// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "net/http/http_auth_handler_digest.h" namespace net { TEST(HttpAuthHandlerDigestTest, ParseChallenge) { static const struct { // The challenge string. const char* challenge; // Expected return value of ParseChallenge. bool parsed_success; // The expected values that were parsed. const char* parsed_realm; const char* parsed_nonce; const char* parsed_domain; const char* parsed_opaque; bool parsed_stale; int parsed_algorithm; int parsed_qop; } tests[] = { { "Digest nonce=\"xyz\", realm=\"Thunder Bluff\"", true, "Thunder Bluff", "xyz", "", "", false, HttpAuthHandlerDigest::ALGORITHM_UNSPECIFIED, HttpAuthHandlerDigest::QOP_UNSPECIFIED }, { // Check that when algorithm has an unsupported value, parsing fails. "Digest nonce=\"xyz\", algorithm=\"awezum\", realm=\"Thunder\"", false, // The remaining values don't matter (but some have been set already). "", "xyz", "", "", false, HttpAuthHandlerDigest::ALGORITHM_UNSPECIFIED, HttpAuthHandlerDigest::QOP_UNSPECIFIED }, { // Check that algorithm's value is case insensitive. "Digest nonce=\"xyz\", algorithm=\"mD5\", realm=\"Oblivion\"", true, "Oblivion", "xyz", "", "", false, HttpAuthHandlerDigest::ALGORITHM_MD5, HttpAuthHandlerDigest::QOP_UNSPECIFIED }, { // Check that md5-sess is recognized, as is single QOP "Digest nonce=\"xyz\", algorithm=\"md5-sess\", " "realm=\"Oblivion\", qop=\"auth\"", true, "Oblivion", "xyz", "", "", false, HttpAuthHandlerDigest::ALGORITHM_MD5_SESS, HttpAuthHandlerDigest::QOP_AUTH }, { // We allow the realm to be omitted, and will default it to empty string. // See http://crbug.com/20984. "Digest nonce=\"xyz\"", true, "", "xyz", "", "", false, HttpAuthHandlerDigest::ALGORITHM_UNSPECIFIED, HttpAuthHandlerDigest::QOP_UNSPECIFIED }, { // Try with realm set to empty string. "Digest realm=\"\", nonce=\"xyz\"", true, "", "xyz", "", "", false, HttpAuthHandlerDigest::ALGORITHM_UNSPECIFIED, HttpAuthHandlerDigest::QOP_UNSPECIFIED } }; for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(tests); ++i) { std::string challenge(tests[i].challenge); scoped_refptr digest = new HttpAuthHandlerDigest(1); HttpAuth::ChallengeTokenizer tok(challenge.begin(), challenge.end()); bool ok = digest->ParseChallenge(&tok); EXPECT_EQ(tests[i].parsed_success, ok); EXPECT_STREQ(tests[i].parsed_realm, digest->realm_.c_str()); EXPECT_STREQ(tests[i].parsed_nonce, digest->nonce_.c_str()); EXPECT_STREQ(tests[i].parsed_domain, digest->domain_.c_str()); EXPECT_STREQ(tests[i].parsed_opaque, digest->opaque_.c_str()); EXPECT_EQ(tests[i].parsed_stale, digest->stale_); EXPECT_EQ(tests[i].parsed_algorithm, digest->algorithm_); EXPECT_EQ(tests[i].parsed_qop, digest->qop_); } } TEST(HttpAuthHandlerDigestTest, AssembleCredentials) { static const struct { const char* req_method; const char* req_path; const char* challenge; const char* username; const char* password; const char* cnonce; int nonce_count; const char* expected_creds; } tests[] = { { // MD5 with username/password "GET", "/test/drealm1", // Challenge "Digest realm=\"DRealm1\", " "nonce=\"claGgoRXBAA=7583377687842fdb7b56ba0555d175baa0b800e3\", " "algorithm=MD5, qop=\"auth\"", "foo", "bar", // username/password "082c875dcb2ca740", // cnonce 1, // nc // Authorization "Digest username=\"foo\", realm=\"DRealm1\", " "nonce=\"claGgoRXBAA=7583377687842fdb7b56ba0555d175baa0b800e3\", " "uri=\"/test/drealm1\", algorithm=MD5, " "response=\"bcfaa62f1186a31ff1b474a19a17cf57\", " "qop=auth, nc=00000001, cnonce=\"082c875dcb2ca740\"" }, { // MD5 with username but empty password. username has space in it. "GET", "/test/drealm1/", // Challenge "Digest realm=\"DRealm1\", " "nonce=\"Ure30oRXBAA=7eca98bbf521ac6642820b11b86bd2d9ed7edc70\", " "algorithm=MD5, qop=\"auth\"", "foo bar", "", // Username/password "082c875dcb2ca740", // cnonce 1, // nc // Authorization "Digest username=\"foo bar\", realm=\"DRealm1\", " "nonce=\"Ure30oRXBAA=7eca98bbf521ac6642820b11b86bd2d9ed7edc70\", " "uri=\"/test/drealm1/\", algorithm=MD5, " "response=\"93c9c6d5930af3b0eb26c745e02b04a0\", " "qop=auth, nc=00000001, cnonce=\"082c875dcb2ca740\"" }, { // MD5 with no username. "GET", "/test/drealm1/", // Challenge "Digest realm=\"DRealm1\", " "nonce=\"7thGplhaBAA=41fb92453c49799cf353c8cd0aabee02d61a98a8\", " "algorithm=MD5, qop=\"auth\"", "", "pass", // Username/password "6509bc74daed8263", // cnonce 1, // nc // Authorization "Digest username=\"\", realm=\"DRealm1\", " "nonce=\"7thGplhaBAA=41fb92453c49799cf353c8cd0aabee02d61a98a8\", " "uri=\"/test/drealm1/\", algorithm=MD5, " "response=\"bc597110f41a62d07f8b70b6977fcb61\", " "qop=auth, nc=00000001, cnonce=\"6509bc74daed8263\"" }, { // MD5 with no username and no password. "GET", "/test/drealm1/", // Challenge "Digest realm=\"DRealm1\", " "nonce=\"s3MzvFhaBAA=4c520af5acd9d8d7ae26947529d18c8eae1e98f4\", " "algorithm=MD5, qop=\"auth\"", "", "", // Username/password "1522e61005789929", // cnonce 1, // nc // Authorization "Digest username=\"\", realm=\"DRealm1\", " "nonce=\"s3MzvFhaBAA=4c520af5acd9d8d7ae26947529d18c8eae1e98f4\", " "uri=\"/test/drealm1/\", algorithm=MD5, " "response=\"22cfa2b30cb500a9591c6d55ec5590a8\", " "qop=auth, nc=00000001, cnonce=\"1522e61005789929\"" }, { // No algorithm, and no qop. "GET", "/", // Challenge "Digest realm=\"Oblivion\", nonce=\"nonce-value\"", "FooBar", "pass", // Username/password "", // cnonce 1, // nc // Authorization "Digest username=\"FooBar\", realm=\"Oblivion\", " "nonce=\"nonce-value\", uri=\"/\", " "response=\"f72ff54ebde2f928860f806ec04acd1b\"" }, { // MD5-sess "GET", "/", // Challenge "Digest realm=\"Baztastic\", nonce=\"AAAAAAAA\", " "algorithm=\"md5-sess\", qop=auth", "USER", "123", // Username/password "15c07961ed8575c4", // cnonce 1, // nc // Authorization "Digest username=\"USER\", realm=\"Baztastic\", " "nonce=\"AAAAAAAA\", uri=\"/\", algorithm=MD5-sess, " "response=\"cbc1139821ee7192069580570c541a03\", " "qop=auth, nc=00000001, cnonce=\"15c07961ed8575c4\"" } }; GURL origin("http://www.example.com"); for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(tests); ++i) { scoped_refptr digest = new HttpAuthHandlerDigest(1); std::string challenge = tests[i].challenge; HttpAuth::ChallengeTokenizer tok(challenge.begin(), challenge.end()); EXPECT_TRUE(digest->InitFromChallenge(&tok, HttpAuth::AUTH_SERVER, origin, BoundNetLog())); std::string creds = digest->AssembleCredentials(tests[i].req_method, tests[i].req_path, tests[i].username, tests[i].password, tests[i].cnonce, tests[i].nonce_count); EXPECT_STREQ(tests[i].expected_creds, creds.c_str()); } } } // namespace net