HttpAuthHandler::GenerateAuthToken(const string16* username, const string16* password, const HttpRequestInfo* request, OldCompletionCallback* callback, std::string* auth_token) { // TODO(cbentzel): Enforce non-NULL callback after cleaning up SocketStream. DCHECK(request); DCHECK((username == NULL) == (password == NULL)); DCHECK(username != NULL || AllowsDefaultCredentials()); DCHECK(auth_token != NULL); DCHECK(original_callback_ == NULL); original_callback_ = callback; net_log_.BeginEvent(EventTypeFromAuthTarget(target_), NULL); int rv = GenerateAuthTokenImpl(username, password, request, &wrapper_callback_, auth_token); if (rv != ERR_IO_PENDING) FinishGenerateAuthToken(); return rv; } bool HttpAuthHandler::NeedsIdentity() { return true; } bool HttpAuthHandler::AllowsDefaultCredentials() { return false; } bool HttpAuthHandler::AllowsExplicitCredentials() { return true; } void HttpAuthHandler::OnGenerateAuthTokenComplete(int rv) { OldCompletionCallback* callback = original_callback_; FinishGenerateAuthToken(); if (callback) callback->Run(rv); } void HttpAuthHandler::FinishGenerateAuthToken() { // TOOD(cbentzel): Should this be done in OK case only? net_log_.EndEvent(EventTypeFromAuthTarget(target_), NULL); original_callback_ = NULL; } } // namespace net