// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "net/http/http_auth_handler_ntlm.h" #if !defined(NTLM_SSPI) #include "base/base64.h" #endif #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "net/base/net_errors.h" #include "net/base/net_util.h" namespace net { int HttpAuthHandlerNTLM::GenerateAuthTokenImpl( const string16* username, const string16* password, const HttpRequestInfo* request, CompletionCallback* callback, std::string* auth_token) { #if defined(NTLM_SSPI) return auth_sspi_.GenerateAuthToken( username, password, CreateSPN(origin_), auth_token); #else // !defined(NTLM_SSPI) // TODO(cbentzel): Shouldn't be hitting this case. if (!username || !password) { LOG(ERROR) << "Username and password are expected to be non-NULL."; return ERR_MISSING_AUTH_CREDENTIALS; } // TODO(wtc): See if we can use char* instead of void* for in_buf and // out_buf. This change will need to propagate to GetNextToken, // GenerateType1Msg, and GenerateType3Msg, and perhaps further. const void* in_buf; void* out_buf; uint32 in_buf_len, out_buf_len; std::string decoded_auth_data; // |username| may be in the form "DOMAIN\user". Parse it into the two // components. string16 domain; string16 user; const char16 backslash_character = '\\'; size_t backslash_idx = username->find(backslash_character); if (backslash_idx == string16::npos) { user = *username; } else { domain = username->substr(0, backslash_idx); user = username->substr(backslash_idx + 1); } domain_ = domain; username_ = user; password_ = *password; // Initial challenge. if (auth_data_.empty()) { in_buf_len = 0; in_buf = NULL; int rv = InitializeBeforeFirstChallenge(); if (rv != OK) return rv; } else { if (!base::Base64Decode(auth_data_, &decoded_auth_data)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected problem Base64 decoding."; return ERR_UNEXPECTED; } in_buf_len = decoded_auth_data.length(); in_buf = decoded_auth_data.data(); } int rv = GetNextToken(in_buf, in_buf_len, &out_buf, &out_buf_len); if (rv != OK) return rv; // Base64 encode data in output buffer and prepend "NTLM ". std::string encode_input(static_cast(out_buf), out_buf_len); std::string encode_output; bool base64_rv = base::Base64Encode(encode_input, &encode_output); // OK, we are done with |out_buf| free(out_buf); if (!base64_rv) { LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected problem Base64 encoding."; return ERR_UNEXPECTED; } *auth_token = std::string("NTLM ") + encode_output; return OK; #endif } bool HttpAuthHandlerNTLM::Init(HttpAuth::ChallengeTokenizer* tok) { auth_scheme_ = AUTH_SCHEME_NTLM; scheme_ = "ntlm"; score_ = 3; properties_ = ENCRYPTS_IDENTITY | IS_CONNECTION_BASED; return ParseChallenge(tok, true) == HttpAuth::AUTHORIZATION_RESULT_ACCEPT; } HttpAuth::AuthorizationResult HttpAuthHandlerNTLM::HandleAnotherChallenge( HttpAuth::ChallengeTokenizer* challenge) { return ParseChallenge(challenge, false); } // The NTLM challenge header looks like: // WWW-Authenticate: NTLM auth-data HttpAuth::AuthorizationResult HttpAuthHandlerNTLM::ParseChallenge( HttpAuth::ChallengeTokenizer* tok, bool initial_challenge) { #if defined(NTLM_SSPI) // auth_sspi_ contains state for whether or not this is the initial challenge. return auth_sspi_.ParseChallenge(tok); #else // TODO(cbentzel): Most of the logic between SSPI, GSSAPI, and portable NTLM // authentication parsing could probably be shared - just need to know if // there was previously a challenge round. // TODO(cbentzel): Write a test case to validate that auth_data_ is left empty // in all failure conditions. auth_data_.clear(); // Verify the challenge's auth-scheme. if (!LowerCaseEqualsASCII(tok->scheme(), "ntlm")) return HttpAuth::AUTHORIZATION_RESULT_INVALID; std::string base64_param = tok->base64_param(); if (base64_param.empty()) { if (!initial_challenge) return HttpAuth::AUTHORIZATION_RESULT_REJECT; return HttpAuth::AUTHORIZATION_RESULT_ACCEPT; } else { if (initial_challenge) return HttpAuth::AUTHORIZATION_RESULT_INVALID; } auth_data_ = base64_param; return HttpAuth::AUTHORIZATION_RESULT_ACCEPT; #endif // defined(NTLM_SSPI) } // static std::wstring HttpAuthHandlerNTLM::CreateSPN(const GURL& origin) { // The service principal name of the destination server. See // http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms677949%28VS.85%29.aspx std::wstring target(L"HTTP/"); target.append(ASCIIToWide(GetHostAndPort(origin))); return target; } } // namespace net