// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "net/http/http_auth_handler_negotiate.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "net/base/address_family.h" #include "net/base/host_resolver.h" #include "net/base/net_errors.h" #include "net/http/http_auth_filter.h" #include "net/http/url_security_manager.h" namespace net { HttpAuthHandlerNegotiate::HttpAuthHandlerNegotiate( SSPILibrary* library, ULONG max_token_length, URLSecurityManager* url_security_manager, bool disable_cname_lookup, bool use_port) : auth_sspi_(library, "Negotiate", NEGOSSP_NAME, max_token_length), user_callback_(NULL), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(resolve_cname_callback_( this, &HttpAuthHandlerNegotiate::OnResolveCanonicalName)), disable_cname_lookup_(disable_cname_lookup), use_port_(use_port), url_security_manager_(url_security_manager) { } HttpAuthHandlerNegotiate::~HttpAuthHandlerNegotiate() { } int HttpAuthHandlerNegotiate::GenerateAuthTokenImpl( const std::wstring* username, const std::wstring* password, const HttpRequestInfo* request, CompletionCallback* callback, std::string* auth_token) { return auth_sspi_.GenerateAuthToken( username, password, spn_, request, auth_token); } // The Negotiate challenge header looks like: // WWW-Authenticate: NEGOTIATE auth-data bool HttpAuthHandlerNegotiate::Init(HttpAuth::ChallengeTokenizer* challenge) { scheme_ = "negotiate"; score_ = 4; properties_ = ENCRYPTS_IDENTITY | IS_CONNECTION_BASED; return auth_sspi_.ParseChallenge(challenge); } // Require identity on first pass instead of second. bool HttpAuthHandlerNegotiate::NeedsIdentity() { return auth_sspi_.NeedsIdentity(); } bool HttpAuthHandlerNegotiate::IsFinalRound() { return auth_sspi_.IsFinalRound(); } bool HttpAuthHandlerNegotiate::AllowsDefaultCredentials() { if (target_ == HttpAuth::AUTH_PROXY) return true; if (!url_security_manager_) return false; return url_security_manager_->CanUseDefaultCredentials(origin_); } bool HttpAuthHandlerNegotiate::NeedsCanonicalName() { if (!spn_.empty()) return false; if (disable_cname_lookup_) { spn_ = CreateSPN(address_list_, origin_); address_list_.Reset(); return false; } return true; } int HttpAuthHandlerNegotiate::ResolveCanonicalName( HostResolver* resolver, CompletionCallback* callback) { // TODO(cbentzel): Add reverse DNS lookup for numeric addresses. DCHECK(!single_resolve_.get()); DCHECK(!disable_cname_lookup_); DCHECK(callback); HostResolver::RequestInfo info(origin_.host(), 0); info.set_host_resolver_flags(HOST_RESOLVER_CANONNAME); single_resolve_.reset(new SingleRequestHostResolver(resolver)); int rv = single_resolve_->Resolve(info, &address_list_, &resolve_cname_callback_, net_log_); if (rv == ERR_IO_PENDING) { user_callback_ = callback; return rv; } OnResolveCanonicalName(rv); // Always return OK. OnResolveCanonicalName logs the error code if not // OK and attempts to use the original origin_ hostname rather than failing // the auth attempt completely. return OK; } void HttpAuthHandlerNegotiate::OnResolveCanonicalName(int result) { if (result != OK) { // Even in the error case, try to use origin_.host instead of // passing the failure on to the caller. LOG(INFO) << "Problem finding canonical name for SPN for host " << origin_.host() << ": " << ErrorToString(result); result = OK; } spn_ = CreateSPN(address_list_, origin_); address_list_.Reset(); if (user_callback_) { CompletionCallback* callback = user_callback_; user_callback_ = NULL; callback->Run(result); } } std::wstring HttpAuthHandlerNegotiate::CreateSPN( const AddressList& address_list, const GURL& origin) { // Kerberos SPNs are in the form HTTP/<host>:<port> // http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms677601%28VS.85%29.aspx // // However, reality differs from the specification. A good description of // the problems can be found here: // http://blog.michelbarneveld.nl/michel/archive/2009/11/14/the-reason-why-kb911149-and-kb908209-are-not-the-soluton.aspx // // Typically the <host> portion should be the canonical FQDN for the service. // If this could not be resolved, the original hostname in the URL will be // attempted instead. However, some intranets register SPNs using aliases // for the same canonical DNS name to allow multiple web services to reside // on the same host machine without requiring different ports. IE6 and IE7 // have hotpatches that allow the default behavior to be overridden. // http://support.microsoft.com/kb/911149 // http://support.microsoft.com/kb/938305 // // According to the spec, the <port> option should be included if it is a // non-standard port (i.e. not 80 or 443 in the HTTP case). However, // historically browsers have not included the port, even on non-standard // ports. IE6 required a hotpatch and a registry setting to enable // including non-standard ports, and IE7 and IE8 also require the same // registry setting, but no hotpatch. Firefox does not appear to have an // option to include non-standard ports as of 3.6. // http://support.microsoft.com/kb/908209 // // Without any command-line flags, Chrome matches the behavior of Firefox // and IE. Users can override the behavior so aliases are allowed and // non-standard ports are included. int port = origin.EffectiveIntPort(); std::string server; if (!address_list.GetCanonicalName(&server)) server = origin.host(); if (port != 80 && port != 443 && use_port_) { return ASCIIToWide(StringPrintf("HTTP/%s:%d", server.c_str(), port)); } else { return ASCIIToWide(StringPrintf("HTTP/%s", server.c_str())); } } HttpAuthHandlerNegotiate::Factory::Factory() : disable_cname_lookup_(false), use_port_(false), max_token_length_(0), first_creation_(true), is_unsupported_(false), sspi_library_(SSPILibrary::GetDefault()) { } HttpAuthHandlerNegotiate::Factory::~Factory() { } int HttpAuthHandlerNegotiate::Factory::CreateAuthHandler( HttpAuth::ChallengeTokenizer* challenge, HttpAuth::Target target, const GURL& origin, CreateReason reason, int digest_nonce_count, const BoundNetLog& net_log, scoped_ptr<HttpAuthHandler>* handler) { if (is_unsupported_ || reason == CREATE_PREEMPTIVE) return ERR_UNSUPPORTED_AUTH_SCHEME; if (max_token_length_ == 0) { int rv = DetermineMaxTokenLength(sspi_library_, NEGOSSP_NAME, &max_token_length_); if (rv == ERR_UNSUPPORTED_AUTH_SCHEME) is_unsupported_ = true; if (rv != OK) return rv; } // TODO(cbentzel): Move towards model of parsing in the factory // method and only constructing when valid. scoped_ptr<HttpAuthHandler> tmp_handler( new HttpAuthHandlerNegotiate(sspi_library_, max_token_length_, url_security_manager(), disable_cname_lookup_, use_port_)); if (!tmp_handler->InitFromChallenge(challenge, target, origin, net_log)) return ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE; handler->swap(tmp_handler); return OK; } } // namespace net